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Dead ICP Baby

[Jun 22,2008 10:16am - xanonymousx ""]
there was this icp band dark lotus who played at the palladium last night...
reminded me of rttp.
[Jun 23,2008 3:56am - Samantha ""]

Yeti said:
xanonymousx said:ICP will be live at this years ROCK AND SHOCK
watch yo backs Juggalo's in action.

Obituary on Friday, GWAR on Saturday, and ICP on Sunday. egad.

So... the Rock & Shock Fest is going to be infested with juggalos? :pukeface: Remind me to avoid downtown that Sunday.

I have friends who have worked security at The Palladium (and at least one who still does), and they've always told me that ICP shows were the worst. Apparently, the fans do a lot of stupid things, like trying to spray paint ICP logos all over the building and setting off stink bombs.
[Jul 13,2008 5:04pm - the_reverend ""]
at at the gates, someone came up to me and shook my hand, lend over and said "I have one thing to say to you 'Dead ICP Baby'"
[Jul 13,2008 5:13pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
[Jul 13,2008 5:25pm - RichHorror ""]
They should be shaking my hand instead.
[Jul 13,2008 6:02pm - Conservationist ""]
Natural selection.
[Jul 13,2008 6:14pm - monster_island ""]
an answer to RTTP from the posse

[Jul 13,2008 8:42pm - Joeycobra ""]
oh dear god....i watched 5 seconds

this thread still brings the LOLz
[Jul 13,2008 8:44pm - the_reverend ""]

[Jul 13,2008 9:52pm - pam ""]
They can't be serious. I refuse to believe they're serious.
[Jul 14,2008 12:06am - ernie  ""]
the rttp awesome thread great job!
[Jul 14,2008 8:30am - Dankill  ""]
No Pam, they are quite serious. Just like I'm serious about this being more proof that the planet needs a lot more distasters (war, famine, earthquakes, Rich on a bender, ect) to kill off a good fraction of humanity and pump up the IQ level as a whole.
[Jul 14,2008 10:50am - Yeti ""]

pam said:They can't be serious. I refuse to believe they're serious.

i haven't watched it, but from past experience, oh yeah, they are serious. they really believe they are part of some magical dark carnival that will take their souls to Shangri-La. back in like 04 there was a show at the Palladium, i wouldn't be caught dead inside the show, so i went to watch the idiots interact outside, and of all the things i saw that made me nauseous, there is one thing that stuck out to me that at first i thought was funny, but after thinking about it, it scared me. i saw this guy that was like 32 or so mingling with the 15 year olds acting like he was some ghetto god, and he stands up and says:

followed by the crowd response of "WOO WOO!".

a little part of me died that day.
[Jul 14,2008 10:53am - xanonymousx ""]
it looks like the guys from complete made a comeback as ICP.

and they call out nashua shows johnny hardcore lol.
DB4D will be after these guys in no time.
[Jul 14,2008 10:59am - xanonymousx ""]
i like the megadeth cover at the end...
[Jul 14,2008 11:00am - xanonymousx ""]

[Sep 18,2008 12:35am - the_reverend ""]
still #1 bitches
[Sep 18,2008 1:24am - sacreligion ""]
as it should be
[Sep 18,2008 9:07am - joeycobra ""]
It's too bad there isn't a modern day Hitler targeting juggalos.
[Sep 18,2008 9:18am - largefreakatzero ""]
Love this thread.
[Sep 18,2008 10:32am - oscarct ""]

largefreakatzero said:Love this thread.
[Jun 11,2009 1:14am - sinistas ""]
STILL your #1 source of dead ICP baby.
[Jun 11,2009 1:21am - xgodzillax ""]

joeycobra said:It's too bad there isn't a modern day Hitler targeting juggalos.



[Jun 11,2009 1:51am - the_reverend ""]
<3 sinistas.
[Jun 11,2009 3:55pm - xgodzillax ""]
[Jun 11,2009 4:10pm - largefreakatzero ""]
[Jun 11,2009 4:14pm - JoeyCobra ""]
wow...totally forgot about this.

[Jun 11,2009 4:45pm - xgodzillax ""]
someone sent me the link to the actual page when i was in the midst of hundreds of hate mail/myspace msgs/emails pertaining to the juggaholocaust when the shirts first came out. oh man. and the best part was all the people talking shit to who ever had the pictures up. good times
[Jun 11,2009 4:52pm - JoeyCobra ""]
didn't this juggalo couple piss off other juggalos when they tried to get free shit from ICP???...I thought someone posted the audio of her on the radio....shit was priceless.
[Nov 13,2009 2:30pm - Sacreligion ""]
STILL your #1 source for dead ICP baby.
[Nov 13,2009 9:19pm - PANT3RA4EVA  ""]
[Nov 13,2009 11:56pm - t2daeek ""]

the_reverend said:[img]

haha. john wayne gacy is the only juggalo.
creepy album art is creepy.
old thread is old.
[Nov 14,2009 12:15am - the_reverend ""]
[Nov 14,2009 1:42am - Samantha ""]
I think the new picture on Mythology's myspace page is relevant to this thread.

[Feb 11,2010 4:13pm - RichHorror ""]

[Feb 12,2010 2:45am - Sacreligion ""]
I'm having a hard time believing that wasn't scripted.
[Feb 12,2010 5:20am - reimroc ""]
One of the best threads on this forum, hand down.
[Feb 12,2010 8:44am - Hungtableed  ""]
hahaha, I remember this thread. This is possibly one of the funniest gatherings of sarcasm ridicule the interwebz has ever seen.
[Mar 3,2010 12:15pm - run wit hatchets  ""]
wow man this shit is fucked up. how the fuck can you all hate on two fellow juggalos for this shit? FUCKED UP. bunch of pussies up in here.
[Mar 3,2010 12:17pm - arilliusbm ""]
Ain't no more fucked up than what u boyz sing about mutha fucka. you da pussy.
[Mar 3,2010 12:19pm - run wit hatchets  ""]
pfft come ova here and say that bound to getcha ass checked boy. who are you anyways? go back to playing with your pokeman and magic cards the real adults are talking here.

[Mar 3,2010 12:23pm - Spaldino  ""]
im so fucking good at Magic: The Gathering.
[Mar 3,2010 12:24pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
I love this thread SO MUCH
[Mar 3,2010 12:26pm - arilliusbm ""]
bring it. being yo fat ass boyz too. Iz be in Boston right now, meet me in Chinatown mutha fucka!!1!1
[Mar 3,2010 12:34pm - largefreakatzero ""]
I so hope juggalo troll is real and is truly butthurt over this thread. Sadly, it's probably a fake.
[Mar 3,2010 12:38pm - arilliusbm ""]
I was hoping he was real, too. Probably boblovesmusic laughing.
[Mar 3,2010 1:01pm - Lamp ""]
Are there some Rule 34 juggalo baby pictures or what?
[Mar 3,2010 1:02pm - Spaldino  ""]

run%20wit%20hatchets said:pfft come ova here and say that bound to getcha ass checked boy. who are you anyways? go back to playing with your pokeman and magic cards the real adults are talking here.


[Mar 3,2010 1:15pm - run wit hatchets  ""]
kids need to get a life. especilly you baldino.
[Mar 3,2010 1:21pm - Lamp ""]
Your grammar and spelling are too good and your responses are too calm and calculated to be those of a real juggalo.

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