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sinister sneak peek into moldy morbid NewEngland Black Morror Metal.

[Jul 15,2012 10:16am - dickcheese ""]
the holy symbol of the RTTP metal nerd. if Raypissed touch's this sacred symbol, he will burst into flames! use it against him wisely my friends.
[Jul 15,2012 10:18am - dickcheese ""]
[Jul 15,2012 10:18am - trioxin_245 ""]
This band is the new 'star wars kid' or 'gi joe videos' for me. Get baked and laugh your ass off. Maybe I was wrong about raynard, maybe he's really just a good guy who only wanted to give us the gift of laughter.
Video needs to be submitted to tosh.o
[Jul 15,2012 10:19am - dickcheese ""]
[Jul 15,2012 10:22am - dickcheese ""]
[Jul 15,2012 10:23am - trioxin_245 ""]
another review from a neutral friend:

i can't even begin to describe how awful that band is.
nick tried to get me to review it the other day.
and i seriously just cannot.
it isn't even music.
it's some shit tattoo artist pretty much begging for somebody to tell him he's mommy's little individual.
i've heard more inspired music come out of a six year old's pre-programmed casio keyboard.
literally - listening to MIDI files of children's music has more musical integrity & worth. gimme baa baa black sheep over that dreck any day of the week.
[Jul 15,2012 10:23am - dickcheese ""]
hey RTTP!
[Jul 15,2012 10:27am - dickcheese ""]
null one of many examples of a real V.F. review here for you trioxin. just do a search.
[Jul 15,2012 10:42am - trioxin245 ""]
yea because 'a woman in a 60s sitcom screaming because she just saw a mouse' is what a real metal vocalist sounds like.
[Jul 15,2012 10:51am - dickcheese ""]
will the evil Raypissed and his band of no goods be able to penetrate the forces of returntothepits super elite? stay tuned for the next exciting episode!
[Jul 15,2012 11:00am - dickcheese ""]
[img] typical rttp naysayer of original music. blinded by the guardian.
[Jul 15,2012 11:20am - nekronaut ""]
...so, I think it's safe to say that business at the TaTTomB has been dead for the past few days
[Jul 15,2012 12:06pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]

not%20slag said:I think we've all ben had.

Ben is clearly the best troll evar.

[Jul 15,2012 12:25pm - not slag  ""]
I stand by my former claim.

Best fucking troll in a very, very long time. A+ would read again.
[Jul 15,2012 1:08pm - trioxin245 ""]

nekronaut said:...so, I think it's safe to say that business at the TaTTomB has been dead for the past few days
I chuckled
[Jul 15,2012 1:18pm - dickcheese ""]

nekronaut said:...so, I think it's safe to say that business at the TaTTomB has been dead for the past few days
no , it isn't. in fact it is so busy i had to hire to guys over the past couple months to allow myself some time off. you can check them out on the F.B. page. i deserve a break dont I? over six years straight , 12 to 9 , pumping away at the skin will get old after a while. time to sit back and reap some rewards aye?! what better way to do so then to come here and piss off faggy little metal nerds all day. among other things. oh and when i am at work. i like to btoher you between tattoos sometimes. guilty pleasures... ssshhhhh
[Jul 15,2012 2:36pm - RaysNards  ""]

dickcheese said:pumping away at the skin
[Jul 15,2012 2:54pm - dickcheese ""]
thanks Beavis ,
[Jul 15,2012 3:25pm - Short Bus  ""]
One of us! One of us!
[Jul 15,2012 3:41pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]

Short%20Bus said:One of us! One of us!

