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sinister sneak peek into moldy morbid NewEngland Black Morror Metal.

[Jul 13,2012 2:11am - ben ""]
hereto lay dead within
[Jul 13,2012 2:11am - ben ""]

[Jul 13,2012 2:13am - ben ""]
performing here in are Rev.J.Hex on all web strings and bone keys. Raypissed on Vox to die for and skins to raise the undead.
[Jul 13,2012 2:38am - search feature troll  ""]
wasting your time on a message board full of people who don't care about you posting videos of your terrible music and reactionary responses of 50 pictures with the word nigger in them any time someone says the word racist in any context while a horde of actually niggers rightfully beat the shit out of you when you leave your house to use your shitty art skills to turn complete morons who would actually sustain your existence by giving you money into a goofy looking technicolor high school doodle notebook and being unsuspecting of the fact that every shitty tattoo you have ever done in your miserable life will one day leap off the bodies of those you have inked them on and come to your house to choke you to death in your fucking sleep, you god damned moron motherfucker
[Jul 13,2012 3:46am - chernobyl ""]
Raynard, your posts are sexy.
[Jul 13,2012 11:35am - ben ""]

search%20feature%20troll said:wasting your time on a message board full of people who don't care about you posting videos of your terrible music and reactionary responses of 50 pictures with the word nigger in them any time someone says the word racist in any context while a horde of actually niggers rightfully beat the shit out of you when you leave your house to use your shitty art skills to turn complete morons who would actually sustain your existence by giving you money into a goofy looking technicolor high school doodle notebook and being unsuspecting of the fact that every shitty tattoo you have ever done in your miserable life will one day leap off the bodies of those you have inked them on and come to your house to choke you to death in your fucking sleep, you god damned moron motherfucker

excuse me while i get a little teary eyed. you really made my day. your loathing of me shows in your willingness to sit here and waste good time trying to bullshit a bullshitter. god, it must really burn you up to see me living my dream while you are forced to go to a soul sucking job that thinks nothing of you and can easily replace you. dont fear being forgotten someday pal, accept your fate. it comes easier that way. dont hate people for succeeding in life, it makes you look really pathetic. but dont worry. i feel for your pain. not! i feed on the hate here. i look forward to getting a first hand personal account with each of my haters. i want to show you what real hate feels like.
[Jul 13,2012 11:37am - ben ""]
thanks Chernobyl, i love you too.
[Jul 13,2012 11:39am - ben ""]
search feature troll is my biggest fan. he knows my every move on here. i think i have a secret admirer. how cute!
[Jul 13,2012 11:46am - oh the morror  ""]
please tell me more about morror metal
[Jul 13,2012 12:33pm - lol  ""]
ITT Raynard is a complete loser, oh wait, OLD NEWS!
[Jul 13,2012 12:37pm - Fag Sniffer  ""]
Ben, I can smell you.
[Jul 13,2012 3:01pm - ben ""]

Fag%20Sniffer said:Ben, I can smell you.

then get your nose out my ass foo!
[Jul 13,2012 3:03pm - ben ""]
anyone care to put aside the seething hate they have for me long enough to review the video. of course you wont be able to say anything good about it but i rather us at least stick to the reason for this thread.
[Jul 13,2012 3:19pm - xgodzillax ""]
"sinful nights and unforgiving days"? are you fucking serious? lyrics sound like a 16 year old goth sluts diary. vocals are horrible. drums sound like shit. I couldnt make it past the half assed falsetto part. 0/10
[Jul 13,2012 3:26pm - trioxin_245 ""]
thread title made me legit laugh out loud.
[Jul 13,2012 3:26pm - trioxin_245 ""]
and not because he mispelled 'horror'
[Jul 13,2012 3:28pm - ben ""]

xgodzillax said:"sinful nights and unforgiving days"? are you fucking serious? lyrics sound like a 16 year old goth sluts diary. vocals are horrible. drums sound like shit. I couldnt make it past the half assed falsetto part. 0/10

your an idiot. next!
[Jul 13,2012 3:31pm - ben ""]
how about i dont leave you shit bags alone until i get one mindful and mature view on this song from Vintage Flesh-"Hour of the night gaunts" Morror means Morbid Horror for those not in the know.
[Jul 13,2012 3:32pm - xgodzillax ""]

ben said:]
your an idiot. next!

you wanted an unbiased opinion. I gave it a chance, but it fell short of even mindless background music.

I've honestly read better lyrics from 15 year old goth sluts.
[Jul 13,2012 3:38pm - mecca  ""]
"morror means morbid horror for those not in the know" means "i am a complete & total fucking moron", for those not in the know.
[Jul 13,2012 3:38pm - eyeroller  ""]

xgodzillax said:15 year old goth sluts

Pics or GTFO
[Jul 13,2012 3:50pm - DAS JUDENRAT  ""]
Google says:


B. The Order of the Seder

Introduction to The Seder

The word Seder means order, indicating that all the commandments and rituals of this evening are to be performed in a specific order. In every Hagadah we find the traditional sequence of various steps of the Seder outlines by the terms Kadesh Urchatz etc.

