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4th Annual Coos County Chaos Fest

[show listing]  __________________________________________
[Jul 20,2005 9:03am - largefreakatzero ""]
By the way, Doug from Senseless called me the other night and I guess we have the 10:45 to 11:15 slot. HCN is playing right before us, for maximum set-up efficiency.
[Jul 20,2005 9:06am - RustedAngel ""]

07.28.05 - Amarillo, TX @ The Durango
07.29.05 - San Angelo, TX @ The Symphony
07.30.05 - El Paso, TX @ Lucky Devils
07.31.05 - Tucson, AZ @ Skrappy's
08.01.05 - Phoenix, AZ @ Metal Devastation
08.02.05 - San Diego, CA @ Brick By Brick
08.03.05 - Los Angeles, CA @ Hully Gully
08.04.05 - Day Off/Travel Day
08.05.05 - Albuquerque, NM @ The Compound -
[Jul 20,2005 9:11am - largefreakatzero ""]
WTF? Yeah, according to that it does not appear that they will be playing. Unless of course they have a private helicopter. I would loan them ours, but it's currently being, errr, repaired.
[Jul 20,2005 9:45am - hoser ""]
That's OK!!!! They can borrow the Neckmobile!!! It's really fast and stuff....and it can fly too, it's only fuel is bullshit. With Mike and me onboard, that thing should HAUL ASS!!!!!
[Jul 20,2005 9:46am - hoser ""]

Amon Amarth and Suffocation will be co-headlining the Chaos Fest!!!!
[Jul 20,2005 11:45am - nate ""]
RustedAngel said:internal suffering isn't even playing this. they will be in TX or something.

I told this to Doug a while ago... they never got back to me after rpomising they were going to do it, oh well... it'll be a fuck load of fun with or without em!!!!!
[Jul 20,2005 12:08pm - powerkok ""]
Oh well...I agree, it will still be fun.

LOL @ neckmobile fuel.
[Jul 20,2005 12:10pm - powerkok ""]
hoser said:THIS JUST IN!!!!!

Amon Amarth and Suffocation's roadies will be co-headlining the Chaos Fest!!!!

[Jul 20,2005 2:00pm - largefreakatzero ""]
Well, IS can enjoy all the steers and queers in TX. This is still going to be fun.
[Jul 21,2005 6:58am - troll ""]
Yeah I guess we're gonna have to get the Pet Shop Boys to headline this year.
[Jul 21,2005 3:31pm - powerkok ""]
I know a guy that does a killer 80's keyboardist routine.
His flock of seagulls cover rips total heiny!
[Jul 23,2005 9:33am - powerkok ""]
roll call?

Anyone from here goin?
Dont make me round you up.
[Jul 23,2005 9:53am - JEFF PIERCE LIKES LITTLE BOYS  ""]
Jeff pierce would like to go but his boyfriend's Atreyu makeup hasn't come in the mail yet, so he might not make it.
[Jul 23,2005 10:06am - nate nli  ""]
I'll be there... I can't fuckin wait it's gonna be an awesome time!
[Jul 23,2005 10:15am - nate nli  ""]
I'll be there... I can't fuckin wait it's gonna be an awesome time!
[Jul 24,2005 11:50pm - anonymous  ""]
come.......celebrate your discontent!
[Jul 24,2005 11:55pm - nate ""]
celebrate metal, beer, green grass, beer and whatever else it was that that dumb fucker Troll said... hahaha
[Jul 25,2005 12:00am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
so what's the line up.
[Jul 25,2005 8:24am - nate ""]
see flyer on the top... I believe it has the current line-up on it...
[Jul 25,2005 9:22am - anonymous  ""]
Bands Start at 4:45pm, Gates open at Noon...
[Jul 25,2005 11:00am - Josh-Martin ""]
There is no way I am going to travel that far for a bunch of faggy death metal bands. Grindcore for life.
[Jul 26,2005 3:35pm - hoser ""]
Josh Martin really is a complete loser. However, I do not believe that he would have replied in this completely retarded, and childish manner.

Now, like I said, he's a complete joke at life....but I just feel like this just isn't him. Please don't feign being him, you may catch a case of stupid, Just run along with your HIV and find a new loser to mimic.

