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shooting at damage plan show?

[Dec 8,2004 11:29pm - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
rumor has it that a man walked up as damage plan was taking stage tonight at Al Villa Rosa in Columbus Ohio and started shooting at Dimebag darrel. what the hell is this all about? just a rumor so far but...
[Dec 8,2004 11:38pm - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
[Dec 8,2004 11:45pm - the_reverend ""]
holy shit
[Dec 8,2004 11:45pm - RustedAngel ""]
[Dec 8,2004 11:50pm - RustedAngel ""]
"Two members of the heavy metal band Damageplan were reportedly shot and killed, including Dimebag Darrell, formerly with the band Pantera"

[Dec 8,2004 11:50pm - the_reverend ""]

he's dead.
[Dec 8,2004 11:51pm - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
this fucking sucks.
[Dec 8,2004 11:51pm - the_reverend ""]

their messageboard... this would be time for a "he was probably pissed he paid for their cd." joke.. but I'm not about to make it.
[Dec 8,2004 11:53pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Best news I have heard in along time.

Everyone associated with PANTERRIBLE (their fans too) should all be fucking shot to death.

Off to Hell, you dumb cowboy.
[Dec 8,2004 11:54pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
why are only no-name sources available? and messageboards?

where's CNN? Where's all the big names? MSN?
[Dec 8,2004 11:54pm - goratory nli  ""]
holy shit. this is really fucking sad.
[Dec 8,2004 11:56pm - CongoogetalZobotomy ""]
i searched for it on yahoo it says it happened no names on who died tho
or who was playing.
[Dec 8,2004 11:57pm - RustedAngel ""]
From: xdeadsyx 11:18 pm
To: grgareus (4 of 23)
My friend was there and called me from the parking lot..i was supposed to go. He said some guy just came up into the first song..breathing new life..and started shooting Dime...Dime went down and the guy continued shooting."
[Dec 9,2004 12:03am - CongoogetalZobotomy ""]
alot of people are saying phil is dead too
[Dec 9,2004 12:08am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
yeah it's a mess right now. I believe maybe there was a shooting, but so far all sources are relaying complete garbage.

Some asshole on the elektra site said Phil and Dime are dead and it's 100% confirmed.

people are idiots.
[Dec 9,2004 12:08am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
right after someone said no one in any band is dead, just the shooter. See? No reliable sources yet.
[Dec 9,2004 12:09am - RustedAngel ""]
"I am writing from the Columbus area. I just got off the phone with a friend of mine who runs the lights at the Villa and is actually still there now. He has informed me that the only person confirmed dead is the shooter. Dimebag was shot, but no one has been able to confirm wether he made it through. Vinnie did not get shot. In fact, he used my friends cell phone to call his family.

All we can do now is send our good thought out to Dimebag, the rest of the band and all the other victims."
[Dec 9,2004 12:10am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
i love nonsense !
[Dec 9,2004 12:16am - mammalsauce ""]
[Dec 9,2004 12:17am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
that site had more popups than a pringles ad
[Dec 9,2004 12:20am - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
I can only imagine all the retarded shit Phil is going to say about this incident.
[Dec 9,2004 12:21am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
it'll be great though !
[Dec 9,2004 12:23am - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
"Dimebag deserved to get shot! Look at how much weed I smoke! Look at how many tattoos I have, I'M JACKED! I AM THE EMBODIMENT OF METAL!"
[Dec 9,2004 12:33am - Abbath ""]
holy fuck, i've never listened to them but that sucks man, feel bad for them
[Dec 9,2004 12:40am - blue nli  ""]

im sorry, but i cant but help to laugh about this. really.
[Dec 9,2004 12:42am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
Ha ! you the man Blue !
[Dec 9,2004 12:45am - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
I hope the Herald covers the violence at this punk and metal show. Maybe the shooter was a member of "the notorious hardcore punk and metal gang FSU!"
[Dec 9,2004 12:58am - RustedAngel ""]
this is so f-ed

there's been a lot of talk about him over at harmony central and how he WAS now endorsed by KRANK amps and DEAN instead of washburn guitars.

here was his new ad:
[Dec 9,2004 1:00am - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
So he is actually dead?
[Dec 9,2004 1:04am - Robdeadskin ""]
This is fucked...i think he is gone man!!!
[Dec 9,2004 1:04am - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
How did that guy get in with a gun anyway? Isn't it proper procedure to do some sort of pat down and make people check all dangerous objects at the door?
[Dec 9,2004 1:06am - Robdeadskin ""]
is he dead!!!is this happenin?????????
[Dec 9,2004 1:08am - CongoogetalZobotomy ""]
CNN's Reporton the Shooting
[Dec 9,2004 1:13am - Robdeadskin ""]
so he's gone...dimebag is gone???!!!
[Dec 9,2004 1:25am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
this was the same club the dood was stabbed at during a Cradle of Filth show and yes he is dead along with Pat the singer ! all too fucking crazy, god i hate Ohio !
[Dec 9,2004 1:29am - Robdeadskin ""]
Ye sits true he is dead!! this is fuckin horrible..!!!
[Dec 9,2004 1:29am - CongoogetalZobotomy ""]
where did you hear it was the singer? word on the boards it was bobzilla
who ever the fuck that is....
[Dec 9,2004 1:30am - RustedAngel ""]
the live news report...
[Dec 9,2004 1:31am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
i've been talking to their PR's...it could be wrong but i don't think so.
[Dec 9,2004 1:35am - RustedAngel ""]
we were at the show, my son & i. i was up front taking pictures. i saw the guy run on stage & grab dime & start shooting him in the head. he kept shooting into his head while he was on the ground.
news says another band member is dead. my son said it looked like vinnie paul. he said looked like pat was shot in the leg, maybe. we saw bob inthe parking lor screanming & crying but unhurt

yes! they killed one of the motherfuckers right fucking there. a policeman may have shot him or been shot.they say there are more shooters. it's fucking chaos. 3 dead, so far & 4 wounded"
[Dec 9,2004 1:36am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
anyone else think this is weird, it's the same day John Lennon got shot ?
[Dec 9,2004 1:38am - ArrowHead ""]
That is fucked up. Really fucked up. What the fuck?
[Dec 9,2004 1:50am - KeithMutiny ""]
yea, its confirmed, no question dimebags dead
[Dec 9,2004 1:51am - Robdeadskin ""]
are u serious...john lennon did get shot at this date
[Dec 9,2004 1:52am - Billy Bitchtits  ""]
Funny thing is, people will probably never know why because they killed the shooter. It's a sad day for metal...
[Dec 9,2004 1:55am - Billy Bitchtits  ""]
I wonder how the security guards that ran the door feel about letting a gun get through.
[Dec 9,2004 2:08am - the_reverend ""]
[Dec 9,2004 2:11am - danny p  ""]
im listening to "floods" right now...

[Dec 9,2004 2:14am - attendmyrequiem ""]
um i guess someone hated damage plan even more than me.

i kinda wish he didn't kill dimebag but gave him more of a love shot... ya know like "what the hell were you doing with this new band?" kinda shot
[Dec 9,2004 2:15am - Robdeadskin ""]
it's said vinny is dead too...i am playin floods on the guitar now!! great piece!!!!
[Dec 9,2004 2:23am - the_reverend ""]

video that I can't get to work:
[Dec 9,2004 2:27am - the_reverend ""]

The Venue Forum Where DP was at tonight (Alrosa Villa):
[Dec 9,2004 2:28am - the_reverend ""]
from the damage plan site
"all i can say is holy crap!! that was such a freakin' nightmare... i don't ever want to be a part of anything like that again... i'm still shaking.... i don't even know what to say...

i was up close to the stage on the side where DBD was playing.... then i saw the guy jump out of the crwod onto the stage... he was yelling something about how "you broke up pantera.... you ruined my life.... what about phil??? he needs heroin money..." or something like that then i saw the gun and he shot DBD right in the head... when DBD went down he kept shooting... then he turned around for bobzilla then vinnie... teh hole time i thought it was part of the show... i had blood on me i was so close... i'm still freakin' out here...

after he turned around and kept shooting i was gone... i swear i almost crapped my pants... it was ####' crazy as ####... people were totally messed up outside... i was standing next to this one chick and she was crying and couldn't stop... she fell on the ground and it was like she was possesed or something... dude it was so kayotic its not even funny... the cops showed up and then people started sayin' that DBD was killed... then people started freaking out even more...

i can't belive this happend... its so crazy... its totally unreal and there's no way to describe how messed up i am right now...

i had tickets to the show in flint michigan too... i don't know whats going to happen... theres some blood on my ticket stub so i'm going to sell it on ebay or keep it or something... i know DBD is in heaven (or ripping some mad riffs in hell)

