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Mar 13 (Sat) - MT Booking presents: Woe [PA], Darkwor (CD Release Show), Morgirion, Fires of Old - Ralph's Chadwick Square Rock Club (Worcester, MA)

Saturday, March 13th 2010 @ Ralph's Diner - MT Booking presents: Woe [PA] (Candlelight Records), Darkwor (CD Release Show), Morgirion & Fires of Old 9PM 21+ $8

Ralph's (Worcester, MA) - [darkwor][fires_of_old][morgirion][randomshots][woe]
[show listing]  _______________________________
[Mar 4,2010 1:19pm - Beleth ""]
I'm heading to the airport after this show for Vegas. Next weekend is going to be fucking mighty.
[Mar 4,2010 1:22pm - goatcatalyst ""]
[Mar 4,2010 1:26pm - Beleth ""]
Would it be a proper Vegas trip otherwise? I'm looking to ritualistically consume drugs to conjure Choronzon in the desert. Gamblin' and magic shows are for poseurs.
[Mar 4,2010 1:40pm - MetalThursday ""]
[Mar 4,2010 1:41pm - goatcatalyst ""]

Beleth said: consume drugs to conjure Choronzon in the desert

spicy adobe sausage?
[Mar 4,2010 1:42pm - RichHorror ""]
[Mar 4,2010 1:47pm - Beleth ""]
Never touched that shit. I lost a bro to the sausage.
[Mar 4,2010 1:57pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

Beleth said:Would it be a proper Vegas trip otherwise? I'm looking to ritualistically consume drugs to conjure Choronzon in the desert. Gamblin' and magic shows are for poseurs.

As this man's attorney, I advise a 50/50 Jack Herrer/salvia joint and a case of MD 20/20, ASAP.
[Mar 4,2010 1:57pm - ouchdrummer ""]

Beleth said:Would it be a proper Vegas trip otherwise? I'm looking to ritualistically consume drugs to conjure Choronzon in the desert. Gamblin' and magic shows are for poseurs.

videos or gtfo
[Mar 4,2010 2:04pm - Beleth ""]
I'm looking to get my hands on a Guatemalan insanity pepper and meet my own space coyote

[Mar 4,2010 2:05pm - Beleth ""]
Or seriously, some peyote.
[Mar 4,2010 2:06pm - arktouros ""]

DestroyYouAlot said:
Beleth said:Would it be a proper Vegas trip otherwise? I'm looking to ritualistically consume drugs to conjure Choronzon in the desert. Gamblin' and magic shows are for poseurs.

As this man's attorney, I advise a 50/50 Jack Herrer/salvia joint and a case of MD 20/20, ASAP.

WHATEVER YOU DO, watch out for those bats in the desert.
[Mar 4,2010 2:12pm - DYA is HST  ""]
[Mar 4,2010 2:26pm - arktouros ""]
^^^holy shit.
[Mar 4,2010 2:55pm - MetalThursday ""]
Try the land crab
[Mar 4,2010 3:00pm - ouchdrummer ""]

Beleth said:Or seriously, some peyote.

just order some totally legal "san pedro" cactus from ebay, and email me for a recipe. It contains mescaline (just like peyote) among some other weaker psychedelics. and it's legal, and doesn't take 50years to mature to the point where it's effective to trip off of. (peyote does)
[Mar 4,2010 3:52pm - Beleth ""]
You sir, are a genuine hero. I'm going to have to research and do this.
[Mar 4,2010 4:00pm - ouchdrummer ""]
thank you.
[Mar 4,2010 7:11pm - MetalThursday ""]
Do it at this show
[Mar 4,2010 7:14pm - Beleth ""]
Don't entice me. Dock Ellis would be proud.
[Mar 4,2010 7:16pm - MetalThursday ""]
I bet your pit antics would be even more hilarious than usual if you did.
[Mar 4,2010 7:18pm - Beleth ""]

