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Boston Bruins 2010-11 "please forget last year" Season Thread

[Oct 16,2010 8:15pm - late_rising ""]
Missed last week's 2 games in Czech while I was in NYC, but finally getting to watch a game live now - Ryder just scored to go up 2-1 on the Devils in the 2nd. This team seems to still have the same problems as last year, but may actually score some goals this season. Let's hope.

Man I fucking hate Jack Edwards so much. If this thread lasts the season expect to see me bitching about him every game ... he's such a fucking TOOL.
[Oct 16,2010 9:08pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
Nice game
[Oct 16,2010 9:21pm - late_rising ""]
yeah, like the scoring from so many lines. Caron & Seguin look like they belong. Krejci/Looch/Horton line looks awesome. I just wish they had dumped Wheeler in the off season, that dude bugs me.

And how about Thomas? Back to his 2009 level of play, so far!
[Oct 16,2010 11:05pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
I like Wheeler, or more accurately the *idea* of Wheeler. He's a big kid who can stickhandle through traffic with ease. If he could play up to the physicality you'd expect from someone with his frame he'd be a front line goal scorer for years. As it stands he's got the tools to coast along the way he's been doing and still come out of it with a decade long career as a second or third line guy on a few playoff teams.

I think I just realized he's the JD Drew of hockey...fuck.
[Oct 16,2010 11:13pm - Lester__Burnham ""]
[Oct 17,2010 1:03am - RustyPS ""]
Edwards is the ultimate homer....why the hate?

on the Wheeler tip...I think he's better suited for a wing spot...so once Savard gets back...I think him and Seguin are changing positions...which could make this team very formidable
[Oct 17,2010 1:21am - Arist ""]
Still sad sobotka is gone!
[Oct 17,2010 1:32am - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]

Arist said:Still sad sobotka is gone!

Sobotka's a beast, that trade sucked because it wasn't Ryder.
[Oct 17,2010 2:26am - late_rising ""]

RustyPS said:Edwards is the ultimate homer....why the hate?

I just think his routine is pure clown shoes. and he seems to be getting worse, every freaking save that Thomas makes now it's "OOOOHHH!!! ABSOLUTELY MINDBLOWING SAVE FROM TIM THOMAS!!!! OOOOOHHHH!!!"

I just like my p-b-p guys to be more low key. put it this way, Fred Cusick was my ideal p-b-p guy, at least as long as his eyesight held out. he would be embarrassed by Edwards' shtick, as am I during every game.

I used to stand up for Wheeler, but his game just bothers me. maybe it's his size but he seems to dog it out there a lot, and his finish - which was great in his rookie year - seems all but gone. maybe he can come on again, and he hasn't been "bad" so far this year, he just doesn't do much for me.
[Oct 17,2010 2:43am - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
Even though he scored tonight I really hate Ryder, maybe because he's a Newfie. Or maybe because at least three times a game he'll have a goalie dead to rights and miss the fucking net by five feet.
[Oct 17,2010 2:50am - late_rising ""]
as long as Ryder is skating hard and finishing checks, like he has been so far, he's alright with me. especially if he's on the 3rd line - the Bruins depth allows for him to play without the pressure he had last year, which should pay off.
[Oct 17,2010 12:21pm - GUY ""]
This team is dead to me

Go green
[Oct 17,2010 12:24pm - RustyPS ""]

GUY said:This team is dead to me

Go green

how can a team be dead to you with exciting young playersmlike Seguin, Horton, and Caron?
[Oct 19,2010 8:20pm - late_rising ""]
boys look good so far vs Caps. Seguin is already starting to stand out with his speed when he gets the puck - he seems to explode up the ice.

Lucic on pace for 70 goals haha.

I'm a little concerned about relying on Hunwick and Ference on D all year - Hunwick is a turnover machine.
[Oct 19,2010 8:57pm - Dankill  ""]

late_rising said:
I'm a little concerned about relying on Hunwick and Ference on D all year - Hunwick is a turnover machine.

Wouldn't be surprised to see some of those rookie D-linemen that were impressive in preseason to make some trips from Providence to Boston.
[Oct 19,2010 9:00pm - late_rising ""]
and I posted that BEFORE Hunwick's 18th turnover of the game became the Caps' 1st goal.

I'm still trying to understand why they gave Ference a 3-year extension!
[Oct 21,2010 11:40pm - late_rising ""]
how sick is Thomas right now??

he even gave away the most shitty gift goal and STILL kept his GAA under 1.

[Oct 22,2010 1:07am - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
Thomas only gave up that goal because he wants to keep the Jennings Trophy race interesting.
[Oct 30,2010 9:38pm - late_rising ""]
EXCLUSIVE video of Tuukka Rask in the dressing room after tonight's game:

[Oct 31,2010 11:38am - dreadkill ""]
i'm still hearing people shit on tim thomas. some of my coworkers said he was "getting lucky." people hate him because he's an unorthodox goalie. anyone remember a guy named hasek? definition of unorthodox, and he won 6 vezinas, 2 harts, finalist for 3 harts he didn't win, and a stanley cup.
[Oct 31,2010 11:39am - dreadkill ""]
i'd like to see the bruins go out and get another defenseman. i've heard they want keith yandle, which would be awesome, but he's probably phoenix's best overall player, and they have him at a low cost, so they'd be retarded to give him up for anything less than the toronto first rounder.
[Oct 31,2010 2:09pm - late_rising ""]
a week ago I might have been willing to give up that Toronto first rounder, with how well they were playing, but the B's smackdown seemed to bring them back down to earth and that pick is still looking like it could be a top 10 ... I still might trade it for Yandle though.

gotta love how none of the 4 goal scorers last night were over 24 years old ... the core of this team is so young and talented, the B's should be contenders for years to come. And I'm starting to have a really good feeling about this season.

