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New England Deathfest day Two the recap thread of death

Club Hell (Providence, RI) - [composted][dying_fetus][goreality][malamor][mucopus][revocation][sexcrement][abacinate][mortal_decay][proteus][randomshots][revenance][strappado][the_partisan_turbine][without_remorse]
[Aug 10,2008 2:42pm - the_reverend ""]
Club Hell (downstairs)
1:55-2:15 Strappado
2:55-3:15 Composted
4:00-4:25 Behead the Lamb
5:10-5:35 Revocation
6:20-6:50 Goreality
7:40-8:10 Malamor
9:00-9:30 Waking the Cadaver
10:25-11:10 Mucopus
12:15-End Dying Fetus

Club Jerky's (upstairs)
2:25-2:45 Hivesmasher
3:25-3:50 Without Remorse
4:35-5:00 Abacinate
5:45-6:10 Proteus
7:00-7:30 Revenance
8:20-8:50 The Partisan Turbine
9:40-10:15 Sexcrement
11:20-12:05 Mortal Decay
[Aug 10,2008 2:58pm - goatcatalyst ""]
hay composted - make nice with behead the lamb... they will be amongst your drunking partners Sept 13th
[Aug 10,2008 3:03pm - goatcatalyst ""]
and fuck poverty. fuck it hard. wish i was able to make it out today/yesterday/thursday
[Aug 10,2008 4:17pm - markfuckingrichards ""]
Behead The Lamb is in Pennsylvania right now so they won't be playing tonight.
[Aug 10,2008 4:18pm - sxealex balblablflbaldbfd  ""]
someone got knocked out or something downstairs and the amboolance came during compostered. it must have been that "Wall of minimal injury"
[Aug 10,2008 4:50pm - the_reverend ""]
For those not coming today anyhow, waking the cadaver had to drop. There was an incident that escalated into um.. Well, let's just say 1 stupid action and 3 stupid reactions lands you in surgery and 2 months of hand traction plus physical therapy. Sucks, but whatever.

Composted: (hell) I figured their set would leave club hell smelling like bacon. Unfortunately they aren't cool enough so they only had one singer. Wtf! This was hands down the best sounding set they have played to date. Im sure rich would only have added to it (plus no one was there to talk over mark's rehersed dialog), but they sounded so good on that system there. There were also tons of people there. Athe end of their set, someone got knocked out. Also elliott asled me to basically mae him "less black", but everything I tried just made him look more. Sorry dude, I can't fight 7000 years of evolution.

The best part of NEDF over a lot of other fests iss that this I all the people from other fests that show up from the wee early beginning of the fest and stay til the end. That is always an idea that I use in running RTTP, but this fest's attendees exemplify that thought.

Before without remorse there was a little something with the ambulance, fire, police coming to get the knocked out person. I heard that it was a dad there with his kid. That totally sucks cause that could one day be me. I've heard about 30 different stories about what happened ranging from the beign to the malicious.

without remorse: (jerkys) they were more new york than waking the cadaver is new jersey. I always think that they are a hardcore band. Theb they pull out some super brutal music and put my stereotypes into check. The end of their set had a song featuring 2 of the guys from waking the cadaver. These guys are definitely used to having a terrible time slot at other fests since they ended with some time left and at that point, they had already played 1 extra song. Funny there was basically no movement for their last song. Weird. Sick band if you liked dripping you will like this. A little bit of dying fetus backup vocals. The rapping stuff.. Eh... But ignoring that the rest was good.

band=Behead the Lamb]: (hell) no show. Insert lame stories of lameness.
[Aug 10,2008 5:15pm - RichHorror ""]

the_reverend said:The best part of NEDF over a lot of other fests iss that this I all the people from other fests that show up from the wee early beginning of the fest and stay til the end. That is always an idea that I use in running RTTP, but this fest's attendees exemplify that thought.

