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sinister sneak peek into moldy morbid NewEngland Black Morror Metal.

[Jul 17,2012 12:16pm - evil thread bro  ""]

trioxin_245 said:
ben said:i really like you people. so glad i met such awesome new friends. your all a pal needs. if i could just hug and pinch yah a bit maybe.

Maybe if you would put an E at the end of 'you're' when you're using it as a conjunction for 'you are' every once in a while, we wouldn't be so marsh on you, you momo.

maybe you can post some more queer pics of you showing us how metal you are on a jetski for us to all laugh at
[Jul 17,2012 12:16pm - trioxin_245 ""]
wow that's the worst case of 'doing it wrong' I've ever seen.
[Jul 17,2012 12:17pm - chernobyl ""]
ross, you are a fucking dumb head bro. A real goofball.
[Jul 17,2012 12:18pm - trioxin_245 ""]
I did. You're in the wrong thread though. You gotta go here http://returntothepit.com/view.php?formid=81389
[Jul 17,2012 12:20pm - ben ""]
[Jul 17,2012 12:40pm - Burnsy ""]
Worst internet laugh ever. I've never heard some laugh with a short ha followed by haaa and a quick ha to end it. You fail. I thought you were sinister and evil bro. Work on the laugh. It's crucial.
[Jul 17,2012 12:41pm - Rob howl(like a wolf) ford  ""]

Burnsy said:Worst internet laugh ever. I've never heard some laugh with a short ha followed by haaa and a quick ha to end it. You fail. I thought you were sinister and evil bro. Work on the laugh. It's crucial.

You have a fat butt.
[Jul 17,2012 12:42pm - Burnsy ""]
I know. Sometimes the ladies like it. Sometimes they do not.
[Jul 17,2012 1:16pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

Burnsy said:Worst internet laugh ever. I've never heard some laugh with a short ha followed by haaa and a quick ha to end it. You fail. I thought you were sinister and evil bro. Work on the laugh. It's crucial.

It was a near thing, he almost got it right. But almost only counts in morseshoes and mandgrenades.
[Jul 17,2012 1:34pm - ben ""]

DestroyYouAlot said:
Burnsy said:Worst internet laugh ever. I've never heard some laugh with a short ha followed by haaa and a quick ha to end it. You fail. I thought you were sinister and evil bro. Work on the laugh. It's crucial.

It was a near thing, he almost got it right. But almost only counts in morseshoes and mandgrenades.

o.k. here how about this. MWA HAH hhhhaaaahhhh!!!!
good yeah?!
[Jul 17,2012 2:36pm - chernobyl ""]

ben said:
maybe we can have a real N.E. metal scene if we had more supportive musicians in the area and less spoiled children with guitars. Vintage Flesh is a two man band. it is meant to be slightly primitive. its the style. but you wouldnt know that. to engrossed in your own bullshit and no one elses.

Stop using the N.E. "scene" as your excuse, if a band is terrible (like yours), they are terrible no matter what "scene" they are from.

[Jul 17,2012 2:37pm - xgodzillax ""]

chernobyl said:Stop using the N.E. "scene" as your excuse, if a band is terrible (like yours), they are terrible no matter what "scene" they are from.

[Jul 17,2012 3:04pm - ben ""]
you really think by saying a band sucks , that makes it suck? i hope you dont think i should buy that rat shit. what i see is someone that hates because he/she is not prone to this sound, so they say it sucks. that doesn't make it suck you freakin idiot. we rule where we rule. we dont try to rule outside our realm. but you better believe we rock where we are at as a sub genre. all you got on my is minor typos. like Morror. so what you little child. i misspelled something. duh. like that never happens. your really one sad bunch of faggots.
[Jul 17,2012 3:09pm - chernobyl ""]
It's not just me that says it sucks, its EVERYONE.
[Jul 17,2012 3:12pm - Alx_Casket ""]
It's not that bad. How's it going ray?
[Jul 17,2012 3:15pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
he's just sad he's not welcome in the No Momer's Club
[Jul 17,2012 3:17pm - ben ""]
its a few little underage douchebags on this site. this site only! i am on three other metal forums right now. out of the six metal forums my bands operates out of. this is the absolute only one that has a bunch of haters. i would never let you know where else we dwell so dont ask. you are the most entertaining to me , i prefer this over the bands and fans that dig us. i draw from your negativity and blast it back into the music we right. i do that with many things in art. i draw from where ever the negative is. not the positive. keep it coming shit bags. you only fuel my hunger to rock.
[Jul 17,2012 3:22pm - chernobyl ""]
pretty sure most people are over the age of 24-25 on this site so that's one invalid points of many.

Man, you are just really really lame. "I DRAW FROM THE NEGATIVITY, WAHHH IM SO DARK AND EVIL WAHHH"
[Jul 17,2012 3:22pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i hope we get stuck on a show with you guys someday.
[Jul 17,2012 3:22pm - trioxin_245 ""]

ben said:my hunger to rock.

[img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img]
[Jul 17,2012 3:29pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

ben said:your really one sad bunch of faggots.

