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sinister sneak peek into moldy morbid NewEngland Black Morror Metal.

[Jul 13,2012 2:11am - ben ""]
hereto lay dead within
[Jul 13,2012 2:11am - ben ""]

[Jul 13,2012 2:13am - ben ""]
performing here in are Rev.J.Hex on all web strings and bone keys. Raypissed on Vox to die for and skins to raise the undead.
[Jul 13,2012 2:38am - search feature troll  ""]
wasting your time on a message board full of people who don't care about you posting videos of your terrible music and reactionary responses of 50 pictures with the word nigger in them any time someone says the word racist in any context while a horde of actually niggers rightfully beat the shit out of you when you leave your house to use your shitty art skills to turn complete morons who would actually sustain your existence by giving you money into a goofy looking technicolor high school doodle notebook and being unsuspecting of the fact that every shitty tattoo you have ever done in your miserable life will one day leap off the bodies of those you have inked them on and come to your house to choke you to death in your fucking sleep, you god damned moron motherfucker
[Jul 13,2012 3:46am - chernobyl ""]
Raynard, your posts are sexy.
[Jul 13,2012 11:35am - ben ""]

search%20feature%20troll said:wasting your time on a message board full of people who don't care about you posting videos of your terrible music and reactionary responses of 50 pictures with the word nigger in them any time someone says the word racist in any context while a horde of actually niggers rightfully beat the shit out of you when you leave your house to use your shitty art skills to turn complete morons who would actually sustain your existence by giving you money into a goofy looking technicolor high school doodle notebook and being unsuspecting of the fact that every shitty tattoo you have ever done in your miserable life will one day leap off the bodies of those you have inked them on and come to your house to choke you to death in your fucking sleep, you god damned moron motherfucker

excuse me while i get a little teary eyed. you really made my day. your loathing of me shows in your willingness to sit here and waste good time trying to bullshit a bullshitter. god, it must really burn you up to see me living my dream while you are forced to go to a soul sucking job that thinks nothing of you and can easily replace you. dont fear being forgotten someday pal, accept your fate. it comes easier that way. dont hate people for succeeding in life, it makes you look really pathetic. but dont worry. i feel for your pain. not! i feed on the hate here. i look forward to getting a first hand personal account with each of my haters. i want to show you what real hate feels like.
[Jul 13,2012 11:37am - ben ""]
thanks Chernobyl, i love you too.
[Jul 13,2012 11:39am - ben ""]
search feature troll is my biggest fan. he knows my every move on here. i think i have a secret admirer. how cute!
[Jul 13,2012 11:46am - oh the morror  ""]
please tell me more about morror metal
[Jul 13,2012 12:33pm - lol  ""]
ITT Raynard is a complete loser, oh wait, OLD NEWS!
[Jul 13,2012 12:37pm - Fag Sniffer  ""]
Ben, I can smell you.
[Jul 13,2012 3:01pm - ben ""]

Fag%20Sniffer said:Ben, I can smell you.

then get your nose out my ass foo!
[Jul 13,2012 3:03pm - ben ""]
anyone care to put aside the seething hate they have for me long enough to review the video. of course you wont be able to say anything good about it but i rather us at least stick to the reason for this thread.
[Jul 13,2012 3:19pm - xgodzillax ""]
"sinful nights and unforgiving days"? are you fucking serious? lyrics sound like a 16 year old goth sluts diary. vocals are horrible. drums sound like shit. I couldnt make it past the half assed falsetto part. 0/10
[Jul 13,2012 3:26pm - trioxin_245 ""]
thread title made me legit laugh out loud.
[Jul 13,2012 3:26pm - trioxin_245 ""]
and not because he mispelled 'horror'
[Jul 13,2012 3:28pm - ben ""]

xgodzillax said:"sinful nights and unforgiving days"? are you fucking serious? lyrics sound like a 16 year old goth sluts diary. vocals are horrible. drums sound like shit. I couldnt make it past the half assed falsetto part. 0/10

your an idiot. next!
[Jul 13,2012 3:31pm - ben ""]
how about i dont leave you shit bags alone until i get one mindful and mature view on this song from Vintage Flesh-"Hour of the night gaunts" Morror means Morbid Horror for those not in the know.
[Jul 13,2012 3:32pm - xgodzillax ""]

ben said:]
your an idiot. next!

you wanted an unbiased opinion. I gave it a chance, but it fell short of even mindless background music.

I've honestly read better lyrics from 15 year old goth sluts.
[Jul 13,2012 3:38pm - mecca  ""]
"morror means morbid horror for those not in the know" means "i am a complete & total fucking moron", for those not in the know.
[Jul 13,2012 3:38pm - eyeroller  ""]

xgodzillax said:15 year old goth sluts

Pics or GTFO
[Jul 13,2012 3:50pm - DAS JUDENRAT  ""]
Google says:


B. The Order of the Seder

Introduction to The Seder

The word Seder means order, indicating that all the commandments and rituals of this evening are to be performed in a specific order. In every Hagadah we find the traditional sequence of various steps of the Seder outlines by the terms Kadesh Urchatz etc.

There were fifteen steps leading to the Temple, corresponding to the fifteen Shir Ha’ma’alos (songs of Ascent) found in Psalms. Similarly, the Seder follows a fifteen stage-process of ascent.

Kadesh -the recitation of Kiddush.
Urchatz -washing the hands.
Karpas -eating a vegetable dipped in salt-water.
Yachatz -breaking of the middle matzo.
Maggid -the recitation of the Hagadah.
Rachtzah -washing of the hands a second time.
Motze -the recitation of the blessing hamotzi.
Matzah -the recitation of the blessing al Achilas matzo, eating the matzo.
Morror -eating the bitter herbs.
Korech -eating a sandwich of matzo and bitter herbs.
Shulchan Oruch -eating the festive meal.
Tzafun -eating the afikomen.
Bayrech -the recitation of grace.
Hallel -the recitation of Hallel psalms of praise.
Nirtzah -our prayer that G-d accepts our service.

The names for each of these different stages are referred to as Simanim, - signs. Many different Rebbeim stress the importance of reciting these signs aloud before the Seder and at each stage of the Seder as it progresses.
[Jul 13,2012 3:56pm - trioxin_245 ""]

This track starts off with a moderately promising but somewhat stale acoustic chord progression which manages to convey a few seconds of actual mood before the listener is exposed to some of the most unnecessarily corny vocals I have ever heard. Soon after I experienced what could only be described as a discomfort not dissimilar to the cringing feeling I had the first time I saw the added CGI dance sequence in Jabbas Palace from "Return of the Jedi.'' The vocals present over this boring, uninspired and now distorted chord progression are some of the most talentless, obnoxious, and laughable I have ever had the displeasure of hearing. The thing that you have to understand is that not only are the vocals TONALLY awful, it is also more than apparent that the vocalist has no actual musical talent or ability, as the patterns and vocal structures are absolutely offputting. Afterwards I was shown just how lacking the songwriting is when the entire progression was simply repeated, essentially spitting in anyone's face who bothered to listen to the entire track expecting more than a few chord progressions with talentless whining over it.
All in all, I'd say the band should either find a new musical direction and a more serious vocalist with some kind of actual musical background, or hang up their probably rainbow-tassled boots.
[Jul 13,2012 5:52pm - Rhinoplasty  ""]
Sounded like GaySideCervex to me , and dat beez da truff.
[Jul 13,2012 7:24pm - ben ""]

trioxin_245 said:
This track starts off with a moderately promising but somewhat stale acoustic chord progression which manages to convey a few seconds of actual mood before the listener is exposed to some of the most unnecessarily corny vocals I have ever heard. Soon after I experienced what could only be described as a discomfort not dissimilar to the cringing feeling I had the first time I saw the added CGI dance sequence in Jabbas Palace from "Return of the Jedi.'' The vocals present over this boring, uninspired and now distorted chord progression are some of the most talentless, obnoxious, and laughable I have ever had the displeasure of hearing. The thing that you have to understand is that not only are the vocals TONALLY awful, it is also more than apparent that the vocalist has no actual musical talent or ability, as the patterns and vocal structures are absolutely offputting. Afterwards I was shown just how lacking the songwriting is when the entire progression was simply repeated, essentially spitting in anyone's face who bothered to listen to the entire track expecting more than a few chord progressions with talentless whining over it.
All in all, I'd say the band should either find a new musical direction and a more serious vocalist with some kind of actual musical background, or hang up their probably rainbow-tassled boots.

almost, but your opinion lost all credibility when you exposed your self as the 13 year old star wars pimple face virgin geek that you are. NEXT!!!!
[Jul 13,2012 7:24pm - trioxin_245 ""]
when did I do that?
[Jul 13,2012 7:28pm - trioxin_245 ""]
I mean, have you actually LISTENED to your own band, ray? Like, really listened? It's fucking horrible dude, even your former band members told me 'no you dont have to say that, it was fucking terrible' after I said 'no offense' when talking about the band.
[Jul 13,2012 7:32pm - ben ""]
hey geek, if you could stop fapping off long enough to get a clue of what kinds of metal rule and what needs to go out the window with your star wars collection, you may have an impression on me. as it stands. your word means shit to me and to all who knows what rocks. get a clue will yah. one day you will learn that true Metal exists beyond slipknot and god forbid.
[Jul 13,2012 7:33pm - trioxin_245 ""]
haha you got me
[Jul 13,2012 7:34pm - chernobyl ""]

ben said:
trioxin_245 said:
This track starts off with a moderately promising but somewhat stale acoustic chord progression which manages to convey a few seconds of actual mood before the listener is exposed to some of the most unnecessarily corny vocals I have ever heard. Soon after I experienced what could only be described as a discomfort not dissimilar to the cringing feeling I had the first time I saw the added CGI dance sequence in Jabbas Palace from "Return of the Jedi.'' The vocals present over this boring, uninspired and now distorted chord progression are some of the most talentless, obnoxious, and laughable I have ever had the displeasure of hearing. The thing that you have to understand is that not only are the vocals TONALLY awful, it is also more than apparent that the vocalist has no actual musical talent or ability, as the patterns and vocal structures are absolutely offputting. Afterwards I was shown just how lacking the songwriting is when the entire progression was simply repeated, essentially spitting in anyone's face who bothered to listen to the entire track expecting more than a few chord progressions with talentless whining over it.
All in all, I'd say the band should either find a new musical direction and a more serious vocalist with some kind of actual musical background, or hang up their probably rainbow-tassled boots.

almost, but your opinion lost all credibility when you exposed your self as the 13 year old star wars pimple face virgin geek that you are. NEXT!!!!