#### what a wild #### nigth... dude i won't even be able to sleep tonight"
[Dec 9,2004 3:40am - moran ""]
holy fuck.
[Dec 9,2004 4:09am - DaveSTF ""]
Such a tragedy. He was a hero of mine. Made me want to pick up a guitar.
[Dec 9,2004 4:14am - moran ""]
DaveSTF said:Such a tragedy. He was a hero of mine. Made me want to pick up a guitar.

no shit. i'm fucking speechless right now.
[Dec 9,2004 7:23am - Kalopsia ""]
BobNOMAAMRooney said:How did that guy get in with a gun anyway? Isn't it proper procedure to do some sort of pat down and make people check all dangerous objects at the door?

lately venues that i've been too have been doing less and less pat downs. i don't know why but now i'm sure every venue will make sure it's in full effect again
[Dec 9,2004 7:30am - subjugate ""]
i'm definantly gonna be looking for video on this!! oh thats right they probly stopped the guy with the the video camera but no tthe guy with the gun

gawd i wish this happened at the palladium
[Dec 9,2004 7:33am - succubus ""]
subjugate said:

gawd i wish this happened at the palladium


[Dec 9,2004 7:34am - subjugate ""]
cause their policy for shit is gay
[Dec 9,2004 7:34am - succubus ""]
this makes me frightened of going to shows
last night i had someone email myself (and aaron) and as well 3 people i don't usually talk to on IM...IM me to tell me.
i didn't reply sooner and i'm surprised at people's reactions on here...frankly, i didn't think there would be fans...personally i'm not a fan but it's definitely messed up and sad
[Dec 9,2004 7:35am - succubus ""]
subjugate said:cause their policy for shit is gay

you forgot to say....and because i know you (and the rev) would NOT be there so you wouldn't get hurt!

[Dec 9,2004 7:37am - subjugate ""]
succubus said:subjugate said:cause their policy for shit is gay

you forgot to say....and because i know you (and the rev) would NOT be there so you wouldn't get hurt!

and that too
[Dec 9,2004 8:28am - the_reverend ""]
I just shot them the other week so I was there... at their show at the palladium.
[Dec 9,2004 8:32am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I am going to be celebrating this great news for the rest of my life.
[Dec 9,2004 8:33am - succubus ""]
the_reverend said:I just shot them the other week so I was there... at their show at the palladium.


jim take it back!
i didn't realize they played that fest!


[Dec 9,2004 8:34am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
AUTOPSY_666 said:Best news I have heard in along time.

Everyone associated with PANTERRIBLE (their fans too) should all be fucking shot to death.

Off to Hell, you dumb cowboy.

[Dec 9,2004 8:37am - largefreakatzero ""]
More news:

Damageplan sucked ass, but Dimebag was an awesome guitar player. At least he died on stage doing something he loved. My biggest fear is to die at my desk at work -- that would be fucking miserable.
[Dec 9,2004 8:44am - subjugate ""]
sounds like the start of a good new trend killing members of shitty bands

some one kill slipnot
[Dec 9,2004 8:55am - the_reverend ""]
norway already did this trend.
it's so played out.
[Dec 9,2004 8:57am - RustedAngel ""]
DAMAGEPLAN Shooting Update: VINNIE PAUL Uninjured; Metal Musicians Mourn DIMEBAG's Passing - Dec. 9, 2004
Scoop of the Columbus, Ohio radio station The Blitz 99.7 FM has confirmed to BLABBERMOUTH.NET that DAMAGEPLAN drummer Vinnie Paul was uninjured in the shooting incident at a Columbus nightclub which resulted in the death of Paul's brother, Dimebag Darrell. According to Scoop, who attended the concert and briefly saw Vinnie following the incident, Paul was in a complete state of shock and expressed his desire to be with his brother right after the shooting occurred.

A friend of Scoop's, Kevin Minerd, who also attended the concert, told BLABBERMOUTH.NET that the gunman entered the stage from the left side and walked over to the right side where Dimebag was standing before grabbing the guitarist and pumping several bullets into him. Additional shots were fired, although it's presently unclear which other member of DAMAGEPLAN, if any, was killed in the incident.

"A Columbus police officer, when he arrived, engaged the shooter, and the shooter is also dead, and if the officer hadn't acted when he did and how he did, we'd probably be looking at more dead, because this guy was actively shooting," Sergeant Brent Mull, public information officer, told MTV News.

"We have 200-plus patrons that we have sequestered inside three city buses," Sergeant Mull explained. "We are interviewing them one by one. The ones that were inside and witnessed this, ran for their lives and were in fear for their lives. They are victims too, and we want to take care of them."

As news of Dimebag's (born Darrell Lance Abbott in Dallas, Texas on August 20, 1966) bizarre and tragic demise rippled through the metal community, the news was met with shock and sadness.

"I'm speechless," friend and ROB ZOMBIE/OZZY OSBOURNE bassist Rob "Blasko" Nicholson told MTV. "This is totally unreal. Dimebag is a fucking legend and this is total bullshit."

"This is insane and this is beyond travesty," KILLSWITCH ENGAGE frontman, and former DAMAGEPLAN tour partner, Howard Jones said. "This is beyond anything I've ever heard. This shouldn't happen in or outside of the rock and metal community. He will be missed and mourned as a person, as a musician, and as a friend."

ANTHRAX guitarist Scott Ian, whose band has toured with PANTERA and has featured Dimebag guest appearances on their albums, stated in a posting on ANTHRAX's web site, "I am devastated as I'm sure we all are. All I can convey at this moment are my condolences to Rita and Vinnie and the whole family. My heart is with you."

MÖTLEY CRÜE bassist Nikki Sixx offered the following: "Dime, I will never forget all the times you made us laugh. I'm so happy we got to spend the day together in London recently… We should all live our lives as full as you have. I will miss you, as will all of us... This is a sad day."

Rich Ward (FOZZY, STUCK MOJO): "Darrell was as nice as they come. During the times that I spent with him, I wondered why he played in such a heavy band. Not that he didn't have the ability to school all of us that dared to share a stage with him, but because he seemed like such a gentle and kind man. He had a great sense of humor and was someone that everyone in the room gravitated toward. He never carried himself like the big rock star that he really was, instead he came across humble and appreciative. I consider it a privilege to have known him, as he was one of the 'real' guys in the business and as Zakk [Wylde] would say, 'one of the boys'!"

Shaun Glass (SOIL): "Today I am saddened to say I lost my friend and hero it sickens me that someone would take away a person that brought so much joy to so many people. Love ya, Double D."

Jon Dette (ex-SLAYER, TESTAMENT): "My brother just called to tell me that Dimebag Darrell was shot and killed on stage tonight. Words cannot express the sadness I'm feeling right now and my condolences go out to Vinnie Paul and the Abbott family for their loss. This is a huge tragedy for the music world."

Orange County, California-based sextet BLEED THE SKY (recently signed to Nuclear Blast Records): "It's a sad day in heavy metal, Dimebag Darrell formerly of PANTERA, was shot and killed while performing with DAMAGEPLAN in Ohio. We would more than likely not be a band if it wasn't for him, and can't possibly imagine the pain that his brother and his family must be in. RIP, brother, heavy music will never be the same without you."
[Dec 9,2004 8:58am - subjugate ""]
well don't we(usa) usually copy euro trends a few years later and capitalize on then as much as we can
[Dec 9,2004 9:10am - kellthevalkyrie ""]
Wow. what a shock. Man. I can't imagine being there and seeing it all happen....I feel so bad for Vinnie. Can you imagine?
[Dec 9,2004 9:10am - Josh_hates_you ""]
wow. i just woke up and this was the first thing i saw on the little aol news thing.

he shot 5 people in the name of pantera......now thats fucking metal....or is it?
[Dec 9,2004 9:14am - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
"you broke up pantera.... you ruined my life"
Because shooting Dimebag in the head multiple times guarantees a fucking reunion
[Dec 9,2004 9:14am - litacore ""]
holy fuck

I was never a fan of Pantera even, but this is a fucking nightmare. Audience members and a bouncer killed too. Bad scene.

I wonder if the Palladium is going to start doing cavity searches now.
[Dec 9,2004 9:15am - RustedAngel ""]

I've known them for 16 years. He wasn't just a guitarist, he was a friend. One of the nicest people I've met. Here is what I have been able to ascertain. Realize I could be wrong on some of this, but most of it is gospel.

1) Daryl is dead. We all know this.
2) Vinnie is fine (I have confirmed this)
3) A bassist from the opening band tried to shield Daryl and was shot. I do not know his condition, but I imagine critical.
4) Fans were shot
5) The other member dead is believed to be Pat Lachman. This has not been confirmed, but I have this on very good sources, but it is VERY late for any of us who know anyone to get any info.
6) Dime was taken to Riverside Hospital (DON'T CALL THERE!)
7) A bouncer was shot in the shoulder.
8) Someone was shot in the thigh, I believe this to be the bassist involved, but at point blank range, this may be critical.
9) Three are dead (at this writing) one being the shooter. One is Daryl, I am nearly 95% sure the other is Pat.
10) The shooter shot at Vince, but he crawled away on the floor and hit the deck (and you would too so no bullshit posts)
11) The death toll is now at 5
12) FOr those of you arguing about stupid ####, it was a UNIFORMED POLICE OFFICER who snuck in the back and shot the gunman. The cops received the call at 10:18
13) Mitch was working. He is okay.
14) A Hammer Strength Sec guard was shot
15) The other confirmed dead is a security guard (not the above)
16) There are now 5 confirmed dead.

