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girl from MA that's considerably well known...naked

[Oct 1,2004 1:50pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
no, we are talking about whether this 'dude guy kid' can do anything about someone posting a picture of a beast on aaron's board.
I hope he wins and Aaron has to take it down because it's gross.
[Oct 1,2004 1:50pm - d.crayon  ""]
anonymous said:this is rediculus...cant you have any respect for the person who took this photo and the person who is in the photo and the fact that they dont want it up here? It is infact illegal to post a copyrighted image without the owners permission. Its just not useally highly enforced. But if the person who owns this picture wants it taken down whats the big deal? You had your fun with it let it drop. I know the girl in this picture..and the photographer who took it and i have a reason to be upset that this was up here.

photographers get there pictures screwed with on a daily basis. People crop copyright images, alter, post them as their own, etc. It's the risk you take for posting your work online. If your friend doesn't want his work showing up on places throughout the internet then he should take proper precautions to protect his work.

[Oct 1,2004 1:52pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Yeah. Save your work on a private sute. Photo frigging bucket has a private option!!!
[Oct 1,2004 1:54pm - RustedAngel ""]
It will be funny when they see all their images ripped from their own website (www.onlypaperdolls.com) when it's actually up. It's funny how they are advertising it already and there isn't anything on it.
[Oct 1,2004 1:55pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
[Oct 1,2004 1:57pm - RustedAngel ""]

"Do I have to register with your office to be protected?

No. In general, registration is voluntary. Copyright exists from the moment the work is created. You will have to register, however, if you wish to bring a lawsuit for infringement of a U.S. work. See Circular 1, Copyright Basics, section “Copyright Registration.” "
[Oct 1,2004 1:57pm - RustedAngel ""]
have you registered? I doubt it.
[Oct 1,2004 1:59pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Dude, Joe. She's not THAT ugly.
[Oct 1,2004 2:00pm - succubus ""]
guys..let this die...because in the end they are harassing the rev
[Oct 1,2004 2:01pm - swamplorddvm ""]
[Oct 1,2004 2:06pm - RustedAngel ""]
succubus said:guys..let this die...because in the end they are harassing the rev

i'm sure it's nothing he can't just ignore.
[Oct 1,2004 2:35pm - RustedAngel ""]
oops! I found the same picture on someone's photobucket account!

[Oct 1,2004 2:43pm - the_reverend ""]
I wrote this AFTER taking the image down and BEFORE khavi (lesley) called me.

ok, since I didn't put that picture up and am not responsible for it being on deviantart.com nor any links to that picture from anywhere, I decided not to deal with a bunch of people hassling me.
do I feel that I am not responsible? YES

I am also not responsible for any actions that people from my board do outside of my board, though I strongly urge people not to do anything further with those people. My opinion is not to support a suicidegirls rip off site which I will not and I will urge people that I know not to do business with them as well.

but after reading and talking to people, I decided not to give them no more thought. I removed the image UBB around the path so that it is not a directly-linked image.

on a semi-related note, isn't it funny what things you can find with google? just google for something like their website and all sorts of things pop up:
[Oct 1,2004 2:47pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I just called the FSU, they are going to beat up the slut's little brother (12 on 1 of course).
[Oct 1,2004 2:47pm - Christraper ""]
[Oct 1,2004 3:08pm - JonahBloodbath ""]
this is rediculous. there is no reason for all of you to be so horrible to A.this girl B.this photographer

its just stupid. Assuming most of you don't like getting shit on, why are you doing it to this girl? so she put herself out there, not the smartest thing to do, but whatever, that doesn't mean her feelings aren't going to be hurt by 20 dudes calling her a slut on a message board. and it doesn't mean she deserves to have her feelings hurt.

its just lame. your the kids that called me a fag in high school for having long hair. grow up, stop picking on people, get a life.
[Oct 1,2004 3:10pm - Christraper ""]
that was deep man
[Oct 1,2004 3:12pm - JonahBloodbath ""]
whatever dude.. shits just lame..
[Oct 1,2004 3:12pm - the_reverend ""]
ok, this is written AFTER khavi called me, I felt a little like GWB last night:

so the photographer just called me and we talked for a minute. the convo was very pleasant and she thanked me for taking the picture down.
being a photographer myself, same with carina, jonah, and others on this board, all of us can understand the frustration of photographs that we took being "used" other places. For us on RTTP, that means more finding our images in magazines with out our permission more.