[Jul 13,2012 7:35pm - trioxin_245 ""]
I want you to take a moment and actually listen to my band and then tell me you know more about metal than I do. Actually listen. I don't give two fucks if you like it, but see if you can make more connections to what metal is between your embarrassing garbage and this. Just give it a try.


and feel free to give me your TRULY HONEST opinion, I can take it I promise I won't cry and call you names like you did.
[Jul 13,2012 7:39pm - STLUCIFUREVA ""]

ben said:

I still enjoy this , regardless of RTTP public opinion .
[Jul 13,2012 7:40pm - ben ""]

here is another dark gem from the same album. two drummers died soon after trying out for this band. every member of the band including the producers were haunted by demons during the recording of this. true story. names have been left out to protect the privacy of those who lost their lives for this recording and those who were scarred for life. all in the name of darkness. enjoy!
[Jul 13,2012 7:41pm - trioxin_245 ""]
I'm not chastising anyone for liking what they want to like, I'm just saying that it's a goofy lowest-common-denominator take on what rock n roll/metal is.
[Jul 13,2012 7:41pm - ben ""]
also disembodied voices that were not in the recording can be heard through out both Vintage flesh albums from time to time. also a true story.
[Jul 13,2012 7:43pm - ben ""]
Thanks to you Stluciferva.
[Jul 13,2012 7:44pm - trioxin_245 ""]
what's the matter, afraid to listen to that track I posted? Fuckin poser.
[Jul 13,2012 7:50pm - not slag  ""]
You asked for an objective opinion. Here's mine

I listened to this song. I'm going to go out on a limb and say that I have .... "good taste" in music in general. However, I'm no expert. I've worked with quite a few bands and have been making music of my own since 1998. I understand music and quality.

Objectively, the vocals are really all over the place...to the point where it distracts from any good merits that song might have otherwise. The chorus literally made me laugh about how bad the vocals were. The chorus sounded like the Muppets got fucked by Nergal. Objectively, if I was handed a demo of your band and asked to record you, I would object. I would not do it and I would tell you that the vocals detract from the music, making it bad, overall.

The riffs aren't terrible. The structure of the song is basic, but I can follow it. The vocal part around 4:00 is cool. The clean riffs at the beginning and end are cool.

I wouldn't necessarily call it Black Metal either. I would classify it as Horror.... metal? I have no idea. The vocals have to change for this to get any real credibility, in my opinion.
[Jul 13,2012 7:52pm - not slag  ""]
the track in question was "pities long broken urn"
[Jul 13,2012 7:52pm - trioxin_245 ""]
also, the vocalist is a complete poser.
[Jul 13,2012 7:53pm - ben ""]

trioxin_245 said:I'm not chastising anyone for liking what they want to like, I'm just saying that it's a goofy lowest-common-denominator take on what rock n roll/metal is.

shame on you trioxin! what a dreadful embarrassment you are to the local metal scene. do you even realize how childish and immature you look to everyone here? to willingly insult another local extreme metal band on a local public forum. and us, a band that never said a bad thing about you guys while knowing full well who you are. in fact i am sure we spoke fondly of you in the past. you do your self and your band mates a terrible disservice to hurl useless insults at your local country men in metal music. you are a disgrace to Metal as a whole. Metal is about camaraderie between the bands and fans. hey how many times am i supposed to listen to this blessed offal riff before it changes. oh there it is. how is this supposed to be more impressive then what we are doing? its about equally as talented as us to be honest but we are far more original if you must know my personal opinion. i am sure many would agree. try to show some brotherhood and less back stabbing boyishness. maybe we can have a real N.E. metal scene if we had more supportive musicians in the area and less spoiled children with guitars. Vintage Flesh is a two man band. it is meant to be slightly primitive. its the style. but you wouldnt know that. to engrossed in your own bullshit and no one elses.
[Jul 13,2012 7:56pm - not slag  ""]
[Jul 13,2012 7:59pm - Headbanging_Man ""]
I judge bands based on their loyalty to their local country men in metal music.
[Jul 13,2012 8:01pm - ben ""]

not%20slag said:You asked for an objective opinion. Here's mine

I listened to this song. I'm going to go out on a limb and say that I have .... "good taste" in music in general. However, I'm no expert. I've worked with quite a few bands and have been making music of my own since 1998. I understand music and quality.

Objectively, the vocals are really all over the place...to the point where it distracts from any good merits that song might have otherwise. The chorus literally made me laugh about how bad the vocals were. The chorus sounded like the Muppets got fucked by Nergal. Objectively, if I was handed a demo of your band and asked to record you, I would object. I would not do it and I would tell you that the vocals detract from the music, making it bad, overall.

The riffs aren't terrible. The structure of the song is basic, but I can follow it. The vocal part around 4:00 is cool. The clean riffs at the beginning and end are cool.

I wouldn't necessarily call it Black Metal either. I would classify it as Horror.... metal? I have no idea. The vocals have to change for this to get any real credibility, in my opinion.

thanks for your say. i can respect that opinion. however, my producer his a big fan of my eccentric vocal style and i could never get him to be tougher on me. he liked every day take i made. i tried to produce my self in that way. i am also the drummer. not my best work either but wait till he next release! i wouldnt allow you to record us because you just told me you wouldnt know how to harness my skills into something more listenable to a wider audience. i know my style needs work. but i dont do guest spots on other black metal bands around the world because my vocals suck. "Serve (poland)", "RavenFrost(Germany)", "Mystic Forest(France)" , Etc. dont mean to boast. just making a point.
[Jul 13,2012 8:04pm - trioxin_245 ""]
Let me explain to you why you are a poser.
Let me start with me.
I listen to and make metal/music in general because I have problems. I am a miserable prick, I drink a lot, I get depressed, etc etc. I turn to metal because I had to, because it is a release that helps me to cope with being a generally bad person. Things like going to jail, bad relationships, getting beat up, etc all culminate to make me one angry, miserable fucking person so I made angry, miserable music because some part of me still believes there is something worthwhile in the world, and metal helps me to feel like I am that much closer.

Then there's people like you.
You listen to metal because you are a goofy, withdrawn dork who has no other way of relating to people, so you pretend that you relate to metalheads. You make music because, like my angry side, part of you wants to get out and be goofy and try to be theatrical and just let loose. You have probably never had any kind of real struggle in your life, so your music comes across as equivalent to the kind of thing you'd hear in a haunted house for kids, because that's the kind of metalhead you are.

The point is leave the metal to the metalheads. We didn't just discover this one day and say 'I watch horror movies, I can do this.' We were born this way and we can't help it. This is who we have always been and always will be, it's not a hobby or an excuse to be ridiculous without appearing ridiculous. When I yell into a mic it's not me trying to sound as cool as I can, THATS JUST WHAT IT SOUNDS LIKE WHEN I YELL.

I don't really care enough to re-read or proof read this rant.

anyways, fuck off poser.
[Jul 13,2012 8:07pm - trioxin_245 ""]
[Jul 13,2012 8:08pm - not slag  ""]
Dude, sometimes people will tell you what you want to hear. Especially when you're paying them.

I'm telling you what you don't want to hear. The vocals are bad. Bad enough that no one on this board will give you any credibility. The more you fight it and egg people on... well the less chance you will EVER have of getting real credibility with the musicians on this site. Maybe there is a strange genre out there where this is common place (i.e. like how autotune is a substitute for real vocal skill in certain genres) and maybe i'm off my rocker.

All I can tell you is, if you walked into my studio, starting doing vocals like that, I'd send you back to the drawing board. Do over. Restart.

That is if you want to produce a good product, that people want to actually listen to.
[Jul 13,2012 8:11pm - chernobyl ""]
what ross is trying to say is "end your life, years spent cold"

[Jul 13,2012 8:12pm - Lamp ""]

ben said:Metal is about camaraderie between the bands and fans.*

*Disclaimer: Those who are not caucasian, criticize my band, criticize my methods of dealing with other people, undermine my meager accomplishments, criticize my art, or attempt to make me see why I am a fool in any way are not eligible for this offer.

[Jul 13,2012 8:13pm - trioxin_245 ""]
no, what I'm trying to tell him is

[Jul 13,2012 8:15pm - not slag  ""]
RTTP: Hang up your fragile ego at the door.
[Jul 13,2012 8:15pm - ben ""]

trioxin_245 said:Let me explain to you why you are a poser.
Let me start with me.
I listen to and make metal/music in general because I have problems. I am a miserable prick, I drink a lot, I get depressed, etc etc. I turn to metal because I had to, because it is a release that helps me to cope with being a generally bad person. Things like going to jail, bad relationships, getting beat up, etc all culminate to make me one angry, miserable fucking person so I made angry, miserable music because some part of me still believes there is something worthwhile in the world, and metal helps me to feel like I am that much closer.

Then there's people like you.
You listen to metal because you are a goofy, withdrawn dork who has no other way of relating to people, so you pretend that you relate to metalheads. You make music because, like my angry side, part of you wants to get out and be goofy and try to be theatrical and just let loose. You have probably never had any kind of real struggle in your life, so your music comes across as equivalent to the kind of thing you'd hear in a haunted house for kids, because that's the kind of metalhead you are.

The point is leave the metal to the metalheads. We didn't just discover this one day and say 'I watch horror movies, I can do this.' We were born this way and we can't help it. This is who we have always been and always will be, it's not a hobby or an excuse to be ridiculous without appearing ridiculous. When I yell into a mic it's not me trying to sound as cool as I can, THATS JUST WHAT IT SOUNDS LIKE WHEN I YELL.

