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Annoying people on RTTP

[Nov 30,2006 3:51pm - Dwellingsickness ""]


Elders of zion





these people start all the bullshit in threads on here and should be banned or just shot. OK, that was my rant for the day.
[Nov 30,2006 3:52pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I think you are the worst person on this board.
[Nov 30,2006 3:52pm - dreadkill ""]
i should be included in this list because i am an asshole to people on the internet.
[Nov 30,2006 3:52pm - Dwellingsickness ""]
yes sir, I do agree. But least I don't post all these threads about jews and all the maine metal scene drama bullshit.

Edit** this is to Joe's response
[Nov 30,2006 3:54pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I will never be on that list because those people have retarded screen names
[Nov 30,2006 3:54pm - anonymous  ""]
Anonymousteinberg , Elders of zion , Infoterror , Antiracism?

Why are you being repetitive?
[Nov 30,2006 3:57pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
anonymous said:Anonymousteinberg , Elders of zion , Infoterror , Antiracism?

Why are you being repetitive?

Shut your gay mouth
[Nov 30,2006 4:05pm - hAILtHEqUEEF!!  ""]
what about HailTheLeaf? Shouldn't HE be on top....er...AT the top?
[Nov 30,2006 4:07pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I have to go eat some chicken cordon bleu
[Nov 30,2006 4:47pm - blackmetallady ""]
listing a missing person is a bullshit thread?
[Nov 30,2006 4:48pm - dreadkill ""]
everything you post is bullshit
[Nov 30,2006 4:49pm - blackmetallady ""]
it appears to me that all the "bullshit threads" are the most popular
[Nov 30,2006 4:50pm - blackmetallady ""]
I predict this will be one of them... you will be scrolling down for about 45 seconds at around midnight. haha

My prediction was correct... see, it's the force within me
[Nov 30,2006 4:50pm - Dwellingsickness ""]
dreadkill said:everything you post is bullshit

Well said
[Nov 30,2006 4:51pm - Dwellingsickness ""]
blackmetallady said:I predict this will be one of them... you will be scrolling down for about 45 seconds at around midnight. haha

only cause you are starting shit again
[Nov 30,2006 4:52pm - blackmetallady ""]
Dwellingsickness said:dreadkill said:everything you post is bullshit

Well said

not really. Don't you think Horse shit is funnier? C'mon now people I'm beating you at your own game. lol
[Nov 30,2006 4:53pm - Dertoxia-nli  ""]
[Nov 30,2006 4:56pm - Dwellingsickness ""]
Leigh,at least you know you are one of the most annoying people on RTTP, after all you came right to this thread
[Nov 30,2006 4:58pm - blackmetallady ""]
Dwellingsickness said:Leigh,at least you know you are one of the most annoying people on RTTP, after you came right to this thread

Actually, I was surprised to see my name

[Nov 30,2006 4:58pm - davefromthegrave ""]
blackmetallady said:Dwellingsickness said:dreadkill said:everything you post is bullshit

Well said

not really. Don't you think Horse shit is funnier? C'mon now people I'm beating you at your own game. lol

When you say horse shit, I think of your face. and then it's funny.
[Nov 30,2006 4:58pm - Dertoxia-nli  ""]
i wasnt
[Nov 30,2006 4:59pm - davefromthegrave ""]
Dertoxia-nli said:i wasnt

me neither. i was only surprised that other person and his alters were listed as four separate people.
[Nov 30,2006 5:02pm - blackmetallady ""]
I don't think you would say that if you saw me in person. I look more like Gonzo from the Muppets... THERE, now go run with that one. I expect to see lots of photoshopping!
[Nov 30,2006 5:02pm - anonymous  ""]
shouldn't you be a TEH MONEY$$ $TORES?
[Nov 30,2006 5:04pm - dreadkill ""]
blackmetallady said:Dwellingsickness said:dreadkill said:everything you post is bullshit

Well said

not really. Don't you think Horse shit is funnier? C'mon now people I'm beating you at your own game. lol