With all that said, I gave some advice on some things which she seemed to "know"
In this case, it seems like the sole motivation seems to be that the model had her feelings hurt by what people said here. Personally, I could care less how the model feels. when you take pictures in a studio setting, the model needs to sign model releases and all that. They obviously need to work on something with the "asshole" effect generated from what is posted on the internet. If these girls can't take the fact that people on the internet are going to bitch, complain, critique, obsess, fantasize and many other things to/about a picture, then they shouldn't be doing them. Also, people that ACTUALLY KNOW the models are going to see them. the models need to be very much aware of that fact. hell, I would suggest printing this forum out and making models read this as part of the releases they sign.

I guess in closing, the photo studio in question needs to learn a bit more about "good business". RTTP gets 100's of thousands of unique ips a month and this just gave you negative publicity about your to-be-launched site. A bit more “damage control” could have handled this with some more finesse. Hopefully, you will figure it out (and be bought by playboy) or not and sink. This site is and the photography on it is a hobby for me.

I guess that’s it.. oh besides, I will not pose for your site.
Not that you asked.
But in the future the answer is no.
[Oct 1,2004 3:14pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Who cares about her feelings, if a girl is going to put her naked pictures online when she isnt good looking, then what does she think will happen? She got her attention, too bad it probably isnt the type of attention she had hoped for.
[Oct 1,2004 3:15pm - JonahBloodbath ""]
the_reverend said:hell, I would suggest printing this forum out and making models read this as part of the releases they sign.

not a bad idea at all..

[Oct 1,2004 3:18pm - JonahBloodbath ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:Who cares about her feelings, if a girl is going to put her naked pictures online when she isnt good looking, then what does she think will happen? She got her attention, too bad it probably isnt the type of attention she had hoped for.

I don't understand why your justifying making this girl feel like shit. who cares if she has naked pictures on line, who cares how good looking she is. your life wont get any better if you harass some topless teenager.
[Oct 1,2004 3:19pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
She should have thought about free speech and other peoples opinions before posing nude. Obviously I care, ugly people make bad models.
[Oct 1,2004 3:20pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
wait, so if what you're saying is true,
does that mean a band shouldn't put an mp3 on the net if they don't want to get made fun of?

or if someone makes fun of a band, on a messageboard, and then someone links to an mp3 THE BAND put online, they should threaten to sue?

EDIT: this was in response to the REV's last post.

EDIT #2: I was trying to be sarcastically humours, facitious if you will...but if you know that and reread this, you'll see the angle i am taking.
[Oct 1,2004 3:20pm - jake  ""]
im with joe nc on this one. hooray for the honest truth.
[Oct 1,2004 3:22pm - succubus ""]
being called ugly is not nice...i didn't like it when someone said it to me...then again my boyfriend tends to take horrible photos of me...

and putting yourself online you risk it...

i feel the need to add the aaron not posing for them was from a joke i told him offline in the midst of all this... :p

[Oct 1,2004 3:27pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Yeah, but you aren't ugly, nor are you posing naked. Thats completely different.
[Oct 1,2004 3:35pm - Hooker ""]
Oh she poses naked duder. Check it out.

[Oct 1,2004 3:39pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
I agree picking on people sucks, but omg what if I took everything on RttP seriously?

I would cry to bed every night.

people talk shit on the net, everyone knows that. What do they call it? Keyboard Courage?

besides I can think of some other messageboards where people pick on others and certain people support it cause they have a martyr complex; whether it's for a super cool set of DIY scene points, or for what people label "a just cause", picking on people is picking on people, hands down. Practicing what we preach is a pretty sweet way of making sure no one gets their feelings hurt, but I guess that's too hard. When we criticize others, or gang up on people, we spead the hate and distrust in the world around just that much more. Postiive solutions work better than ones where we attack others, wouldn't you agree?

that said, I sure do like "Smokehouse" Almonds.
[Oct 1,2004 3:40pm - Abbath ""]
holy shit i don't think rev has ever censored a pic before! i mean there's dead baby pics on this site! but no titties?! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
[Oct 1,2004 3:41pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I am addicted to making fun of her. It's a disease I am faced with and you need to help me deal with it. Donations can be sent by paypal to notcommonrecords@yahoo.com
[Oct 1,2004 3:43pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]

I heard of that rare disease where you focus on someone or something and make fun of it till it breaks in a million pieces...

it's called "XmikeX-acitus"

ha! just kidding! guy sure loves DDDeath though.
[Oct 1,2004 3:43pm - dreadkill ""]
i can't believe i just looked at their stupid site
[Oct 1,2004 3:44pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
XmikeX has a disease where he confuses metalcore for grindcore, and more aggresive versions of creed for hardcore.

