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Boston Bruins 2010-11 "please forget last year" Season Thread

[Feb 9,2011 10:20pm - late_rising ""]
my Edwards line had to be "AND HE IS JUST DESTROYING HIS FACE" or something along those lines. Bruins didn't just look tough tonight, they looked mean. Not a lot of letting up in the hits or fights, borderline shit like Marchand hitting on an icing and Ference throwing punches when dude went down. I love it.

the best lol of the night had to be the 12 guys in the penalty box though. old motherfuckin time hockey for REAL.
[Feb 10,2011 12:44am - xgodzillax ""]
Me and my lady were at this game. The line brawl took place right under where we were. Fuck the heebs
[Feb 27,2011 3:08am - late_rising ""]
Lucic is a beast. Was so glad to see this road trip come, they always play best on these big road trips, much to the dismay of Bruins STH.
[Feb 27,2011 7:34pm - RustyPS ""]
man, Taylor Hall looks like an absolute faggot
[Feb 27,2011 9:40pm - bobnomaamrooney ""]
Nice goal for Peverley.
[Feb 27,2011 9:44pm - nekronaut ""]
Do a realization that OP was the OP at the Weedeater show or baril about it.
[Mar 15,2011 2:41am - W3 nli  ""]
get it together.
[Mar 24,2011 7:26pm - late_rising ""]
way too many Canadiens fans in the building - you can hear them booing Chara and calling for gay penalties just like they do up in Froggytown. I hope the B's fans are making it very uncomfortable for them in the Garden.

Meanwhile, Bruins up 1-0 halfway through the first and looking pretty good so far. needs moar violence.
[Mar 24,2011 7:53pm - GUYnli  ""]
This team is still dead to me
[Mar 24,2011 9:11pm - thirdknuckle ""]
[Mar 24,2011 9:11pm - RustyPS ""]
fuck those faggot frogs
[Mar 24,2011 10:05pm - LPCustom  ""]
Fantastic game.
[Mar 24,2011 10:07pm - dreadkill ""]
Montreal got buttfucked hard
[Mar 24,2011 10:13pm - Dankill  ""]

dreadkill said:Montreal got buttfucked hard
[Mar 25,2011 12:23am - xgodzillax ""]
This game was a violent prison shower gang rape.
[Mar 25,2011 4:19pm - late_rising ""]
this game was awesome. had to watch the last 2 periods after getting home from St. Vitus, but loved every minute of it.

heard on the radio today that it was the highest-rated regular season Bruins game in NESN history!
[Mar 25,2011 4:37pm - reimroc ""]
[Mar 26,2011 3:40pm - reimroc ""]
are you serious guys? the rangers? you had to lose 1-0 to the fucking rangers.
[Mar 26,2011 3:42pm - late_rising ""]
dude they always lose 1-0 to the fucking Rangers.
Lundquist has like 5 shutouts in 20 games against them.
if they play the Rags in the playoffs it will be the most boring series ever.
[Mar 26,2011 3:47pm - reimroc ""]
yea but did they have to lose 1-0 TODAY

[Mar 26,2011 3:58pm - dreadkill ""]
Lundquist is one of the best twine tenders in hockey. He could steal a playoff series for the rangers.
[Mar 27,2011 9:36pm - late_rising ""]
Looked a lot better tonight! Good to see the power play a weapon again, and LOOOOOVVVVE the sound of Flyers fans booing their own team as the B's beat them on home ice.
[Apr 10,2011 2:09pm - late_rising ""]
lololol anybody see the midget get Chara's jersey in the "shirts off our backs" ceremony yesterday?

and then when they went back to the studio Katherine Tappen was like "it's so cute to see the little ones who could use the jerseys as a blanket," obviously meaning the little kids and Barry Pederson goes "yeah, imagine looking up at Zdeno Chara like that" lolololol
[Apr 13,2011 9:33am - RustyPS should be working  ""]
Chiarelli just pulled a "Come At Me, Bro" on T&R...LMAO
[Apr 13,2011 12:21pm - sigh  ""]
Just finished reading some article on boston.com essentially saying if they don't at least make it to the finals it could be Julien's last season coaching. Personally I think he's done a great job and don't think it's fair to blame a coach when your players just decide to stop skating and start coasting to pucks.

