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Church (Boston, MA) - [destruction][heathen][panzerbastard][randomshots][razormaze][warbeast]
[show listing]  _________________________________
[May 13,2011 11:53am - robing ""]
Ross its aimed at a broad spectrum of what most of this has become instead of being friends with people. If you think its aimed at you its not. Its aimed at what brings it down not up.
[May 13,2011 11:54am - Alexecutioner ""]

RichHorror said:Fuck O'Briens and fuck you.

me? :(

also, i dont care if they have a zero tolerance policy for violence. i just dont understand how you are the one responsible for drunken fist fights. blame the bartender? i doubt it would have happened that easily if everyone was stone fucking sober
[May 13,2011 11:56am - RichHorror ""]
"You just bring out the worst in people, Rich. By sitting at the bar and pounding beers.". Direct quote.
[May 13,2011 12:01pm - Alexecutioner ""]
haha wow, thats pretty fucked.

i've been booking some shows at OBriens, but im afraid the moment something happens that i have literally nothing to do with that they will shut me down as well. people getting into drunken fights has nothing to do with the promoter. its not like you specifically promoted the show to have those people like that show up
[May 13,2011 12:02pm - RichHorror ""]
No, they'll wait until you've been doing it for seven years and then pull the plug.
[May 13,2011 12:03pm - Alexecutioner ""]
guess i know when to mark my calendar then.

does that also mean you arent allowed to play a show at OBriens? you're physically banned from the building or what?
[May 13,2011 12:04pm - saxlbeckett  ""]
Wow that guy sucks.
[May 13,2011 12:06pm - robing ""]
I think why he's banned is because he didn't have the level of control over the show and patrons that they wanted cause obviously the bouncers aren't tuff e nuff
[May 13,2011 12:08pm - Blessed_Offal ""]
for the record that fight happened because of two people... one lives in new mexico now, and the other is a flaky ex-marine moron SNITCH who will defintily not be showing his pock-marked face anytime soon.
[May 13,2011 12:09pm - RichHorror ""]
Yeah, because I'm obviously paid to do their job for them. Pay me to take care of your shit, otherwise I don't give a fuck if everyone wrecks the place with sledgehammers. Get fucked.
[May 13,2011 12:11pm - Alexecutioner ""]

RichHorror said:Yeah, because I'm obviously paid to do their job for them. Pay me to take care of your shit, otherwise I don't give a fuck if everyone wrecks the place with sledgehammers. Get fucked.

haha, epic quote
[May 13,2011 12:31pm - aaron_michael ""]

robing said:Squishy face retards.

robin is talking about me again.
[May 13,2011 12:35pm - goatcatalyst ""]
Rich Horror is a role model. Fuck all who disagree. And Robin is an invaluable scene asset. I fucking HATE booking shows and the headaches that accompany it. I'd probably have reacted similarly, if not worse. Dude puts his ass on the line for some fairly expensive bands. Infinite respect and gratitude. He's supported my bands since day one and was kind enough to let us crash at his and C-Money'z place a couple weeks back. My boyz Manic Productions are like his equivalent here in CT (though they do a LOT outside the metal spectrum) and I have nothing but respect for those who bring quality shows that would otherwise not be stopping by.
[May 13,2011 12:42pm - robing ""]
First choice was Panzerbastard for the Agnostic Front show I'm doing in Aug, but now I'm reconsidering.
[May 13,2011 12:43pm - AndrewBastard ""]
What did we do?
[May 13,2011 12:44pm - AndrewBastard ""]
cause I made jokes about it selling out? I'M SORRY....geez louise.
[May 13,2011 12:53pm - ark  ""]

goatcatalyst said:Infinite respect and gratitude.
[May 13,2011 12:55pm - robing ""]
You went out of your way to maliciously try and hurt the draw of the destruction show. Apology Accepted now we can move on and work on a plan to make your shows better.
[May 13,2011 12:55pm - the_reverend ""]

RichHorror said:"You just bring out the worst in people, Rich. By sitting at the bar and pounding beers.". Direct quote.
yeah, that's what it says on your business cards too.
[May 13,2011 12:56pm - SHOW NAZI  ""]

[May 13,2011 1:04pm - AndrewBastard ""]

robing said:You went out of your way to maliciously try and hurt the draw of the destruction show. Apology Accepted now we can move on and work on a plan to make your shows better.


you're something else... I was playing the goddamned show. Why wouldn't I want people to attend?