There were fifteen steps leading to the Temple, corresponding to the fifteen Shir Ha’ma’alos (songs of Ascent) found in Psalms. Similarly, the Seder follows a fifteen stage-process of ascent.

Kadesh -the recitation of Kiddush.
Urchatz -washing the hands.
Karpas -eating a vegetable dipped in salt-water.
Yachatz -breaking of the middle matzo.
Maggid -the recitation of the Hagadah.
Rachtzah -washing of the hands a second time.
Motze -the recitation of the blessing hamotzi.
Matzah -the recitation of the blessing al Achilas matzo, eating the matzo.
Morror -eating the bitter herbs.
Korech -eating a sandwich of matzo and bitter herbs.
Shulchan Oruch -eating the festive meal.
Tzafun -eating the afikomen.
Bayrech -the recitation of grace.
Hallel -the recitation of Hallel psalms of praise.
Nirtzah -our prayer that G-d accepts our service.

The names for each of these different stages are referred to as Simanim, - signs. Many different Rebbeim stress the importance of reciting these signs aloud before the Seder and at each stage of the Seder as it progresses.
[Jul 13,2012 3:56pm - trioxin_245 ""]

This track starts off with a moderately promising but somewhat stale acoustic chord progression which manages to convey a few seconds of actual mood before the listener is exposed to some of the most unnecessarily corny vocals I have ever heard. Soon after I experienced what could only be described as a discomfort not dissimilar to the cringing feeling I had the first time I saw the added CGI dance sequence in Jabbas Palace from "Return of the Jedi.'' The vocals present over this boring, uninspired and now distorted chord progression are some of the most talentless, obnoxious, and laughable I have ever had the displeasure of hearing. The thing that you have to understand is that not only are the vocals TONALLY awful, it is also more than apparent that the vocalist has no actual musical talent or ability, as the patterns and vocal structures are absolutely offputting. Afterwards I was shown just how lacking the songwriting is when the entire progression was simply repeated, essentially spitting in anyone's face who bothered to listen to the entire track expecting more than a few chord progressions with talentless whining over it.
All in all, I'd say the band should either find a new musical direction and a more serious vocalist with some kind of actual musical background, or hang up their probably rainbow-tassled boots.
[Jul 13,2012 5:52pm - Rhinoplasty  ""]
Sounded like GaySideCervex to me , and dat beez da truff.
[Jul 13,2012 7:24pm - ben ""]

trioxin_245 said:
This track starts off with a moderately promising but somewhat stale acoustic chord progression which manages to convey a few seconds of actual mood before the listener is exposed to some of the most unnecessarily corny vocals I have ever heard. Soon after I experienced what could only be described as a discomfort not dissimilar to the cringing feeling I had the first time I saw the added CGI dance sequence in Jabbas Palace from "Return of the Jedi.'' The vocals present over this boring, uninspired and now distorted chord progression are some of the most talentless, obnoxious, and laughable I have ever had the displeasure of hearing. The thing that you have to understand is that not only are the vocals TONALLY awful, it is also more than apparent that the vocalist has no actual musical talent or ability, as the patterns and vocal structures are absolutely offputting. Afterwards I was shown just how lacking the songwriting is when the entire progression was simply repeated, essentially spitting in anyone's face who bothered to listen to the entire track expecting more than a few chord progressions with talentless whining over it.
All in all, I'd say the band should either find a new musical direction and a more serious vocalist with some kind of actual musical background, or hang up their probably rainbow-tassled boots.

almost, but your opinion lost all credibility when you exposed your self as the 13 year old star wars pimple face virgin geek that you are. NEXT!!!!
[Jul 13,2012 7:24pm - trioxin_245 ""]
when did I do that?
[Jul 13,2012 7:28pm - trioxin_245 ""]
I mean, have you actually LISTENED to your own band, ray? Like, really listened? It's fucking horrible dude, even your former band members told me 'no you dont have to say that, it was fucking terrible' after I said 'no offense' when talking about the band.
[Jul 13,2012 7:32pm - ben ""]
hey geek, if you could stop fapping off long enough to get a clue of what kinds of metal rule and what needs to go out the window with your star wars collection, you may have an impression on me. as it stands. your word means shit to me and to all who knows what rocks. get a clue will yah. one day you will learn that true Metal exists beyond slipknot and god forbid.
[Jul 13,2012 7:33pm - trioxin_245 ""]
haha you got me
[Jul 13,2012 7:34pm - chernobyl ""]