I don't really care enough to re-read or proof read this rant.

anyways, fuck off poser.

it so funny to me to see somebody call ME a poser. i have been a real life metal head since 1982. i was twelve. i have traveled the world seeing metal shows, meeting and partying with the best metal musicians on the planet. not to mention tattooing some of them on the road. my first concert was in 1985/6(?), it was kiss and w.a.s.p.. i was partying in the heavy metal parking lots before you were born and i am a poser? funny shit man. i parties with Iron butterfly, Catherdral, and even motorhead and i am a poser? sorry your life sucks. your right , it does suck for you. i didnt want my life to suck so i did better with myself. i would have killed myself ages ago if i were you. i am suicidal as fuck even with the good life i have made for myself. it is very important to the ones that love me to see that i keep a fun and "goofy" life to stay happy and to stay ultimately alive. yeah our music is Horror Metal. so it gets goofy, corny and cheesy at times. but there our moments of truly chilling darkness in every song as well. but if you insist on hating the music because you hate the person behind it, you can never hope to truly hear the music. i hate blackie lawless and gene simons but damn i love the music they make!
[Jul 13,2012 8:17pm - trioxin_245 ""]
yup, you're definitely a poser.
[Jul 13,2012 8:19pm - trioxin_245 ""]
the whole reason you started talking shit is because I said your band was goofy, BEFORE I knew anything about you, so it has nothing to do with you. I will say you are one sad, lost little boy in a 40-year-olds body though, arn't you?
[Jul 13,2012 8:20pm - ben ""]

chernobyl said:what ross is trying to say is "end your life, years spent cold"

oh no your exposing ross! get em' ross!
[Jul 13,2012 8:21pm - ben ""]

trioxin_245 said: the whole reason you started talking shit is because I said your band was goofy, BEFORE I knew anything about you, so it has nothing to do with you. I will say you are one sad, lost little boy in a 40-year-olds body though, arn't you?

i was gonna say the same about you but the only difference is that your dick is likely lost in a little boys body.
[Jul 13,2012 8:22pm - trioxin_245 ""]
I don't think you should end your life, I just think you should stop trying to be something you aren't. Go get married, be happy, watch horror movies, drink with your friends in your isolated little corner of the world, and leave the metal to those of us who can do it justice.
[Jul 13,2012 8:23pm - trioxin_245 ""]
So far you've made a joke about me fucking boys, having pimples and being a virgin. What am I, in fourth grade again? Ugh, I should've been a punk rocker.
[Jul 13,2012 8:23pm - ben ""]

trioxin_245 said: the whole reason you started talking shit is because I said your band was goofy, BEFORE I knew anything about you, so it has nothing to do with you. I will say you are one sad, lost little boy in a 40-year-olds body though, arn't you?
why would you talk shit in the first place? you dont even get where i am coming from. its really sad for you. you will never know what it is like to enjoy the brotherhood of true metal heads. that is what makes you the real poser here.
[Jul 13,2012 8:25pm - chernobyl ""]
no its this stupid ass song of this random band from jersey that played at an oddfellows temple i saw in vt in 2005

[Jul 13,2012 8:27pm - ben ""]

trioxin_245 said:I don't think you should end your life, I just think you should stop trying to be something you aren't. Go get married, be happy, watch horror movies, drink with your friends in your isolated little corner of the world, and leave the metal to those of us who can do it justice.
i am starting to think you fear the idea of us making it to a big label and leaving you haters behind to wonder how that happened. that day is really gonna suck for you isnt it? would have been better to befriend us rather then attempt to discredit us. we could have put in a good word for you but.....
[Jul 13,2012 8:31pm - trioxin_245 ""]
You got me, I really am lonely and have no friends, and I've never gotten to enjoy the brotherhood of true metal heads. Maybe one day I will, but until then, I'll just keep hanging out with the dudes in Nachzehrer, Hirudinea, Witch Tomb, Herugrim, Psycho, Parasitic Extirpation, Mortician, Blood of the Gods, INTHESHIT, Cold Northern Vengeance, Martyrvore, Panzerbastard, Fresh Kill, Deathamphetamine, Ravage, Dysentery, Untombed, Superchrist, Nachtmystium, Eyehategod, Funebrarum, Haxen, Sorcery, Rampant Decay, Witch Tomb, Engorge, Profanatica, Elders of the Apocalypse, Black Witchery, and all the others. Maybe one day I'll get to be part of a REAL METAL SCENE, but until then I'll just keep on trying to get my dick unstuck from that little boy.
[Jul 13,2012 8:34pm - trioxin_245 ""]
anyway I got off track. this thread is supposed to be about MORROR METAL. It's like horror metal, but with a mohawk and a wheelchair. WE ARE NOT GETTING SUED
[Jul 13,2012 8:35pm - chernobyl ""]
ross is just upset he is an alien and aliens get upset sometimes.

I saw a UFO in 2008.
[Jul 13,2012 8:37pm - trioxin_245 ""]
The correct term is 'Intergalactic Americans' you bigot.
[Jul 13,2012 8:38pm - chernobyl ""]
I love aliens.
[Jul 13,2012 8:39pm - trioxin_245 ""]
fuck this thread is ugly as hell with all this crappy music. I gotta spruce it up a little with something good.

[Jul 13,2012 8:39pm - ben ""]

trioxin_245 said:You got me, I really am lonely and have no friends, and I've never gotten to enjoy the brotherhood of true metal heads. Maybe one day I will, but until then, I'll just keep hanging out with the dudes in Nachzehrer, Hirudinea, Witch Tomb, Herugrim, Psycho, Parasitic Extirpation, Mortician, Blood of the Gods, INTHESHIT, Cold Northern Vengeance, Martyrvore, Panzerbastard, Fresh Kill, Deathamphetamine, Ravage, Dysentery, Untombed, Superchrist, Nachtmystium, Eyehategod, Funebrarum, Haxen, Sorcery, Rampant Decay, Witch Tomb, Engorge, Profanatica, Elders of the Apocalypse, Black Witchery, and all the others. Maybe one day I'll get to be part of a REAL METAL SCENE, but until then I'll just keep on trying to get my dick unstuck from that little boy.
yeah good bands too, we played with a few of them last summer. really good guys. unlike you.
[Jul 13,2012 8:40pm - ben ""]

trioxin_245 said:fuck this thread is ugly as hell with all this crappy music. I gotta spruce it up a little with something good.


now your talking!
[Jul 13,2012 8:43pm - chernobyl ""]

ben said:
trioxin_245 said:really good guys.

Oh, I don't know about that..

[Jul 13,2012 8:43pm - ben ""]

ben said:
here is another dark gem from the same album. two drummers died soon after trying out for this band. every member of the band including the producers were haunted by demons during the recording of this. true story. names have been left out to protect the privacy of those who lost their lives for this recording and those who were scarred for life. all in the name of darkness. enjoy!

how about this one?
[Jul 13,2012 9:00pm - xgodzillax ""]
I'm sorry raynard, I can't take anything you say seriously. You drop names like justin beiber groupie. Give up and kill yourself already. Faggot. I mean, NIGGERFAGGOT
[Jul 13,2012 9:03pm - trioxin_245 ""]

xgodzillax said:I'm sorry raynard, I can't take anything you say seriously. You drop names like justin beiber groupie. Give up and kill yourself already. Faggot. I mean, NIGGERFAGGOT

The more preferred term is 'african-american homosexual.' But you're right, he is kind of a NIGGERFAGGOT
[Jul 13,2012 9:44pm - narkybark ""]
Regardless of anything going on in the thread, if you post music online, regardless if it's good or bad, regardless if you think it's the best in the world... some people aren't going to like it, and when you specifically ask for opinions on it, and then they say they don't like it, don't pounce on them for it. Know your limitations.
[Jul 13,2012 9:53pm - dickcheese ""]

narkybark said:Regardless of anything going on in the thread, if you post music online, regardless if it's good or bad, regardless if you think it's the best in the world... some people aren't going to like it, and when you specifically ask for opinions on it, and then they say they don't like it, don't pounce on them for it. Know your limitations.

they dont like it because they dont like me. or at least those few outspoken wanna be's that think they can effect me negatively because they dont like me. i am very sorry for them and the insecurities they are burdened with , but one day this band will show them up and embarrass them all. the laugh is all mine then. just a shame they have to be that way. there loss entirely.
[Jul 13,2012 10:49pm - xgodzillax ""]
you ask people to review your shitty band honestly, then you get butthurt when people tell you that your band sucks a bag of dicks.

fuck off already you fucking piece of shit. you wanna talk about camaraderie, but youre a delusional piece of racist shit..
[Jul 13,2012 11:25pm - ass  ""]
[Jul 14,2012 12:55am - motley grue  ""]
Blessed Offal review:

Vocal style has been done to death metal style already, never once do you challenge the listener vocally with you style, no changes, nothing groundbreaking, and the lyrics you write any fucking highschooler could write. The music is uninspiring as well, guitars could be recorded much better, guitar player does kick ass though specially with the solos, they should be a bigger part of the song. So really there is no room for you to talk shit about a Vintage Flesh song, as they are there are two different genres of music. Dont go getting butthurt by this, you wanted a review of your song, and you got one.
[Jul 14,2012 1:15am - Big bag of assorted nigger parts  ""]
This guy's music bores the living shit out of me, as do his antics, but you all make it entertaining by insisting on feeding into it, perpetuating the process. Way to go. The 'I'm so anti-racist' shit is cute too, keep reaching for the stars, kids.
[Jul 14,2012 8:55am - trioxin_245 ""]

dickcheese said:
narkybark said:Regardless of anything going on in the thread, if you post music online, regardless if it's good or bad, regardless if you think it's the best in the world... some people aren't going to like it, and when you specifically ask for opinions on it, and then they say they don't like it, don't pounce on them for it. Know your limitations.

they dont like it because they dont like me. or at least those few outspoken wanna be's that think they can effect me negatively because they dont like me. i am very sorry for them and the insecurities they are burdened with , but one day this band will show them up and embarrass them all. the laugh is all mine then. just a shame they have to be that way. there loss entirely.

