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June 9th Metal Birthday party in PVD

[show listing]  _________________________________
[Jun 1,2005 4:23pm - brian_dc ""]
100th reply...for absolutely nooooo reason!

I was on Smith St. today, moving into my new apartment just down the road from the American Legion...yeeeeeeehaaaaawwww.
[Jun 1,2005 4:31pm - kellthevalkyrie ""]
brian_dc said:100th reply...for absolutely nooooo reason!

I was on Smith St. today, moving into my new apartment just down the road from the American Legion...yeeeeeeehaaaaawwww.

good for drunken stumbling! very nice!
[Jun 1,2005 8:08pm - brian_dc ""]
it is the best way to meet your new neighbors...who all look like they want to stab me

p.s. it's in the best part of town ever
[Jun 1,2005 8:24pm - thedeparted ""]
hah, they just wanna stab you for the hell of it. youre like "good day" you catch a homeade shiv to the kidney.
[Jun 2,2005 8:46am - brian_dc ""]
I come back and this has actually fallen onto page 2...unnacceptable

[Jun 2,2005 12:34pm - blue ""]
[Jun 2,2005 2:05pm - brian_dc ""]

no the oppositite of that. I can't wait until I have my new ESP...3-4 weeks ahhhh too far.
[Jun 2,2005 2:05pm - blue ""]
[Jun 2,2005 2:42pm - thedeparted ""]
yeah whats up with that flyer
[Jun 2,2005 2:56pm - DreamingInExile ""]
flier shortly :( I ended up working yesterday and had no time to make it... working on it now, I'll post it when it's done
[Jun 2,2005 2:56pm - blue ""]
[Jun 2,2005 2:57pm - thedeparted ""]
[Jun 2,2005 3:19pm - kellthevalkyrie ""]
sweet. when done i'll put some in in providence, yo.
[Jun 2,2005 3:21pm - kellthevalkyrie ""]
brian_dc said:it is the best way to meet your new neighbors...who all look like they want to stab me

p.s. it's in the best part of town ever

heh, heh, heh, heh. i work in the Silver Lake region of Providence...ghetto surpreme!
[Jun 2,2005 3:31pm - DreamingInExile ""]
I need an address for the hall!!! ASAP!!!!

is this all ages?
[Jun 2,2005 3:36pm - thedeparted ""]
American Legion Hall
285 Smith st. providence, RI
[Jun 2,2005 3:45pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
[Jun 2,2005 3:59pm - DreamingInExile ""]
flier's done, I'm uploading it to my webspace and it'll be posted momentarily

I'll have a high rez jpg to print, or a pdf to download and print.

[Jun 2,2005 4:14pm - DreamingInExile ""]

Full Size JPG: [Right Click - Save As]

2up PDF File: [Right Click - Save As]

it looks like this only MUUUUUCH BIGGER!:

[Jun 2,2005 4:17pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
nice !
[Jun 2,2005 4:20pm - thedeparted ""]
looks good man, good work
[Jun 2,2005 4:23pm - DreamingInExile ""]
thnx sry it wasn't done yesterday
[Jun 2,2005 6:20pm - brian_dc ""]
fannnnntastic! fliers!
[Jun 2,2005 7:54pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
show show show !
[Jun 2,2005 10:36pm - brian_dc ""]
I hear Crotchduster is playing this show and Frank Zappa is rolling in his grave
[Jun 2,2005 10:39pm - KeithMutiny ""]
I been listening to that crotchduster cd for 4 days straight, i cant get enough of that.

[Jun 2,2005 10:41pm - brian_dc ""]
please don't get me wrong...I love the crotchduster...but the people who act like it is the most original idea ever need to sit down with some Zappa and then say, "Oh...well, yeah that's kinda like the same thing without all the death metal"
[Jun 2,2005 10:43pm - KeithMutiny ""]
its about as original as daterape, but its still hilarious.
[Jun 2,2005 10:44pm - brian_dc ""]
[Jun 2,2005 10:45pm - brian_dc ""]
anyway, yeah...crotchduster...are they playing? come find out June 9th, American Legion Providence, RI.
[Jun 3,2005 12:07am - thedeparted ""]
what time is load in, like 7?
[Jun 3,2005 1:50am - DreamingInExile ""]
[Jun 3,2005 2:42am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
thedeparted said:what time is load in, like 7?

yes !
[Jun 3,2005 9:38am - DreamingInExile ""]

[Jun 3,2005 9:51am - kellthevalkyrie ""]
Are we there yet?
[Jun 3,2005 9:53am - joe/notcommon ""]
does it start at 9am?
[Jun 3,2005 10:01am - kellthevalkyrie ""]
joe/notcommon said:does it start at 9am?

I think so. Doors are at 8am.
[Jun 3,2005 11:47am - DreamingInExile ""]
kellthevalkyrie said:Are we there yet?

Almost... this is a day I'm looking forward to, and at teh sme time I'm not... I'm gettin old!!

fuck getting old!!! :middlefinger::middlefinger::middlefinger:
[Jun 3,2005 12:50pm - thedeparted ""]
6 days
[Jun 3,2005 3:55pm - brian_dc ""]
joe/notcommon said:does it start at 9am?

oh I get it, there are a lot of bands on this...that's a good one.
[Jun 3,2005 4:08pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
yeah it's crazy a lot of bands on a bill where the majority of the bands only play for 20mins maybe a whole 25mins tops. that is insanity. i mean i know we push a huge 15min set these days and that's 12songs. hmm insanity !
[Jun 3,2005 4:10pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
oh yeah show starts at 8pm !
[Jun 3,2005 4:39pm - thedeparted ""]
[Jun 3,2005 6:34pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
this just in David Allen Coe has been added to the bill !
[Jun 4,2005 2:13am - blue ""]
[Jun 4,2005 2:58am - KeithMutiny ""]
throwing shrapnel will be performing your favorite show tunes apon request... maybe
[Jun 4,2005 3:11am - blue ""]
like the six flags theme?
[Jun 4,2005 3:17am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
blue said:like the six flags theme?

you bet your sweet titties !
[Jun 4,2005 12:50pm - thedeparted ""]
dude i just relized there is no date on that flier heh
[Jun 4,2005 12:58pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
thedeparted said:dude i just relized there is no date on that flier heh

dates on fliers don't make sense. so what are you trying to do. that's it someone get this guy outta here Ha !

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