This is all I know, and all anyone will probably know until morning. Peace be with you all.

My email is below, but don't email me unless it's important.


[Dec 9,2004 9:16am - RustedAngel ""]
so a bassist from an opening band got shot while shielding dimebag? the bassist of killswitch perhaps?
[Dec 9,2004 9:17am - succubus ""]
RustedAngel said: 6662.1

I've known them for 16 years. He wasn't just a guitarist, he was a friend. One of the nicest people I've met. Here is what I have been able to ascertain. Realize I could be wrong on some of this, but most of it is gospel.

1) Daryl is dead. We all know this.
2) Vinnie is fine (I have confirmed this)
3) A bassist from the opening band tried to shield Daryl and was shot. I do not know his condition, but I imagine critical.
4) Fans were shot
5) The other member dead is believed to be Pat Lachman. This has not been confirmed, but I have this on very good sources, but it is VERY late for any of us who know anyone to get any info.
6) Dime was taken to Riverside Hospital (DON'T CALL THERE!)
7) A bouncer was shot in the shoulder.
8) Someone was shot in the thigh, I believe this to be the bassist involved, but at point blank range, this may be critical.
9) Three are dead (at this writing) one being the shooter. One is Daryl, I am nearly 95% sure the other is Pat.
10) The shooter shot at Vince, but he crawled away on the floor and hit the deck (and you would too so no bullshit posts)
11) The death toll is now at 5
12) FOr those of you arguing about stupid ####, it was a UNIFORMED POLICE OFFICER who snuck in the back and shot the gunman. The cops received the call at 10:18
13) Mitch was working. He is okay.
14) A Hammer Strength Sec guard was shot
15) The other confirmed dead is a security guard (not the above)
16) There are now 5 confirmed dead.

This is all I know, and all anyone will probably know until morning. Peace be with you all.

My email is below, but don't email me unless it's important.



umm tom..dunno where you got that...
but it's not true...
Pat is not dead...

i got confirmation from someone who spoke to him

[Dec 9,2004 9:19am - litacore ""]
weren't the haunted on this tour as well?
[Dec 9,2004 9:19am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
3) A bassist from the opening band tried to shield Daryl and was shot. I do not know his condition, but I imagine critical.

what a moron.
[Dec 9,2004 9:21am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Would any of you care if James Hetfield was killed?

The only difference is, Hetfield use to be in a good band and Dimebag never was.
[Dec 9,2004 9:23am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
the_taste_of_cigarettes said:why are only no-name sources available? and messageboards?

where's CNN? Where's all the big names? MSN?

they were probably busy reporting on real news that matters.
[Dec 9,2004 9:23am - Robdeadskin ""]
joe you are somthin else
[Dec 9,2004 9:25am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Robdeadskin said:joe you are somthin else

[Dec 9,2004 9:26am - RustedAngel ""]
succubus said:

umm tom..dunno where you got that...
but it's not true...
Pat is not dead...

i got confirmation from someone who spoke to him

"The other member dead is believed to be Pat Lachman. This has not been confirmed,"

he didn't say it was confirmed.

the only others killed were 2 audience members.
[Dec 9,2004 9:27am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
haha did he really open fire becaue he was distraught over Pantera being broken up?

Kudos to the cop for shooting this slimebag.
[Dec 9,2004 9:30am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I wonder if Phil Anselmo is like the Lord of Illusions, brainwashing people to be his followers. He might have ordered the hit.
[Dec 9,2004 9:39am - Cryptic Anthony  ""]
This is fucking horrible....

This is really upsetting. I'm putting on Cowboys right now so I can hear Dime shred my face off.

I still had hopes that one day Pantera would get back together, as I thought Reinventing the Steel and 'Avoid the Light' were great steps forward and couldn't wait to hear what they might do next.

[Dec 9,2004 9:41am - paganmegan ""]
I despise damage plan, but dimebag was an excellent guitarist

I saw the other day on the cover of some mediocre magazine , phil anselmo's picture with the heading"dimebag deserves to be severely beaten", he got his wish, thats for sure...

And I'm sure conspiracies will abound about him ordering the hit
[Dec 9,2004 9:43am - Josh_Martin ""]
I know tons of really cool people who play in bands I don't like. Darryl was one of them. RIP. I hope there's a Jack Daniels distillery in the sky.

[Dec 9,2004 9:44am - litacore ""]
yeah I was thinking that too

even though this is a seemingly random nutbag who might've used the same logic to shoot Mike Nesmith at a Monkees reunion (like that might happen), I bet Phil might feel a lil' pukey this morning about that quote
[Dec 9,2004 9:46am - paganmegan ""]
Either that, or no remorse...
[Dec 9,2004 9:50am - hoser ""]
litacore said:yeah I was thinking that too

even though this is a seemingly random nutbag who might've used the same logic to shoot Mike Nesmith at a Monkees reunion (like that might happen), I bet Phil might feel a lil' pukey this morning about that quote

I hope that he feels like an asshole. This whole situation is really fucked up. Nobody deserves to die over music for Christ's sake. I'm sure that Vinnie and their families are hurting pretty bad right now. Seeing your brother getting his face blown off for doing what he loved. I don't care if you didn't like the band. He loved what he was doing and died doing it.

God Bless him. I hope that there are SICK guitars and shitloads of booze in Heaven for this guy.

[Dec 9,2004 9:52am - paganmegan ""]
hoser said:litacore said:yeah I was thinking that too

even though this is a seemingly random nutbag who might've used the same logic to shoot Mike Nesmith at a Monkees reunion (like that might happen), I bet Phil might feel a lil' pukey this morning about that quote

I hope that he feels like an asshole. This whole situation is really fucked up. Nobody deserves to die over music for Christ's sake. I'm sure that Vinnie and their families are hurting pretty bad right now. Seeing your brother getting his face blown off for doing what he loved. I don't care if you didn't like the band. He loved what he was doing and died doing it.

God Bless him. I hope that there are SICK guitars and shitloads of booze in Heaven for this guy.

Well, they can't prove the motive was music related , at least not yet, it could have just been a bored lonely gunsmen who needed convenient prey in his ohio hometown, might be random, it might have been a plot , who knows
[Dec 9,2004 9:53am - the_reverend ""]
phil can't feel anything. he's too fucked up.
[Dec 9,2004 9:58am - litacore ""]

a fellow Dean refugee

[Dec 9,2004 10:01am - paganmegan ""]
He could definitely shred
[Dec 9,2004 10:08am - litacore ""]
MAJORLY sucks the two audience members are among the dead
[Dec 9,2004 10:08am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
litacore said:MAJORLY sucks the two audience members are among the dead

yeah, thats two less people who can order conifer from relapse
[Dec 9,2004 10:10am - paganmegan ""]
[Dec 9,2004 10:19am - dreadkill ""]
i was driving home from my girlfriend's house about an hour ago when my best firend called me to tell me about this. i think it sucks. i hated damageplan's music, but pantera was one of my favorite bands growing up and i have always viewed them as my gateway band to extreme metal. dimebag and vinnie paul were the nicest guys when i met them a few years ago and i feel terrible about this. i am cranking vulgar display right now. rest in peace dime.
[Dec 9,2004 10:19am - powerkok ""]
AUTOPSY_666 said:Best news I have heard in along time.

Everyone associated with PANTERRIBLE (their fans too) should all be fucking shot to death.

Off to Hell, you dumb cowboy.

That guy had more talent in his pinky toe than your whole family and circle of friends. fuck off and die cocksucker.
[Dec 9,2004 10:21am - litacore ""]
WTF, this is still freaking me out. Killed right onstage. *shudder*
[Dec 9,2004 10:21am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
powerkok said:AUTOPSY_666 said:Best news I have heard in along time.

Everyone associated with PANTERRIBLE (their fans too) should all be fucking shot to death.

Off to Hell, you dumb cowboy.

That guy had more talent in his pinky toe than your whole family and circle of friends. fuck off and die cocksucker.