What exactly is this post referring to?
[Jul 14,2012 8:56am - trioxin_245 ""]

motley%20grue said:Blessed Offal review:

Vocal style has been done to death metal style already, never once do you challenge the listener vocally with you style, no changes, nothing groundbreaking, and the lyrics you write any fucking highschooler could write. The music is uninspiring as well, guitars could be recorded much better, guitar player does kick ass though specially with the solos, they should be a bigger part of the song. So really there is no room for you to talk shit about a Vintage Flesh song, as they are there are two different genres of music. Dont go getting butthurt by this, you wanted a review of your song, and you got one.

my only complaint is that you said 'the guitar player kicks ass,' because I really don't know what I'm doing.
[Jul 14,2012 8:58am - trioxin_245 ""]
Oh, and there is room to talk about a vintage flesh song, because the OP asked for an honest review, and I honestly think that band is embarrassing lowest-common-denominator garbage.
[Jul 14,2012 11:07am - poopoo  ""]
Blessed Awful is standard, unoriginal, boring, blackened death.

It's just as bad as the other bands in this thread, just in a different way. In that "wanna-be tough guy" black/death sorta way.

Beyond Boston/Mass. no one gives a fuck about you.

[Jul 14,2012 11:14am - hi  ""]
^ beelze nli
[Jul 14,2012 11:20am - poopoo  ""]
hah, you wish. beelze is a fag too.

[Jul 14,2012 11:37am - Crap Pyramid  ""]
yes this shit sucks that is why at reunion we will be stoned punch drunk actively calling out shitty bands like this and releasing delusional freaks on them to pummel them into oblivion with wizards and black orbs
[Jul 14,2012 11:51am - DestroyYouAlot ""]

trioxin_245 said:anyway I got off track. this thread is supposed to be about MORROR METAL. It's like horror metal, but with a mohawk and a wheelchair. WE ARE NOT GETTING SUED

"It's universal remobot, not universal piece of crap, like you say!"

[Jul 14,2012 11:53am - DestroyYouAlot ""]

motley%20grue said:Blessed Offal review:

Vocal style has been done to death metal style already, never once do you challenge the listener vocally with you style, no changes, nothing groundbreaking, and the lyrics you write any fucking highschooler could write. The music is uninspiring as well, guitars could be recorded much better, guitar player does kick ass though specially with the solos, they should be a bigger part of the song. So really there is no room for you to talk shit about a Vintage Flesh song, as they are there are two different genres of music. Dont go getting butthurt by this, you wanted a review of your song, and you got one.

raytroll identified
[Jul 14,2012 12:22pm - ben ""]
not so. though nor am i. i act sort of as an unwanted henchmen to the master. i have already received repeated threats from Raynard-Stevens property management. that would be Raypissed in character. yes i have been following closely to the letter what this fiend is up to and yes i will EXPOSE him. after i get off the parole for exposing my self to him. [img][img]
[Jul 14,2012 12:47pm - ben ""]
as for racist messages. not me at all my friend. i just post pictures other people have made observations of in society with, and had an honest to god nonthreatening opinion, for good gods sake man what next?! while you sit back and talk shit about other good local bands, i am exercising my rights as a true U.S. citizen from the old school. so we maintain a right to say how we feel in this ever sinking country. just voicing my concerns in a nonthreatening non derogatory as possible perspective. while you whine to fellow metal heads about whats wrong with society today, i am speaking directly to society in person and online. online only because it reach's a greater amount of people. one day you will learn its not all about you but the whole of your community. i just believe in naturally segregated societies by choice. those who wish to be left in peace and to promise peace in return just to be among their own. this go's for all races. society makes cultures angry with each other when you crowd them together. just gotta give all cultures room to grow. they need more space is all. instead of encroaching and threatening others way of life. i just speak for my own people. i know its not o.k. for whites to be concerned with other whites. we have to be the worlds punching bag so says your p.c. liberal lefty lunatic party. see where that got all of us? we can help each other better from a distance of each other. better letting your cultures truly grow without hindering your neighbor with ways that are not his/her own. when you understand this is not racist but a racial matter. you will have grown up a great deal my friends and i will welcome you into a more promising future when yah do.
now thats a message. the message of the V.F. inverticrux bands are always and solely to express into metal format the folk lore and dark timeless tales of old world New England. more respect for New England culture and roots then many of you hater bands. all with a terribly tasty but spooky twist! you guys hate theatrics. get over it. others like theatrics. you just want greater N.E. to be rap and metalcore. you bore the shit out of me. thats not what N.E. is !!!! though the bands message represented here is to be taken with a grain of salt too. so loosen up already. hate me if you like. but dont spoil your chance of enjoying good musical experiences. so juvenile. now what is our message? New England ghost stories and such, HAMMER HORROR inspired as well. blackened suicidal Horror Metal is Vintage Flesh. Inverticrux i think is black thrash doom grove? but that will be ever evolving.
stay tunes to the horror goons!
[Jul 14,2012 1:26pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
RTTP: home of p.c. liberal lefty lunatics, rap and metalcore
[Jul 14,2012 1:38pm - xmikex ""]

ben said:as for racist messages. not me at all my friend. i just post pictures other people have made observations of in society with, and had an honest to god nonthreatening opinion, for good gods sake man what next?! while you sit back and talk shit about other good local bands, i am exercising my rights as a true U.S. citizen from the old school. so we maintain a right to say how we feel in this ever sinking country. just voicing my concerns in a nonthreatening non derogatory as possible perspective. while you whine to fellow metal heads about whats wrong with society today, i am speaking directly to society in person and online. online only because it reach's a greater amount of people. one day you will learn its not all about you but the whole of your community. i just believe in naturally segregated societies by choice. those who wish to be left in peace and to promise peace in return just to be among their own. this go's for all races. society makes cultures angry with each other when you crowd them together. just gotta give all cultures room to grow. they need more space is all. instead of encroaching and threatening others way of life. i just speak for my own people. i know its not o.k. for whites to be concerned with other whites. we have to be the worlds punching bag so says your p.c. liberal lefty lunatic party. see where that got all of us? we can help each other better from a distance of each other. better letting your cultures truly grow without hindering your neighbor with ways that are not his/her own. when you understand this is not racist but a racial matter. you will have grown up a great deal my friends and i will welcome you into a more promising future when yah do.
now thats a message. the message of the V.F. inverticrux bands are always and solely to express into metal format the folk lore and dark timeless tales of old world New England. more respect for New England culture and roots then many of you hater bands. all with a terribly tasty but spooky twist! you guys hate theatrics. get over it. others like theatrics. you just want greater N.E. to be rap and metalcore. you bore the shit out of me. thats not what N.E. is !!!! though the bands message represented here is to be taken with a grain of salt too. so loosen up already. hate me if you like. but dont spoil your chance of enjoying good musical experiences. so juvenile. now what is our message? New England ghost stories and such, HAMMER HORROR inspired as well. blackened suicidal Horror Metal is Vintage Flesh. Inverticrux i think is black thrash doom grove? but that will be ever evolving.
stay tunes to the horror goons!

jesus christ retard, do you think anyone is going to read anything you wrote that's THIS long? go away.
[Jul 14,2012 1:44pm - not slag  ""]
I think we've all ben had.

Ben is clearly the best troll evar.
[Jul 14,2012 2:20pm - trioxin245 ""]
poopoo: youre right except for one thing. Boston and the US are the only places people DONT care about us. Most of our fans are euros. And youre right, there arnt many. DYA: obviously raynard troll is obvious
[Jul 14,2012 2:22pm - trioxin245 ""]
oh and since when was 'tough guy black death metal' a thing? Does anyone even think before they type?
[Jul 14,2012 2:23pm - WHATEVER BRO  ""]
I will be only too happy to beat the shit out of Raynard and the GSS bitches the next time I see them. PLEASE turn up to the Hekseri reunion at Obriens
[Jul 14,2012 2:27pm - trioxin245 ""]
also real quick Im curious... I wont debate that Blessed Offal isnt the most original band, but Id be curious to see if you know enough about what youre talking about to give me specific examples of why we are unoriginal. I could give you plenty but I bet you dont have one.
[Jul 14,2012 2:36pm - Crap Pyramid  ""]
Morror is officially a word for retards this band is horrible and we will conjure wizard demons with bong noses and blunt hands to destroy them into every concevable oblivion known to the black dimensions of southern doom

Blessed Offal is also awful because they do no represent bonged out low end metal warriors of wizards and dragon riding maidens so we will beat them with delusional low end vibrations from the comatorium as well because they suck at reunions
[Jul 14,2012 2:41pm - ben ""]

trioxin245 said:also real quick Im curious... I wont debate that Blessed Offal isnt the most original band, but Id be curious to see if you know enough about what youre talking about to give me specific examples of why we are unoriginal. I could give you plenty but I bet you dont have one.

your easy listening dude. no challenge to the senses. just hitting on all the safe zones. its a sound i would normally be glad to except into the fold if it didn't have some apparent asswipes in the band that like to shit talk. it sbetter then a scene full of dumb white/black rappers killing the NewEngland heritage. we keep it alive. we invoke dark sinister vibes that get into you. we make you uncomfortable and that angers you because you know we can get to you musically. take you somewhere your not ready to go. Boo!
[Jul 14,2012 2:53pm - WHATEVER BRO  ""]
Still breaking both of Raynard's shitty tattoo hands and ugly face
[Jul 14,2012 3:05pm - Arillius Bowel Movement  ""]

ben said: we keep it alive. we invoke dark sinister vibes that get into you. we make you uncomfortable and that angers you because you know we can get to you musically. take you somewhere your not ready to go. Boo!

No, all you really invoke is uncontrollable laughter at how amateurish your "music" is on every conceivable level. It's even funnier that you think the above is true,that instead of using criticism of your "music" as an opportunity to progress, you instead use it to further your delusion that "people are just mad because we're doing something so fucking dark and evil."

You're not. Your songs are about as evil as an average episode of Peewee's Playhouse. When I watch He-Man, Skeletor comes off as more evil and real than you, and he's a fucking cartoon character.

You're right that you make people uncomfortable, although obviously not for the reasons you think. You make people uncomfortable because no on in their right mind wants to actually acknowledge that you are the same species as them. You represent the very lowest rung on the evolutionary ladder, and yes, it makes people mad to think that humans can turn out as useless and retarded as you.