[Jul 17,2012 3:36pm - Lamp ""]

chernobyl said:pretty sure most people are over the age of 24-25 on this site so that's one invalid points of many.

I AM 25 and I'm in a fairly primitive two piece band and I still think this bullshit cartoon metal band blows!
[Jul 17,2012 3:37pm - ben ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:i hope we get stuck on a show with you guys someday.
i hope we do too.
[Jul 17,2012 3:41pm - ben ""]
proof right there. you guys are so concerned in proper grammar only because your fresh out of high school. you guys dont deserve a properly written letter. so some words are spelled wrong at times. get over it. i dont call you out on that because it doesnt have anything to do with why we are here. we are here to promote music thats what i am doing. i am also defending my bands good name. though i really dont know why i bother other then the plain and simple kick i get out of you fags.
[Jul 17,2012 3:43pm - Lamp ""]

ben said:you guys are so concerned in proper grammar only because your fresh out of high school.


Retaining information and knowledge isn't cool, man! I mean, that's what you believe, right? Since you obviously didn't retain any knowledge about how to write music worth a fuck...
[Jul 17,2012 3:45pm - evil thread bro  ""]

trioxin_245 said:
ben said:my hunger for cock.

[img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img]

[Jul 17,2012 3:47pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
this thread is about as pointless, yet funny, as arguing with a retarded child.
[Jul 17,2012 3:57pm - ben ""]

[Jul 17,2012 4:02pm - trioxin_245 ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:this thread is about as pointless, yet funny, as arguing with a retarded ADULT.
[Jul 17,2012 4:08pm - Burnsy ""]
lol @ ben being well respected in other forums yet seemingly spending every waking moment on this one.
[Jul 17,2012 4:09pm - lol  ""]
lol at the idea of this guy reading on a forum that he has no talent and then trying really hard ("i'll show them!") but ultimately failing to make anything worthwhile, then projecting his failure back onto his detractors, trolling for more "hate" to feed off of. troll is like an ouroboros of fail
[Jul 17,2012 4:10pm - chernobyl ""]

Inverticrux review 1.5/10 FROM A DIFFERENT SITE
Inverticrux used to be called Vintage Flesh, whose 2011 album Hour of the Night Gaunts I previously reviewed (here: http://www.metalteamuk.net/june11reviews/cdreviews-vintage.htm.) So in a sense you can consider this a sequel, and as with every sequel, I (the creator of the review), am convinced it’s ‘better than the original’.

For starters, I’m happy to report that Inverticrux definitely is better than the original that was Vintage Flesh. Self-dubbed an “amalgamation of black, thrash, doom, punk all tied messily together with a heaping helping of horror theme samples and imagery” and “shit head metal and black and roll”, I cannot deny the latter tickles my fancy on certain levels. Maybe this lot finally figured out what they’re all about? Maybe with Inverticrux they truly reach their full potential… maybe, maybe, maybe…

Unfortunately…Virgin Reaper leaves us baffled rather than impressed. Vintage Flesh appeared to me like a struggle for mediocrity. Night Gaunts… sounded like a bunch of angry, naive teenagers without any plan whatsoever coming together and just wanting to make noise. At that stage, the potential of a band is boundless. Now, with Virgin Reaper the innocence is gone. The band have actually discovered song structures and recording techniques, with clear patterns of development shaping (especially in the bits influenced by the two waves of black metal). The core problem lies in the lack of an observable identity. Starting with Raypissed’s vocals that still sound like a piss-take really, especially as they seemingly cannot quite decide what they aim/want to be. I’m not saying that anyone should conceal themselves within a bunker of genre limitations, but consistency of style is one of the most essential features in creating any piece of art. What if the Mona Lisa was wearing a multi-coloured beer helmet? Sure, it’d be fucking great and ol’ Leo would have had a great good laugh with his mates down the wine-bar (or whatever they have in Italy)… but it surely wouldn’t hang in the Louvre… at best it’d lie in a pile of discarded ideas along with that flying-machine made outta sticks. And indeed so, Inverticrux has no business in today’s big-leagues.

Though, musicianship seems to have improved, there are still those ear-wreckingly out-of-key/tune moments as the instrumental Shores of Styx and some shocking harmonica-playing that create a sense of half-arsed/unpolished work. If they don’t put the work in, why should I listen?

I definitely can’t deny that after listening to 1/3 of this, an incredibly strong aura of claustrophobia took over… I craved to remove myself, running far, far away from the state it had delivered me to. I simply couldn’t take it any longer and needed a break. Unfortunately it wasn’t the kind of hysteria provided by band as Esoteric or Deathspell Omega, it was more like being in an awful R&B club, with the DJ blasting Nelly louder than hell and the dance floor filled with people carrying super-contagious bird-flu… I don’t know how it came to this, y’know. Why would I be here, why would I listen to this? FFS!

Anyways, this is definitely the strongest output from this pack of metal die-hards, but it is still far far away from being anything meeting the standards of today’s metal scene. Things simply hang too loosely together and ideas are (still) not executed to their fullest potential. Sometime development takes time, maybe seeds of greatness lie beneath? Good luck, lads! I promise I’ll hand the next promo to someone who’s not a complete dick.