He was definately wasting all this talent you speak of then.
[Dec 9,2004 10:23am - paganmegan ""]
litacore said:WTF, this is still freaking me out. Killed right onstage. *shudder*

the fact that it said the guy kept shooting into dimebag's brain... that is truly one intense way to die

[Dec 9,2004 10:23am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Macabre should write a song about this
[Dec 9,2004 10:26am - WhyamIandasshole ""]
I'm completely speechless. Dime was a guy I looked up to while learning to play. This is a sad day for all metal. RIP Dime.
[Dec 9,2004 10:28am - George ""]
just happened
xosamaisedgex: dude, dimebag is dead.
slope of a point: good
xosamaisedgex: hahahahahaha
[Dec 9,2004 10:29am - dan.  ""]
wow, you guys are really taking this whole math obsession to a new level. kudos.
[Dec 9,2004 10:30am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
on a serious note, i hope the people at the door lost their job for this. don't they pat people down in Ohio? Now because of them, two members of a band are dead, two fans, and one of their own co-workers was shot in the shoulder.

I bet parents in that area won't be letting their kids go to that place anymore.
[Dec 9,2004 10:31am - dreadkill ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:Macabre should write a song about this

this is weird. i had a dream a couple nights ago that a serial killer killed someone in my family and macabre wrote a song about it and i could never listen to them again.
[Dec 9,2004 10:33am - George ""]
dan. said:wow, you guys are really taking this whole math obsession to a new level. kudos.

am i too assume this is ment for the 18th show thread i made?
cause otherwise this seems totally random
[Dec 9,2004 10:33am - cdan ""]
what the fuck? i thought this was supposed to only happen at rap shows..have we really sunk that low? Dimebag was a true metal warrior. RIP
[Dec 9,2004 10:33am - powerkok ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:powerkok said:AUTOPSY_666 said:Best news I have heard in along time.

Everyone associated with PANTERRIBLE (their fans too) should all be fucking shot to death.

Off to Hell, you dumb cowboy.

That guy had more talent in his pinky toe than your whole family and circle of friends. fuck off and die cocksucker.

He was definately wasting all this talent you speak of then.

dosent matter, what the guy did while he was in Pantera, was enough shred to last all the way thru his gay damgeplan.
he earned his place, I wouldnt care if he was in the powerpuff girls band...he fucking shredded shit up.

what if this is a new thing and people everywhere start popping shots off at bands?
Notcommon bands!
[Dec 9,2004 10:35am - powerkok ""]
I didnt see about any other band members dying....I read it was just dime and some fans.
[Dec 9,2004 10:35am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Let them come! We deserve to die anyway.
[Dec 9,2004 10:39am - Justin ACR  ""]
AUTOPSY_666 said:Best news I have heard in along time.

Everyone associated with PANTERRIBLE (their fans too) should all be fucking shot to death.

Off to Hell, you dumb cowboy.

fuck that, u suck, people just have no idea
[Dec 9,2004 10:41am - Robdeadskin ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:on a serious note, i hope the people at the door lost their job for this. don't they pat people down in Ohio? Now because of them, two members of a band are dead, two fans, and one of their own co-workers was shot in the shoulder.

I bet parents in that area won't be letting their kids go to that place anymore.

The dude jumped a fence in the back of the club and got in backstage...not through security:gun:
[Dec 9,2004 10:42am - George ""]
being able to wank doesn't mean you're good

"dude, dream theatre is so awesome! listen to that awesome solo!"
no guy, it sucks.
same shit. pantera sucks.
[Dec 9,2004 10:42am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
thats even worse though, was damage plan playing at obriens or something?
[Dec 9,2004 10:46am - Robdeadskin ""]
i know no one here is a real fan of damage/pantera...either am i..but(in all respect) i did grow up on pantera and dug it in high school...but think for a minute that this could happen to any other band we all like...what if it was slayer or somthin...that would be horrible too.
[Dec 9,2004 10:47am - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
there has got to be amateur video of this.
[Dec 9,2004 10:48am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
if ever there was a reason for camera phones, this was it.
[Dec 9,2004 10:50am - Robdeadskin ""]
The place was just a club like club125(little bigger) or somthin...the guy probrobly walked rightin were they load in..
[Dec 9,2004 10:52am - powerkok ""]
Robdeadskin said:i know no one here is a real fan of damage/pantera...either am i..but(in all respect) i did grow up on pantera and dug it in high school...but think for a minute that this could happen to any other band we all like...what if it was slayer or somthin...that would be horrible too.

Im a pantera fan. always loved his shred. even if I didnt I wouldnt be a dumbfuck and gloat about it, like some stupid cunts on this website do. but then again, Im better than alot of the dumbfucks on here as a person in general. sucks for them but its true.
[Dec 9,2004 10:53am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I am a stand up guy
[Dec 9,2004 10:54am - Robdeadskin ""]
i hear ya ...i think people are bieng disrespecful here...thats why i made the comment" what if it was a band that you did like" Then they would be singing a different tune im sure!
[Dec 9,2004 10:55am - Robdeadskin ""]
joe i love ya...but your an asshole hahaha
[Dec 9,2004 10:56am - JayTUS ""]
It happened during the first song, I am sure someone was there with a camera...

Isn't this the same club that had a stabbing at the Cradle Of Filth show? What the fuck is wrong with the state of Ohio?
[Dec 9,2004 10:57am - the_reverend ""]
remember when they played here? only that one lady was allowed to have a vidoe camera and I think she was with the tour manager. I'm shocked that someone didn't snap some digital pictures and have them up already.
I know I would.
[Dec 9,2004 10:58am - RustedAngel ""]
George said:being able to wank doesn't mean you're good

"dude, dream theatre is so awesome! listen to that awesome solo!"
no guy, it sucks.
same shit. pantera sucks.

that's retarded...

the difference between petrucci and darryl is that dime wrote memorable solos. petrucci, while he's accomplished and super fast doesn't always write creative solo's, it's usually by the book. You think you can play better than dimebag? I doubt it.
[Dec 9,2004 10:58am - powerkok ""]
haha I expect it from joe, its a part of his attention getting disorder.
Usually when ppl with nothing to show for an entire life of non productive crap, seek attention by acting out in childish and socially devout manners.
[Dec 9,2004 10:59am - Robdeadskin ""]
[Dec 9,2004 11:00am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
powerkok said:haha I expect it from joe, its a part of his attention getting disorder.
Usually when ppl with nothing to show for an entire life of non productive crap, seek attention by acting out in childish and socially devout manners.

Haha is that why I am this way? Thanks for the head's up doctor Kok.
[Dec 9,2004 11:01am - powerkok ""]
no prob....Im a psych minor.
[Dec 9,2004 11:01am - dan.  ""]
George said:being able to wank doesn't mean you're good

"dude, dream theatre is so awesome! listen to that awesome solo!"
no guy, it sucks.
same shit. pantera sucks.

[Dec 9,2004 11:01am - powerkok ""]
RIP DIME!!!!!!!!
[Dec 9,2004 11:03am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I always looked at my life as very productive and worthwhile though, and I have immense amounts of self esteem and am not often in a bad mood.

How do those things factor in?
[Dec 9,2004 11:03am - powerkok ""]
My buddy just said the news is saying that they DO have video of it.....more info soon.
[Dec 9,2004 11:03am - Robdeadskin ""]
[Dec 9,2004 11:04am - George ""]
dan. said:George said:being able to wank doesn't mean you're good

"dude, dream theatre is so awesome! listen to that awesome solo!"
no guy, it sucks.
same shit. pantera sucks.


quick add me on myspace!
[Dec 9,2004 11:04am - powerkok ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:I always looked at my life as very productive and worthwhile though, and I have immense amounts of self esteem and am not often in a bad mood.

How do those things factor in?

this is all bcuz you are too stupid to realize how low on the totem pole of life, you are.
ignorance is bliss.
I still like you tho.
[Dec 9,2004 11:05am - powerkok ""]
I hope they target pathos productions next.
[Dec 9,2004 11:06am - Robdeadskin ""]
hey we are on that lable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[Dec 9,2004 11:07am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
powerkok said:Joe/NotCommon said:I always looked at my life as very productive and worthwhile though, and I have immense amounts of self esteem and am not often in a bad mood.

How do those things factor in?

this is all bcuz you are too stupid to realize how low on the totem pole of life, you are.
ignorance is bliss.
I still like you tho.

[Dec 9,2004 11:07am - powerkok ""]
Robdeadskin said:hey we are on that lable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
d'oh ...get off quick before someone shoots at you!!
[Dec 9,2004 11:09am - Robdeadskin ""]
hey...id rather go that way too!
[Dec 9,2004 11:15am - dreadkill ""]
i bet dime wanted to go out a little differently. smoking a blunt, getting a blowjob, with a guitar in one hand, and a bottle in the other. maybe shooting a few guns in the air, since he's from texas.
[Dec 9,2004 11:20am - WhyamIandasshole ""]
dreadkill said:i bet dime wanted to go out a little differently. smoking a blunt, getting a blowjob, with a guitar in one hand, and a bottle in the other. maybe shooting a few guns in the air, since he's from texas.

Shit who the hell wouldnt want to go out like that.
[Dec 9,2004 11:20am - Soloman ""]
holy shit.
[Dec 9,2004 11:30am - dreadkill ""]
WhyamIandasshole said:dreadkill said:i bet dime wanted to go out a little differently. smoking a blunt, getting a blowjob, with a guitar in one hand, and a bottle in the other. maybe shooting a few guns in the air, since he's from texas.

