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Asystole to break up....Final show

[show listing]  ________________________________________
[Jul 17,2007 2:27pm - Big and Short  ""]
Terrible news. One of Boston's finest bands calling it quits. Their last show will be Friday at the middle east downstairs at midnight. Everyone please show up to wish them off. It's too bad. They had a buzz goin around boston
[Jul 17,2007 3:26pm - Big and Short  ""]
What the fuck? You will see us play one more time and you will respect us. We will smoke every band on this board. Be there(middle east) or don't listen to the best live band one more time
[Jul 17,2007 3:49pm - hoss  ""]
Big and Short said:What the fuck? You will see us play one more time and you will respect us. We will smoke every band on this board. Be there(middle east) or don't listen to the best live band one more time

[Jul 17,2007 4:02pm - Anthony ""]
has anyone ever heard of this band? buzz around Boston? I don't recall this.
[Jul 17,2007 4:06pm - Aegathis ""]
i was wondering the same thing.
[Jul 17,2007 4:11pm - yummy ""]
Thankfully you guys are all done. Any band that has to post "terrible news" when their own band calls it quits should have never played at all.
[Jul 17,2007 4:13pm - Big and Short  ""]
Your all fags if you haven't heard of us. Losers.
[Jul 17,2007 4:14pm - Dwellingsickness ""]
"Sounding in the same vein as Killswitch Engage, Sevendust, and Mudvayne, ASYSTOLE delivers high energy metal with a unique edge that just skates upon the mainstream public eye. Based out of the Boston music scene, Tim Munroe, Art Gordon, Greg Gillis, and J.J. Long have been rehearsing their dynamic sound together since the summer of 2004. Their hard work ethic and overpowering stage performance have captured the hearts of many while subliminally bridging the gap between hardcore and hard rock genres." - from the website

Who are the fags?
[Jul 17,2007 4:19pm - Big and Short  ""]
whatevr keep listening to gay bands like job for a cowboy. nobody likes that ultra brutal extreme crap. your failure bands arent going to get any fans playing like that. its not that hard to be sucessful. your just all failures. have a nice life
[Jul 17,2007 4:26pm - Big and Short  ""]
seriously though, if you've never been to an asystole or any of our brothers shows like spinny 5 or trashmop, than you know nothing about the music scene here. You failures make me ashamed to be from boston.
[Jul 17,2007 4:27pm - slow  ""]
a band failing is when they don't make it and break up, right?

what grade are you in dude?
[Jul 17,2007 4:43pm - dreadkill ""]
my ex is friends with this band. if big and short is really from that band, then fuck em. what a dickhead.
[Jul 17,2007 4:50pm - Anthny  ""]
From their Myspace: "Sounds Like Sevendust with a dash of Killswitch "

[Jul 17,2007 4:51pm - Spinny5  ""]
My bros tell me some chumps on here are tawkin shit. If anybody has a problem with asystole then they have a problem with Spinny5. and you don't want that kind of trouble. Trust me.
[Jul 17,2007 4:52pm - C.DEAD  ""]
"If anybody has a problem with asystole then they have a problem with Spinny5. and you don't want that kind of trouble. Trust me. "


[Jul 17,2007 4:53pm - trashmop  ""]
werd to that, cuz. any bustaz that wany to step to dis, we down. im a bust a cap in any trick azz bustaz that gots sum shit 2 say bout aristotle. roll on one
[Jul 17,2007 4:54pm - C.DEAD  ""]
I think i just realized this is a joke.
[Jul 17,2007 4:58pm - anonamuuus  ""]
we're all glad you're done...fags.

the only good Asystole was from colorado in the early 90's.

good death metal on seraphic decay....not faggot metalcore from mass.
[Jul 17,2007 4:59pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
Why are you hiding your name? Do you think they're going to beat you up?
[Jul 17,2007 5:00pm - RichHorror ""]
Metalcore is serious business.
[Jul 17,2007 5:05pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
Fact: Nobody should have responded to this thread after the second post.

xmikex said:[img]

here's a sneak peek at the album art for the theoretical Spinny 5 demo. Ya welcome.

[Jul 17,2007 5:28pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
ohhh i've been waiting for another thread like this for some time now.

awaiting confirmation of said band's awful music...
[Jul 17,2007 5:30pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Confirmed: Awful.

[Jul 17,2007 6:25pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
why am i even posting on this thread?
[Jul 17,2007 6:30pm - Lamp ""]
RichHorror said:Metalcore is serious business.

You're being too generous, I'd say it's emo college rock metal by the description.
[Jul 17,2007 6:33pm - pam ""]
menstrual_sweatpants_disco said:Fact: Nobody should have responded to this thread after the second post.