I'm also sick of all these articles talking about how they don't have Savard. Yes Savard is a great player, but honestly they've gelled as a team without him and seem to play better when he hasn't been on the ice. He's not the huge impact player everyone makes him out to be.
[Apr 13,2011 12:46pm - Pires ""]
Did anybody listen to felger and mazz talk to the sergeant from the Montreal police dept yesterday? Apparently, they won't interview chara until after the playoffs and the crown(quebecs version of the attorney general) are the ones pressing the issue of going after chara, not the police. He flat out said he hates having to assign two guys to investigate this. He also called all of the people who called 911 to complain about the hit "stupid".
[Apr 13,2011 12:55pm - sigh  ""]
Yeah if people go to the Montreal games at the garden the sign-age needs to rip on them for that bs. It's hockey...they signed contracts and in their somewhere I'm sure it says you might get hurt doing this.
[Apr 13,2011 1:12pm - arilliusbm ""]

reimroc said:[img]

lmao. awesome pic
[Apr 13,2011 8:03pm - dreadkill ""]
Sigh, I think julien definitely gets shitcanned if they don't make it out of the second round. He was lucky to escape last year's debacle with his job. I'm glad they kept him, but if they don't deliver this year, he's gonna go. They need a coach who can develop seguin and I'm not sure claude is the right guy for that job.
[Apr 15,2011 4:32pm - sigh  ""]
Series opener fail.
[Apr 15,2011 4:47pm - dreadkill ""]
bruins dun goofed
[Apr 16,2011 9:36pm - dreadkill ""]
Forget this year too
[Apr 16,2011 10:34pm - arilliusbm ""]
fire the coaching staff
[Apr 17,2011 10:21am - Kadooger  ""]
hahahahahaha THERE'S STILL HOPE hahahahahaha no there isn't.
[Apr 22,2011 2:46am -  ""]

god they looked like shit for long periods tonight but they did it, they said fuck you frenchies and won both in Montreal. Now it's a best of 3 and they have home ice back. FUCK YEAH.

and how about Ference flipping off the Habs fans after his goal? F U C K Y E A H !
[Apr 22,2011 9:37am - burnsy ""]
Haha I'm sure Ference will gladly pay the fine. It was definitely worth it.
[Apr 22,2011 9:40am - dreadkill ""]
i can't believe they won that game.
[Apr 22,2011 11:13am - burnsy ""]
Nor can I. Ugly play but an intense game regardless.
[Apr 22,2011 12:36pm - RustyPS ""]

[Apr 22,2011 12:42pm - burnsy ""]
"My glove was just stuck like that!" Hahaha
[Apr 22,2011 9:29pm - late_rising ""]

[Apr 24,2011 12:21am - bobnomaamrooney ""]

RustyPS said:[img]


[Apr 24,2011 1:18am - late_rising ""]
fucking sickest game since game 6 with the Sturm goal.
[Apr 24,2011 3:06am - arilliusbm ""]
[Apr 25,2011 2:48pm - anon  ""]
Here's to hoping they can swing a trade this offseason and get rid of Ryder and Savard. Maybe Ryder's heroics of late can dupe some team into thinking he's worth something.
[Apr 25,2011 3:03pm - dreadkill ""]
they won't need to. ryder's an unrestricted free agent and savard is probably retiring. if he doesn't retire or sit out another year, there's no way another team would trade for him.
[Apr 25,2011 3:27pm - bobnomaamrooney ""]
[Apr 25,2011 3:29pm - dreadkill ""]
ference flipping fuck you finger at french frog faggots is faaaaaaaaaantastic
[Apr 25,2011 3:32pm - RustyPS should be working  ""]

dreadkill said:ference flipping fuck you finger at french frog faggots is faaaaaaaaaantastic

awesome alliteration, asshole
[Apr 25,2011 3:42pm - bobnomaamrooney ""]


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