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[Aug 16,2004 2:11pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
This show is of uber importance in my opinion, as the future of metal at an all ages club in Boston rests upon that shows attendance.

6 bucks, 7pm
If you like black metal, you will like Horn of Valere and probably Hirudinea.
If you like grind you will like Watchmaker and Abhorred, and probably Hirudinea.
If you like doom you will probably like Hirudinea.
If you like death you will probably like Abhorred.
If you like thrash you will probably like Watchmaker, Horn of Valere and Abhorred.

If you don't like any of those styles, go anyway and drink alot.
[Aug 16,2004 2:21pm - RustedAngel ""]
a fucking monday night... damn.. we all know rev can't go.
[Aug 16,2004 2:32pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
RustedAngel said:a fucking monday night... damn.. we all know rev can't go.

but we all know you can
[Aug 16,2004 2:47pm - the_reverend ""]
if he goes, then who will sit at his place and make videos of people being all scene?
[Aug 16,2004 2:47pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
some things are more important then mosh videos to hatebreed
[Aug 16,2004 2:49pm - Mary ""]
Me and Brad will be there(I think).
[Aug 16,2004 2:59pm - armageddonday ""]
I'll be there too. I'll go and drink alot.
[Aug 16,2004 3:12pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I am trying to get my little cousin (16 year old) to get all of weymouth high kids to come.
[Aug 16,2004 3:21pm - Blue ""]
ill get all 1 of my friends to go.
[Aug 16,2004 3:53pm - christraper ""]
armageddonday said:I'll be there too. I'll go and drink alot.

youll have to drink for me because i have to work the next day

[Aug 16,2004 4:01pm - armageddonday ""]
I can do that but you'll to help pay this is going to be a high cost experience:satancross:
[Aug 16,2004 5:08pm - Jellyfish ""]
i will try to go to this.
[Aug 16,2004 5:12pm - powerkok ""]
If I wasnt recording, I might have actually gone to see abhorred.
[Aug 16,2004 10:51pm - Dissector NLI  ""]
All ages? I'll go. Where exactly is it? I'm sure me and my bassist Eddie will make the trip somehow.
[Aug 16,2004 10:54pm - Blue ""]
969 commonwealth ave - boston
[Aug 16,2004 11:10pm - Bradness  ""]
Mary said:Me and Brad will be there(I think).

i hope so
[Aug 16,2004 11:36pm - JayTUS ""]
I'll try to go if I don't go down to NYC to see the Lamb Of God CD release show. Just make sure I can get my camera in...
[Aug 17,2004 2:14am - eddie ""]
bump for greatness
[Aug 17,2004 9:30am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
You can get your camera into the Paradise for sure.
[Aug 17,2004 4:15pm - assuck ""]
[Aug 17,2004 6:57pm - pessimist ""]
dissector, bring the zombie mosh kid and have him be like one of those card girls in boxing matches. in between bands, he can get up on stage with the Zombie Mosh sign, screaming his head off...
[Aug 17,2004 10:27pm - assuck ""]
[Aug 18,2004 6:54pm - pessimist ""]
also, joe makes a good point because even if you don't like any of these bands, you should still go since if this show draws well, they will want to book more, and maybe YOUR band could get a show there. Boston needs a place like the Paradise to book metal shows. It could become the Palladium of Boston, if the Palladium wasn't gay. All Ages, easy to find, an actual sound system. If you don't show up for this, it is a missed opportunity to help your band and the "scene" as a whole
[Aug 18,2004 6:58pm - Blue ""]
yeah, definite point there. this could very well become the place in boston for touring bands to come through, instead a 21+ venue that everyone bitches about.
[Aug 18,2004 8:44pm - JayTUS ""]
No offense to any band playing, but the reason I am probably going to go is the exact reason pessimist is saying. I can't really say I expect to be into any of the bands playing, but I'm willing to go and help the cause...
[Aug 18,2004 10:27pm - AASSUUCCKK  ""]
thank you sir. we need more people like you
[Aug 18,2004 10:43pm - Deathcow ""]
pessimist said:dissector, bring the zombie mosh kid and have him be like one of those card girls in boxing matches. in between bands, he can get up on stage with the Zombie Mosh sign, screaming his head off...

I would go for this alone.
[Aug 18,2004 10:54pm - AASSUUCCKK  ""]
but youre going regardless right? this is an important show, dammit
[Aug 18,2004 10:56pm - Blue ""]
youre an important show.
[Aug 18,2004 11:00pm - AASSUUCCKK  ""]
youre an importanter show, biatch
[Aug 18,2004 11:09pm - Deathcow ""]
AASSUUCCKK said:but youre going regardless right? this is an important show, dammit

Obviously. Anyone who doesn't go to see Watchmaker AND Abhorred is a fuckin' sissy.
[Aug 18,2004 11:11pm - MarkKevorkian ""]
Go to the show and watch us destroy you emo fags!!!!!!!!!!!!
[Aug 18,2004 11:19pm - assuck ""]
[Aug 18,2004 11:20pm - Blue ""]
mmmmm. emo fags.
[Aug 18,2004 11:26pm - Dissector NLI  ""]
pessimist said:dissector, bring the zombie mosh kid and have him be like one of those <a href="http://www.ntsearch.com/search.php?q=card&v=56">card</a> girls in boxing matches. in between bands, he can get up on stage with the Zombie Mosh sign, screaming his head off...

I'll definitely ask if he wants to go. That would be awesome.
[Aug 18,2004 11:54pm - assuck ""]
do it.
[Aug 19,2004 12:18am - Deathcow ""]
Bring boxing match girls too.
[Aug 19,2004 12:58pm - assuck ""]
i'll do my best
[Aug 19,2004 3:31pm - Lincoln ""]
Get there early!!! Like 6pm.
[Aug 19,2004 3:57pm - dirteecrayon ""]
i'll go if someone can give me a ride to the end of comm ave after the show

[Aug 19,2004 3:58pm - dirteecrayon ""]
scratch that --- 7pm i'm working!

gots to make the dough yo!!!
[Aug 20,2004 12:41pm - assuck ""]
[Aug 20,2004 1:33pm - eddie ""]
i'm going for Abhorred and Hirudinea. i haven't really check out the other bands, but i'm looking forward to them. + its not everyday theres an all age show in boston.

[Aug 20,2004 1:35pm - assuck ""]
we probably will. you will love watchmaker, they are the greatest thing to come out of this state since...ummmm....theyre just the greatest thing to ever come out of this state
[Aug 20,2004 1:43pm - Blue ""]
whats going on at the paradise on the 30th?
[Aug 20,2004 1:46pm - Dissector ""]
[Aug 21,2004 11:16am - assuck ""]
[Aug 21,2004 11:54pm - assuck ""]
[Aug 22,2004 4:34pm - pessimist ""]
never again
[Aug 22,2004 11:11pm - assuck ""]
never say never again

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