Do us all a favor, find a few like minded subhuman retards and go live on a cave on some island.
[Jul 14,2012 4:03pm - trioxin245 ""]

ben said:
trioxin245 said:also real quick Im curious... I wont debate that Blessed Offal isnt the most original band, but Id be curious to see if you know enough about what youre talking about to give me specific examples of why we are unoriginal. I could give you plenty but I bet you dont have one.

your easy listening dude. no challenge to the senses. just hitting on all the safe zones. its a sound i would normally be glad to except into the fold if it didn't have some apparent asswipes in the band that like to shit talk. it sbetter then a scene full of dumb white/black rappers killing the NewEngland heritage. we keep it alive. we invoke dark sinister vibes that get into you. we make you uncomfortable and that angers you because you know we can get to you musically. take you somewhere your not ready to go. Boo!

haha jesus christ dude, you are something arent you?
[Jul 14,2012 4:09pm - ben ""]

trioxin245 said:
ben said:
trioxin245 said:also real quick Im curious... I wont debate that Blessed Offal isnt the most original band, but Id be curious to see if you know enough about what youre talking about to give me specific examples of why we are unoriginal. I could give you plenty but I bet you dont have one.

your easy listening dude. no challenge to the senses. just hitting on all the safe zones. its a sound i would normally be glad to except into the fold if it didn't have some apparent asswipes in the band that like to shit talk. it sbetter then a scene full of dumb white/black rappers killing the NewEngland heritage. we keep it alive. we invoke dark sinister vibes that get into you. we make you uncomfortable and that angers you because you know we can get to you musically. take you somewhere your not ready to go. Boo!

haha jesus christ dude, you are something arent you?

better then being nothing i suppose.
[Jul 14,2012 4:10pm - ben ""]

Arillius%20Bowel%20Movement said:
ben said: we keep it alive. we invoke dark sinister vibes that get into you. we make you uncomfortable and that angers you because you know we can get to you musically. take you somewhere your not ready to go. Boo!

No, all you really invoke is uncontrollable laughter at how amateurish your "music" is on every conceivable level. It's even funnier that you think the above is true,that instead of using criticism of your "music" as an opportunity to progress, you instead use it to further your delusion that "people are just mad because we're doing something so fucking dark and evil."

You're not. Your songs are about as evil as an average episode of Peewee's Playhouse. When I watch He-Man, Skeletor comes off as more evil and real than you, and he's a fucking cartoon character.

You're right that you make people uncomfortable, although obviously not for the reasons you think. You make people uncomfortable because no on in their right mind wants to actually acknowledge that you are the same species as them. You represent the very lowest rung on the evolutionary ladder, and yes, it makes people mad to think that humans can turn out as useless and retarded as you.

Do us all a favor, find a few like minded subhuman retards and go live on a cave on some island.

you try to hard. your giving your self all away. come to the dark side honey. we love you long time.
[Jul 14,2012 4:12pm - ben ""]
as for racist messages. not me at all my friend. i just post pictures other people have made observations of in society with, and had an honest to god nonthreatening opinion, for good gods sake man what next?! while you sit back and talk shit about other good local bands, i am exercising my rights as a true U.S. citizen from the old school. so we maintain a right to say how we feel in this ever sinking country. just voicing my concerns in a nonthreatening non derogatory as possible perspective. while you whine to fellow metal heads about whats wrong with society today, i am speaking directly to society in person and online. online only because it reach's a greater amount of people. one day you will learn its not all about you but the whole of your community. i just believe in naturally segregated societies by choice. those who wish to be left in peace and to promise peace in return just to be among their own. this go's for all races. society makes cultures angry with each other when you crowd them together. just gotta give all cultures room to grow. they need more space is all. instead of encroaching and threatening others way of life. i just speak for my own people. i know its not o.k. for whites to be concerned with other whites. we have to be the worlds punching bag so says your p.c. liberal lefty lunatic party. see where that got all of us? we can help each other better from a distance of each other. better letting your cultures truly grow without hindering your neighbor with ways that are not his/her own. when you understand this is not racist but a racial matter. you will have grown up a great deal my friends and i will welcome you into a more promising future when yah do.
now thats a message. the message of the V.F. inverticrux bands are always and solely to express into metal format the folk lore and dark timeless tales of old world New England. more respect for New England culture and roots then many of you hater bands. all with a terribly tasty but spooky twist! you guys hate theatrics. get over it. others like theatrics. you just want greater N.E. to be rap and metalcore. you bore the shit out of me. thats not what N.E. is !!!! though the bands message represented here is to be taken with a grain of salt too. so loosen up already. hate me if you like. but dont spoil your chance of enjoying good musical experiences. so juvenile. now what is our message? New England ghost stories and such, HAMMER HORROR inspired as well. blackened suicidal Horror Metal is Vintage Flesh. Inverticrux i think is black thrash doom grove? but that will be ever evolving.
stay tunes to the horror goons!
[Jul 14,2012 4:13pm - ben ""]

Raypissed, J.Hex, Terry S.
[Jul 14,2012 4:16pm - trioxin245 ""]
this guy is just some regular old joe who likes to get attention by donning a cape and some facepaint every now and then and pretending to be shocking. too boring for words. Weekend warrior. Anyway Im done.
[Jul 14,2012 4:16pm - ben ""]
hey as long as this post is music related and concerning local band news. i am in the legit. i have just as much right here as the haters. you can turn it into a shit fight but your just helping me to get the promotional attention we are looking for. which go's back to why i originally post this. thanks to all the haters for your undying support.
[Jul 14,2012 4:18pm - trioxin245 ""]
[Jul 14,2012 4:21pm - Arillius Bowel Movement  ""]

ben said: i just speak for my own people.

This is a big part of the problem. Most of us here don't speak retard. If you truly want to "speak for your own people", here is a forum much more suited to your people and your culture:

[Jul 14,2012 4:25pm - ben ""]
sorry i dont click posts from strangers.
[Jul 14,2012 4:29pm - Arillius Bowel Movement  ""]
Your loss, there are a lot of very special people from your community waiting to connect with you and your message.
[Jul 14,2012 6:38pm - Lamp ""]
I decided to actually listen to the song posted in this thread and holy shit did I laugh my ass off at the vocals! Like, really really hard. I wasn't sure if they were going to be as bad as everyone said, but they are BAD. Like, Simon Cowell making a spectacle out of you on national television and setting you up to become an Internet sensation bad.

As for the music, it's just the same old mid-paced crap. I would say if you cleaned the whole package up a bit and removed the chorus screams, this would almost be fit for FM radio.
[Jul 14,2012 6:45pm - ben ""]

Lamp said:I decided to actually listen to the song posted in this thread and holy shit did I laugh my ass off at the vocals! Like, really really hard. I wasn't sure if they were going to be as bad as everyone said, but they are BAD. Like, Simon Cowell making a spectacle out of you on national television and setting you up to become an Internet sensation bad.

As for the music, it's just the same old mid-paced crap. I would say if you cleaned the whole package up a bit and removed the chorus screams, this would almost be fit for FM radio.

hey lamp, looks like your bulb burnt out on you. NEXT!
[Jul 14,2012 6:49pm - ben ""]
[Jul 14,2012 6:55pm - Lamp ""]

ben said:
Lamp said:I decided to actually listen to the song posted in this thread and holy shit did I laugh my ass off at the vocals! Like, really really hard. I wasn't sure if they were going to be as bad as everyone said, but they are BAD. Like, Simon Cowell making a spectacle out of you on national television and setting you up to become an Internet sensation bad.

As for the music, it's just the same old mid-paced crap. I would say if you cleaned the whole package up a bit and removed the chorus screams, this would almost be fit for FM radio.

hey lamp, looks like your bulb burnt out on you. NEXT!

This made me lol almost as hard as the vocals

so bad
[Jul 14,2012 7:00pm - Arillius Bowel Movement  ""]

ben said:hey lamp, looks like your bulb burnt out on you. NEXT!

Every post he makes only further proves that he truly is defective both mentally and genetically.

[Jul 14,2012 7:47pm - ben ""]

Arillius%20Bowel%20Movement said:
ben said:hey lamp, looks like your bulb burnt out on you. NEXT!

Every post he makes only further proves that he truly is defective both mentally and genetically.

why? because i get a kick out of your juvenile 8th grade attempts at bringing me down. why do you bother? whats good is good. i dont need you to verify it to make it good. our music rocks everywhere else but this goof ball web site. i come here to watch you scramble to be idiots. its more fun then getting the horns up every where else we peddle our sound. i just like to watch you squirm trying to find ways to put down good music. wheres my popcorn?
[Jul 14,2012 7:56pm - Arillius Bowel Movement  ""]

ben said:
Arillius%20Bowel%20Movement said:
ben said:hey lamp, looks like your bulb burnt out on you. NEXT!

Every post he makes only further proves that he truly is defective both mentally and genetically.

why? because i get a kick out of your juvenile 8th grade attempts at bringing me down. why do you bother? whats good is good. i dont need you to verify it to make it good. our music rocks everywhere else but this goof ball web site. i come here to watch you scramble to be idiots. its more fun then getting the horns up every where else we peddle our sound. i just like to watch you squirm trying to find ways to put down good music. wheres my popcorn?

I'm glad your music was a hit on the Down's Syndrome board linked earlier. You're right that this site just isn't your "culture" or "community", and with a little luck, you'll be able to find more communities for the mentally disabled that will share many of your views and values. Your music definitely has the potential to empower and express the viewpoints of those who are living with mental retardation and similar pathologies.
[Jul 14,2012 8:05pm - ben ""]
thanks i knew you would come around and see the darkness that is us eventually. enjoy in your new life of Metal enlightenment.
[Jul 14,2012 8:06pm - ben ""]

ben said:
here is another dark gem from the same album. two drummers died soon after trying out for this band. every member of the band including the producers were haunted by demons during the recording of this. true story. names have been left out to protect the privacy of those who lost their lives for this recording and those who were scarred for life. all in the name of darkness. enjoy!

[Jul 14,2012 8:41pm - lucidcursenli  ""]
[Jul 14,2012 8:53pm - Arillius Bowel Movement  ""]

ben said:thanks i knew you would come around and see the darkness that is us eventually. enjoy in your new life of Metal enlightenment.

