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AMC's The Walking Dead Season 2

[Nov 29,2011 5:13pm - TheGoddessFreyja ""]
That last episode was incredibly intense. I can't believe Sophia is dead.
[Nov 29,2011 5:27pm - Alx_Casket ""]
Oh please, like you cared.
[Nov 29,2011 9:24pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
[Feb 12,2012 9:17pm - Pires ""]
New episode on now. 15 mins in.
[Feb 12,2012 9:48pm - the_reverend ""]
My my my... I need this show to get over quick! I hope it is on my dvr.
[Feb 12,2012 9:55pm - the_reverend ""]
Thank xfinity app!
[Feb 12,2012 10:24pm - yummy ""]
not too bad. After the long wait I could've hoped for a 2 hour episode.
[Feb 13,2012 7:14am - RustyPS ""]
My only complaint: Why did they focus so much on burning the bodies? That whole ordeal took up a decent sized chunk of the episode when it seemingly wasn't important.

Other than that, good episode.
[Feb 13,2012 8:10am - yummy ""]
agreed, that was basically the only thing everyone at the farm did.
[Feb 13,2012 8:54am - Alx_Casket ""]
Haven't seen it yet, but I felt that way about the second season in general. It dawdled too much.
[Feb 13,2012 11:24am - timma ""]

RustyPS said:My only complaint: Why did they focus so much on burning the bodies? That whole ordeal took up a decent sized chunk of the episode when it seemingly wasn't important.

Other than that, good episode.

You know what I thought was really weird about that? When they were driving off with the bodies in the truck and the arm fell off of that zombie. It seemed like they made a huge deal about Andrea hopping off and picking up the arm, as if something of note was about to happen...no?

Also, I thoroughly enjoyed them using The Regulator by Clutch at tne the end...love that jam.
[Feb 13,2012 11:25am - RustyPS ""]

timma said:
RustyPS said:My only complaint: Why did they focus so much on burning the bodies? That whole ordeal took up a decent sized chunk of the episode when it seemingly wasn't important.

Other than that, good episode.

You know what I thought was really weird about that? When they were driving off with the bodies in the truck and the arm fell off of that zombie. It seemed like they made a huge deal about Andrea hopping off and picking up the arm, as if something of note was about to happen...no?

Also, I thoroughly enjoyed them using The Regulator by Clutch at tne the end...love that jam.

Totally! Why did they make a point of showing all that stuff? I don't get it.
[Feb 13,2012 11:30am - timma ""]
I haven't gotten far enough into the comics yet to know this for sure, but it seems like sometimes they try to mimic certain frames from the books in the show, and it just comes off as awkward and disjointed.
[Feb 13,2012 11:40am - Pires ""]

RustyPS said:
timma said:
RustyPS said:My only complaint: Why did they focus so much on burning the bodies? That whole ordeal took up a decent sized chunk of the episode when it seemingly wasn't important.

Other than that, good episode.

You know what I thought was really weird about that? When they were driving off with the bodies in the truck and the arm fell off of that zombie. It seemed like they made a huge deal about Andrea hopping off and picking up the arm, as if something of note was about to happen...no?

Also, I thoroughly enjoyed them using The Regulator by Clutch at tne the end...love that jam.

Totally! Why did they make a point of showing all that stuff? I don't get it.

I think it was to point out that even though they were zombies, those were people that Herschel and his family knew, and they deserved to be burned as a whole. Sort like a last respects thing.
[Feb 13,2012 11:43am - RustyPS ""]
I guess, but they committed a lot of time to that, unnecessarily IMO. Time that could've been spent furthering the car accident story and/or the bar scene.
[Feb 13,2012 11:47am - yummy ""]

timma said:
RustyPS said:My only complaint: Why did they focus so much on burning the bodies? That whole ordeal took up a decent sized chunk of the episode when it seemingly wasn't important.

Other than that, good episode.

You know what I thought was really weird about that? When they were driving off with the bodies in the truck and the arm fell off of that zombie. It seemed like they made a huge deal about Andrea hopping off and picking up the arm, as if something of note was about to happen...no?

Also, I thoroughly enjoyed them using The Regulator by Clutch at tne the end...love that jam.