How about Caron?? Kid is 19 and looks like he's been in the league for 10 years!
[Oct 31,2010 9:56pm - Dankill  ""]
Watch out for Joe Colbourne, Matt Bartkowski, Yuri Alexandrov and Steven Kampfer down in Providence. Colbourne looked to be at the same level as Caron in training camp. Bartkowski and Kampfer REALLY impressed the Bruins.
[Nov 2,2010 2:03pm - Death_Metal_Jim ""]
hey what happened to Satan!? i missed it. where'd he go? he was sick last year! i even bought one of those 'Hail Satan' shirts.
[Nov 2,2010 2:05pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
ya wtf. fill me in as well.
[Nov 2,2010 2:17pm - Beard Lice  ""]
We can't wait until the playoffs so we can hatch all of our eggs in the beards of the players.
[Nov 2,2010 2:21pm - arilliusbm ""]
Satan is a free agent.
[Nov 2,2010 6:58pm - Dankill  ""]

Death_Metal_Jim said:hey what happened to Satan!? i missed it. where'd he go? he was sick last year! i even bought one of those 'Hail Satan' shirts.
Yeah, I love my shirt too. I can't believe he's still floating out there unsigned.
[Nov 3,2010 9:24pm - late_rising ""]
Pretty awesome first period-and-a-half from the Bruins in Buffalo, as they put up another 4 goals ... but it seems like they lost interest after getting the big lead and are letting Buffalo walk all over them - now it's 4-2 and they still aren't playing very hard.

Of course, the fact that the refs decided to let Buffalo play pretty much the final 30 minutes of the game on the power play hasn't helped things much either.
[Nov 10,2010 11:16pm - late_rising ""]
holy shit, game of the year so far!

4 fights, 11 goals, comeback from 2 down in the 3rd on the road?

4th line scoring goals? Old Man Rex playing like a beast?

instant classic.
[Nov 11,2010 12:49am - arilliusbm ""]
that was an awesome game. great fights. i thought malkin was hurt for good... oh well
[Jan 11,2011 9:09pm - aril  ""]
at the game tonight. Bergeron hat trick ftw
[Jan 11,2011 9:23pm - burnsy ""]
Fun game to be at.... at which to be.
[Jan 11,2011 9:36pm - dreadkill ""]
I can't see Cory clouston remaining employed by the Ottawa senators tomorrow.
[Jan 11,2011 9:41pm - late_rising ""]

aril said:at the game tonight. 2 Bergeron hat tricks ftw


congrats on getting tix to an awesome game. Bruins home games have been a risky night out this season.
[Feb 3,2011 7:57pm - RustyPS ""]
so far tonight:

4 fights, 4 Boston goals, no Dallas goals, Raycroft was pulled, and Thornton has 2/3rds of a Gordie Howe hat trick

....and Steve Ott is a straight up punk...I hope someone sends him to the hospital
[Feb 3,2011 8:45pm - dreadkill ""]
My boss offered me tickets to tonight's game and I couldn't go. Of all the fucking games to miss. :(
[Feb 3,2011 8:48pm - late_rising ""]

RustyPS said:so far tonight:

4 fights, 4 Boston goals, no Dallas goals, Raycroft was pulled, and Thornton has 2/3rds of a Gordie Howe hat trick

... and most of that was in the first 3 minutes!

Chara wants to pummel anyone in a Dallas uniform. Let's hope he gets his chance.
[Feb 3,2011 9:16pm - Radical DirtBiker  ""]
Tuukka Rask looks about as fresh as a knac knac at the Xgames
[Feb 3,2011 9:24pm - burnsy ""]
Seriously man. I would've pulled rask after that second one honestly.
[Feb 3,2011 9:44pm - MillenialKingdom ""]
I wish I gave a crap about hockey.
[Feb 3,2011 9:52pm - late_rising ""]
yeah Rask makes some amazing saves but lets in some absolute stink-ass goals : (
[Feb 4,2011 12:35am - LPCustom  ""]
I was there. Those first three fights were unreal - never seen anything like it. I've seen fights one second into a game numerous times, but those three were nuts. Entire game was fantastic!
[Feb 9,2011 9:19pm - late_rising ""]
[Feb 9,2011 9:41pm - RustyPS ""]
HORTON HAS 5 POINTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and ryder should have a hat trick
[Feb 9,2011 9:51pm - RustyPS ""]
I didn't think they would top the Stars game from a few days ago....BUT THIS IS INSANE
[Feb 9,2011 10:01pm - dreadkill ""]
that game was ridiculous. the jack edwards line of the night was "He's givin' him the noogies!!!" when the brawl broke out with 40 seconds left.
[Feb 9,2011 10:03pm - RustyPS ""]
I literally LOL'd when he said that
[Feb 9,2011 10:15pm - Dankill  ""]
That was one of the best games I've seen in the last couple years. Unreal.
[Feb 9,2011 10:17pm - Dankill  ""]

RustyPS said:I literally LOL'd when he said that

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