[Jul 17,2007 10:24pm - cav ""]
[Jul 17,2007 10:26pm - Cav ""]

listening to this band is even funnier than the lameness of this thread.
[Jul 17,2007 10:32pm - brian_dc ""]
having a recording studio must suck so much.

so many shitty bands that want to get on record sucking.
[Jul 17,2007 10:47pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]

actually this is pretty terrible. feel free to email me for a two page examiniation of what I do and don't like about the song "Ambrosia"
[Jul 17,2007 11:01pm - Pires ""]
Wait? So this band is for real? God fucking damn...This is terrible even for metalcore...Get some originality, and maybe some people who know how to sing/play instrumenets, stray away from the verse, chorus, "bridge", chorus formation of songs, and you MIGHT be worthy enough to suck a dick...You guys are breaking up cause no one gives a FUCK about a "buncha metal-thugs"(yes, that's a direct quote from their myspace). Die losers...
[Jul 18,2007 12:24am - Samantha ""]
[Jul 18,2007 12:47am - FleshFries ""]
Big and Short said:nobody likes that ultra brutal extreme crap.

fuck...i could have sworn i enjoyed listening to Decapitated the other day, but if Big and Short says i'm wrong then i must be...i mean cmon folks, he's in Asystole........*cums on the guitarist's face*
[Jul 18,2007 6:22am - fucktard  ""]

"the biggest supporters when it comes to the local scene" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[Jul 18,2007 6:23am - fucktard  ""]
[Jul 18,2007 7:48am - big and short  ""]
What the fuck? After my second post someone else posted under my name. Fuck you all. You wouldn't know good music if you were deepthroating it. Asystole may be broken up but will never die to all of our fans. Fuck RTTP and fuck death metal. We are better than all of you
[Jul 18,2007 8:11am - the_reverend ""]
who? is this band named after the store in the mail where the dudes have their shirts 1/2 off?
[Jul 18,2007 8:52am - DreamingInExile ""]
wow... I just had to see how bad this really was, and my first impression was "wow, this is gay" and after listening for a while, I realized that it's not just gay, it's a flaming truckload of gay, with off key whimpery queer clean vocals, sub-par-at-best weak 'harsh' vocals, insanely boring guitar and drum work, and not an original thought out of every riff I suffered through... I'm going to go listen to the new Nile.

But since "no one listens to ultra brutal extreme crap", I feel that I should, since Nile and many many many other bands work hard to come up with original ideas.

Just a question:
If an unoriginal band, that noone I know has ever heard of, calling it quits because the didn't make it in the first 2-1/2 years of their existance, fails, does anyone care?

I don't. go back to the gaystate cock board where you belong.
[Jul 18,2007 9:02am - timjohn  ""]
this band is beyond terrible
[Jul 18,2007 9:13am - c.dead  ""]
Wow, it really wasn't a joke. That makes it even more pathetic.

Seraphic Decay was a great label. Put out some stellar 7in's way back.
[Jul 18,2007 9:31am - timjohn  ""]
i like how he acts like his second post wasn't completely retarded.
[Jul 18,2007 11:38am - Cav ""]
damnit i dont think spinny 5 and trashmop really exist. at least on myspace i cant find them. boooo. i wanted more nu metal to make fun of.
[Jul 18,2007 11:43am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
my sentiments exactly
[Jul 18,2007 11:49am - archaeon ""]
this band is the best
[Jul 18,2007 12:01pm - haha  ""]
This is a photo of the whole band celebrating with their fans. All 6 of them. I'd say it was just their family but one of them is chinese and must like the band.
[Jul 18,2007 12:04pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
haha ya that asian chick looks like Hazel Mae after having a massive allegeric reaction
[Jul 18,2007 1:00pm - dreadkill ""]
she has a round fleshy face
[Jul 18,2007 1:08pm - Niccolai ""]
HAHHAHAAHAHA how did I miss this thread.

This is the funniest shit I've ever heard in my life.

Who the fuck is named spinny5?

haha what a bunch of faggots.
[Jul 18,2007 1:10pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i got fingers crossed for a reunion tour of new england rest stops
[Jul 18,2007 1:10pm - Niccolai ""]
fucktard said:[img]

Quick question /rttp/, who do you think is more of a disgusting pig?

the disgusting pig in the black shirt, the disgusting pig in the white shirt, or the other disgusting pig in the black shirt?

or the kid in the Hot Topic as i lay dying shirt with the hot topic sweatbands and Hot Topic Choker necklace who probably works at We Got What's Hot?

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