Now see that used to be a decent band, dood had some solid vocals.
[Jul 15,2012 3:49pm - nekronaut ""]
I can't believe nobody else commented on "Web strings and bone keys" and "Vox to die for and skins to raise the undead"
[Jul 15,2012 6:47pm - trioxin245 ""]
it already makes fun of itself so why bother? Thatd be like telling AC that 'i ate your horse' is a stupid song title. The point is that it SUPPOSED to be retarded. At least I hope it is.
[Jul 15,2012 6:52pm - dickcheese ""]
well truth there in exists. we are to be taken with a grain of salt. slightly tongue in cheek cheeky yes, but sometimes serious as a shark attack.
[Jul 15,2012 6:55pm - ZAK BAGANS  ""]

[Jul 16,2012 9:34am - posbleak ""]

dickcheese said:null one of many examples of a real V.F. review here for you trioxin. just do a search.

This review is also immediately followed by a positive review of an "epic" Alestorm album

And preceded by this gem found deep within an interview:

"How much criticism do ya’ll get for your vocal choices and how often do they think that you’re failing to be King Diamond, but not as a joke?"
"Don’t think I understand this question."
[Jul 16,2012 9:44am - ark  ""]
"Plus, I can hit Kings notes. I have yet to properly do so in my recording. I am a self taught singer so I sing from the heart and I don’t care for tempo or key."
[Jul 16,2012 10:48am - ain't that  ""]
the truth
[Jul 16,2012 12:36pm - Rhinoplasty  ""]
You ain't be no King Diamond , You be"Prince Cubic Zirconia".
I make more money than you, I shred the guitar better than you, I has more equipments than you, I have a bigger van than you to put the equipments in, my girls teeth light up the room better than yours, I have a better sense of smell than you, my composite bow has more pullies than yours, my cat has double paws, my shadow kick is sneakier, my survival skillz be better, I'm more spiritual in-tuned, my dream catchers are have a greater diameter than yours, I can chop more wood per day than you, and I'm just better.
[Jul 16,2012 12:45pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

posbleak said:
dickcheese said:null one of many examples of a real V.F. review here for you trioxin. just do a search.

This review is also immediately followed by a positive review of an "epic" Alestorm album

[Jul 16,2012 1:08pm - trioxin245 ""]
[Jul 16,2012 1:17pm - Yeti ""]
now this is a quality thread.

this wouldn't be as painfully awful if it wasn't for the retarded vocals. the music itself is basic, but it isn't bad. with a little restructuring and a vocalist who has a some self-respect, i would listen to it. we played with this band called Lurking Corpses in MI, the vocalist thought he was the Cryptkeeper (not unlike this) and it completely ruined anything they were going for. i understand the desire to create something different, to step outside of the box, but this is not how it's done.

my band Scaphism might not be everyone's favorite, i mean how many times can one growl about gore in death metal, but i at least try to offer something interesting. i am personally insulted that you consider yourself a vocalist, and strongly recommend you pursue something like stamp-collecting, at least my time won't be wasted any longer.
[Jul 16,2012 1:26pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Mike S: Welcome to our home, or shall we say...Mome!

Kerri: You see, in this world, all the words that start with "H" now start with "M."

Mike B: In this world, your bloodiest organ is no longer your heart, but your meart!

All: Ma ma ma ma ma!

Kerri: The 31st president is not Herbert Hoover, but Merbert Moover!

Mike S: And Fonzie, played by Menry Winkler, would be on Mappy Days.

All: Ma ma ma ma ma!

Mike B: Oh, the morror!

All: The morror! Ma ma ma ma ma!
[Jul 16,2012 1:28pm - trioxin245 ""]

Yeti said: i understand the desire to create something different, to step outside of the box, but this is not how it's done. .
thannnnnnnk you.
[Jul 16,2012 1:31pm - trioxin245 ""]

DestroyYouAlot said:Mike S: Welcome to our home, or shall we say...Mome!

Kerri: You see, in this world, all the words that start with "H" now start with "M."

Mike B: In this world, your bloodiest organ is no longer your heart, but your meart!

All: Ma ma ma ma ma!

Kerri: The 31st president is not Herbert Hoover, but Merbert Moover!

Mike S: And Fonzie, played by Menry Winkler, would be on Mappy Days.