I am in no way condoning Josh Martins existence, or am I protecting him in any way. Just please don't try to post like him. He seems to be a reasonably intelligent, albeit very mis-lead individual. You just sound like a dumbass.
[Jul 27,2005 10:20am - senselessmatty ""]
Here's the line-up for Saturday, Bands start at 4:45pm and gates open at Noon
1. Living Tragedy (NH) 4:45pm-5:15pm
2. Tractorass (NH) 5:30pm-6:00pm
3. Purenform (NH) 6:15pm-6:45pm
4. Senseless mutilation (NH) 7:00pm-7:30pm
5. Blood Obsession (NY) 7:45pm-8:15pm
6. Breather (NH) 8:30pm-9:00pm
7. Leukorrhea (MA) 9:15pm-9:45pm
8. Hand Choke Neck (NH) 10:00pm-10:30pm
9. Life at Zero (NH) 10:45pm-11:15pm
10. Kurixis (ME) 11:30pm-12:00pm

We hope everyone shows up and supports the Underground Metal Scene and hope evryone has a great time.
[Jul 27,2005 10:39am - largefreakatzero ""]
[Jul 27,2005 11:41am - nate ""]

who the fuck is going??
[Jul 27,2005 1:20pm - powerkok ""]
wow....that many ppl? hahaha.
This is gonna be a fuckin good time.
I cant wait.
[Jul 27,2005 1:32pm - nate ""]
I can't wait either, last year was a blast!
[Jul 28,2005 7:58am - senselessmatty ""]
We starting to get the gitters! I'm fuckin' psyched! I can't wait to see the outcome, everyone's been talking about this, there should be more people than last year. Last year we must of had at least three hundred people at one point. Let's get Crazy!!!
[Jul 28,2005 8:32am - nate ""]
we're doing a show tonight just to get prepped up for Coos County mofo's we are fucking ready!
[Jul 28,2005 9:04am - largefreakatzero ""]
We're practicing because we stink.
[Jul 28,2005 9:12am - nate ""]
we practice twice a week still... or at least try...
[Jul 28,2005 9:49am - largefreakatzero ""]
Yeah, we practice Tues. and Thurs. -- just never seems like enough.
[Jul 28,2005 11:55am - powerkok ""]
thats cuz your riffs are like fucking college algebra.
[Jul 28,2005 11:58am - largefreakatzero ""]
[Jul 28,2005 1:10pm - powerkok ""]
were practicing tonight too....Ill see ya thurr.
[Jul 28,2005 1:11pm - powerkok ""]
Will static Jeff be doing the whole set w/ u guys saturday?
[Jul 28,2005 1:39pm - largefreakatzero ""]
Yup, he knows all songs (6) except one, and I don't think we'll have time for more than 6 songs in 30 minutes anyway. Oh yeah, and he doesn't know the new one, but neither do we.
[Jul 28,2005 1:44pm - powerkok ""]
cool..shall be fun
[Jul 28,2005 4:11pm - senselessmatty ""]
We've practiced a couple times this week Corey, Dug, and I. Tonight it will be the fantastic four, Troll, Doug, Corey and I. Tomorrow night Breather will have their chance to practice. Saturday we have a big day ahead of us, we have to start to setup at like 10:00am, to make sure sound and lights will be ready to go for the first band. We can't wait to see all our brothers we haven't seen in awhile, can't wait to see all you Crazy Fucks there! We don't want anyone driving blitzed out of there, so either bring a tent or call the local taxi service E-Z Taxi and get a ride to where you need to go. Be Smart, Be Safe, and have a great time!
[Jul 28,2005 11:52pm - hoser ""]
Fucking pumped....had a killer practice tonight. Can't wait to tear shit up...hope this shit is being taped....because I may puke.
[Jul 29,2005 10:22am - largefreakatzero ""]
So, anyone going?
[Jul 29,2005 10:41am - hoser ""]
Oh my God.....I've had a migrain for almost 12 hours now. I hope this goes away soon, I dunno if I can take it anymore. Hope it goes away before this show.
[Jul 29,2005 11:03am - largefreakatzero ""]
Maybe your brain was cooked in that oven of a practice space last night.
[Jul 30,2005 3:03am - powerkok ""]
Im still awake.....wtf.
But I got deet.
98.11% deet, that is.
[Jul 30,2005 9:30am - nate ""]
today fuckers...
[Jul 30,2005 9:54am - dunwich nli  ""]
Nice day so far...looking forward to it.
[Jul 30,2005 10:25am - nate ""]
I checked the weather channel site and they call for an awesome day... last minute roll call!!
[Jul 31,2005 12:06pm - hoser ""]
Just woke up.......Amazing fucking show. Biggest crowd I have ever played in front of in my life, right down to the 2 bleeding dudes that approached me right after our set. By far the most memorable time I have ever had, bands were incredible, the sound was downright the best that I have ever heard mixed at a show. Fucking awesome.....looking forward to it again next year.
[Jul 31,2005 5:10pm - RavenousDestruction ""]
I heard it was a killer show and a great time. I wish I could have been there.
[Jul 31,2005 6:54pm - dyingmuse ""]
man what an awesome time!

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