Well, this is another one of those instances where we don't really know what you're talking about, since we don't speak retard here, but I'm sure this type of rhetoric is a big hit with "your own people."
[Jul 14,2012 8:59pm - Goddamn  ""]
[Jul 14,2012 10:36pm - dickcheese ""]

[Jul 14,2012 10:51pm - vattnetcenturymedia  ""]
can vattnet viskar get on the next inverticrux show? oh, wait...
[Jul 14,2012 10:55pm - dickcheese ""]
suck my dick cheese you you dog dick!
[Jul 14,2012 10:55pm - dickcheese ""]

[Jul 14,2012 11:12pm - dickcheese ""]

Raypissed(vox,gong)Invierticrux,Mystic Forest, Rev.J.Hex(guitars)J.H.CreepShow,Vintage Flesh,
MattGemini (drums) C.N.V.,Martyvore,EERIE
[Jul 14,2012 11:14pm - dickcheese ""]

[Jul 14,2012 11:18pm - dickcheese ""]
[Jul 14,2012 11:19pm - dickcheese ""]

[Jul 14,2012 11:35pm - lol  ""]
We get that Raynard is and has dickcheese as well as who knows how many homosexualy communicable stds
[Jul 14,2012 11:52pm - dickcheese ""]

[Jul 15,2012 12:12am - dickcheese ""]

[Jul 15,2012 12:15am - dickcheese ""]
Iron Age tattoo turned out to be limp dick tattoo. what happened lol? aimed to high for a stupid guy
[Jul 15,2012 12:17am - dickcheese ""]

[Jul 15,2012 3:55am - chernobyl ""]
You make no one feel 'uncomfortable' with your music except yourself. You sound like a clown talking to a bunch of kids at a carnival, Raynard...I mean 'Raypissed' (so clever!) ...
[Jul 15,2012 8:59am - trioxin_245 ""]
I just played that first track for my girlfriend and she said 'I dont know how to describe it, it was awful, it's like if the crypt keepers queer uncle tried to sing Iced Earth without ever actually hearing Iced Earth. It has to be a joke, right?'
[Jul 15,2012 9:07am - trioxin_245 ""]

ben said:
Arillius%20Bowel%20Movement said:
ben said:hey lamp, looks like your bulb burnt out on you. NEXT!

Every post he makes only further proves that he truly is defective both mentally and genetically.

why? because i get a kick out of your juvenile 8th grade attempts at bringing me down. why do you bother? whats good is good. i dont need you to verify it to make it good. our music rocks everywhere else but this goof ball web site. i come here to watch you scramble to be idiots. its more fun then getting the horns up every where else we peddle our sound. i just like to watch you squirm trying to find ways to put down good music. wheres my popcorn?

[Jul 15,2012 9:34am - Lamp nli  ""]
A friend and I were just listening to that song while driving down the road on my phone and laughing hysterically at it. We were able to reach the conclusion it sounded like Count Chocula if he was greatly troubled by life. This shit is the definition of cartoon metal.
[Jul 15,2012 9:43am - dickcheese ""]
ahhhh my plan is working! our evil sounds are beginning to take hold of them! it will not be long now. they will indirectly help to infect the world with our corrupt cause of blanketing the Earth with sounds of horrific metal sorrow! mwha ha HAAA!!! keep posting my friends, make merry of our music, for every one idiot that shit talks us here, three to five respectful metal listeners are quietly sitting back and discovering exciting new sounds.
[Jul 15,2012 9:47am - dickcheese ""]

i think i seen a couple of you fags on this video.
[Jul 15,2012 9:51am - dickcheese ""]

here guys, we made some major improvements to our sound. do you like us now? because it really matters!
[Jul 15,2012 9:59am - dickcheese ""]

hey i see you guys are branching out to video reviews. nice! is this trioxin ,lamp, or xcockzillax?
[Jul 15,2012 10:00am - dickcheese ""]

and here it is, rttp's finest.
[Jul 15,2012 10:04am - dickcheese ""]
hey cockzilla your moms looking for yah.
[Jul 15,2012 10:05am - trioxin_245 ""]

Lamp%20nli said:A friend and I were just listening to that song while driving down the road on my phone and laughing hysterically at it. We were able to reach the conclusion it sounded like Count Chocula if he was greatly troubled by life. This shit is the definition of cartoon metal.

perfect! New genre: Cartoon metal. Population so far: Vintage Flesh/Inverticrux
[Jul 15,2012 10:12am - dickcheese ""]
[img] can i be in your club now?
[Jul 15,2012 10:14am - dickcheese ""]
[Jul 15,2012 10:16am - dickcheese ""]
the holy symbol of the RTTP metal nerd. if Raypissed touch's this sacred symbol, he will burst into flames! use it against him wisely my friends.
[Jul 15,2012 10:18am - dickcheese ""]
[Jul 15,2012 10:18am - trioxin_245 ""]
This band is the new 'star wars kid' or 'gi joe videos' for me. Get baked and laugh your ass off. Maybe I was wrong about raynard, maybe he's really just a good guy who only wanted to give us the gift of laughter.
Video needs to be submitted to tosh.o
[Jul 15,2012 10:19am - dickcheese ""]
[Jul 15,2012 10:22am - dickcheese ""]
[Jul 15,2012 10:23am - trioxin_245 ""]
another review from a neutral friend:

i can't even begin to describe how awful that band is.
nick tried to get me to review it the other day.
and i seriously just cannot.
it isn't even music.
it's some shit tattoo artist pretty much begging for somebody to tell him he's mommy's little individual.
i've heard more inspired music come out of a six year old's pre-programmed casio keyboard.
literally - listening to MIDI files of children's music has more musical integrity & worth. gimme baa baa black sheep over that dreck any day of the week.
[Jul 15,2012 10:23am - dickcheese ""]
hey RTTP!
[Jul 15,2012 10:27am - dickcheese ""]
null one of many examples of a real V.F. review here for you trioxin. just do a search.
[Jul 15,2012 10:42am - trioxin245 ""]
yea because 'a woman in a 60s sitcom screaming because she just saw a mouse' is what a real metal vocalist sounds like.
[Jul 15,2012 10:51am - dickcheese ""]
will the evil Raypissed and his band of no goods be able to penetrate the forces of returntothepits super elite? stay tuned for the next exciting episode!
[Jul 15,2012 11:00am - dickcheese ""]
[img] typical rttp naysayer of original music. blinded by the guardian.
[Jul 15,2012 11:20am - nekronaut ""]
...so, I think it's safe to say that business at the TaTTomB has been dead for the past few days
[Jul 15,2012 12:06pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]

not%20slag said:I think we've all ben had.

Ben is clearly the best troll evar.

[Jul 15,2012 12:25pm - not slag  ""]
I stand by my former claim.

Best fucking troll in a very, very long time. A+ would read again.
[Jul 15,2012 1:08pm - trioxin245 ""]

nekronaut said:...so, I think it's safe to say that business at the TaTTomB has been dead for the past few days
I chuckled
[Jul 15,2012 1:18pm - dickcheese ""]

nekronaut said:...so, I think it's safe to say that business at the TaTTomB has been dead for the past few days
no , it isn't. in fact it is so busy i had to hire to guys over the past couple months to allow myself some time off. you can check them out on the F.B. page. i deserve a break dont I? over six years straight , 12 to 9 , pumping away at the skin will get old after a while. time to sit back and reap some rewards aye?! what better way to do so then to come here and piss off faggy little metal nerds all day. among other things. oh and when i am at work. i like to btoher you between tattoos sometimes. guilty pleasures... ssshhhhh
[Jul 15,2012 2:36pm - RaysNards  ""]

dickcheese said:pumping away at the skin
[Jul 15,2012 2:54pm - dickcheese ""]
thanks Beavis ,
[Jul 15,2012 3:25pm - Short Bus  ""]
One of us! One of us!
[Jul 15,2012 3:41pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]

Short%20Bus said:One of us! One of us!

Now see that used to be a decent band, dood had some solid vocals.
[Jul 15,2012 3:49pm - nekronaut ""]
I can't believe nobody else commented on "Web strings and bone keys" and "Vox to die for and skins to raise the undead"
[Jul 15,2012 6:47pm - trioxin245 ""]
it already makes fun of itself so why bother? Thatd be like telling AC that 'i ate your horse' is a stupid song title. The point is that it SUPPOSED to be retarded. At least I hope it is.
[Jul 15,2012 6:52pm - dickcheese ""]
well truth there in exists. we are to be taken with a grain of salt. slightly tongue in cheek cheeky yes, but sometimes serious as a shark attack.
[Jul 15,2012 6:55pm - ZAK BAGANS  ""]

[Jul 16,2012 9:34am - posbleak ""]

dickcheese said:null one of many examples of a real V.F. review here for you trioxin. just do a search.

This review is also immediately followed by a positive review of an "epic" Alestorm album

And preceded by this gem found deep within an interview:

"How much criticism do ya’ll get for your vocal choices and how often do they think that you’re failing to be King Diamond, but not as a joke?"
"Don’t think I understand this question."
[Jul 16,2012 9:44am - ark  ""]
"Plus, I can hit Kings notes. I have yet to properly do so in my recording. I am a self taught singer so I sing from the heart and I don’t care for tempo or key."
[Jul 16,2012 10:48am - ain't that  ""]
the truth
[Jul 16,2012 12:36pm - Rhinoplasty  ""]
You ain't be no King Diamond , You be"Prince Cubic Zirconia".
I make more money than you, I shred the guitar better than you, I has more equipments than you, I have a bigger van than you to put the equipments in, my girls teeth light up the room better than yours, I have a better sense of smell than you, my composite bow has more pullies than yours, my cat has double paws, my shadow kick is sneakier, my survival skillz be better, I'm more spiritual in-tuned, my dream catchers are have a greater diameter than yours, I can chop more wood per day than you, and I'm just better.
[Jul 16,2012 12:45pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

posbleak said:
dickcheese said:null one of many examples of a real V.F. review here for you trioxin. just do a search.

This review is also immediately followed by a positive review of an "epic" Alestorm album

[Jul 16,2012 1:08pm - trioxin245 ""]
[Jul 16,2012 1:17pm - Yeti ""]
now this is a quality thread.

this wouldn't be as painfully awful if it wasn't for the retarded vocals. the music itself is basic, but it isn't bad. with a little restructuring and a vocalist who has a some self-respect, i would listen to it. we played with this band called Lurking Corpses in MI, the vocalist thought he was the Cryptkeeper (not unlike this) and it completely ruined anything they were going for. i understand the desire to create something different, to step outside of the box, but this is not how it's done.

my band Scaphism might not be everyone's favorite, i mean how many times can one growl about gore in death metal, but i at least try to offer something interesting. i am personally insulted that you consider yourself a vocalist, and strongly recommend you pursue something like stamp-collecting, at least my time won't be wasted any longer.
[Jul 16,2012 1:26pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Mike S: Welcome to our home, or shall we say...Mome!