[Nov 30,2006 5:05pm - hybrid ""]
WHAT ABOUT RADICAL DIRT BIKER!?!?!?!? haha. who remembers him? he needs a comeback.
[Nov 30,2006 5:20pm - powerkok ""]
RDB fucking died man!!
He jumped his dirtbike into his own chin, and got zzzssiiick air and died!
[Nov 30,2006 5:21pm - the_reverend ""]
oh man.. RDB was awesome.
what about when someone signed up as GOD and then messaged everyone?
go there and tell people to post again.
[Nov 30,2006 5:26pm - Dwellingsickness ""]
blackmetallady said:[img]
[Nov 30,2006 5:28pm - Lamp ""]
I don't know if starting a thread calling attention to a bunch of people that want nothing more than attention is the best way to make them stop posting.
[Nov 30,2006 5:29pm - Troll ""]
Dwellingsickness said:Antiracism


Elders of zion



These are of the top of my head, these people start all the bullshit in threads on here and should be banned or just shot. OK, that was my rant for the day.

I can't believe I'm not on this list!
*shocked :shocker:*

[Nov 30,2006 5:32pm - Dwellingsickness ""]
Lamp said:I don't know if starting a thread calling attention to a bunch of people that want nothing more than attention is the best way to make them stop posting.

me neither, I was bored and thought it would be fun
[Nov 30,2006 5:32pm - Nathan Leopold  ""]
Dwellingsickness said:Antiracism


Elders of zion



These are of the top of my head, these people start all the bullshit in threads on here and should be banned or just shot. OK, that was my rant for the day.

[Nov 30,2006 5:34pm - Troll ""]
Aaah, its ok...
....I'm more of a threat than an annoyance anways.
[Nov 30,2006 5:35pm - Dwellingsickness ""]
people are upset they are on the list, people are upset they are NOT on the list, I just can't win
[Nov 30,2006 5:36pm - Troll ""]
I'll drink to that
[Nov 30,2006 5:43pm - espresso ""]
*yaaawnns* If I'd be able to remove the filter between my brain and my fingers I'd be on the list. Unfortunately I'v developed some kind of impulse controle...

*opens another beer and pats Troll on the head*

I can put you on my annoying list. It'd be of those annoying people who keeps you worried... that is a very annoying thing, you know. *winks*

Am I annoying yet?

Ahhh... fuck it. I'm just bored. I think I'll go to bed now.
[Nov 30,2006 6:38pm - brian_dc ""]
[Nov 30,2006 6:39pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
I thought Antiracism WAS Infoterror.
[Nov 30,2006 7:07pm - blackmetallady ""]
DrinkHardThrashHard said:I thought Antiracism WAS Infoterror.

He is, silly
[Nov 30,2006 7:07pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I'M ANNOYING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But you knew that.
[Nov 30,2006 7:11pm - CNV  ""]
Anonymousteinberg and Greenbergstein crack me up

especially the enjoy a ham sandwich threads
[Nov 30,2006 7:13pm - Dwellingsickness ""]
AUTOPSY_666 said:I'M ANNOYING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But you knew that.

I have grown to live with you haha
[Nov 30,2006 7:14pm - blackmetallady ""]
CNV said:Anonymousteinberg and Greenbergstein crack me up

especially the enjoy a ham sandwich threads

they're the same people as well. So really, only two people are mentioned.
[Nov 30,2006 7:19pm - Dwellingsickness ""]
the list keeps growing, I know basically everyone is the same person, but I meant it as all the different post by these people/screen names are annoying
[Nov 30,2006 7:24pm - blackmetallady ""]
I bet one of them is Roy Adams... he should def be on this list
[Nov 30,2006 7:28pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I need some Rush Fitness.
[Nov 30,2006 7:33pm - blackmetallady ""]
AUTOPSY_666 said:I need some Rush Fitness.

It's $50 an hour for home training, but it's women only
[Nov 30,2006 7:34pm - dreadkill ""]
AUTOPSY_666 said:I need some Rush Fitness.

me too, i've been getting fat and shitty looking.
[Nov 30,2006 7:35pm - Kevord ""]
If we all pool our money together maybe we could all take part in the Rush Hour!

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