Yeah, I agree 100%. I was surprised/psyched to see a lot of the band people from the actual fest at the Pre-Fest from the very beginning of the show. Cool stuff. Sorry I didn't do the Composted set but it hurts when I breathe and the skin on my right arm feels like it's on fire a lot of the time.
[Aug 10,2008 5:37pm - the_reverend ""]
abacinate: (jerkys) they had someone from WTC on the stae with them singing. They also sounded a lot like JFC in some songs. Other songs had killer old school dm riffs. All done while the guitar players windmilled their hair. Sickness.

revocation: (hell) this the same band as the high school band, cryptic warning? being a full and 100% critic, I have to say they are the first band who club hell's sound system didn't help. The bassboost that rockeed other bands, did more to cover up their guitar tone than anything else. The ultra-tight riffs' high ends were lost. Also the sound system turned the solos just seemed like they were turned up to 11. I think that the sound dude (since he's the good one) noticed the deficiency in this club and tried to turn up the high end, but it just didn't have the same richness. They were also the first band to have audible feedback on that stage through their entire set. I bring up all this because imho these guys are one of the best bands in boston. Also, the cover of symbolic was amazing. They still ruled and schooled that crowd, its just that I've been rather harsh on the difference of the sound between the two stages. The sound guy did wrk through the whole set trying to perfect it.
[Aug 10,2008 7:02pm - the_reverend ""]
proteus: (jerkys) I sooo wished they were playing downstairs. They would sound so good down there. Ufortunantely they are stuck upstairs. Sucks. I did just hear their sound check and it sounds good... But not downstairs good. They were still sick. I would expect nothing less than that from them. This is the first vocalist who's vocals are so loud that they were peaking. They had a korg on the stage (a newer electribe). Never saw that one before.

I hope that blue appreciates the fact that I gave up a sick weekend on the beach for this show! It's so beautiful outside. If I were at home, I would be at the beach right now.

goreality: (hell) I didnnt so much as hear them starting up as much as I felt it. They are like a force of nature through that house system in club hell. I sat on the sub in the frnt of the stage and my legs fell asleep with in seconds from the low end pounding my ass. Funny that there was almost no moshing for a band that audially kicked everyone's collective asshole.
I tried on the last couple pics to get mike's lady and him in the same shot. Partial fail.
[Aug 10,2008 7:04pm - markfuckingrichards ""]
Someone got the knockout incident on video. There was nothing malicious, just wrong place at the wrong time. Huge dude was huge and he knew how to throw his weight. The victim was on the edge of the pit, and a large foot hit him square in the head, knocking him straight out.
[Aug 10,2008 7:15pm - tylor  ""]
revocation covered death? i SUCK for missing this
[Aug 10,2008 7:41pm - the_reverend ""]
revenance: (hell) wow, one of the heaviest live bands ever. Reminds me of the late 90's repulse label stuff that was coming out all the time back in 97-99. No real slam just never ending brutality. Every song was completely and equally as brutal as the last.
[Aug 10,2008 8:00pm - the_reverend ""]
this whole show is great. sort of petering out with a few less people than yesterday. oh don't get me wrong, there are plenty of people here, but they are mostly hiding in the parkinglots and smaking alleys that are obviously much more cool and important. emphazima and watching a bump poop outside is much more important than music. right?
[Aug 10,2008 8:06pm - The true CNV  ""]
We should be playing this show...we rule!
[Aug 10,2008 8:22pm - Pires ""]
yeah tylor, you totally suck for missing this day and skinless. ya queer!
[Aug 10,2008 8:54pm - the_reverend ""]
malamor: (hell) the perfect place for them to play. The sound system is again especially a tuned for a band like this. Lots of heavy bassness. The last time I saw these guys was at the hurricane victims benefit that has now become infamous more than famous. Im let down that they aren't playing burnt only to be drowned or whatever that track is. They also made someone in the front row crap themselves.

partisan turbine, the: (jerkys) members of revenance. I would review them, but honestly, I was eating food outside and only can in for the last 2 songs.

Im pretty sure that dftg said "see you in hell" as we parted. Which is hilarious cause this is club hell.
[Aug 10,2008 8:55pm - RichHorror ""]
Did Hive Smasher no-show or something?
[Aug 10,2008 9:14pm - sicko  ""]
less people today than yesterday? I hope there are still people there at midnight for fetus.
[Aug 10,2008 9:20pm - Pires ""]
yeah no hive smasher, waking the cadaver, or rich horror. composted still killed though. and mark gave me a hundred bucks cause the cd ain't out yet. which i turned into a sick back patch.
[Aug 10,2008 9:25pm - RichHorror ""]
That's some Million Dollar Man Ted DiBiase shit.
[Aug 10,2008 10:10pm - the_reverend ""]
mc hammered facial
[Aug 10,2008 10:57pm - lady_czerach ""]
Awesome photos as always, Aaron. Wish I was there tonight. This fest made me seriously miss going to shows.
[Aug 10,2008 11:14pm - the_reverend ""]
weird... you would think not goingg to shows would be the root cause of that feeling.
[Aug 10,2008 11:29pm - the_reverend ""]
Sexcrement: (hell) they sounded really good. The crowd was also huge. They were probably the biggest crowd of the day. Lots of people having a good time. And I also got a sick shout out before cornel angus. They had blue in the front head banging the entire time. That dude got sweaty and sweety. Im pretty sure that his entire bulk could be worked of with one sexcrement taken daily and anally.

