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June 9th Metal Birthday party in PVD

[show listing]  _____________________________________
[Jun 4,2005 12:59pm - thedeparted ""]
ha how do they not make sense? they tell you when the show is
[Jun 4,2005 1:35pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
ok, that's it i'm gonna have to ask you to step outta the car !
[Jun 4,2005 2:57pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
the Body didn't make it clear or not if they were 100% in, so i took them off and Deathamphetamine has been added to this bill.
[Jun 4,2005 4:02pm - BornSoVile ""]
so where should i grill for this? i was there last wensday...we all got yelled at for being outside, plus no one was allowed to stand outside in the front. sean see what the hall has to say about this, if it's not to much of a hassel.
[Jun 4,2005 5:11pm - dour cursiva  ""]
wow, there is no date on that flier, sweet.
[Jun 4,2005 5:13pm - dour cursiva  ""]
deathamphetamine!!...alright ill finally get to see them, when we played out at the flywheel with them i had to leave just before their set due to a 2 1/2 hour drive home.
[Jun 4,2005 5:32pm - joe/notcommon ""]
isnt the departed that nu-metal from the baystate rock board?
[Jun 4,2005 7:16pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
BornSoVile said:so where should i grill for this? i was there last wensday...we all got yelled at for being outside, plus no one was allowed to stand outside in the front. sean see what the hall has to say about this, if it's not to much of a hassel.

i dont think that's gonna happen, no one has offered to throw in cash to pool for food. i think everyone is hoping other people will do it. so no BBQ, but you better come down and do some shots !
[Jun 4,2005 8:40pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
Shroud of Bereavement
Raising Kubrick
A Terrible Night for a Curse
Human Bone Bicycle Science Industries
Throwing Shrapnel
the Departed
Dour Curvisa

new line up !
[Jun 4,2005 11:24pm - brian_dc ""]
dour cursiva said:deathamphetamine!!...alright ill finally get to see them, when we played out at the flywheel with them i had to leave just before their set due to a 2 1/2 hour drive home.

I stayed...and it was totally worth the slightly later drive home...shakes fist at Cav.
[Jun 4,2005 11:36pm - DreamingInExile ""]
why are we still adding bands to this?

the sets will be long enough for everyone to play a song as long as HBBSI's epic 15 second grind anthems...
[Jun 4,2005 11:41pm - brian_dc ""]
yeah, I think Dour Cursiva's looking at a 3 song set...but it's all in the name of the metal
[Jun 4,2005 11:49pm - DreamingInExile ""]
Due to extenuating circumstances, Shroud is no longer playing the 9th.
We sincerely appologize, but things happen too quickly fro anything to be done about it.

Please come out on the 10th to see us at KC's Tap in Pawtuckett RI!
[Jun 4,2005 11:50pm - brian_dc ""]

I'll be there on friday night though, I've heard too many good things to not check you guys out.
[Jun 5,2005 1:40am - thedeparted ""]
how many people have been flyering for this show
[Jun 5,2005 1:40am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
DreamingInExile said:why are we still adding bands to this?

the sets will be long enough for everyone to play a song as long as HBBSI's epic 15 second grind anthems...

DreamingInExile said:Due to extenuating circumstances, Shroud is no longer playing the 9th.
We sincerely appologize, but things happen too quickly fro anything to be done about it.

Please come out on the 10th to see us at KC's Tap in Pawtuckett RI!

first we added the other band cause, the Body was dropped, secondly wtf this sucks.
[Jun 5,2005 1:41am - Scoracrasia ""]
[Jun 5,2005 2:03am - KeithMutiny ""]
boo that MAN!!
[Jun 5,2005 11:27am - dour cursiva  ""]
boo that man a second time.
[Jun 5,2005 11:35am - dyingmuse ""]
ok i will add to dreaming(marks) comment

i just found out that i am going to be a doom metal daddy!!!!! yeah my woman is having a kid!!!!

therefore shroud will NOT be doing ANY weeknight shows. i need to work all the hours that i can possibly work. we played last thursday and i must say. i was exhausted...and ultimately lost a days pay the following day...ohh and we sucked that night. it just blows laying 100 pound blocks all day and then playing a show after....so i need the money and we just sound like shit if everyone is tired and not into it! sorry guys!
this does kinda change things being a daddy and all, but i think things will be fine so long as we just keep shows to the weekends!