ben said:
trioxin_245 said:
This track starts off with a moderately promising but somewhat stale acoustic chord progression which manages to convey a few seconds of actual mood before the listener is exposed to some of the most unnecessarily corny vocals I have ever heard. Soon after I experienced what could only be described as a discomfort not dissimilar to the cringing feeling I had the first time I saw the added CGI dance sequence in Jabbas Palace from "Return of the Jedi.'' The vocals present over this boring, uninspired and now distorted chord progression are some of the most talentless, obnoxious, and laughable I have ever had the displeasure of hearing. The thing that you have to understand is that not only are the vocals TONALLY awful, it is also more than apparent that the vocalist has no actual musical talent or ability, as the patterns and vocal structures are absolutely offputting. Afterwards I was shown just how lacking the songwriting is when the entire progression was simply repeated, essentially spitting in anyone's face who bothered to listen to the entire track expecting more than a few chord progressions with talentless whining over it.
All in all, I'd say the band should either find a new musical direction and a more serious vocalist with some kind of actual musical background, or hang up their probably rainbow-tassled boots.

almost, but your opinion lost all credibility when you exposed your self as the 13 year old star wars pimple face virgin geek that you are. NEXT!!!!

[Jul 13,2012 7:35pm - trioxin_245 ""]
I want you to take a moment and actually listen to my band and then tell me you know more about metal than I do. Actually listen. I don't give two fucks if you like it, but see if you can make more connections to what metal is between your embarrassing garbage and this. Just give it a try.


and feel free to give me your TRULY HONEST opinion, I can take it I promise I won't cry and call you names like you did.
[Jul 13,2012 7:39pm - STLUCIFUREVA ""]

ben said:

I still enjoy this , regardless of RTTP public opinion .
[Jul 13,2012 7:40pm - ben ""]

here is another dark gem from the same album. two drummers died soon after trying out for this band. every member of the band including the producers were haunted by demons during the recording of this. true story. names have been left out to protect the privacy of those who lost their lives for this recording and those who were scarred for life. all in the name of darkness. enjoy!
[Jul 13,2012 7:41pm - trioxin_245 ""]
I'm not chastising anyone for liking what they want to like, I'm just saying that it's a goofy lowest-common-denominator take on what rock n roll/metal is.
[Jul 13,2012 7:41pm - ben ""]
also disembodied voices that were not in the recording can be heard through out both Vintage flesh albums from time to time. also a true story.
[Jul 13,2012 7:43pm - ben ""]
Thanks to you Stluciferva.
[Jul 13,2012 7:44pm - trioxin_245 ""]
what's the matter, afraid to listen to that track I posted? Fuckin poser.
[Jul 13,2012 7:50pm - not slag  ""]
You asked for an objective opinion. Here's mine

I listened to this song. I'm going to go out on a limb and say that I have .... "good taste" in music in general. However, I'm no expert. I've worked with quite a few bands and have been making music of my own since 1998. I understand music and quality.

Objectively, the vocals are really all over the place...to the point where it distracts from any good merits that song might have otherwise. The chorus literally made me laugh about how bad the vocals were. The chorus sounded like the Muppets got fucked by Nergal. Objectively, if I was handed a demo of your band and asked to record you, I would object. I would not do it and I would tell you that the vocals detract from the music, making it bad, overall.

The riffs aren't terrible. The structure of the song is basic, but I can follow it. The vocal part around 4:00 is cool. The clean riffs at the beginning and end are cool.

I wouldn't necessarily call it Black Metal either. I would classify it as Horror.... metal? I have no idea. The vocals have to change for this to get any real credibility, in my opinion.
[Jul 13,2012 7:52pm - not slag  ""]
the track in question was "pities long broken urn"
[Jul 13,2012 7:52pm - trioxin_245 ""]
also, the vocalist is a complete poser.
[Jul 13,2012 7:53pm - ben ""]

trioxin_245 said:I'm not chastising anyone for liking what they want to like, I'm just saying that it's a goofy lowest-common-denominator take on what rock n roll/metal is.

