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Megan Halpin shoved my girlfriend then got beat up thread.

[Jul 17,2011 5:20pm - ShadowSD ""]
Whatever makes you feel better about clinging to your homo dramas on social buttworking sites while the rest of us do something useful.
[Jul 17,2011 5:30pm - ShadowSD ""]
FWIW, people don't just call me Shadow onstage - everyone calls me that. It's one of the kind of things you learn when you interact with people in person instead of on Assbook.
[Jul 17,2011 5:33pm - AMOROK666 ""]
All my friends call me niggerface.
[Jul 17,2011 5:36pm - ShadowSD ""]
[Jul 17,2011 7:59pm - xgodzillax ""]

ShadowSD said:Whatever makes you feel better about clinging to your homo dramas on social buttworking sites while the rest of us do something useful.

You sure do enjoy talking about ass and "buttworking" and you know what, I can still give a fuck less about your band/life/whatever you feel is good.

How about you come out to the city of boston so I can show you how much of "homo" I am. In the end, we'll see who the real faggot is, faggot
[Jul 17,2011 8:13pm - xmikex ""]
"The City of Boston" can be a big place... perhaps you could settle on one specific neighborhood... something orange line accessible perhaps??
[Jul 17,2011 8:15pm - Randy_Marsh ""]
only mattapan is real.
[Jul 17,2011 8:19pm - bobnomaamrooney ""]
I'm of the firm opinion that the best neighborhood for settling scores in the entire City of Boston happens to be home to many fine ethnic restaurants where one can pre-game before the fight, in close proximity to an excellent medical center should you injure yourself in fisticuffs and home to a large population of non-native english speakers who will have trouble giving statements to the police.

Fight in Halp's Vagina or consequences will never be the same.
[Jul 17,2011 8:41pm - xgodzillax ""]

bobnomaamrooney said:home to a large population of non-native english speakers who will have trouble giving statements to the police.

Correction, they DON'T talk to the police, they call Vinny. and vinny would come out and taze someone and tell them to get the fuck out of the neighborhood.
[Jul 17,2011 8:44pm - Randy_Marsh ""]

[Jul 17,2011 11:46pm - the_reverend ""]
Oh my... What is halpening here
[Jul 18,2011 12:03am - hlrie ""]
I'm still trying to find out how much she can fit into her special purpose... Can anyone Halp?
[Jul 18,2011 9:12am - ShadowSD ""]

xgodzillax said:You sure do enjoy talking about ass and "buttworking" and you know what, I can still give a fuck less about your band/life/whatever you feel is good.

How about you come out to the city of boston so I can show you how much of "homo" I am. In the end, we'll see who the real faggot is, faggot

The Internetz made you mad? Wow dude, my original comment about Facebook being lame was neither addressed to you personally, nor was it even originally my comment (it was Yeti's that I agreed with), so for someone whose opinion you don't give a fuck about, I'm surprised you even would reply to such a blanket post so personally.

This is because of my Sepuku / Sudoku joke the other day isn't it? It was just a play on words in the tradition of rttp, dude, NOTHING PERSONAL, don't let the Internet leave you butthurt - especially based on the opinion of someone you don't care about anyway. The utter pointlessness and time-wasting nature of this argument of ours right now actually precisely sums up why I hate all the dumb drama that comes along with Facebook bickering. We've established after all that I don't care what you think and you don't care what I think, so why are we still talking to each other? Fucking Intertubes.
[Jul 18,2011 10:37am - Yeti ""]
but...but...he'll invite you to get your ass kicked, isn't that how we solve arguments?
[Jul 18,2011 10:53am - ShadowSD ""]
Inviting someone to a fight based on a functionally anonymous Internet conversation is the point at which any online back and forth completely jumps the shark and just becomes plain lulzy. So if I met this dude in person, am I supposed to actually still be mad and say "hey, you said this on INTERNETZ!!!" I'd burst out laughing first and smoke a joint with him, there's no way someone could say something like that with a straight face, it's just too fucking ridiculous and requires caring far more than anyone ought to.

I think if there's one thing that recent history has established time and time again, it's that Internet = Good for mockery/satire, Lame for starting conflicts. The original topic of this thread is a prime example: the conflict did not originate on the Internet, but the mockery is on the Internet, so it works REALLY well. If it was the other way around, it would be the lamest shit ever and anyone who gave a fuck would need to kill themselves.
[Jul 18,2011 10:56am - ghey_faguettes ""]

ShadowSD said:Inviting someone to a fight based on a functionally anonymous Internet conversation is the point at which any online back and forth completely jumps the shark and just becomes plain lulzy. So if I met this dude in person, am I supposed to actually still be mad and say "hey, you said this on INTERNETZ!!!" I'd burst out laughing first and smoke a joint with him, there's no way someone could say something like that with a straight face, it's just too fucking ridiculous and requires caring far more than anyone ought to.