again we are sorry about dropping off the bill, and i do wish i could be there. happy b-day to craig and mark!

see ya's on friday!!!!
[Jun 5,2005 12:13pm - thedeparted ""]
congradualtions man, good luck with the kid
[Jun 5,2005 1:40pm - DreamingInExile ""]
thanks for clarifying that Dan, it was not my place to say what you had to say, and I'm glad you were able to shed some light on the whole topic of us not playing on the 9th.
[Jun 5,2005 3:45pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
It Will End In Pure Horror has been added to this bill, i'm waiting to hear back from another band but right now this looks to be the show.

Raising Kubrick
A Terrible Night for a Curse
Human Bone Bicycle Science Industries
Throwing Shrapnel
It Will End In Pure Horror
the Departed
Dour Curvisa
[Jun 5,2005 3:46pm - brian_dc ""]
[Jun 5,2005 3:54pm - KeithMutiny ""]
we're movin on up! tooo the east side!
[Jun 5,2005 4:11pm - blue ""]
you know a show is destined to fail when raising kubrick is a headliner.
[Jun 5,2005 4:29pm - KeithMutiny ""]
blue said:you know a show is destined to fail when raising kubrick is a headliner.

oh, like Throwing Shrapnel headlining is better?
[Jun 5,2005 4:50pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
blue said:you know a show is destined to fail when raising kubrick is a headliner.

Blue people love you, it helps balance the show when there is at least one band someone likes Ha !
[Jun 5,2005 10:23pm - RichHorror ""]
What time should bands start showing up to this?
[Jun 6,2005 12:51am - horror_tang ""]
7pm as relayed to me.
[Jun 6,2005 12:58am - RichHorror ""]
Excellent, excellent.
[Jun 6,2005 4:06pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
final line up go to this !

Raising Kubrick
A Terrible Night for a Curse
Human Bone Bicycle Science Industries
Throwing Shrapnel
It Will End In Pure Horror
the Departed
Dour Curvisa
[Jun 6,2005 4:07pm - RustedAngel ""]
www, I believe one of the HBBSI guys is trying to contact you. get ahold of him.
[Jun 6,2005 4:43pm - kellthevalkyrie ""]
I have to stop learning about what's going on with my band on websites. I hate you all.

Just kidding.

Sort of.
[Jun 6,2005 4:46pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
kellthevalkyrie said:I have to stop learning about what's going on with my band on websites. I hate you all.

Just kidding.

Sort of.

you better still come down and do shots with me !
[Jun 6,2005 4:49pm - kellthevalkyrie ""]
whiskey_weed_and_women said:kellthevalkyrie said:I have to stop learning about what's going on with my band on websites. I hate you all.

Just kidding.

Sort of.

you better still come down and do shots with me !

Hell, I'm going to do even MORE shots because now I have no reason to stay sober! And Craig is one of my bestest favoritest people so I have to help get him loaded for #21.
[Jun 6,2005 4:51pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
haha excellent !
[Jun 6,2005 7:10pm - RichHorror ""]
Bump for IWEIPH's first show back!
[Jun 6,2005 7:16pm - thedeparted ""]
nice, how long has it been
[Jun 6,2005 7:25pm - RichHorror ""]
January, I think.
[Jun 6,2005 7:30pm - thedeparted ""]
damn, see you guys thursday, checked your stuff out pretty intense. gonna be a good time
[Jun 6,2005 8:31pm - horror_tang ""]
Screamin Jay rules!!!
[Jun 6,2005 11:04pm - RichHorror ""]
[Jun 7,2005 1:09am - horror_tang ""]
I meant Felix Unger and it was for filling in for those shows.
[Jun 7,2005 1:15am - RichHorror ""]
I'm afraid of muffins.
[Jun 7,2005 10:51am - W3nli  ""]
up for the love of muffins !
[Jun 7,2005 11:14am - kellthevalkyrie ""]
are we there yet???
[Jun 7,2005 2:53pm - horror_tang ""]
RichHorror said:I hate quarks.

[Jun 7,2005 4:35pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
2 days !
[Jun 7,2005 4:43pm - brian_dc nli  ""]
bump for the sake of bump

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