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June 9th Metal Birthday party in PVD

[show listing]  _______________________________________________
[Jun 7,2005 6:34pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
for whom the bump tolls !
[Jun 7,2005 9:47pm - RichHorror ""]
horror_tang said:RichHorror said:I hate quarks.


I meant that Ferengi feller from Deep Space 9.
[Jun 8,2005 2:52am - blue ""]
[Jun 8,2005 10:05am - kellthevalkyrie ""]
are we there yet?
[Jun 8,2005 11:14am - RichHorror ""]
IWEIPH will be debuting "Talk Amongst Yourselves. Here, I'll Give You A Topic. Anti-Flag Is Neither Anti Nor Flag. Discuss. [A Tribute to Charles Bronson]" at this show.
[Jun 8,2005 12:53pm - hunterhunter ""]
How much time is each band going to have to play? it seems like not much like 20 mins tops? I am excited for this show
[Jun 8,2005 2:36pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
[Jun 8,2005 2:37pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
[Jun 8,2005 4:43pm - brian_dc ""]
sorry, I haven't been around to bump this lately

so I shall bump you to the moon
[Jun 8,2005 7:17pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
i'm bumping this cause i just heard from an anonymous poster no one was coming to this show.
[Jun 8,2005 7:50pm - thedeparted ""]
[Jun 8,2005 11:03pm - blue ""]
yeah boyee.

im going to be attending this show late, but other people in my band will be coming early with the PA stuff.
[Jun 8,2005 11:23pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
blue said:yeah boyee.

im going to be attending this show late, but other people in my band will be coming early with the PA stuff.

hope so or it's not gonna be much of a show, and it'll be weird the other half of your band will see us and not you this time fucking twilight zone shit dood !
[Jun 8,2005 11:24pm - blue ""]
youre telling me. gotta love a new job.
[Jun 8,2005 11:27pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
blue said:youre telling me. gotta love a new job.

cool let me borrow your discount !
[Jun 8,2005 11:34pm - blue ""]
[Jun 9,2005 1:31am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
blue said:NOPE

i'm gonna pee in your eye :whipper:
[Jun 9,2005 1:33am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]

Thursday June 9th
American Legion Hall
285 Smith st. Providence, RI

all ages 3bucks 8pm !

Raising Kubrick
A Terrible Night for a Curse
Human Bone Bicycle Science Industries
Throwing Shrapnel
It Will End In Pure Horror
the Departed
Dour Curvisa
[Jun 9,2005 1:57am - RichHorror ""]
Best flyer ever.
[Jun 9,2005 10:08am - kellthevalkyrie ""]
almost there.
[Jun 9,2005 11:04am - MonikaHBBSI ""]
I WISH I had a color printer! The internet is down @ the house so Robbiey hasn't seen this yet. Could someone print this and bring it tonight to show him? I'm @ work and it just won't be the same in black and white.
[Jun 9,2005 11:04am - thedeparted ""]
8 hours
[Jun 9,2005 1:46pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
tonight, go get your birthday suits on and get over to 285 smith st !
[Jun 9,2005 1:49pm - brian_dc ""]
off to buy a birthday cake for Craig's face.
[Jun 9,2005 2:39pm - kellthevalkyrie ""]
Craig sent me a voicemail at God knows what time in the morning to say that he was already drunk. Hardy hardy har!

See you tonight!
[Jun 9,2005 2:44pm - brian_dc ""]
got the "Black Forest" cake, because it sounded the most metal and I know that's the way he would want it
[Jun 9,2005 3:20pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
nobody puts baby in the corner !
[Jun 9,2005 3:27pm - KeithMutiny ""]
baby got back!
[Jun 9,2005 3:50pm - thedeparted ""]
werd up 4 hours
[Jun 9,2005 4:13pm - sinofangels-ray ""]
I'll be there w beer bottles on
[Jun 9,2005 4:14pm - RichHorror ""]
[Jun 9,2005 5:24pm - brian_dc nli  ""]
we are packing up and enduring our drummer's horrific taste in music presently....

go to this show or be eaten by gorillas
[Jun 9,2005 5:53pm - KeithMutiny ""]
goin to pick up our shit................................