Gay, lame, hella and wicked lame. There was a 45 minute pause between the bands for the wtc time slot. That sucked hardcore. Well except all the chit-chatting I got to partake with dftg, demondave, and alotory.

mucopus: (hell) I walked in expecting mortal decay. This definitely wasn't them. The crowd was going crazy. When I saw a girl toss a drunken serge across the floor, I knew it was going to be a good set. Very similar to the crowd for sexcrement. These guys (like a lot of the bands on this fest) are one of the bands that I can confidently say are one of the best local bands around. Blue did good with this fest if you ask me. They had a tribute to both chef and bernie mac.

er... i's times of the night like this that make me realize just how much work is going t suck in the morning.
[Aug 10,2008 11:34pm - archaeon ""]
the new singer for mortal decay is a fucking nut. Jesus christ
[Aug 10,2008 11:58pm - the_reverend ""]
agreed, but he sort of doesn't fit with the other dudes in the band. they are just old and metal. he's a lot like a drunken kid.
[Aug 11,2008 12:12am - the_reverend ""]
mortal decay: (jerkys) I didn't really recognize the band. New singer, etc... I don't think he really sounded like the old guy/cd. He was completely wasted. To the point that a drunken paul blah was taking care of him on stage. That dude was way into in. He kept running in head long into the audience and moshing. He even spent a lot of time down there singing. As the push-pit turned on the floor in Jerky's, dying fetus was downstairs having a shin-sig of their on. Rocking the floor to odd beats that went from any MD song.

one more band. gd it!
[Aug 11,2008 12:18am - todayistheday nli  ""]
would have loved to see dying fetus again but im not driving to providence for it..oh well
[Aug 11,2008 12:59am - the_reverend ""]
fetus is on right now. wow...
[Aug 11,2008 1:47am - brian_dc ""]

tylor said:revocation covered death? i SUCK for missing this

you do, but I picked up a revocation CD for you and one for my own bad self.

This fest was great. Blue is the man.
[Aug 11,2008 2:26am - magh8 ""]
great fkn show,every band sounded brutal.....
[Aug 11,2008 2:50am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]

the_reverend said:the cover of symbolic was amazing.

:bow: :NEWHORNS: :bow:
[Aug 11,2008 3:02am - handinjury ""]
Great time, thanks to everyone that made this shit happen.
[Aug 11,2008 3:17am - Dave_Maggot ""]
words cannot express how amazing today was. the bands were great, the people were incredible. i got to see all of my friends. i was blown away by the sound. definitley the best time i've ever had at a show, playing or attending. blue you are a king among men, thank you so much for the opportunity. you are the fucking man! thank you to everyone else who made this possible. thank you, thank you, thank you. you all fucking rule.

i feel bad about the kid's dad getting kicked during our set. but the kid came back later in the day. the little trooper. and he gave us the word that his dad was doing fine, so that was a good feeling.

ok, i'm gonna go pass out now. everyone have a good night. and once again. thank you!
[Aug 11,2008 3:28am - the_reverend ""]
pictures from hell uploading.
tired as fuck, but will get the rest up asssssap
[Aug 11,2008 3:29am - degenerate bastard  ""]
fun shit .... met so many great people ....blue you did a great job !!
smooooooth kid . thanks to everybody that caused trouble !!!thats the way we like it !!!! fuck you !
[Aug 11,2008 3:50am - DrewBlood ""]
Just got back home.