Shit who the hell wouldnt want to go out like that.

yeah, it would be pretty sweet
[Dec 9,2004 11:34am - Downsy  ""]
Well dudes.. pretty fucking sad scene.. the shitty news is that there are some crazy assholes out there like this and you could be there... AT any show... Could be your band on stage so watch you backs..

A special shout out too all my metal brothers back east... take care .. .

stay true and play hard and keep that music slutty and grimy !

Downsy.. - Kansas City MO.

[Dec 9,2004 11:38am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Downsy said:Well dudes.. pretty fucking sad scene.. the shitty news is that there are some crazy assholes out there like this and you could be there... AT any show... Could be your band on stage so watch you backs..

A special shout out too all my metal brothers back east... take care .. .

stay true and play hard and keep that music slutty and grimy !

Downsy.. - Kansas City MO.


Haha slutty and grimy, you are invited to my birthday party
[Dec 9,2004 11:53am - cody ""]
this is lame, dime was the man, his guitar skills were incredible. im going to wear my old pantera shirts for the rest of the week.
[Dec 9,2004 11:55am - powerkok ""]
Ya Downs is the mac.
The Shunned is coming soon.
[Dec 9,2004 11:56am - FuckTheTrend ""]
this fucking sucks. DAMAGEPLAN was one of the worst bands i've heard but PANTERA was the first metal band i ever heard. Dimebag was a great guitarist and he will be missed
[Dec 9,2004 12:04pm - largefreakatzero ""]
Downsy said:Well dudes.. pretty fucking sad scene.. the shitty news is that there are some crazy assholes out there like this and you could be there... AT any show... Could be your band on stage so watch you backs..

A special shout out too all my metal brothers back east... take care .. .

stay true and play hard and keep that music slutty and grimy !

Downsy.. - Kansas City MO.


Nice! A Downsy post! Keep yer eyes out for his new movie "The Shunned" he's talking about having it done in January.
[Dec 9,2004 12:16pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
From Diamond to Dimebag to bodybag.
[Dec 9,2004 12:22pm - InfernalKaiser  ""]
Dime didn't deserve this... I hope that fucker who killed him burns in Hell...

R.I.P., Dime (1966-2004)

[Dec 9,2004 12:26pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
let's hold a seance and try to contact Dimebag, the murderer and Kurt Cobain.
[Dec 9,2004 12:27pm - armageddonday ""]
From the Station Fire to "Two members of the heavy metal band Damageplan were reportedly shot and killed, including Dimebag Darrell, formerly with the band Pantera" to let's see how fucked we are now next time we'll go to a metal show at the Palladium (or elsewhere in THAT matter).

[Dec 9,2004 12:37pm - jake  ""]
im waiting for a picture of dimebag darrel with the word OWNED on it.
[Dec 9,2004 12:41pm - damnose ""]
that's some scary shit. vulgar display and far beyond driven rocked my early teenage world, and despite phil's posturing I always dug Dime's guitar sound.

let's keep idiotic violence confined to metal lyrics, eh?
[Dec 9,2004 12:46pm - mOe  ""]
I understand that music is a huge, important facet of life, but it should never be reason to be or act that violent. I feel equally disgusted now as when i did when i read Lord of Chaos, about all those fag-ass Black Metal musicians who killed people to be evil and true. Music is supposed to be an escape from that, something you release your demons to. There is no macro reason to take someone's life.
Granted Damageplan was one of the worst bands of the past couple of years, but denying how awesome Pantera was would just be foolish of most people. Anyone who makes amazing influential music at one point in their life deserves respect no matter what.
He;ll be missed and it will defnitely be a while before anyone forgets about Dime or Pantera.
[Dec 9,2004 1:00pm - Justin ACR  ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:powerkok said:AUTOPSY_666 said:Best news I have heard in along time.

Everyone associated with PANTERRIBLE (their fans too) should all be fucking shot to death.

Off to Hell, you dumb cowboy.

That guy had more talent in his pinky toe than your whole family and circle of friends. fuck off and die cocksucker.

He was definately wasting all this talent you speak of then.

joe, i'd like to see you play the guitar like that!
[Dec 9,2004 1:13pm - dan.  ""]
imagine if this happened back in the day at a pantera show? im pretty sure columbus, oh would be completely leveled right now or at least extremely on fire.
[Dec 9,2004 1:15pm - dreadkill ""]
i'm waiting for joe to post on bay state rock and say he wished it was the wretched asylum guy who got shot.
[Dec 9,2004 1:15pm - dreadkill ""]
i probably just ruined all chances of that happening
[Dec 9,2004 1:21pm - litacore ""]

this is the shooter. Nice clear pic, huh?
[Dec 9,2004 1:23pm - Justin ACR  ""]
RustedAngel said:George said:being able to wank doesn't mean you're good

"dude, dream theatre is so awesome! listen to that awesome solo!"
no guy, it sucks.
same shit. pantera sucks.

that's retarded...

the difference between petrucci and darryl is that dime wrote memorable solos. petrucci, while he's accomplished and super fast doesn't always write creative solo's, it's usually by the book. You think you can play better than dimebag? I doubt it.

RA I totally agree with you there. Petrucci can shred, but his solos are no very memorable, dime's are.
[Dec 9,2004 1:26pm - dreadkill ""]
that dude's face is melting into the wall.
[Dec 9,2004 1:33pm - RustedAngel ""]
dan. said:imagine if this happened back in the day at a pantera show? im pretty sure columbus, oh would be completely leveled right now or at least extremely on fire.

no shit, 1,000 people would have jumped on the shooter and killed him.
[Dec 9,2004 1:48pm - SacreligionNlI  ""]
anyone saying this was a good thing is a fucking piece of shit and i hope you live long and painfully...i hope that satan punishes you to the point where you beg to die but he doesn't let you
[Dec 9,2004 1:53pm - lady_czerach ""]
I can't believe people are saying they're glad he's dead. Fuck you guys. Whether or not you liked Pantera or DP, it's still scary for people who go to metal shows all the time. It could happen anytime, anywhere.
[Dec 9,2004 1:56pm - George(Heuristic)  ""]
Hey guys... I play in heuristic. It's a shame what happened to Dime. I always wanted to suck his cock and let him fuck my ass and pull on my lip ring but anyways come check out my coooool metalcore band The Heuristic.
[Dec 9,2004 1:59pm - anonymous  ""]
powerkok said:Joe/NotCommon said:powerkok said:AUTOPSY_666 said:Best news I have heard in along time.

Everyone associated with PANTERRIBLE (their fans too) should all be fucking shot to death.

Off to Hell, you dumb cowboy.

That guy had more talent in his pinky toe than your whole family and circle of friends. fuck off and die cocksucker.

He was definately wasting all this talent you speak of then.

dosent matter, what the guy did while he was in Pantera, was enough shred to last all the way thru his gay damgeplan.
he earned his place, I wouldnt care if he was in the powerpuff girls band...he fucking shredded shit up.

what if this is a new thing and people everywhere start popping shots off at bands?
Notcommon bands!

whether you liked his shit or not, you will never get the chance to hear what might have been. whether you love or hate dime, pantera or damageplan, doesn't matter. He's gone. personally... The man changed my life. i'm sorry that I won't get to hear what he could have done, if given the chance. R.I.P DIME
[Dec 9,2004 2:14pm - anonymous  ""]
anyone know why the guy shot them? was there a motive?
[Dec 9,2004 2:17pm - paganmegan ""]
well since the guy doing the shooting is now dead it is doubtful anyone will ever know
[Dec 9,2004 2:21pm - JayTUS ""]
You want to talk about cryptic? One week to the day of this post, this happens:


"He would attack me, vocally. And just knowing that he was so much smaller than me I could kill him like a fuckin' piece of vapor, you know, he would turn into vapor — his chin would, at least, if I fuckin' smacked it. And he knows that. The world should know that. So physically, of course, he deserves to be beaten severely.

"But of course, that's criminal and I won't do such a thing… Really, I just let him prattle on. I grew very tired of it very quickly, and whenever it came up, like it has come up today, I just chose to wish them the best of luck. And in all honesty I really wish that they would be men, which is very hard for them, figuring that they were living in their mother's house until they're 30 years old. In comparison, I was on the street by choice at the age of 15, living anywhere I could — but living, and successfully living, through my will."

On what it was that caused his friendship with Dimebag Darrell to turn sour:

"I think that there's a lot inside of Darrell… from what I've seen of Dimebag in the past, he had some great tragedy in his family, and of course that's Vinnie's family as well. I don't think that they were ever given or ever allowed time to really heal from that. The anger and the hatred and the drunken nights of just screaming in my face, with me sitting there taking it and holding both of my hands just to not hit the guy… I grew weary of that. I was sick of being his whipping post, y'know, and I just politely, or unpolitely, excused myself.