now! see ya'll there
[Jun 9,2005 6:38pm - Josh_hates_you ""]
i want to go to the show, but im kinda feeling too lazy to drive to pvd alone. no wonder i never go to shows.
[Jun 10,2005 1:20am - brian_dc ""]
glad you made it out Josh

had a really good time at this show, sucks that things got delayed waiting around for a PA and Kubrick's set got cut short by an overly aggressive bartender who was pretending that 12:30=1:00...when I pointed out that he was, in fact, a fucking retard for thinking that, he proceeded to threaten to beat my ass.

fun story, but better show!
[Jun 10,2005 1:21am - brian_dc ""]
oh, and I'll be at the KC show to see a full RK set, Shroud, and more

[Jun 10,2005 1:33am - Josh_hates_you ""]
drank beer, smoked pot, saw bands. maybe i'll write a reveiw when there is less beer in me.
[Jun 10,2005 1:34am - thedeparted ""]
yeah that was a friggen awesome show, thanks to throwing shrapnel for hooking us up with that show. met a lot of awesome bands i hadnt seen before. every band was amazing, good times. ohhh and happy birthday you fucking drunk hah. raising kubrick was excellent, sucks their set was rushed. good times, thanks again, see you boys in dour sunday

[Jun 10,2005 2:20am - RichHorror ""]
Sorry we had to leave early. We had fun with our 8 minute long set. All the bands were killer, I think the Departed and Throwing Shrapnel would be my personal favorites.
[Jun 10,2005 10:31am - Christraper ""]
my head hurts
[Jun 10,2005 10:53am - thedeparted ""]
my neck feels like it was run over by an 86 berretta
[Jun 10,2005 11:54am - Christraper ""]
i think i was still drunk when i woke up this morning
[Jun 10,2005 11:54am - thedeparted ""]
hah imagine how craig is feeling
[Jun 10,2005 12:03pm - anonymous  ""]
i will kill kill craig...
[Jun 10,2005 12:19pm - Josh_hates_you ""]
craig was just a wee lil bit drunk........................i only drank 6 beers im fine.
[Jun 10,2005 12:30pm - Josh_hates_you ""]
dour cursiva: i think they only played 2 songs, i could be wrong but hey 2 songs is like 20 minutes for them. where there less clean vox live?

departed: even though they had issues with the pa i didn't really care for what i could hear of the singer. i thought they would be beter from the mp3's i heard. lots of stupid breaks filled in by bad drum fills. not terrible overall but not really my thing. the last song they played was the least metal core song......till the same old chug part kicked in.

deathamphetamine: these guys fucking rock. sign them.

it will end in pure horror: really not my thing.

throwing shrapnel: last time i saw them they had no singer this time they had 2. they should keep it that way. i liked the arrangements between the 2 vocalists.

HBBSI: again im not really into 30 noise songs but live they do better than what i heard recorded. their drummer is nuts. nice shorts too. i would love to hear a well produced cd from these guys.

terrible night for a curse: i have heard some of their stuff but i was impressed live. this band tears shit up with so many styles to choose from incorporated in all their songs. craig was drunk. he might be more on point sober but it was still a great set.

raising kubrick: why doesn't joe admit this is a metalcore band? bass issues cant stop the brootalness. more ceiling tiles should have come down.

[Jun 10,2005 2:56pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
thanks for everyone who came out and made this a goodtime !
[Jun 10,2005 3:40pm - brian_dc ""]
yeah, we only played 3 songs. We're long song playing bastards. Only played one song with clean vocals. actually, we only have 2 songs that have clean vocals and we're probably gonna keep the ratio small...not that murph can't sing, just cause clean vocals are so dreadfully "in" when it comes to music vaguely related to ours.

I second that Throwing Shrapnel should keep the two vocalist situation...only have seen them 3 times but this was the best by far.

Deathamphetamine is great, someone play guitar for them before I become sad.

I'm not doing a band by band review so I will stop

Oh, and hope you liked the cake, Craig...all over your stupid face.
[Jun 10,2005 3:59pm - dyingmuse ""]
man, sounds like me and the shroudsters missed a great time! again i'm sorry for not attending, but work has been killing me, and i need the cash, also even if we had to play i still would have not made it. i ended up going to a wake for a friend of mine. it was quite sad really...he was only 27!

happy b-day craig you drunk fuck!!!!!!
[Jun 10,2005 5:11pm - Josh_hates_you ""]
mmmmm jello.

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