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Now Find a show to go to!

Apr 7 (Mon) - Terminally Your Aborted Ghost, Dysentery, Proteus, Composted, Brutal No. 2 and Archaeon - Welfare Records (Haverhill, MA)

TYAG TOUR KICK OFF!!! April 7th @ Welfare Records

[show listing]  ___________________________________
[Mar 30,2008 12:39pm - archaeon ""]
swedish fish are delicious. Discuss
[Apr 1,2008 3:43pm - DrewBlood ""]
[Apr 1,2008 4:26pm - archaeon ""]
go to me
[Apr 1,2008 4:28pm - ellesarusrex ""]
i want to go...someone drive my blind ass there so i can say farewell to my boys.
[Apr 1,2008 4:37pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
Danielle, we'll have room on our roof, haha!
[Apr 1,2008 4:48pm - cmtaib ""]
next week will be br00tal.
[Apr 1,2008 4:53pm - ellesarusrex ""]

MarkFuckingRichards said:Danielle, we'll have room on our roof, haha!

haha ride on a roof and then get stranded in ct? pfft.

for real.. someone going from boston/south shore.. work it out, get me here and home.

[Apr 1,2008 5:50pm - cmtaib ""]
white hen pantry never saw soo many brootal kids in their life.
[Apr 1,2008 5:51pm - archaeon ""]
haha that reminds me we went there after dysentery played there and the cashier was wearing a godsmack shirt. i luld
[Apr 2,2008 6:49am - archaeon ""]
I had a dream that no one came to this show, it was just me and terminally. Then, i had sex with all of them.

Please, don't let this happen, spare their anuses.
[Apr 2,2008 7:08am - corpus_colostomy ""]
i might have room elle-sore-ass-rex.

[Apr 2,2008 4:31pm - archaeon ""]
i see wut yar did there
[Apr 2,2008 6:18pm - ellesarusrex ""]

corpus_colostomy said:i might have room elle-sore-ass-rex.

let me knooooow. myspace me or something. get my digits from mark.
[Apr 2,2008 6:20pm - ellesarusrex ""]
the fact that i spelt my user handle wrong makes me think of sars.. elle sars ass rex.
[Apr 5,2008 1:25am - W3 nli  ""]
so can i get a ride to this shit or what
[Apr 5,2008 8:18am - Septic Mountain Fountain  ""]

W3%20nli said:so can i get a ride to this shit or what

I thought you was out on tourzzz
[Apr 5,2008 12:18pm - W3 nli  ""]
we was till two days ago, ran into some promoters who dont wanna pay some bands. which meant we dropped off the tour, sucks hard cause i didnt even care about the first half of the tour i was more excited about the half of the tour when we left the VR dates.

oh well we go back out next month, so whats up with a ride to tonights shindig and this lil bash
[Apr 5,2008 8:36pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
Sean, are you guys still playing Murderfest and the couple dates with TYAG?
[Apr 5,2008 8:39pm - W3 nli  ""]

MarkFuckingRichards said:Sean, are you guys still playing Murderfest and the couple dates with TYAG?

no def not, zach might still be going to murderfest but jesse was dropped off in st. louis and im home.

so unless you know something i dont, i dont think Strong Intention is playing anymore shows this month.
[Apr 5,2008 8:39pm - W3 nli  ""]
oh yeah i still need a ride to this shindig
[Apr 5,2008 8:57pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
Good lord. I hope we're still on that Vital Remains show in Yonkers then! I'll have to talk to Zach tonight.
[Apr 5,2008 9:03pm - W3 nli  ""]

MarkFuckingRichards said:Good lord. I hope we're still on that Vital Remains show in Yonkers then! I'll have to talk to Zach tonight.

yeah i def think you should get on that :tightiewhities:
[Apr 5,2008 9:05pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
Good thing he's keeping us informed on this matter. Christ.
[Apr 5,2008 9:07pm - W3 nli  ""]

