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[Aug 30,2004 4:23pm - assuck ""]
we leave pretty soon
[Aug 30,2004 4:24pm - assuck ""]
i expect to see everyone from dissector headbanging...or else...
[Aug 30,2004 4:24pm - MarkKevorkian ""]
Hey Abhorred, could I use a cab tonight ?
[Aug 30,2004 4:25pm - assuck ""]
yea you can use mine. this is ben
[Aug 30,2004 4:33pm - MarkKevorkian ""]
Thanks alot. Hail Satan !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[Aug 30,2004 4:34pm - lincoln ""]
Free food and drink at 6 at the Lamb of God listening party...free drinks and some pizza......everyone come on down...but not you Joe. heh heh
[Aug 30,2004 4:36pm - MarkKevorkian ""]
He's probably scouring for a ride anyways
[Aug 30,2004 4:38pm - lincoln ""]
True....I should have said anyone who wants to hear it should get there early for some free food and drink. The album is really good and I'm not a big fan at all.
[Aug 30,2004 4:38pm - blue nli  ""]
ill be there. ooooh yeah.
[Aug 30,2004 5:23pm - eddie ""]
i'm leaving now
[Aug 30,2004 9:11pm - Robdeadskin ""]
whereis this place
[Aug 30,2004 9:21pm - the_reverend ""]
it's on comm ave.
[Aug 30,2004 9:54pm - eddie ""]
man this sucks, this wasn't an all age show, i just waisted my time taking the train there and back.
[Aug 31,2004 2:00am - honor4death ""]
This show was awsome, Abhorred pwned, and watchmaker completly destroyed....the stage has huge gashes in it from the singers saw blade mic stand he was smashing on the stage. awsome turn out, hopefully there will be more shows there now.
[Aug 31,2004 4:49am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Killer turnout for a Monday, I hope there are more shows, that place is cool.
[Aug 31,2004 9:14am - KING NOOSEBOMB  ""]
[Aug 31,2004 9:16am - christraper ""]
I very much enjoyed the free beer
[Aug 31,2004 9:24am - christraper ""]
who was taking pictures at this show?
[Aug 31,2004 9:26am - korpse-l- ""]
i'm bullshit i didn't get to go. free beer to top it off! wtf!!!! how was the sound there?
[Aug 31,2004 9:34am - christraper ""]
I couldnt hear shit because i was half drunk anyways but i had an awsome fuckin time!!! Id never been to that place before. I cant wait to play there again. That was a great turnout for a monday, thanks to everyone who showed up!
[Aug 31,2004 10:59am - the_reverend ""]
I was just reading something and come to find out Wotan... was bisexual!
holy crap!
[Aug 31,2004 11:00am - the_reverend ""]
"Odin could change his sex at will from man to woman, and he lost the use of his left eye so that he could see into the future"
[Aug 31,2004 11:02am - christraper ""]
That doesnt necessarilly make him bisexual. He never had any husbands to the best of my knowledge. Loki was however which is why he was often depicted in a dress.
[Aug 31,2004 11:23am - assuck ""]
[Aug 31,2004 11:27am - christraper ""]
yea dude that was pretty kickass! all the bands tore shit up. Good job dude!
[Aug 31,2004 11:31am - Falcifer ""]
A mighty thanks to all the bands last night you guys did yourselves proud. You all ripped up a pretty big stage. Everything sounded great. And of course a big hail to all that showed up on a Monday into the city to support this music that defines us all. Until next time... HAIL AND KILL!
[Aug 31,2004 12:35pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I had a blast and am glad people came so I could say I told you so. I thought it was all ages, there was a good number of people turned away at the door.
I met some cool people that I had never seen at shows before, hopefully they get involved in some of the other shows.

The Paradise is awesome, hopefully they do more metal there.
[Aug 31,2004 12:38pm - assuck ""]
they had their own special weed room. how fuckin sweet is that?
[Aug 31,2004 12:54pm - MarkKevorkian ""]
Thanks to everyone that stuck around to watch us. I hope we didn't disappoint.
[Aug 31,2004 1:03pm - assuck ""]
not at all.

ANGEL OF DEATH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[Aug 31,2004 1:25pm - CATHACH  ""]
Respect and gratitude to everyone who showed up and all the bands involved.I would also like to apologize to anyone who couldn't get in due to the sudden change from all ages to 18+.This will never happen again.What will happen again is metal at the Paradise.HAIL & KILL/Wotan Mit Uns
[Aug 31,2004 1:25pm - dyingmuse ""]
fuck!!!!! that was last night!!!!!! mother fucka! if i wasnt so friggin behind on dates i would have gone. sorry guys, i really wanted to go to that
[Aug 31,2004 1:35pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
All Hail Helvete! Best show of 2004
[Aug 31,2004 1:39pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
All Ages -> 18+ is so fucking stupid I am willing to be vocal about it.

[Aug 31,2004 1:49pm - Falcifer ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:All Hail Helvete! Best show of 2004

Until the next one...
[Aug 31,2004 1:50pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I am curious to see who you guys get.
[Aug 31,2004 2:04pm - Falcifer ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:I am curious to see who you guys get.

We already have two possibly three in mind... Its just going to be a continuation of who would have played at the weekly Helvete showcases that got gassed by the Paradise.
[Aug 31,2004 2:07pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
make them all ages
[Aug 31,2004 2:27pm - Ninkaszi187 ""]
that was one of my favorite shows ever. it was really fucking cool. i liked that stage/venue a lot. everyone sounded sick through that system. thanks to everyone that went, and keith, chris, and opie for putting on an amazing show. heilz
[Aug 31,2004 2:40pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Seeing Hirudinea on a full system was a life altering experience.
[Aug 31,2004 3:10pm - abhorred ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:All Hail Helvete! Best show of 2004

agreed....that was the most fun i have ever had on stage.EVER

that show kicked my fucking ass......
[Aug 31,2004 3:14pm - Hooker ""]
I was there for a bit but I took off. Was abhorred the first band?
[Aug 31,2004 3:17pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Yeah, they went on around 8:30ish
[Aug 31,2004 3:20pm - Hooker ""]
Were there any soundchecks last night?
[Aug 31,2004 3:24pm - KING NOOSEBOMB  ""]
[Mar 26,2006 11:43pm - Louise  ""]
Im a gay ass spam bot.
ip is
[Mar 26,2006 11:44pm - William  ""]
Im a gay ass spam bot.
ip is

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