This was, pound for pound, the best fest I have ever been to. The crowd was great, the bands were great, and (holy shit!) everything was on time. The overall vibe was just right, not to mellow but still a lot of fun. See you guys at Devourment next weekend!
[Aug 11,2008 3:51am - demondave ""]
time to sleep
[Aug 11,2008 8:44am - corpus_colostomy ""]
killer times. all bands were excellent except one imo. aside from the performance of the headliners (which weas obv awesome), what the fest made me realize is how lucky we are to have the local bands we do. our scene is varied and full of quality. i was most pleasantly suprised by the proteus set. malamor, putrid pile, and of course mdk..owned.

see you guys at the devo show. get blue or me high.
[Aug 11,2008 8:53am - aaron_michael ""]
yeah, due to our drummer not maning up and playing the set even though we were given a SHIT TON of extra time(thank you Blue) and our fill-in drummer already playing a show, we weren't able to make it. Our apologies to all the guys puting on the fest, but we tried wicked hard to do this right.
[Aug 11,2008 9:25am - slymo ""]
Blue i think its amazing that with all the weed you smoked you managed to keep the fest on time...
[Aug 11,2008 9:26am - the_reverend ""]
work today is terrible...
[Aug 11,2008 9:28am - brian_dc ""]
I seriously want to die
[Aug 11,2008 9:33am - Dankill  ""]
Awesome fest all around. Sadly, I had to bounce early due to illness. Note to everyone: Chinese in Providence does bad things to you.
However, this whole damn thing was amazing and I hope to God Blue does indeed make this happen again next year........BIGGER AND BETTER.
[Aug 11,2008 9:35am - Hive Smasher  ""]
We as a band have never been more frustrated than as we tried to make it to this fest. Blue tried to hook us up in every way imaginable and he graciously understood when we couldn't make it. We're sorry to anyone who hoped to see us there (all 3 of you) and hope that we can make it up in the up coming months.
PS: Fuck people who aren't willing to make a sacrifice for their friends. FUCK YOU
[Aug 11,2008 9:49am - blue ""]

you guys dont even know how much this means to me that everyone came out, partied hard, and enjoyed themselves! thanks all the bands, people that work the 2 clubs, degenerate booking, fish/drew/nick for all the cabs, and everyone for coming out!!!! this fucking ruled!!!!

SEE YOU GUYS NEXT YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

go to the devourment show this saturday.
[Aug 11,2008 10:17am - mOe ""]
SO PISSED I didnt make it out to this...
gonna try my damndest for that Devourment show
[Aug 11,2008 10:39am - dftg  ""]
holy shit I got to work on time today. and yeah, it sucks.
[Aug 11,2008 10:41am - xanonymousx ""]
This seemed like it was an awesome show.
I'm mad I didn't get to go.
But will definitley go next year.
This year just didn't work out.
Why didn't WTC play again? It doesn't really matter but yeah.
[Aug 11,2008 10:42am - Yeti ""]
yeah a great time all around. i can't believe how smoothly everything went, usually these kinds of days can be a nightmare. i've never been into Mucopus before, but damn, that was fucking killer. Sexcrement, i tip my hat to you once again. Club Hell smelled appropriate for Composted, it was like dirty vagina and old beer. i only have one complaint. Without Remorse. what the fuck was that shit? that was soulless, depthless wanna-be wigga hahdcore slamwagon-jumping crap. "dis songs about smokin mad weed yo" has absolutely no place in "death" metal, and i am hard-pressed to call anything they did even a resemblance to death metal. terrible in every way, only the drummer kept them from being a complete waste. the only other band i didn't like was The Partisan Turbine, they lacked something vastly important. originality. otherwise the bands were great.

and i know what happened to that poor Asian guy, i was standing right next to him when it happened. this like 400 pound guy with gauged ears was standing on the edge of the pit during Composted, and as the show was going on i was watching the guy, and he was obviously winding up to fuck someone up, he was stretching and cracking his knuckles and such. so i moved back because this guy had only damage on his mind, so he starts spin kicking, and i can say with a degree of certainty that he intended to kick that guy, i just don't think he meant to kick him that hard. he looked at him, spun and Liu Kang roundhouse kicked the guy straight in the jaw, the guy wasn't paying attention and it caught him completely off guard. i don't think i've ever seen a person get hit that hard. he tottered forward and went down on his back and didn't come to for quite a while. i was certain his jaw was broken at least, but i didn't hear anything other than the guy being fine. the guy acted like he didn't care until it looked like the guy on the ground was pretty hurt, and then he feigned some form of caring. what a goof.

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