All: Ma ma ma ma ma!

Mike B: Oh, the morror!

All: The morror! Ma ma ma ma ma!

moly shit I laughed so mard I almost mad a meart attack.
[Jul 16,2012 2:03pm - xgodzillax ""]

Yeti said:now this is a quality thread.

this wouldn't be as painfully awful if it wasn't for the retarded vocals. the music itself is basic, but it isn't bad. with a little restructuring and a vocalist who has a some self-respect, i would listen to it. we played with this band called Lurking Corpses in MI, the vocalist thought he was the Cryptkeeper (not unlike this) and it completely ruined anything they were going for. i understand the desire to create something different, to step outside of the box, but this is not how it's done.

my band Scaphism might not be everyone's favorite, i mean how many times can one growl about gore in death metal, but i at least try to offer something interesting. i am personally insulted that you consider yourself a vocalist, and strongly recommend you pursue something like stamp-collecting, at least my time won't be wasted any longer.

in b4 "your an idiot, next!"
[Jul 16,2012 2:09pm - Arillius Bowel Movement  ""]

Yeti said:now this is a quality thread.

this wouldn't be as painfully awful if it wasn't for the retarded vocals. the music itself is basic, but it isn't bad. with a little restructuring and a vocalist who has a some self-respect, i would listen to it. we played with this band called Lurking Corpses in MI, the vocalist thought he was the Cryptkeeper (not unlike this) and it completely ruined anything they were going for. i understand the desire to create something different, to step outside of the box, but this is not how it's done.

my band Scaphism might not be everyone's favorite, i mean how many times can one growl about gore in death metal, but i at least try to offer something interesting. i am personally insulted that you consider yourself a vocalist, and strongly recommend you pursue something like stamp-collecting, at least my time won't be wasted any longer.

Truth right here.
[Jul 16,2012 3:14pm - Yeti ""]
it's the language of Morror, which i will not utter here.
[Jul 16,2012 9:31pm - dickcheese ""]
you people really are a sad lot aren't you.
[Jul 16,2012 9:33pm - trioxin_245 ""]
oh yea? well mow about you go to mell, momo
[Jul 16,2012 9:44pm - Burnsy ""]
Raynard, you're an ok troll, but I've seen betta.
Ain't no one give a shit bout yo stinky dick chedda.

Figured I'd speak to you in the language you're used to speaking. Take a hike, shitdick.
[Jul 16,2012 9:45pm - trioxin_245 ""]
yea take a mike pal
[Jul 16,2012 11:29pm - xgodzillax ""]
I'd rather listen to ICP than this shit, and thats fucking horrible..
[Jul 17,2012 12:11am - lucidcurenli  ""]
Raynard is suicidal as FUCK
[Jul 17,2012 6:37am - Ben Dover Backwards it's Slobzilla  ""]
Ugh what an awful, fat, annoying and childish poster.
[Jul 17,2012 10:23am - chernobyl ""]

xgodzillax said:I'd rather listen to ICP than this shit, and thats fucking horrible..

Eh, I wouldn't go that far.
[Jul 17,2012 10:26am - banofdereavement  ""]
I support this band and the scene assholes.
[Jul 17,2012 12:00pm - ben ""]
i really like you people. so glad i met such awesome new friends. your all a pal needs. if i could just hug and pinch yah a bit maybe.
[Jul 17,2012 12:02pm - chernobyl ""]

banofdereavement said:I support this band and the scene assholes.

[Jul 17,2012 12:05pm - trioxin_245 ""]

ben said:i really like you people. so glad i met such awesome new friends. your all a pal needs. if i could just hug and pinch yah a bit maybe.

Maybe if you would put an E at the end of 'you're' when you're using it as a conjunction for 'you are' every once in a while, we wouldn't be so marsh on you, you momo.
[Jul 17,2012 12:14pm - ben ""]
muck you you mun of a mitch!!! you made me mry!

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