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Megan Halpin shoved my girlfriend then got beat up thread.

[Mar 7,2011 12:46pm - Doomkid ""]
deleted cause I felt morally depleted
[Mar 7,2011 12:48pm - RichHorror ""]
[Mar 7,2011 12:49pm - RustyPS should be working  ""]
the Atlantic Ocean was right there....just sayin'
[Mar 7,2011 12:50pm - EARNIE BACH  ""]
[Mar 7,2011 12:50pm - RichHorror ""]
She was feeding on krill and everything.
[Mar 7,2011 12:50pm - boblovesmusic ""]

Nostromo said:Why didn't Wren take one for the team and nail her in the womens room?

Eh, Not worth it...
[Mar 7,2011 12:51pm - markworkingrichards  ""]
Wren would have had to have the operation first anyway.
[Mar 7,2011 12:56pm - robing ""]
Mark wtf.
[Mar 7,2011 1:23pm - markworkingrichards  ""]
What? Just sayin'.
[Mar 7,2011 7:41pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]

RichHorror said:Acting like a penguin when she's really a puffin.

Girl, thought it was a man, but it was a puffin
[Mar 7,2011 7:48pm - Woah!_Shut_It_Down! ""]
Lamp oil
[Mar 10,2011 9:13am - thepsychologist  ""]
her repressed feelings need to be addressed. I propose she come onto RTTP and talk about her feelings with us.
[Mar 10,2011 9:28am - Whoa shut your face!  ""]
I propose Megan and Robins girlfriend have a deathmatch on internet ppv.
[Mar 10,2011 9:30am - Alx_Casket ""]
I propose this whole thing gets as annoying as people quoting Charlie Sheen.
[Mar 10,2011 9:35am - brian_dc ""]
we'd have to take this beatdown mainstream for that.
[May 10,2011 8:47am - arilliusbm ""]
looks like Megan Halpin wants to be friends with me on Facebook and I have never met her. What do I do?
[May 10,2011 8:56am - pam ""]
Drama? In my scene?
[May 10,2011 10:18am - dreadkill ""]

arilliusbm said:looks like Megan Halpin wants to be friends with me on Facebook and I have never met her. What do I do?
halp her get to 1000 friends
[May 10,2011 10:34am - Yeti ""]

arilliusbm said:looks like Megan Halpin wants to be friends with me on Facebook and I have never met her. What do I do?

kill your Facebook account.
[May 10,2011 10:47am - the_reverend ""]
stuff in my halpin dot tumblr dot com.

I still don't know who she is. I'm also pretty glad that the internets weren't so big when I was in my phase of doing embarrassing stuff. Pretty sure robin can agree to that.
[May 10,2011 10:52am - aaron_michael ""]

the_reverend said:Pretty sure robin can agree to that.

[May 10,2011 11:08am - arilliusbm ""]

Yeti said:
arilliusbm said:looks like Megan Halpin wants to be friends with me on Facebook and I have never met her. What do I do?

I normally would be saying the same thing but I can't now because I run the band page

kill your Facebook account.

[May 10,2011 2:10pm - hlrie ""]
Holy shit. I just realized who this girl is. I was so close to beating the living piss out of her at The 201 last week, at the LTNR show.
[May 10,2011 2:14pm - DawnOfTheDead ""]

hlrie said:Holy shit. I just realized who this girl is. I was so close to beating the living piss out of her at The 201 last week, at the LTNR show.
Wow. I wonder who this is now.
[May 10,2011 2:39pm - ark  ""]
[QUOTE="the_reverend:1202040"I'm also pretty glad that the internets weren't so big when I was in my phase of doing embarrassing stuff.

what, like taking pics at 640x480?
[May 10,2011 2:40pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

ark said:[QUOTE="the_reverend:1202040"I'm also pretty glad that the internets weren't so big when I was in my phase of doing embarrassing stuff.

what, like taking pics at 640x480?

do a friendster update about it
[May 10,2011 3:31pm - Yeti ""]

hlrie said:Holy shit. I just realized who this girl is. I was so close to beating the living piss out of her at The 201 last week, at the LTNR show.

when i looked quickly at this i thought Blue posted it. i would pay money to see a fight between Blue and the Halper.
[May 10,2011 3:56pm - hlrie ""]

DawnOfTheDead said:
hlrie said:Holy shit. I just realized who this girl is. I was so close to beating the living piss out of her at The 201 last week, at the LTNR show.
Wow. I wonder who this is now.

