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[Sep 12,2005 11:05pm - aterribleguitarist ""]
I only shat myself once! and that was a long time ago! It was a mere herhey's kiss of a shit. It felt like a fart
[Sep 12,2005 11:24pm - thedeparted ""]
we are working on a RI date for nov 11th at the living room with a few good bands

message us on myspace and ill tell you
[Sep 13,2005 4:37am - Sean Shrapnel nli  ""]
thedeparted said:we are working on a RI date for nov 11th at the living room with a few good bands

message us on myspace and ill tell you

oh hi there !
[Sep 13,2005 9:44am - MonikaHBBSI ""]
[Sep 13,2005 9:52am - thedeparted nli  ""]
[Sep 13,2005 12:09pm - MonikaHBBSI ""]
Do you guys think I should drive to Boston and put flyers up at the art and music schools and record stores? Has anyone done this yet? Or do you think that the show is too far away for most and people who would make the trip out will already know about it from myspace or here?
[Sep 13,2005 1:11pm - thedeparted ""]
are there any bands on the show closer to boston? where are bugs & rats from? it wouldnt be worth your gas to haul it that far for fliers.

[Sep 13,2005 4:18pm - MonikaHBBSI ""]
Yeah, Bugs and Rats are from Boston. But I'm not sure how much into promoting they are. They are about to do a tour and their myspace doesn't have any shows listed. But maybe myspace is overrated.

I think I just want to go to Boston and am trying to justify spending the $ to go.
[Sep 13,2005 4:36pm - thedeparted ""]
hahaa ok well then yeahhhhhh of course you need to go to boston monika
[Sep 13,2005 4:55pm - MonikaHBBSI ""]
Yeah, that's what I was thinking. I really should. I believe it's necessary. It will be really good to get that done.

And then while I'm there, I can go to Anna's Tacoria and the Garment District and countless other places I used to frequent when I lived in Boston that I don't have here at the Insurance Capital. However there is a Trader Joe's being built 10 minutes from where I live so that does make it a bit easier.
[Sep 13,2005 10:06pm - Craig nli  ""]
ill do it. i have tomorrow off and i live right next to Boston. dont drive all the way up here Monika that would suck
[Sep 13,2005 11:30pm - brian_dc ""]
or, if you really want to go to boston, Monika, you could get Craig's number and you guys could promote together

unite, kiddies, unite.
[Sep 13,2005 11:30pm - thedeparted ""]
dance in the streets
[Sep 14,2005 11:43am - brian_dc ""]
[Sep 14,2005 11:43am - brian_dc ""]
[Sep 14,2005 11:44am - brian_dc ""]
[Sep 14,2005 11:44am - brian_dc ""]
it's more likely that the bread-formed bagels will be at the show than these people are to show up...stupid belly-bagels

that's motivation enough to come
[Sep 14,2005 1:11pm - blue ""]
MonikaHBBSI said:Yeah, that's what I was thinking. I really should. I believe it's necessary. It will be really good to get that done.

And then while I'm there, I can go to Anna's Tacoria and the Garment District and countless other places I used to frequent when I lived in Boston that I don't have here at the Insurance Capital. However there is a Trader Joe's being built 10 minutes from where I live so that does make it a bit easier.

i dont know, i live minutes north of boston and i havent really made a huge effort to flyer, because i find it highly unlikely that anyone from around here would make the 2+ hour trek.
[Sep 14,2005 10:29pm - thedeparted ""]
monika, craig, brian, that nov 11th show i told you about at the living room, might be october 21st? is that cool with you guys?
[Sep 14,2005 11:24pm - brian_dc ""]
no...I have to sort my pennies out into date of first circulation on the 21st

of course it's ok with me
[Sep 15,2005 7:41am - thedeparted ""]
ha, sweet saber tooth tiger that was good
[Sep 15,2005 9:10am - Craig nli  ""]
brian_dc said:no...I have to sort my pennies out into date of first circulation on the 21st

of course it's ok with me

brian, do you have a lot of time on your hands or are you really fucked up enough to think of that off the cuff?
[Sep 15,2005 9:42am - brian_dc ""]
thought of it off the cuff...I don't really have much time...to live.
[Sep 15,2005 9:02pm - brian_dc ""]
[Sep 16,2005 12:31am - cav nli  ""]
haha pennies totally kick ass doodz.
[Sep 16,2005 2:39pm - brian_dc ""]
[Sep 16,2005 3:10pm - Ryan from HBBSI still isnt logged in  ""]
im totally looking forward to a lambs ear spliff
[Sep 16,2005 4:04pm - thedeparted ""]
i want those train tracks, that son of a bitch train better not shoot my coins into the woods this time
[Sep 16,2005 11:55pm - brian_dc ""]
you hear that...come to this show and give us your spare change and we'll throw your money at trains in front of you!
[Sep 17,2005 12:01am - thedeparted ""]
we will throw coins at freight trains all night, without a care in the world
im bringing a chucky cheese coin, and flattening it
[Sep 17,2005 11:03pm - brian_dc ""]
join our coin flingin' gang.

by the way, this is one of Raising Kubrick's last shows come do some coin flingin' gang vocals to Vertical Talking.
[Sep 18,2005 4:08pm - brian_dc ""]
what are you doing on page 2 you silly little thread?
[Sep 18,2005 5:15pm - thedeparted ""]
ha, son of a bitch thread!
[Sep 18,2005 11:46pm - thedeparted ""]
ehhh there you go again, page 2....come on?
[Sep 19,2005 12:10am - cav nli  ""]
[Sep 19,2005 1:15am - brian_dc ""]
we should mention again that Home Pharmacy is on this bill...since there's just no room on the bloody flyer
[Sep 19,2005 1:16am - thedeparted ""]
damn, you are right, i can add them on, if anyone wants an updated flier?
anyone have their logo??
[Sep 19,2005 1:19am - brian_dc ""]

this is all I see
[Sep 19,2005 1:30am - thedeparted ""]
ok, i can add them on, i will for web fliers, if anyone wants a hi res for printing anymore let me know
[Sep 20,2005 12:13am - thedeparted ""]
bumping this mug
[Sep 20,2005 12:21am - mOe_RK ""]
8 bands? Christ
[Sep 20,2005 12:46am - thedeparted ""]
yeah guy heh, that is a lot of music
[Sep 20,2005 2:22am - brian_dc ""]
I just built an entire chest of drawers out of brawn and liberal guilt

ask me how that's even possible at the show!
[Sep 20,2005 4:21am - CraigIsGreat nli  ""]
no brian, i wont ask you that. just.... no. but what i will say is "whoo-ho, major bumper."
[Sep 20,2005 8:37am - thedeparted nli  ""]
let's start the day off right
[Sep 20,2005 1:55pm - kellthevalkyrie ""]
are doors at 6 or does the music start at 6?
[Sep 20,2005 3:31pm - MonikaHBBSI ""]
kellthevalkyrie said:are doors at 6 or does the music start at 6?

Load in is at 6. Music starts at 7.
[Sep 20,2005 5:58pm - thedeparted ""]

what are the official set times ?
[Sep 21,2005 12:57am - CraigIsGreat nli  ""]
ye ole bump
[Sep 21,2005 12:59am - brian_dc ""]
here I am, bump you hurricane katrina

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