Kerri: You see, in this world, all the words that start with "H" now start with "M."

Mike B: In this world, your bloodiest organ is no longer your heart, but your meart!

All: Ma ma ma ma ma!

Kerri: The 31st president is not Herbert Hoover, but Merbert Moover!

Mike S: And Fonzie, played by Menry Winkler, would be on Mappy Days.

All: Ma ma ma ma ma!

Mike B: Oh, the morror!

All: The morror! Ma ma ma ma ma!
[Jul 16,2012 1:28pm - trioxin245 ""]

Yeti said: i understand the desire to create something different, to step outside of the box, but this is not how it's done. .
thannnnnnnk you.
[Jul 16,2012 1:31pm - trioxin245 ""]

DestroyYouAlot said:Mike S: Welcome to our home, or shall we say...Mome!

Kerri: You see, in this world, all the words that start with "H" now start with "M."

Mike B: In this world, your bloodiest organ is no longer your heart, but your meart!

All: Ma ma ma ma ma!

Kerri: The 31st president is not Herbert Hoover, but Merbert Moover!

Mike S: And Fonzie, played by Menry Winkler, would be on Mappy Days.

All: Ma ma ma ma ma!

Mike B: Oh, the morror!

All: The morror! Ma ma ma ma ma!

moly shit I laughed so mard I almost mad a meart attack.
[Jul 16,2012 2:03pm - xgodzillax ""]

Yeti said:now this is a quality thread.

this wouldn't be as painfully awful if it wasn't for the retarded vocals. the music itself is basic, but it isn't bad. with a little restructuring and a vocalist who has a some self-respect, i would listen to it. we played with this band called Lurking Corpses in MI, the vocalist thought he was the Cryptkeeper (not unlike this) and it completely ruined anything they were going for. i understand the desire to create something different, to step outside of the box, but this is not how it's done.

my band Scaphism might not be everyone's favorite, i mean how many times can one growl about gore in death metal, but i at least try to offer something interesting. i am personally insulted that you consider yourself a vocalist, and strongly recommend you pursue something like stamp-collecting, at least my time won't be wasted any longer.

in b4 "your an idiot, next!"
[Jul 16,2012 2:09pm - Arillius Bowel Movement  ""]

Yeti said:now this is a quality thread.

this wouldn't be as painfully awful if it wasn't for the retarded vocals. the music itself is basic, but it isn't bad. with a little restructuring and a vocalist who has a some self-respect, i would listen to it. we played with this band called Lurking Corpses in MI, the vocalist thought he was the Cryptkeeper (not unlike this) and it completely ruined anything they were going for. i understand the desire to create something different, to step outside of the box, but this is not how it's done.

my band Scaphism might not be everyone's favorite, i mean how many times can one growl about gore in death metal, but i at least try to offer something interesting. i am personally insulted that you consider yourself a vocalist, and strongly recommend you pursue something like stamp-collecting, at least my time won't be wasted any longer.

Truth right here.
[Jul 16,2012 3:14pm - Yeti ""]
it's the language of Morror, which i will not utter here.
[Jul 16,2012 9:31pm - dickcheese ""]
you people really are a sad lot aren't you.
[Jul 16,2012 9:33pm - trioxin_245 ""]
oh yea? well mow about you go to mell, momo
[Jul 16,2012 9:44pm - Burnsy ""]
Raynard, you're an ok troll, but I've seen betta.
Ain't no one give a shit bout yo stinky dick chedda.

Figured I'd speak to you in the language you're used to speaking. Take a hike, shitdick.
[Jul 16,2012 9:45pm - trioxin_245 ""]
yea take a mike pal
[Jul 16,2012 11:29pm - xgodzillax ""]
I'd rather listen to ICP than this shit, and thats fucking horrible..
[Jul 17,2012 12:11am - lucidcurenli  ""]
Raynard is suicidal as FUCK
[Jul 17,2012 6:37am - Ben Dover Backwards it's Slobzilla  ""]
Ugh what an awful, fat, annoying and childish poster.
[Jul 17,2012 10:23am - chernobyl ""]

xgodzillax said:I'd rather listen to ICP than this shit, and thats fucking horrible..

Eh, I wouldn't go that far.
[Jul 17,2012 10:26am - banofdereavement  ""]
I support this band and the scene assholes.
[Jul 17,2012 12:00pm - ben ""]
i really like you people. so glad i met such awesome new friends. your all a pal needs. if i could just hug and pinch yah a bit maybe.
[Jul 17,2012 12:02pm - chernobyl ""]

banofdereavement said:I support this band and the scene assholes.

[Jul 17,2012 12:05pm - trioxin_245 ""]

ben said:i really like you people. so glad i met such awesome new friends. your all a pal needs. if i could just hug and pinch yah a bit maybe.

Maybe if you would put an E at the end of 'you're' when you're using it as a conjunction for 'you are' every once in a while, we wouldn't be so marsh on you, you momo.
[Jul 17,2012 12:14pm - ben ""]
muck you you mun of a mitch!!! you made me mry!
[Jul 17,2012 12:16pm - evil thread bro  ""]

trioxin_245 said:
ben said:i really like you people. so glad i met such awesome new friends. your all a pal needs. if i could just hug and pinch yah a bit maybe.

Maybe if you would put an E at the end of 'you're' when you're using it as a conjunction for 'you are' every once in a while, we wouldn't be so marsh on you, you momo.

maybe you can post some more queer pics of you showing us how metal you are on a jetski for us to all laugh at
[Jul 17,2012 12:16pm - trioxin_245 ""]
wow that's the worst case of 'doing it wrong' I've ever seen.
[Jul 17,2012 12:17pm - chernobyl ""]
ross, you are a fucking dumb head bro. A real goofball.
[Jul 17,2012 12:18pm - trioxin_245 ""]
I did. You're in the wrong thread though. You gotta go here http://returntothepit.com/view.php?formid=81389
[Jul 17,2012 12:20pm - ben ""]
[Jul 17,2012 12:40pm - Burnsy ""]
Worst internet laugh ever. I've never heard some laugh with a short ha followed by haaa and a quick ha to end it. You fail. I thought you were sinister and evil bro. Work on the laugh. It's crucial.
[Jul 17,2012 12:41pm - Rob howl(like a wolf) ford  ""]

Burnsy said:Worst internet laugh ever. I've never heard some laugh with a short ha followed by haaa and a quick ha to end it. You fail. I thought you were sinister and evil bro. Work on the laugh. It's crucial.

You have a fat butt.
[Jul 17,2012 12:42pm - Burnsy ""]
I know. Sometimes the ladies like it. Sometimes they do not.
[Jul 17,2012 1:16pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

Burnsy said:Worst internet laugh ever. I've never heard some laugh with a short ha followed by haaa and a quick ha to end it. You fail. I thought you were sinister and evil bro. Work on the laugh. It's crucial.

It was a near thing, he almost got it right. But almost only counts in morseshoes and mandgrenades.
[Jul 17,2012 1:34pm - ben ""]

DestroyYouAlot said:
Burnsy said:Worst internet laugh ever. I've never heard some laugh with a short ha followed by haaa and a quick ha to end it. You fail. I thought you were sinister and evil bro. Work on the laugh. It's crucial.

It was a near thing, he almost got it right. But almost only counts in morseshoes and mandgrenades.

o.k. here how about this. MWA HAH hhhhaaaahhhh!!!!
good yeah?!
[Jul 17,2012 2:36pm - chernobyl ""]

ben said:
maybe we can have a real N.E. metal scene if we had more supportive musicians in the area and less spoiled children with guitars. Vintage Flesh is a two man band. it is meant to be slightly primitive. its the style. but you wouldnt know that. to engrossed in your own bullshit and no one elses.

Stop using the N.E. "scene" as your excuse, if a band is terrible (like yours), they are terrible no matter what "scene" they are from.

[Jul 17,2012 2:37pm - xgodzillax ""]

chernobyl said:Stop using the N.E. "scene" as your excuse, if a band is terrible (like yours), they are terrible no matter what "scene" they are from.

[Jul 17,2012 3:04pm - ben ""]
you really think by saying a band sucks , that makes it suck? i hope you dont think i should buy that rat shit. what i see is someone that hates because he/she is not prone to this sound, so they say it sucks. that doesn't make it suck you freakin idiot. we rule where we rule. we dont try to rule outside our realm. but you better believe we rock where we are at as a sub genre. all you got on my is minor typos. like Morror. so what you little child. i misspelled something. duh. like that never happens. your really one sad bunch of faggots.
[Jul 17,2012 3:09pm - chernobyl ""]
It's not just me that says it sucks, its EVERYONE.
[Jul 17,2012 3:12pm - Alx_Casket ""]
It's not that bad. How's it going ray?
[Jul 17,2012 3:15pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
he's just sad he's not welcome in the No Momer's Club
[Jul 17,2012 3:17pm - ben ""]
its a few little underage douchebags on this site. this site only! i am on three other metal forums right now. out of the six metal forums my bands operates out of. this is the absolute only one that has a bunch of haters. i would never let you know where else we dwell so dont ask. you are the most entertaining to me , i prefer this over the bands and fans that dig us. i draw from your negativity and blast it back into the music we right. i do that with many things in art. i draw from where ever the negative is. not the positive. keep it coming shit bags. you only fuel my hunger to rock.
[Jul 17,2012 3:22pm - chernobyl ""]
pretty sure most people are over the age of 24-25 on this site so that's one invalid points of many.

Man, you are just really really lame. "I DRAW FROM THE NEGATIVITY, WAHHH IM SO DARK AND EVIL WAHHH"
[Jul 17,2012 3:22pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i hope we get stuck on a show with you guys someday.
[Jul 17,2012 3:22pm - trioxin_245 ""]

ben said:my hunger to rock.