I think if there's one thing that recent history has established time and time again, it's that Internet = Good for mockery/satire, Lame for starting conflicts. The original topic of this thread is a prime example: the conflict did not originate on the Internet, but the mockery is on the Internet, so it works REALLY well. If it was the other way around, it would be the lamest shit ever and anyone who gave a fuck would need to kill themselves.

[Jul 18,2011 11:06am - Alx_Casket ""]
needs moar Abdul-Aziz ibn Myatt
[Jul 18,2011 11:37am - Boozegood ""]
ShadowSD is a troll account, right?
[Jul 18,2011 11:51am - KEVORD ""]
Only The Reverend is a troll account.
[Jul 18,2011 12:44pm - pam ""]
[Jul 18,2011 1:00pm - Dankill  ""]

xmikex said:"The City of Boston" can be a big place... perhaps you could settle on one specific neighborhood... something orange line accessible perhaps??
Perhaps a place were a certain ethnic clusters together?
[Jul 18,2011 2:52pm - xgodzillax ""]
The funny thing about this is the fact that I am in no way mad. Life is a joke to me and so is this thread.

That being said, would I fight someone on the sole basis of shit talking on the internets? Yes I would. Have I before? You bet your fucking ass! Whether it be on the internet, walls, or on the street, words have consequences. Joking or not, behind a computer monitor or not, standing behind an armed officer or not. No ones above an ass beating. Just sayin.

[Jul 18,2011 3:03pm - NuclearWinter ""]
Winner of fight receives a Halpin-sized dick biting behind The Midway.
[Jul 18,2011 6:15pm - dyingmuse ""]
Is this Thread about that chick that Searge was dating?
[Jul 18,2011 6:47pm - Headbanging_Man ""]
9 in 10 scientists agree that fighting over words tends to indicate chromosomal abnormalities and/or latent bromosexuality.

[Jul 18,2011 8:17pm - ShadowSD ""]

xgodzillax said:Whether it be on the internet, walls, or on the street, words have consequences. Joking or not, behind a computer monitor or not, standing behind an armed officer or not. No ones above an ass beating. Just sayin.

So I guess ultimately what you're saying is

...puts on sunglasses...

It can Halpin to anybody

[Jul 18,2011 8:33pm - xgodzillax ""]

ShadowSD said:
xgodzillax said:Whether it be on the internet, walls, or on the street, words have consequences. Joking or not, behind a computer monitor or not, standing behind an armed officer or not. No ones above an ass beating. Just sayin.

So I guess ultimately what you're saying is

...puts on sunglasses...

It can Halpin to anybody


[Jul 18,2011 9:13pm - pam ""]
[Jul 18,2011 9:57pm - Randy_Marsh ""]

ShadowSD said:
xgodzillax said:Whether it be on the internet, walls, or on the street, words have consequences. Joking or not, behind a computer monitor or not, standing behind an armed officer or not. No ones above an ass beating. Just sayin.

So I guess ultimately what you're saying is

...puts on sunglasses...

It can Halpin to anybody


hahaha nice.
[Jul 19,2011 12:02am - Lamp nli  ""]
I always liked Shadow's posts on this board, probably the most thorough person here as far as explaining himself, and that joke made me lol.
[Jul 19,2011 6:26am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
[Aug 15,2012 3:37pm - HAMBONE  ""]
[Aug 15,2012 4:29pm - Hoser ""]
Isn't Megan Halpin PaganMegan? If so...man you guys turn on your own like a pack of wild chimps. I dug PaganMegan....she was cool shit.
[Aug 15,2012 4:31pm - KEVORD ""]

Hoser said:Isn't Megan Halpin PaganMegan? If so...man you guys turn on your own like a pack of wild chimps. I dug PaganMegan....she was cool shit.
Wrong Megan.
[Aug 15,2012 4:32pm - Alx_Casket ""]
come on, dad!
[Aug 15,2012 4:34pm - AndrewBastard ""]
hah wrongest megan ever
[Aug 15,2012 4:41pm - Hoser ""]

Alx_Casket said:come on, dad!

[Aug 15,2012 4:44pm - Alx_Casket ""]
k dad.
[Aug 15,2012 4:44pm - Burnsy ""]
As a father you should be nothing short of fucking disgusted with yourself for threatening to eat someone's unborn children.
[Aug 15,2012 4:44pm - Hoser ""]
[Aug 15,2012 10:25pm - There are third grade  ""]
peganmegan got fat.
[Aug 23,2013 1:20pm - 1-900-WET-FART  ""]
I'm hungry... FEED ME!
[Aug 23,2013 2:11pm - eye-gore ""]
[Aug 23,2013 2:37pm - AndrewBastard NLI  ""]
She is not?!
[Aug 23,2013 2:51pm - the_reverend ""]
I said that she must be on the fb cause she was posting 1123012830182 a day about not vaccinating your kids.

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