You would have wanted to kill her. Just a drunken child babbling about nothing at the top of her lungs, trying to pick up my friends and interrupting my conversations by bending over with her back to me to shove her CF back patch in my face every couple of minutes trying to tell me who they were. Duh, who's Celtic Frost? I mean really? Bahahaha!
I overheard her bitching to my friend that she was looking for some girl that apparently pushed her but "ran away" from her because she was "too scared" of her. What?
Can't say I'm surprised that she got pummeled if she acted anything like what I saw. Stupid scenester girls.
[May 10,2011 4:10pm - the_reverend ""]
[May 10,2011 4:10pm - Alexecutioner ""]
the funniest part is that she thinks she is super popular now because everyone knows who she is.

Yeti said it best "you're not popular, you're a thread. everyone knows who you are because you are a living, walking, meme."
[May 10,2011 4:16pm - hlrie ""]

the_reverend said:meeeeow...

[May 10,2011 4:28pm - AMOROK666 ""]
Halp me halp you
[May 10,2011 4:33pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

hlrie said:
the_reverend said:meeeeow...


[May 10,2011 5:36pm - xgodzillax ""]
[May 10,2011 5:41pm - LucidCurse ""]

xgodzillax said:[img]

EP cover or bust
[May 10,2011 5:48pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

LucidCurse said:EP cover is busted
[May 10,2011 6:37pm - nekronaut ""]
...the thing that should not be
[May 10,2011 6:58pm - Big bag of assorted nigger parts  ""]
I've read this entire thread and still have no idea who that fat lump of shit is.
[May 10,2011 7:35pm - hlrie ""]


This is her... Yes?
[May 10,2011 7:38pm - AndrewBastard ""]
ugh yeah...that top one is her. second I think is Devin?
[May 10,2011 7:42pm - hlrie ""]
Oops, no it's Josh from LTNR. I meant to link this one I think...

[May 10,2011 9:58pm - the_reverend ""]
ok, that's not who I thought she was... I had thought that the pictures would halp me, but I have never see that girl before.
[May 10,2011 10:35pm - pam ""]
Neither have I but I don't really leave my apartment. I don't like girls anyway. They're usually pretty awful.
[May 10,2011 10:39pm - the_reverend ""]
you are telling me. they are the worst idea.
[May 11,2011 7:15am - arilliusbm ""]
Request ignored.
Only adding people you don't know just for the sake of having more e-friends is false.
[May 11,2011 7:36am - The_reverend ""]
I have like 178 requests pending. I don't want to add people unless I know who they are. Now, with all the privacy settings, you can't tell who people are cause you can't see pictures.
[May 11,2011 8:45am - pam ""]
I always ignore "metal chicks" I don't know because 99.9% of the time they're adding me to monitor their boyfriend's facebook activities.
[May 11,2011 9:11am - RichHorror ""]
Apparently she cried to my wife all night that Andrew and Marcus stalked her and ruined her life for two months straight.
[May 11,2011 9:53am - posbleak ""]

pam said:I always ignore "metal chicks" I don't know because 99.9% of the time they're adding me to monitor their boyfriend's facebook activities.

So that's why these random girls with shitty chest pieces are friending me...

I didn't recognize her from the crime scene photos, but I think she used to go to goth nights and do the same thing to dweeby trenchcoat boys.
[May 11,2011 10:49am - The_reverend ""]
Themost shocking thing in this thread is that rich horror listened to his wife talking and remembered information from it. What gives faggot?

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