MarkFuckingRichards said:Good thing he's keeping us informed on this matter. Christ.

hey if you had to wipe tony's ass everyday youd forget to make other phone calls too.
[Apr 5,2008 9:08pm - archaeon ""]
mark go on AIM
[Apr 5,2008 9:12pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
AIM is fucked on my computer and boots me off every 2 seconds. Call me if you need to.
[Apr 5,2008 9:13pm - archaeon ""]
I'll just send you a message cus i don't want a mark richards style boner.
[Apr 5,2008 9:23pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
Haha, yes you do. Believe me. You do.
[Apr 5,2008 9:34pm - archaeon ""]
A Mark Richards style boner. I has one.
[Apr 5,2008 9:40pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
I call that the Mark Richards Special, since it is more than just a boner. It's an experience shared only with those who deserve it.
[Apr 5,2008 9:44pm - archaeon ""]
wut an onher! get it onher.
[Apr 5,2008 10:22pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
I get jokes.
[Apr 5,2008 10:28pm - archaeon ""]
get it
[Apr 5,2008 11:06pm - xanonymousx ""]
i'm gonna pretend to be the rev and go to three- five shows next week.
[Apr 5,2008 11:19pm - Dave_Maggot ""]
i had my dad buy me a back pack for monday. i feel like a little kid on the first day of school. thanks pop. i got my pencils and my books. i'll make sure to bring an apple to the BREEcher. its a camo back pack too. so clearly i have to wear camo shorts with it to color co-ordinate. spread the word through the composted grapevine, we have to match for death metal pep rally. go team go.
[Apr 5,2008 11:32pm - Martins ""]
Speaking of the rev, is he not shooting this?
[Apr 6,2008 12:05am - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
I'm assuming he isn't since it's Monday and his radio show is on Monday...but it's later on Monday night, so maybe he can come to this since it's an early show. What say you, Aaron?
[Apr 6,2008 9:28am - archaeon ""]
TYAG is going on around nineish, so this should get out before ten.
[Apr 6,2008 12:34pm - Martins ""]
[Apr 6,2008 12:52pm - archaeon ""]
i really doubt he wants to go to work all day then go to show then do his radio show till like 2 in the morning. fuck that shit.
[Apr 6,2008 2:25pm - Septic Mountain Fountain  ""]
whoa, tomorrow
[Apr 6,2008 2:54pm - W3 nli  ""]

Septic%20Mountain%20Fountain said:whoa, tomorrow

what time you guys rolling out to this, if there's room im trying to go
[Apr 6,2008 2:55pm - blue ""]
if TYAG goes on exactly at 9, there is a scant chance that hell make the radio show. i say he wont take his chances.
[Apr 6,2008 3:13pm - corpus_colostomy ""]
5pm ona monday = :HUMP:
[Apr 6,2008 3:15pm - Septic Mountain Fountain  ""]

W3%20nli said:
Septic%20Mountain%20Fountain said:whoa, tomorrow

what time you guys rolling out to this, if there's room im trying to go

try griff, he's the only one riding up from the hometown area...my guess is he'd be leaving at like 430ish to make it in time
[Apr 6,2008 6:39pm - Godlessrob ""]
Brandon and I are going. W3 where do you live/ if you still need a ride and it's not tooooo far outta the way we'll scoop you. We will be leaving the Middleboro area around 6. I hope!
[Apr 6,2008 6:43pm - blue ""]
[Apr 6,2008 6:58pm - W3 nli  ""]

Godlessrob said:Brandon and I are going. W3 where do you live/ if you still need a ride and it's not tooooo far outta the way we'll scoop you. We will be leaving the Middleboro area around 6. I hope!

yeah i live out in natick
[Apr 6,2008 9:32pm - Septic Mountain Fountain  ""]
anyone know where the haverhill commuter rail station is in relation to the venue?
[Apr 6,2008 9:51pm - archaeon ""]

see where it says 113 closest to the train stop. Thats about where it is.

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