[img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img]
[Jul 17,2012 3:29pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

ben said:your really one sad bunch of faggots.

[Jul 17,2012 3:36pm - Lamp ""]

chernobyl said:pretty sure most people are over the age of 24-25 on this site so that's one invalid points of many.

I AM 25 and I'm in a fairly primitive two piece band and I still think this bullshit cartoon metal band blows!
[Jul 17,2012 3:37pm - ben ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:i hope we get stuck on a show with you guys someday.
i hope we do too.
[Jul 17,2012 3:41pm - ben ""]
proof right there. you guys are so concerned in proper grammar only because your fresh out of high school. you guys dont deserve a properly written letter. so some words are spelled wrong at times. get over it. i dont call you out on that because it doesnt have anything to do with why we are here. we are here to promote music thats what i am doing. i am also defending my bands good name. though i really dont know why i bother other then the plain and simple kick i get out of you fags.
[Jul 17,2012 3:43pm - Lamp ""]

ben said:you guys are so concerned in proper grammar only because your fresh out of high school.


Retaining information and knowledge isn't cool, man! I mean, that's what you believe, right? Since you obviously didn't retain any knowledge about how to write music worth a fuck...
[Jul 17,2012 3:45pm - evil thread bro  ""]

trioxin_245 said:
ben said:my hunger for cock.

[img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img]

[Jul 17,2012 3:47pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
this thread is about as pointless, yet funny, as arguing with a retarded child.
[Jul 17,2012 3:57pm - ben ""]

[Jul 17,2012 4:02pm - trioxin_245 ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:this thread is about as pointless, yet funny, as arguing with a retarded ADULT.
[Jul 17,2012 4:08pm - Burnsy ""]
lol @ ben being well respected in other forums yet seemingly spending every waking moment on this one.
[Jul 17,2012 4:09pm - lol  ""]
lol at the idea of this guy reading on a forum that he has no talent and then trying really hard ("i'll show them!") but ultimately failing to make anything worthwhile, then projecting his failure back onto his detractors, trolling for more "hate" to feed off of. troll is like an ouroboros of fail
[Jul 17,2012 4:10pm - chernobyl ""]

Inverticrux review 1.5/10 FROM A DIFFERENT SITE
Inverticrux used to be called Vintage Flesh, whose 2011 album Hour of the Night Gaunts I previously reviewed (here: http://www.metalteamuk.net/june11reviews/cdreviews-vintage.htm.) So in a sense you can consider this a sequel, and as with every sequel, I (the creator of the review), am convinced it’s ‘better than the original’.

For starters, I’m happy to report that Inverticrux definitely is better than the original that was Vintage Flesh. Self-dubbed an “amalgamation of black, thrash, doom, punk all tied messily together with a heaping helping of horror theme samples and imagery” and “shit head metal and black and roll”, I cannot deny the latter tickles my fancy on certain levels. Maybe this lot finally figured out what they’re all about? Maybe with Inverticrux they truly reach their full potential… maybe, maybe, maybe…

Unfortunately…Virgin Reaper leaves us baffled rather than impressed. Vintage Flesh appeared to me like a struggle for mediocrity. Night Gaunts… sounded like a bunch of angry, naive teenagers without any plan whatsoever coming together and just wanting to make noise. At that stage, the potential of a band is boundless. Now, with Virgin Reaper the innocence is gone. The band have actually discovered song structures and recording techniques, with clear patterns of development shaping (especially in the bits influenced by the two waves of black metal). The core problem lies in the lack of an observable identity. Starting with Raypissed’s vocals that still sound like a piss-take really, especially as they seemingly cannot quite decide what they aim/want to be. I’m not saying that anyone should conceal themselves within a bunker of genre limitations, but consistency of style is one of the most essential features in creating any piece of art. What if the Mona Lisa was wearing a multi-coloured beer helmet? Sure, it’d be fucking great and ol’ Leo would have had a great good laugh with his mates down the wine-bar (or whatever they have in Italy)… but it surely wouldn’t hang in the Louvre… at best it’d lie in a pile of discarded ideas along with that flying-machine made outta sticks. And indeed so, Inverticrux has no business in today’s big-leagues.

Though, musicianship seems to have improved, there are still those ear-wreckingly out-of-key/tune moments as the instrumental Shores of Styx and some shocking harmonica-playing that create a sense of half-arsed/unpolished work. If they don’t put the work in, why should I listen?

I definitely can’t deny that after listening to 1/3 of this, an incredibly strong aura of claustrophobia took over… I craved to remove myself, running far, far away from the state it had delivered me to. I simply couldn’t take it any longer and needed a break. Unfortunately it wasn’t the kind of hysteria provided by band as Esoteric or Deathspell Omega, it was more like being in an awful R&B club, with the DJ blasting Nelly louder than hell and the dance floor filled with people carrying super-contagious bird-flu… I don’t know how it came to this, y’know. Why would I be here, why would I listen to this? FFS!

Anyways, this is definitely the strongest output from this pack of metal die-hards, but it is still far far away from being anything meeting the standards of today’s metal scene. Things simply hang too loosely together and ideas are (still) not executed to their fullest potential. Sometime development takes time, maybe seeds of greatness lie beneath? Good luck, lads! I promise I’ll hand the next promo to someone who’s not a complete dick.


(Miika Virtanen 1.5/10)

1.5/10 1.5/10 1.5/10 1.5/10 1.5/10 1.5/10 1.5/10 1.5/10 1.5/10 1.5/10 1.5/10 1.5/10 1.5/10 1.5/10 1.5/10 1.5/10 1.5/10 1.5/10 1.5/10 1.5/10 1.5/10 1.5/10 1.5/10 1.5/10 1.5/10 1.5/10 1.5/10 1.5/10 1.5/10 1.5/10 1.5/10 1.5/10 1.5/10 1.5/10 1.5/10 1.5/10 1.5/10 1.5/10 1.5/10 1.5/10 1.5/10 1.5/10 1.5/10 1.5/10 1.5/10 1.5/10 1.5/10
[Jul 17,2012 4:12pm - chernobyl ""]
^^^ That's all I found from a google search for Inverticrux...no other forums found besides RTTP.
[Jul 17,2012 4:13pm - cryoxin  ""]
my posts are pointless and lame farts
[Jul 17,2012 4:13pm - xgodzillax ""]

ben said:

ben said:as for racist messages. not me at all my friend.
[Jul 17,2012 4:16pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
"ear-wreckingly out-of-key"

[Jul 17,2012 7:21pm - ben ""]

chernobyl said:^^^ That's all I found from a google search for Inverticrux...no other forums found besides RTTP.
shall i post them i found about 6 pages worth or material online about both bands. but i hate to brag so look again. you lie.
[Jul 17,2012 8:13pm - josh_hates_you ""]
For you see in this world everything that starts with "H" now starts with "M".
[Jul 18,2012 9:23am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Ma ma ma ma ma!!!
[Jul 18,2012 10:29am - RAY_INVERTIKRUX ""]

josh_hates_you said:For you see in this world everything that starts with "H" now starts with "M".

you mock what you dont understand because your all to foolish to recognize true genius when you see it. the combination of words that lead to the word Morror was an act of utter ingenuity on my brother raynards part and we are not surpriesd at all that you metal nerds are to busy listening to limp bizkit and devil driver to recognize true terrifying and evil new ideas. bring on more hate we love it we use it to fuel the fire of our dark art and make the most scary and morrifying metal in new england you all would be welcome to be a part of it but you lost your chance because all you do is hate. so go be a 17 year old virgin nerd and keep hating us it will only make us stronger!
[Jul 18,2012 10:32am - RAY_INVERTIKRUX ""]

ben said:
chernobyl said:^^^ That's all I found from a google search for Inverticrux...no other forums found besides RTTP.
shall i post them i found about 6 pages worth or material online about both bands. but i hate to brag so look again. you lie.

do it metal brother, these metal hating nerds need to be taught a lesson that they should not speak ill of their betters. i would love nothing more than a 6 page long post from a bunch of random blogs of 14 year olds who like INVERTIKRUX to show these haters that they are wrong and there opinions dont matter because we are so truly terrifying and scary. we love the hate we love to make the nerds angry so post it brother!
[Jul 18,2012 12:26pm - ben ""]
i love this guy.
[Jul 18,2012 12:30pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
please post positive reviews of your work from credible sources.
[Jul 18,2012 7:54pm - ANT1FA  ""]
[Jul 18,2012 8:40pm - chernobyl ""]

ben said:
chernobyl said:^^^ That's all I found from a google search for Inverticrux...no other forums found besides RTTP.
shall i post them i found about 6 pages worth or material online about both bands. but i hate to brag so look again. you lie.

I don't lie, just look at the first 5 pages of Google, most of it is RTTP and bad reviews of Inverticrux...We don't need me or you or anyone to debate that because IT IS WHAT IT IS and everyone can see that information.
[Jul 19,2012 9:45am - dickcheese ""]
your full of shit. your only seeing what you want to see. plus some sites you have to type in specifically. there is very little RTTP compared to whats out there on us. it must suck to be you.
[Jul 19,2012 10:52am - DestroyYouAlot ""]

dickcheese said:your full of shit. your only seeing what you want to see. plus some sites you have to type in specifically. there is very little RTTP compared to whats out there on us. it must suck to be you.

[Jul 19,2012 1:40pm - WAT  ""]
[Jul 19,2012 2:58pm - LEGION  ""]
If you're not in one of the bands you're going to have to leave the venue until doors re-open. PUT THAT AQUAFINA BACK!!!!! BANDS ONLY!!!!!
[Jul 24,2019 9:57am - Merbert Moover  ""]
(Halloween music plays, and characters are dressed kinda like vampires.)

Mike S: Welcome to our home, or shall we say...Mome!

Kerri: You see, in this world, all the words that start with "H" now start with "M."

Mike B: In this world, your bloodiest organ is no longer your heart, but your meart!

All: Ma ma ma ma ma!

Kerri: The 31st president is not Herbert Hoover, but Merbert Moover!

Mike S: And Fonzie, played by Menry Winkler, would be on Mappy Days.

All: Ma ma ma ma ma!

Mike B: Oh, the morror!

All: The morror! Ma ma ma ma ma.

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