Holy shit, totally! I was thinking...mmk so one of the zombies is not dead or the arm is semi moveable. Nothing freaky, just over dramatization. I don't care for that particular Clutch song but cool to hear it.
[Feb 13,2012 12:05pm - punk potenza  ""]
def didnt need to make such a big deal bout the arm falling off or burining the bodies. mabey one short scene of a face melting? loved how rick took care of the yanks at the end i didnt think so though. SHOOT FAT GUY IN THE FACE OR PUSSY~!@
[Feb 13,2012 1:41pm - timma ""]
He should have shot them the second they said they were from Philly. Fact.
[Feb 15,2012 2:17pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

[Feb 15,2012 2:19pm - RustyPS ""]
hahaha that's awesome
[Feb 15,2012 2:56pm - SkinSandwich ""]

[Feb 19,2012 7:42pm - yummy ""]
We all know this is not going to end well
[Feb 19,2012 10:06pm - DukeManjunk ""]
buh-bye shane.
[Mar 4,2012 9:58pm - DukeManjunk ""]
so happy that douche finally got his...
[Mar 4,2012 10:00pm - yummy ""]
I did not see that coming.
[Mar 4,2012 10:07pm - josh_hates_you ""]
I have never watched this show.
[Mar 4,2012 10:09pm - ThirdKnuckle ""]
Last episode: Anyone notice that Shane cut his hand open in the bus with the same knife he killed the walker through the fence with?

This episode: C-Dog actually had a line of dialog.
[Mar 4,2012 10:11pm - wrensbuttcheek  ""]
Who's c dog
[Mar 4,2012 10:12pm - ThirdKnuckle ""]
"The Black Dude"
[Mar 4,2012 10:19pm - DukeManjunk ""]
i also hope that the dude from the boondock saints skins that little shit alive once he finds out his pistol is missing.
[Mar 4,2012 10:55pm - Geminiii ""]
Such an intense show. I did notice the hand cutting but remember the crew in the first season walked around covered to not get any zombie membrane on them? That idea got ditched quick. Regardless I'd say Shane is fucked. Don't know why you guys Complain.... the dialog is the way they biuild suspense. Every episode is intense but the last three were why I now consider This show more addictive than cocaine
[Mar 4,2012 11:12pm - sigh  ""]
Total Carl fail. I hope his mom and her unborn baby get eaten by walkers.
[Mar 4,2012 11:29pm - Geminiii ""]
Agreed. He needs death
[Mar 5,2012 12:57am - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
[Mar 5,2012 7:24am - timma ""]
Hahaha, these "Shitty Lori" memes are awesome.

[Mar 5,2012 9:55am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
agreed about Lori. worst character ever. also last 2 episodes were pretty damn good. glad its finally picking up for this part of the season
[Mar 5,2012 9:57am - arilliusbm ""]
Show is boring. Zombies are overdone these days.

[Mar 5,2012 10:05am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
go do a 90's about it
[Mar 5,2012 10:06am - timma ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:agreed about Lori. worst character ever. also last 2 episodes were pretty damn good. glad its finally picking up for this part of the season

I wouldn't necessarily call waiting until 40 minutes into the episode for something to actually happen "picking up". More like "desperately trying to keep the viewers interested".

The more I read of the graphic novels, the more I'm realizing that this series isn't translating so well from one format to the other. In my opinion, of course.
[Mar 5,2012 10:07am - arilliusbm ""]
Why I spent half an hour last night watching a shitty looking zombie stuck in mud with some faggot kid in a cowboy hat prodding it is beyond me.
[Mar 5,2012 10:08am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
its definitely lacking.. but its at least better than many of the other current garbage shows on tv.
[Mar 5,2012 12:57pm - quintessence ""]
Maybe you should try watching the first ep of season 1.... I don't particularly understand whats going on when I pick up a book and flip to a random page in the middle either........
[Mar 5,2012 12:58pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Mar 5,2012 12:59pm - quintessence ""]

arilliusbm said:Show is boring. Zombies are overdone these days.


Please tell me another show with zombies. Oh wait....
[Mar 5,2012 1:02pm - arilliusbm ""]
Every fucking movie in the past 10 years has Zombies. I've seen a few episodes of this show and it is boring as fuck.

[Mar 5,2012 1:04pm - RustyPS ""]
I must've missed the zombies in Horrible Bosses...woops, my mistake
[Mar 5,2012 1:05pm - arilliusbm ""]
Go play Left4Dead about it, faggot
[Mar 5,2012 1:07pm - RustyPS ""]
[Mar 5,2012 1:07pm - arilliusbm ""]
[Mar 5,2012 1:09pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]


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