"I think I proved clearly to everybody what I was in PANTERA! And what I was was a unique, unbelievably magnetic frontman that had not been around since the days of Robert Plant and Ozzy Osbourne. I am one in a million. . . I have staying power! I have a devoted following that would do anything for me! Anything that I say. And there's not many people that can say that, that are in my position.
[Dec 9,2004 2:23pm - litacore ""]
some audience memebers said something like he shouted "you broke up pantera ! you ruined my life! what about phil? he needs money for drugs!"

this guy was obviously twaddling out there where the busses don't run.
[Dec 9,2004 2:43pm - anonymous  ""]
does anyone have some pics of the tragedy?
[Dec 9,2004 2:43pm - ja ja pina  ""]
its gonna be like the biggie smalls 2pac rivalry of metal because dimebag was shot some wack ass motha fucka is gonna go get strapped and probly do a driveby on phil and bust a cap in his ass
[Dec 9,2004 2:44pm - litacore ""]
they'll probably surface in due time
[Dec 9,2004 2:44pm - litacore ""]
ja ja pina said:its gonna be like the biggie smalls 2pac rivalry of metal because dimebag was shot some wack ass motha fucka is gonna go get strapped and probly do a driveby on phil and bust a cap in his ass

hahaha, easy there holmes>:]
[Dec 9,2004 2:45pm - paganmegan ""]
this situation is increasing in gayness by the nano second
[Dec 9,2004 2:48pm - ja ja pina  ""]
crips for life nigga
[Dec 9,2004 2:50pm - paganmegan ""]
I rest my case
[Dec 9,2004 2:55pm - ja ja pina  ""]
you people always try to be so tough sounding and serious all the time, lighten up
[Dec 9,2004 2:59pm - litacore ""]
is Mike Tyson posting today?
[Dec 9,2004 3:00pm - paganmegan ""]

[Dec 9,2004 3:04pm - paganmegan ""]
I've been posting alot of "ha-has" after larissa's posts, but they are seriously cracking me up today
[Dec 9,2004 3:04pm - litacore ""]
I thought he got arrested last night in Arizona for jumping on a car roof
[Dec 9,2004 3:05pm - litacore ""]
paganmegan said:I've been posting alot of "ha-has" after larissa's posts, but they are seriously cracking me up today

glad to be of service :swedenflag:
[Dec 9,2004 3:14pm - TerribleNightSteve ""]
This is one of the saddest days. I can't even believe that this happened. I spent my highschool days drinking and smoking to Pantera. Fuck this. Fuck it. Now you can't even go to a fucking show without worrying about getting shot. Fuck Fuck Fuck.
[Dec 9,2004 3:17pm - litacore ""]
I can empathize. I'd be just as bummed if this happened to Cronos.

Toss a few back tonight for Darrell
[Dec 9,2004 3:21pm - powerkok ""]
fuckin right, I broke out cowboys and reinventing, and smoked fat bowls.
[Dec 9,2004 3:34pm - RustedAngel ""]
I've already tossed back 2 root beers for him... I'll be drinking root beer for the rest of the night in memory.
[Dec 9,2004 3:34pm - RustedAngel ""]
we listened to the 'best of pantera' album just to hear pretty much everything.
[Dec 9,2004 3:36pm - dreadkill ""]
i listened to vulgar, far beyond driven, and watched pantera 3 today. i forgot how funny pantera 3 was.
[Dec 9,2004 3:38pm - RustedAngel ""]
dreadkill said:i listened to vulgar, far beyond driven, and watched pantera 3 today. i forgot how funny pantera 3 was.

yeah, I have the tape of 3, I'm probably going to pickup the dvd with all 3 videos on it. Home video #3 is pretty fucking hillarious.
[Dec 9,2004 3:39pm - RustedAngel ""]

[Dec 9,2004 3:42pm - coldnorthernvengeance ""]
#3, where they smashed the pick up truck into the storage unit. Beer drinkers and Hellraiser... Gonna miss that good ol' boy.
[Dec 9,2004 3:44pm - coldnorthernvengeance ""]
Drink whiskey, play black jack, and listen to old school metal...
[Dec 9,2004 3:51pm - RustedAngel ""]
SERENGETIIIIII!!!! hahahahaa you know what I'm talking about.
[Dec 9,2004 3:52pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Nothing funny about this. I never liked pantera or damage plan, but Dimebag I respected. If anyone, phil should have been shot.

R.I.P. Dimebag
[Dec 9,2004 3:52pm - dreadkill ""]
we used to have a friend at school my sophomore year of college named guy. he didn't wear serengetis but whenever we saw him we'd say "guy guy, go for guy" like they did in pantera 3.
[Dec 9,2004 3:57pm - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
Back in like 8th grade when I used to watch ECW I listened to "Walk" every day.
[Dec 9,2004 4:02pm - anonymous  ""]
haha one time there was a huge aprilfools joke that phil died from injecting sugar into his blood thinking it herion
[Dec 9,2004 4:02pm - anonymous  ""]
damn, thats crazy , Although i wasnt really a big fan of DP, still i had respect for dimebag and Vinnie, Its sad to see idiots who probly have no life, jack off to internet porn all day and all nightShoot someone because there old band has parted ways. Personally it would make more sense if it were Simple Plan and all that gay shit on tv nowadays, but either way a life was taken for nonsense.
[Dec 9,2004 4:17pm - Mike Proteus  ""]
I enjoyed the first 4 (metal) Pantera albums growing up and unlike most people, I never felt the need to suddenly bash them for whatever reason. Dimebag wasn't an over the top, flashy guitarist, he just wrote some excellent riffs in his prime. To die on stage like that was a bittersweet ending, really sucks.
[Dec 9,2004 4:34pm - Robdeadskin ""]
lady_czerach said:I can't believe people are saying they're glad he's dead. Fuck you guys. Whether or not you liked Pantera or DP, it's still scary for people who go to metal shows all the time. It could happen anytime, anywhere.

you go jess!!!:doublehorns:
[Dec 9,2004 4:35pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Yeha word up!

oh wait it's Metal to be an ass..... hahahaha hes dead thats funny!
[Dec 9,2004 4:36pm - phobia ""]
like the station fire, just watch venue security go to ridiculous porportions.
-i will never be able to wear my bullet belt to a show ever again now-
[Dec 9,2004 4:38pm - swamplorddvm ""]
No shit. that sucks. Isnt shooting for rap shows? at least kill them OUT side of shows. btw no one should be killing anyone. :D
[Dec 9,2004 4:39pm - Robdeadskin ""]
its not metal to be an ass about shit like this!... whether or not you liked pantera or dp or not...this is not cool...but whatever you think man!
[Dec 9,2004 4:39pm - swamplorddvm ""]
I was kidding, dude.
[Dec 9,2004 4:41pm - Robdeadskin ""]
[Dec 9,2004 4:42pm - swamplorddvm ""]
woah hey did offend syou some how?
danm nigga please!
[Dec 9,2004 4:43pm - phobia ""]
woah, easy there boys....
[Dec 9,2004 4:43pm - Robdeadskin ""]
[Dec 9,2004 4:43pm - phobia ""]
[Dec 9,2004 4:48pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
[Dec 9,2004 4:50pm - Todd(bombshelter)  ""]
Im a pantera fan. always loved his shred. even if I didnt I wouldnt be a dumbfuck and gloat about it, like some stupid cunts on this website do. but then again, Im better than alot of the dumbfucks on here as a person in general. sucks for them but its true.>>

Well said, my friend:doublehorns:
[Dec 9,2004 4:51pm - Robdeadskin ""]
[Dec 9,2004 4:52pm - dreadkill ""]
i think the masshole metal patrol needs to avenge dimebag's death.
[Dec 9,2004 4:54pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
No, we won't be doing that.

- The Real MMP (if you're not sure if you're part of it, you're not).
[Dec 9,2004 5:19pm - BornSoVile ""]
major bummer. Dimebag was a huge influence and inspiration for me. I spent many days and nights playing air guitar, drunk and stoned with my buddy to all the Pantera records. This dude was a legend. One of the few popular metal guitarists I still have respect for.
my playlist for smoke and remeberance...
Cemetary Gates
Hard Lines, Sunken Cheeks
This Love
Planet Caravan

RIP Dimebag. This whiskey's for you.
Bottoms Up!!!!!
[Dec 9,2004 5:24pm - dread_104 ""]
what happened???
[Dec 9,2004 5:31pm - ninkaszi  ""]
i'm not a pantera/dp fan at all but it's totally uncalled for, and very stupid. i hope the shooter died in extreme pain. humanity needs some serious cleansing.

RIP dimebag
[Dec 9,2004 5:31pm - WhyamIandasshole ""]
Clicky Clicky
[Dec 9,2004 5:33pm - ninkaszi  ""]
oh, and many heilz to the responding officer.
[Dec 9,2004 5:36pm - BornSoVile ""]
yeah I think it was awesome he got killed on the spot. that's some fucking justice.
[Dec 9,2004 5:42pm - A  ""]
dread_104 said:what happened???