shame on you trioxin! what a dreadful embarrassment you are to the local metal scene. do you even realize how childish and immature you look to everyone here? to willingly insult another local extreme metal band on a local public forum. and us, a band that never said a bad thing about you guys while knowing full well who you are. in fact i am sure we spoke fondly of you in the past. you do your self and your band mates a terrible disservice to hurl useless insults at your local country men in metal music. you are a disgrace to Metal as a whole. Metal is about camaraderie between the bands and fans. hey how many times am i supposed to listen to this blessed offal riff before it changes. oh there it is. how is this supposed to be more impressive then what we are doing? its about equally as talented as us to be honest but we are far more original if you must know my personal opinion. i am sure many would agree. try to show some brotherhood and less back stabbing boyishness. maybe we can have a real N.E. metal scene if we had more supportive musicians in the area and less spoiled children with guitars. Vintage Flesh is a two man band. it is meant to be slightly primitive. its the style. but you wouldnt know that. to engrossed in your own bullshit and no one elses.
[Jul 13,2012 7:56pm - not slag  ""]
[Jul 13,2012 7:59pm - Headbanging_Man ""]
I judge bands based on their loyalty to their local country men in metal music.
[Jul 13,2012 8:01pm - ben ""]

not%20slag said:You asked for an objective opinion. Here's mine

I listened to this song. I'm going to go out on a limb and say that I have .... "good taste" in music in general. However, I'm no expert. I've worked with quite a few bands and have been making music of my own since 1998. I understand music and quality.

Objectively, the vocals are really all over the place...to the point where it distracts from any good merits that song might have otherwise. The chorus literally made me laugh about how bad the vocals were. The chorus sounded like the Muppets got fucked by Nergal. Objectively, if I was handed a demo of your band and asked to record you, I would object. I would not do it and I would tell you that the vocals detract from the music, making it bad, overall.

The riffs aren't terrible. The structure of the song is basic, but I can follow it. The vocal part around 4:00 is cool. The clean riffs at the beginning and end are cool.

I wouldn't necessarily call it Black Metal either. I would classify it as Horror.... metal? I have no idea. The vocals have to change for this to get any real credibility, in my opinion.

thanks for your say. i can respect that opinion. however, my producer his a big fan of my eccentric vocal style and i could never get him to be tougher on me. he liked every day take i made. i tried to produce my self in that way. i am also the drummer. not my best work either but wait till he next release! i wouldnt allow you to record us because you just told me you wouldnt know how to harness my skills into something more listenable to a wider audience. i know my style needs work. but i dont do guest spots on other black metal bands around the world because my vocals suck. "Serve (poland)", "RavenFrost(Germany)", "Mystic Forest(France)" , Etc. dont mean to boast. just making a point.
[Jul 13,2012 8:04pm - trioxin_245 ""]
Let me explain to you why you are a poser.
Let me start with me.
I listen to and make metal/music in general because I have problems. I am a miserable prick, I drink a lot, I get depressed, etc etc. I turn to metal because I had to, because it is a release that helps me to cope with being a generally bad person. Things like going to jail, bad relationships, getting beat up, etc all culminate to make me one angry, miserable fucking person so I made angry, miserable music because some part of me still believes there is something worthwhile in the world, and metal helps me to feel like I am that much closer.

Then there's people like you.
You listen to metal because you are a goofy, withdrawn dork who has no other way of relating to people, so you pretend that you relate to metalheads. You make music because, like my angry side, part of you wants to get out and be goofy and try to be theatrical and just let loose. You have probably never had any kind of real struggle in your life, so your music comes across as equivalent to the kind of thing you'd hear in a haunted house for kids, because that's the kind of metalhead you are.

The point is leave the metal to the metalheads. We didn't just discover this one day and say 'I watch horror movies, I can do this.' We were born this way and we can't help it. This is who we have always been and always will be, it's not a hobby or an excuse to be ridiculous without appearing ridiculous. When I yell into a mic it's not me trying to sound as cool as I can, THATS JUST WHAT IT SOUNDS LIKE WHEN I YELL.

I don't really care enough to re-read or proof read this rant.

anyways, fuck off poser.
[Jul 13,2012 8:07pm - trioxin_245 ""]
[Jul 13,2012 8:08pm - not slag  ""]
Dude, sometimes people will tell you what you want to hear. Especially when you're paying them.

I'm telling you what you don't want to hear. The vocals are bad. Bad enough that no one on this board will give you any credibility. The more you fight it and egg people on... well the less chance you will EVER have of getting real credibility with the musicians on this site. Maybe there is a strange genre out there where this is common place (i.e. like how autotune is a substitute for real vocal skill in certain genres) and maybe i'm off my rocker.

All I can tell you is, if you walked into my studio, starting doing vocals like that, I'd send you back to the drawing board. Do over. Restart.

That is if you want to produce a good product, that people want to actually listen to.
[Jul 13,2012 8:11pm - chernobyl ""]
what ross is trying to say is "end your life, years spent cold"

[Jul 13,2012 8:12pm - Lamp ""]

ben said:Metal is about camaraderie between the bands and fans.*

*Disclaimer: Those who are not caucasian, criticize my band, criticize my methods of dealing with other people, undermine my meager accomplishments, criticize my art, or attempt to make me see why I am a fool in any way are not eligible for this offer.

[Jul 13,2012 8:13pm - trioxin_245 ""]
no, what I'm trying to tell him is


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