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June 9th Metal Birthday party in PVD

[show listing]  _____________________________________
[Jun 10,2005 5:34pm - KeithMutiny ""]
i wish i could hear myself, i couldnt hear jack shit.
[Jun 10,2005 5:34pm - dourcursiva ""]
what a fuckin show this was, and what a great time. i love how controversial clean vocals are nowadays. all i can say is not doing them because they are popular is just as bad as doing them because they are popular. we like clean vocals, sorry grind kids. anyways all the bands kicked ass, good mix of bands, everyone was way drunker than i was, but i am underage so...eh. thanks to sean from ts for putting this on. happy bday craig you fuckin ball punching asshole!
[Jun 10,2005 5:43pm - brian_dc nli  ""]
Hey Cav, I don't think anyone was making a big deal about clean vocals...Josh just made an observation...no biggie
[Jun 11,2005 1:45am - dave cav  ""]
no biggie indeed, but thats not the first person to say something about us using clean vocals. all the metal kids are like "you guys are sick, just dont like the cleans" while my mom asked me for a version of the cd without the screaming. i just think its funny thats all. cant wait til sunday when we are finally one of the more extreme bands on the bill, getting so used to playing shows with heavier bands lately.
[Jun 11,2005 11:20am - ATNFAC_Vokillz ""]
I am still alive, not doing so good though. Still VERY much in pain. Jager will be the death of me. The show was incredible. Thank you to everyone who bought me beer, shots, etc. and to TS for putting it on. great time. Oh, thank you to murph and williams from DC for remembering the clean vocals to some of our songs. Saved my drunk ass from alot of potential embarassment.
[Jun 11,2005 11:21am - ATNFAC_Vokillz ""]
dave cav said:while my mom asked me for a version of the cd without the screaming.

thats gay
[Jun 11,2005 12:51pm - brian_dc ""]
"thank you to murph and williams from DC for remembering the clean vocals to some of our songs"

I remembered portions of the screams for you to....just in case.
[Jun 12,2005 9:47pm - kell nli  ""]
i had a super duper great time at this show. sooo much fun. sooo drunk. Craig stayed at my apartment and he was begging us to let him sleep in the car. drunky drunky drunk! i really thought all of the bands were quite good. i really enjoyed Dour Coursiva and The Departed. and Deathamphetamine...well...all of them! Also, there were two cool chick singers in one night! woooo! I liked the venue. I'd like more shows there, less bands on the bill, though.

GOod times.

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