[Dec 9,2004 5:43pm - anonymous  ""]
I wonder if Dimebag talked shit on online forums.
[Dec 9,2004 6:02pm - malettey ""]
this is some fucked up shit man.....if there's anything good to say about this, it is that at least dimebag died having done something significant while he was alive. he was a hell of a great guitar player and he played in one of the best fuckin metal bands known to this world. not many people can say that. same goes for quorthon.
[Dec 9,2004 6:14pm - Justin ACR  ""]
Quarthon and Bathory were huge for the undergroud, but the matter in which Dimebag died makes this a whole different ordeal.
[Dec 9,2004 6:22pm - retzam ""]
BornSoVile said:yeah I think it was awesome he got killed on the spot. that's some fucking justice.

Dude, if he didn't get killed right then in there, he may have killed his hostage and probably others.
[Dec 9,2004 6:31pm - ArrowHead ""]
BornSoVile said:yeah I think it was awesome he got killed on the spot. that's some fucking justice.

That's not justice. Putting him behind bars for life would be justice. Do you know how many pantera fans there are in the average prison!? Woulda been hell on earth for that shmuck.

[Dec 9,2004 6:33pm - anonymous  ""]
Cowboys from HEll or Cowboy in Hell ?? Either way the killer shouldn't of been shot. we could of crucified him! BRING IT back so we can torture these dumb people that take musicians lives for no reason . There F*cking entertainers!!! Damn People take stuff tooo seriously... we deffinatly need gun control..
[Dec 9,2004 6:48pm - assuck ""]
i honestly cant believe that anyone could laugh at the fact that one of the best and most influential guitar players EVER in metal got shot and killed on stage

this is the first and probably only time i will ever be the least bit offended by something joe has said.

if it werent for dime, i wouldnt be playing guitar. period.
[Dec 9,2004 7:16pm - assuck ""]
here is the fuck that did it:


i found it on smn news, along with this:

"Some people who knew Nathan "Nate" Gale (photo) said Thursday that the heavy metal music fan had a quick temper. Gale, 25, was the man who police said shot and killed four people inside the Alrosa Village nightclub Wednesday night. A Columbus police officer who was called to the scene shot and killed Gale as he was holding a hostage, authorities said.
Gale was a 1998 Marysville High School graduate and lived in an apartment in downtown Marysville, NBC 4's Holly Hollingsworth reported. He served in the United States Marine Corps from February 2002 through November 2003, but did not serve his full term, Hollingsworth reported. The USMC would not give the circumstances of his discharge, Hollingsworth reported. While some in the community said Gale had a quick temper, others said he was a good-natured person.
Mikayla Weitzenecker, who works at Maggie's Restaurant in Marysville, said Gale was in the restaurant this week and said he loved children. "He always played with the little ones when he was in here," Weitzenecker said. "He was just a real gentle guy. He seemed like a big old teddy bear to me. I never would have thought what made him do that."
[Dec 9,2004 8:15pm - DumB White Trash R.I.Heaven with all the other mindless cocksuckers  ""]
crazy white trash!!!!! black gangsta don't even go to these lengths, at least they wait till after the tour over.. luckily for darrel he's white so we will find out everything that happend and why. at least more then tu pac or B.I.G murders.
[Dec 9,2004 10:37pm - retzam ""]
I made an RIP shirt.
[Dec 9,2004 10:48pm - anonymous  ""]
[Dec 9,2004 10:51pm - anonymous  ""]
[Dec 9,2004 11:46pm - Dana  ""]
Despite whatever any people who think theyre too hardcore to admit they liked Pantera, i know that if it werent for them a lot of kids, including myself growing up, probably wouldnt be listening to the music they are now. They were truly influential and still one of my favorite bands. RIP Dime, you will be missed.
[Dec 9,2004 11:49pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
That is part of the problem, they are pretty much responsible for mediocre Mall Metal toughguy crap.
[Dec 9,2004 11:58pm - retzam ""]
AUTOPSY_666 said:That is part of the problem, they are pretty much responsible for mediocre Mall Metal toughguy crap.

Bathory is partially responsible for Cradle Of Filth. Thank god Quarthon died, it solved all of our problems.
[Dec 10,2004 12:01am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
retzam said:AUTOPSY_666 said:That is part of the problem, they are pretty much responsible for mediocre Mall Metal toughguy crap.

Bathory is partially responsible for Cradle Of Filth. Thank god Quarthon died, it solved all of our problems.

Elvis Presley was a racist son of a bitch.
[Dec 10,2004 12:03am - retzam ""]
Public Enemy...?
[Dec 10,2004 12:21am - BornSoVile ""]
ArrowHead said:BornSoVile said:yeah I think it was awesome he got killed on the spot. that's some fucking justice.

That's not justice. Putting him behind bars for life would be justice. Do you know how many pantera fans there are in the average prison!? Woulda been hell on earth for that shmuck.

that's a good point Pete.
[Dec 10,2004 1:42am - moran ""]
Although I'm not as big of a fan as I used to be, this is absolutely unreal. If it wasn't for Pantera and Dime, I would have never picked up an instrument. This guy was a hero of mine, flat out. Yeah, Damageplan sucked, but the shit he has done speaks for itself. And coming from a guitarist point of view, if you think he wasn't doing anything remotely talented or inovative, get your ears checked or put down your guitar because your full of shit. And think of some of the bands you like locally, because a few wouldn't be who they are without his influence. Random Acts of Violence, Dead Like Death, and Disengaged sure as hell wouldn't be what they are without this guy.
[Dec 10,2004 2:57am - BestialOnslaught ""]
I don't think DISENGAGED sounds anything like PANTERA.

I've never heard a band I liked that was particularly influenced by PANTERA.
[Dec 10,2004 9:40am - moran ""]
BestialOnslaught said:I don't think DISENGAGED sounds anything like PANTERA.

I've never heard a band I liked that was particularly influenced by PANTERA.

Thats not the point. You don't have to sound like a band or a particular person to be influenced by them. Does Sabbath or Ozzy sound like the Beatles? No, but they were their main influence to start playing together and writing music. Its the fact that this guy was so good that we picked up a guitar because of it.
[Dec 10,2004 9:49am - RustedAngel ""]
BestialOnslaught said:I don't think DISENGAGED sounds anything like PANTERA.

I've never heard a band I liked that was particularly influenced by PANTERA.

hahaha, well, obviously disengaged is influenced by dime/pantera and you like them? there are probably a lot of bands you like that have guitarits's influenced by pantera, but you're in 'kvlt denial' and don't realize it.

As if you know who every band member is influenced by...Is that part of your KVLT filtering system? do you call up bands and ask them "okay, let's get this out of the way, you don't like pantera do you?" "well yeah...." *click*.

I'm pretty sure there are a shitload of metal bands influenced by shit like bjork, tori amos, shakira, tatu, melissa etheridge, zztop, but you don't necessarily hear it in their music.
[Dec 10,2004 11:03am - paganmegan ""]
DEAN GUITARS Founder: 'The World Has Lost A Great Human Being' - Dec. 10, 2004

Dean Guitars founder Dean B. Zelinsky has issued the following statement regarding the death of DAMAGEPLAN/ex-PANTERA guitarist Dimebag Darrell:

"As I sit here awake at 2:34 am, feeling numb beyond belief to the news that our good friend Darrell Abbott is no longer with us, I would like to share my thoughts as they come to mind.

"I met Darrell when he was only a kid, not old enough to get into the clubs for which he would later grace the stages throughout his impressive career. This kid was great at 16 years old and destined to become the idol we now know as Dimebag Darrell.

"Darrell became the true persona of a rock star. He personified and exemplified the rock life …he lived it 24/7. It is the Dimebag Darrells that make this industry we all are so emotionally attached to 'bigger than life.' He truly knew his role...after all; he was also rock's biggest fan. He grew up with the dream and had what it takes to put it all together.

"Anyone who ever met Dimebag Darrell will tell you, they were touched for life. He treated his fans like royalty, as he knew what it was like to be a kid at a concert and seeing your idol onstage…he wanted to give it all back. When Darrell was off stage, he was always aware of whom he was and the effect he had on his fans. People who knew him will tell you that behind the persona of Dimebag Darrell was a guy who was kind, loyal, sentimental, full of emotion, full of life, charismatic and extremely talented. Darrell was an artist not only with a guitar but also with a pen. When I would meet with him, he would show up with a file folder full of drawings of his guitar designs.

"Just a few weeks ago I was with Darrell at a show in Milwaukee. Backstage after the show, two kids were waiting at the stage door and would not leave without seeing Darrell. When he got wind of this he insisted they be brought back to meet him. These kids were so in awe to meet their idol, then Darrell rocked their world when he put them on the VIP list for the Chicago show the very next day.