To help cure him you can send paypal donations to notcommonrecords@yahoo.com
[Oct 1,2004 4:10pm - dreadkill ""]
ha, creed.
[Oct 1,2004 4:24pm - Josiah_the_Black ""]
RustedAngel said:

I didn't just post a trademarked logo did I? oopsie... rev, expect a call from google's rep's soon.

ahahahha nice one
[Oct 1,2004 5:12pm - My_Dying_Bride ""]
RustedAngel said:Khavi said:

First of all, I took that picture, and it *is* copyrighted. Having a watermark or not has nothing to do with it. Being used for profit or not has nothing to do with it. I own that image, and it's being shown/used/posted here without my permission. This thread will be down today, trust me. My partner/co-owner of my studio has already spoken to the owner of these boards. DeviantArt has nothing to do with it. I posted that picture on DA myself, so *they* have permission to use it. This board does not.

I don't give a fuck who took the picture, just to spite you, I'm going to post the same picture on every message board I frequent. Have fun calling all the other webmasters!!! This picture will not come down. I will post it again and again on this board. You apparently don't know the rules of the internet. If you were smart and didn't want people linking to your images, you would use a php script to redirect any linkage to a dummy image. I'm going to save this image to my computer right now, what will you do about that? nothing. If you delete it from deviant art, I will put it on my own servers and post it. Eat my shit.

im gonna hold ya to that...hahahah awesome
[Oct 1,2004 5:26pm - RustedAngel ""]
[Oct 1,2004 5:39pm - dreadkill ""]
hahahaha, now there's something really devious
[Oct 1,2004 5:51pm - intricateprocess ""]
anonymous said:this is rediculus...cant you have any respect for the person who took this photo and the person who is in the photo and the fact that they dont want it up here? It is infact illegal to post a copyrighted image without the owners permission. Its just not useally highly enforced. But if the person who owns this picture wants it taken down whats the big deal? You had your fun with it let it drop. I know the girl in this picture..and the photographer who took it and i have a reason to be upset that this was up here.

ok im gonna snap. seriously. WHY WOULD YOU EVER POST PICTURES ON THE INTERNET IF YOU DIDNT WANT ANYONE TO SEE THEM. or let someone take pictures of you. that is plain ridiculous(cant spell) in my mind.
and guess what? theres probably a 55 year old perv jerking off to it right now.

go police every other site that illegally posts pictures
[Oct 1,2004 5:59pm - succubus ""]
jake said:funny thing- my friends just showed her little brother this picture and he takes one look at it and goes home without saying anything haha.

not quite since she saw it
[Oct 1,2004 6:31pm - nick ""]
^what he meant by that is that he left the room without saying anything. he may have said something when he got home.
[Oct 1,2004 6:42pm - my_pretentious_erection ""]
haha... i like how only paper dolls is by the same company, Chubby Chihuahua Productions, that does a dozen different fetish sites http://www.lotsoffetish.com
[Oct 1,2004 7:17pm - dreadkill ""]
i get a chubby chihuahua from looking at fetish pictures
[Oct 1,2004 7:28pm - enddays ""]
You guys realize that all this posting is just free advertising for the sites, right? As they say, any publicity is good publicity...
[Oct 1,2004 7:32pm - MyDeadDoll ""]
this makes about as much sense as a porn start getting mad 'cos someone saw her cooter on a DVD....

if you don't want comments to be made, don't put shit up that comments can be made about...

now you can all go to my myspace page and look at my pictures and say that i'm fat and ugly since there's no other ho's to talk about now... i don't care. opinions are like assholes, everyone's got 'em, some are nice and clean and some are stanky and dirty, if we can't accpet that, we need to gorw hair and walk on all fours again...
[Oct 2,2004 12:15am - succubus ""]
enddays said:You guys realize that all this posting is just free advertising for the sites, right? As they say, any publicity is good publicity...

that's exactly what i told aaron ...
[Oct 2,2004 2:44am - xtomx at work  ""]
i like homely girls because they're desperate and ashamed of themselves
[Oct 2,2004 3:38am - MyDeadDoll ""]
how about girls with mimi make-up and nasty tittays?
[Oct 2,2004 4:13am - xtomx at work  ""]
not particularly, no. unless they let me sex them without a condom

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