(Miika Virtanen 1.5/10)

1.5/10 1.5/10 1.5/10 1.5/10 1.5/10 1.5/10 1.5/10 1.5/10 1.5/10 1.5/10 1.5/10 1.5/10 1.5/10 1.5/10 1.5/10 1.5/10 1.5/10 1.5/10 1.5/10 1.5/10 1.5/10 1.5/10 1.5/10 1.5/10 1.5/10 1.5/10 1.5/10 1.5/10 1.5/10 1.5/10 1.5/10 1.5/10 1.5/10 1.5/10 1.5/10 1.5/10 1.5/10 1.5/10 1.5/10 1.5/10 1.5/10 1.5/10 1.5/10 1.5/10 1.5/10 1.5/10 1.5/10
[Jul 17,2012 4:12pm - chernobyl ""]
^^^ That's all I found from a google search for Inverticrux...no other forums found besides RTTP.
[Jul 17,2012 4:13pm - cryoxin  ""]
my posts are pointless and lame farts
[Jul 17,2012 4:13pm - xgodzillax ""]

ben said:

ben said:as for racist messages. not me at all my friend.
[Jul 17,2012 4:16pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
"ear-wreckingly out-of-key"

[Jul 17,2012 7:21pm - ben ""]

chernobyl said:^^^ That's all I found from a google search for Inverticrux...no other forums found besides RTTP.
shall i post them i found about 6 pages worth or material online about both bands. but i hate to brag so look again. you lie.
[Jul 17,2012 8:13pm - josh_hates_you ""]
For you see in this world everything that starts with "H" now starts with "M".
[Jul 18,2012 9:23am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Ma ma ma ma ma!!!
[Jul 18,2012 10:29am - RAY_INVERTIKRUX ""]

josh_hates_you said:For you see in this world everything that starts with "H" now starts with "M".

you mock what you dont understand because your all to foolish to recognize true genius when you see it. the combination of words that lead to the word Morror was an act of utter ingenuity on my brother raynards part and we are not surpriesd at all that you metal nerds are to busy listening to limp bizkit and devil driver to recognize true terrifying and evil new ideas. bring on more hate we love it we use it to fuel the fire of our dark art and make the most scary and morrifying metal in new england you all would be welcome to be a part of it but you lost your chance because all you do is hate. so go be a 17 year old virgin nerd and keep hating us it will only make us stronger!
[Jul 18,2012 10:32am - RAY_INVERTIKRUX ""]

ben said:
chernobyl said:^^^ That's all I found from a google search for Inverticrux...no other forums found besides RTTP.
shall i post them i found about 6 pages worth or material online about both bands. but i hate to brag so look again. you lie.

do it metal brother, these metal hating nerds need to be taught a lesson that they should not speak ill of their betters. i would love nothing more than a 6 page long post from a bunch of random blogs of 14 year olds who like INVERTIKRUX to show these haters that they are wrong and there opinions dont matter because we are so truly terrifying and scary. we love the hate we love to make the nerds angry so post it brother!
[Jul 18,2012 12:26pm - ben ""]
i love this guy.
[Jul 18,2012 12:30pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
please post positive reviews of your work from credible sources.
[Jul 18,2012 7:54pm - ANT1FA  ""]
[Jul 18,2012 8:40pm - chernobyl ""]

ben said:
chernobyl said:^^^ That's all I found from a google search for Inverticrux...no other forums found besides RTTP.
shall i post them i found about 6 pages worth or material online about both bands. but i hate to brag so look again. you lie.

I don't lie, just look at the first 5 pages of Google, most of it is RTTP and bad reviews of Inverticrux...We don't need me or you or anyone to debate that because IT IS WHAT IT IS and everyone can see that information.
[Jul 19,2012 9:45am - dickcheese ""]
your full of shit. your only seeing what you want to see. plus some sites you have to type in specifically. there is very little RTTP compared to whats out there on us. it must suck to be you.
[Jul 19,2012 10:52am - DestroyYouAlot ""]

dickcheese said:your full of shit. your only seeing what you want to see. plus some sites you have to type in specifically. there is very little RTTP compared to whats out there on us. it must suck to be you.

[Jul 19,2012 1:40pm - WAT  ""]
[Jul 19,2012 2:58pm - LEGION  ""]
If you're not in one of the bands you're going to have to leave the venue until doors re-open. PUT THAT AQUAFINA BACK!!!!! BANDS ONLY!!!!!
[Jul 24,2019 9:57am - Merbert Moover  ""]
(Halloween music plays, and characters are dressed kinda like vampires.)

Mike S: Welcome to our home, or shall we say...Mome!

Kerri: You see, in this world, all the words that start with "H" now start with "M."

Mike B: In this world, your bloodiest organ is no longer your heart, but your meart!

All: Ma ma ma ma ma!

Kerri: The 31st president is not Herbert Hoover, but Merbert Moover!

Mike S: And Fonzie, played by Menry Winkler, would be on Mappy Days.

All: Ma ma ma ma ma!

Mike B: Oh, the morror!

All: The morror! Ma ma ma ma ma.

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