Hilarious, or life threatening. I'll be bringing everyone to Frown Town regardless.
[Mar 4,2010 8:32pm - Slag ""]
Dock Ellis = Hero.
[Mar 4,2010 8:39pm - the_reverend ""]
there is a chance i wont be able to come. depending on my family and xmas.
[Mar 4,2010 8:40pm - Slag ""]
I heard they were moving xmas to March. Unfuckingbelievable.
[Mar 5,2010 7:29am - MetalThursday ""]
sons a bitches
[Mar 5,2010 7:58am - ouchdrummer ""]

MetalThursday said:Do it at this show

I don't think that what you think would happen, would happen.
[Mar 5,2010 8:02am - MetalThursday ""]
I don't think I really have any idea what would happen in the first place. Blame rttp for making me "do it u won't" trigger-happy.
[Mar 5,2010 8:08am - ouchdrummer ""]
hahaha, awesome. I don't really know what would happen either. When people on a strong psychotropic substance such as mescaline go to a place with such strong audio or visual stimuli, the results are often unpredictable, and funny.
[Mar 5,2010 12:50pm - Beleth ""]
It would probably be a whole lot of inactivity and wall admiring.
[Mar 5,2010 1:13pm - Slag NLI  ""]
Maybe ralphs could release a "strong psychotropic substance" into the air vents. That would be an experiment.
[Mar 5,2010 1:21pm - slarrence mckenna  ""]
eeku dooku dee deep!
[Mar 5,2010 1:21pm - Beleth ""]
This sounds like such a dangerous evening, and with no more than 8 days to prepare! OMANOMANOMANOMANOMANOWAR
[Mar 5,2010 1:33pm - goatcatalyst ""]
You'd probably end up in a car with me watching videos of Magma and forgetting there was a show going on.
[Mar 5,2010 1:37pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
That's more or less the effect we're going for. Forgetting to go into the show is probably the ideal Darkwor experience.
[Mar 5,2010 1:43pm - ouchdrummer ""]

DestroyYouAlot said:Forgetting to go into the show?

The ideal Darkwor experience.

[Mar 5,2010 1:53pm - MetalThursday ""]

goatcatalyst said:You'd probably end up in a car with me watching videos of Magma and forgetting there was a show going on.

Christian Vander FTW
[Mar 5,2010 1:56pm - Slag NLI  ""]

ouchdrummer said:
DestroyYouAlot said:

Bag of weed, $40.00

Tabs of acid, $20.00

Bottles of Naragansett before the show? $15.00

Forgetting to go to the Darkwor show? Priceless.

[Mar 5,2010 2:00pm - ouchdrummer ""]
how much naragansett are you drinking before the show! Holy shit, i know why you missed darkwor, you were shithoused.
[Mar 5,2010 3:30pm - beleth @ work  ""]
Ryan, bring magma. I'll bring some hawkwind. We'll go to the moon between bands
[Mar 5,2010 3:31pm - ouchdrummer ""]
[Mar 5,2010 3:32pm - Yeti ""]

goatcatalyst said:You'd probably end up in a car with me watching videos of Magma and forgetting there was a show going on.

so i take it that is a fairly regular occurrence? sitting in a car, smoking Jack Herrer and watching a 70's Satanic movie in fast forward FTW.
[Mar 5,2010 5:16pm - ark  ""]
[Mar 5,2010 6:21pm - arilliusbm ""]

ouchdrummer said:hawkwind?

very similar name to the old king in WoT
[Mar 5,2010 6:29pm - beleth @ work  ""]
Hawkwind is also the name of a killer prog/space rock band from the 70's. If i wasnt using a primitive cellular device at work, id post a video.
[Mar 5,2010 7:22pm - goatcatalyst ""]
Do a space ritual about it!!!!!
[Mar 5,2010 7:26pm - RichHorror ""]
[Mar 6,2010 2:19am - boxxy ""]

RichHorror said:[img]

this guy looks so mad... pretty close to how i'll feel sitting though all the crap besides Darkwor.
[Mar 6,2010 4:12pm - ark  ""]
[Mar 8,2010 7:32am - MetalThursday ""]

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