"Darrell was one of rock's greatest guitarists. He took metal to whole new level and showed young rockers how the instrument was to be played. He made young kids all over the world want to pick up a guitar and play like Dime! He potentially inspired more kids to play guitar than any artist in recent history.

"On a personal note, words cannot express the loss I am feeling. Of all the stars I have met in the past 28 years, nobody touched me like Darrell. He was the artist who would bring me on stage and introduce me as the world's greatest guitar maker. He was a fan of mine as I was a fan of him. No single artist has done more for the popularity of Dean Guitars than Dimebag Darrell.

"These past months working with Darrell on new guitar designs, talking to him just about every day have been the most invigorating times in my 28-year career. Seeing Dime onstage with a Dean in his hands again brought back feelings I thought were gone forever. Just yesterday I was on the phone with him discussing the photo shoot we had set up for the show in Michigan on Friday to introduce his new Razorback design. He started talking about how he couldn't wait to get home in a few days to work on the new DAMAGEPLAN CD. He said this new CD was going to be heavier than ever and blow people's minds.

"I cannot help but think about Rita. She and Darrell had been together since they were in 3rd grade. I have worked very closely with her these past months as she handles all of Dime's affairs. She is truly the woman behind the man and Dimebag would have told you, he wouldn't have been Dimebag without Rita. She is one very special person and I cannot fathom the pain she must be feeling. Our deepest sympathy goes out to his brother Vinnie and the rest of his family. Our hearts go out as well to the other victims of this horrible tragedy.

"Darrell was a living legend. He lived every day of his life to the fullest. I will always remember his smile onstage. He loved what he did and it showed. No matter how big the crowd, he could always find you and fling a guitar pick your way. We at Dean have lost a great artist but more importantly, a true friend. The world has lost a great human being."

(Thanks: Vekin

From blabbermouth.net
[Dec 10,2004 1:10pm - intricateprocess ""]
this is the craziest shit. i just woke up this morning and heard about this. damage plan did suck, but pantera is just classic. its a shame
[Dec 10,2004 1:20pm - dan.  ""]
imagine if this happened at a pantera show...in texas....
[Dec 10,2004 1:21pm - paganmegan ""]
people would be bbq- ing and eating one another
[Dec 10,2004 1:22pm - litacore ""]
don't they already do that down there?
[Dec 10,2004 1:23pm - paganmegan ""]
Yeah, thats what I'm sayin-- that would be the natural reaction for said situation
[Dec 10,2004 1:25pm - litacore ""]
I just noticed from the above Quorthon and Dimebag have the same birth to death years
[Dec 10,2004 1:26pm - paganmegan ""]
[Dec 10,2004 1:28pm - Josh_Martin ""]
RustedAngel said:this is so f-ed

there's been a lot of talk about him over at harmony central and how he WAS now endorsed by KRANK amps and DEAN instead of washburn guitars.

here was his new ad:

I wonder if the shooter aimed for that soul patch thing on his chin.
[Dec 10,2004 1:31pm - litacore ""]
[Dec 10,2004 1:50pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
RustedAngel said:BestialOnslaught said:I don't think DISENGAGED sounds anything like PANTERA.

I've never heard a band I liked that was particularly influenced by PANTERA.

hahaha, well, obviously disengaged is influenced by dime/pantera and you like them? there are probably a lot of bands you like that have guitarits's influenced by pantera, but you're in 'kvlt denial' and don't realize it.

As if you know who every band member is influenced by...Is that part of your KVLT filtering system? do you call up bands and ask them "okay, let's get this out of the way, you don't like pantera do you?" "well yeah...." *click*.

I'm pretty sure there are a shitload of metal bands influenced by shit like bjork, tori amos, shakira, tatu, melissa etheridge, zztop, but you don't necessarily hear it in their music.

I said "particularly influenced" as in showing some obvious points of comparison. Not knowing what every member of every band I listen to is precisely why I added the word "particularly", mongoloid.

PS - Bands influenced by ZZ TOP or TATU >>>> Bands influenced by PANTERA
[Dec 10,2004 1:53pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
Regarding that pic of Darrell... Where the fuck can I find a bag that size for 10 bucks? :-\
[Dec 10,2004 2:47pm - retzam ""]
BestialOnslaught said:Regarding that pic of Darrell... Where the fuck can I find a bag that size for 10 bucks? :-\

Hahahahaha I was thinking that when he first posted it.
[Dec 10,2004 4:38pm - moran ""]
BestialOnslaught said:RustedAngel said:

PS - Bands influenced by ZZ TOP or TATU >>>> Bands influenced by PANTERA

Pantera was influenced by ZZ Top. So how does that work out?

[Dec 10,2004 4:46pm - dreadkill ""]
RustedAngel said:BestialOnslaught said:I don't think DISENGAGED sounds anything like PANTERA.

I've never heard a band I liked that was particularly influenced by PANTERA.

hahaha, well, obviously disengaged is influenced by dime/pantera and you like them? there are probably a lot of bands you like that have guitarits's influenced by pantera, but you're in 'kvlt denial' and don't realize it.

As if you know who every band member is influenced by...Is that part of your KVLT filtering system? do you call up bands and ask them "okay, let's get this out of the way, you don't like pantera do you?" "well yeah...." *click*.

I'm pretty sure there are a shitload of metal bands influenced by shit like bjork, tori amos, shakira, tatu, melissa etheridge, zztop, but you don't necessarily hear it in their music.

i have been influenced by both pantera and zz top over the years. billy gibbons is the man. me and my cousin made paper beards and taped them to our faces when we were kids in tribute to zz top.
[Dec 10,2004 4:47pm - BornSoVile ""]
I have lots of interviews from Guitar World, Guitar Player magazine, Dime always said his biggest influence was Kiss.
what a bummah. this dude is a hero. I wish I coulda met him.
[Dec 10,2004 5:08pm - dreadkill ""]
last night verizon sent a tech over to work on my dsl and while he was trying to fix it, we talked about the dimebag murder. then he brought up the station fire and mentioned his nephew was killed in it. turns out he was my friend's uncle. he ended up making my dsl worse and now i am on temporary dial up, but it was nice talking to him about stuff.
[Dec 10,2004 5:22pm - intricateprocess ""]
i have cemetary gates as my ring tone on my cell phone and its starting to make me really depressed when someone calls it
[Dec 10,2004 5:48pm - retzam ""]
New Article On Nathan Gale:

[Dec 10,2004 5:53pm - BornSoVile ""]
dude, that kid is fucked!
[Dec 10,2004 9:49pm - RustedAngel ""]
just watched the home video #3...It's pretty sad to watch considering dime is one of the guys either filming, or in front of the camera in most of the scenes having a good time. :-/
[Dec 10,2004 11:06pm - th3rdknuckle ""]
litacore said:some audience memebers said something like he shouted "you broke up pantera ! you ruined my life! what about phil? he needs money for drugs!"

sorry, but if that scumbag yelled anything, nobody heard it. he was standing on-sage while Damageplan was in full roar, 60 seconds into their 1st song... you really think anyone in the crowd could have heard him saying anything? this BS was started by some drunken hallucinating moron, forget about it
[Dec 11,2004 1:14pm - DEATH2ALL ""]
it was most likely heard by someone on, or on the side of the stage. it isn't as loud on the stage as it is in the crowd.
[Dec 11,2004 1:31pm - dreadkill ""]
RustedAngel said:just watched the home video #3...It's pretty sad to watch considering dime is one of the guys either filming, or in front of the camera in most of the scenes having a good time. :-/

i felt the same way watching it. when it first came out, i watched it with my friends every weekend or two. my roommate started appreciating metal back then mainly because of that dvd.
[Dec 11,2004 1:49pm - pisscup ""]
Ah fuck. I usually have a smartass thing to say about everything. This shit just makes me sad. What kind of world do we live in?
[Dec 11,2004 6:37pm - Rich Horror NLI  ""]
I'm upset no one murdered Phil Anselmo.
[Dec 11,2004 8:47pm - DEATH2ALL ""]
dreadkill said:RustedAngel said:just watched the home video #3...It's pretty sad to watch considering dime is one of the guys either filming, or in front of the camera in most of the scenes having a good time. :-/

i felt the same way watching it. when it first came out, i watched it with my friends every weekend or two. my roommate started appreciating metal back then mainly because of that dvd.

I just watched it about an hour ago. I haven't watched it in about 2.5 years. They had so much fun. It is sad knowing that thats the end of it. that vid is pure comedy.
[Dec 12,2004 1:05am - th3rdknuckle ""]
DEATH2ALL said:it was most likely heard by someone on, or on the side of the stage. it isn't as loud on the stage as it is in the crowd.

oh, gee, thank you for clarifying that for me


it was 'heard' by some drunken douche who says he was in the audience. he posted as soon as he got home, on the DP message board.

see how rumors start?

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