You give this forum WAY too much credit. NOT ONE SINGLE MOTHER FUCKER looked at this thread and decided not to go because they thought it was sold out because of our jokes...NOT ONE.

you're bordering on delusional.
[May 13,2011 1:17pm - Yeti ""]
walking in Memphis
do you really feel the way i feel?
[May 13,2011 1:19pm - ark  ""]
she asks "are you a christian man?" i said "MA'AM I AM TONIGHT"
[May 13,2011 1:20pm - robing ""]
Look at this thread. People were asking if it was sold out in this fucking thread.
[May 13,2011 1:22pm - Pires ""]

robing said:Look at this thread. I was actually threatening to charge the rev to shoot this show due to my high level of douchebaggery.
[May 13,2011 1:23pm - AndrewBastard ""]


C.dEAd said:Is this show sold out? If not, will it sell out?

thats JAY BECKWITH - in on the JOKE

nekronaut said:I heard this show sold out.

Jay or Andrew, can you confirm this??


AndrewBastard said:Let me ask Robin

YO ROBIN... is this sold out? if not, you think its gonna?

thats....ME!!!! - in on the JOKE

AMOROK666 said:I heard this sold out.

thats Paul from Naczherheheeherrr - in on the JOKE

whiskey_weed_and_women said:Steve you better find that last golden ticket I heard this sold out

thats SEAN IN THE SHIT - in on the JOKE

[May 13,2011 1:24pm - RichHorror ""]
Just put Motherboar on every show and call it a day.
[May 13,2011 1:27pm - Yeti ""]
good lord. the only thing this thread is missing is a howitzer.
[May 13,2011 1:27pm - robing ""]
Ok you said it on the facebook event too.
[May 13,2011 1:28pm - BlessedOffalNLI  ""]
lol. This is the stupidest thread ever now. From now on, only really cool show with bands playing! Is real.
[May 13,2011 1:30pm - Pires ""]

BlessedOffalNLI said:lol. This is the stupidest thread ever now. From now on, only really cool show with bands playing! Is real.

Yea but I heard that show sold out too.
[May 13,2011 1:31pm - AndrewBastard ""]
I wrote "soul doubt". its a NoFX song!

I guess that was regrettable of me and I honestly do apologize for that one...i took it too far as I am prone to do on most occasions.

and for the record this isn't about playing with AF. I just want you to know that we were all kidding around and I 100% honestly dont think our joking affected the turnout of this show ONE LITTLE BIT.

Everyone that knew about this show and wanted to go, WENT.
[May 13,2011 1:37pm - goatcatalyst ""]
I would have went if I wasn't hungover two hours away in CT and allowed to drive in Mass
[May 13,2011 1:38pm - Mark_R ""]
Jokes from this thread aside, I am a little surprised at the draw. I thought for sure a Destruction show would sell out Church easily. Kreator filled up the Palladium downstairs (granted that was the time with Exodus)...I thought Destruction were alongside them status-wise.
[May 13,2011 1:39pm - RichHorror ""]
I would have went if Destruction was touring in support of "Mad Butcher".
[May 13,2011 1:40pm - Death Metal Fan  ""]

robing said:No ego just trying to nip in the bud you all destroying a good scene with lies, cocaine, fights at shows, thinking your better than people because you liked real metal longer. I'm at the point where you all can go fuck your selves and have an offshoot of asshole metal where evryone that shows up for you is your shitty girlfriend and roadies on the list. I haven't given up on music, I'm in a band that's more important than these shows where I lose or break even 99percent of the time. If that's an egotistical person let me know Ill change. This is a new generation of punk, metal, and hardcore and it actually fucking sucks. Do something about it, make it better. There's some good kids out there that are so thankful, but a lot of you are just bringing yourselves down into a pile of shit and once your past that point there's no coming back.

book more touring death metal acts and maybe, just maybe, i will give a shit
[May 13,2011 1:43pm - Kevord ""]
I'm sure Destroyer 666 dropping off the tour hurt the show a lot.
[May 13,2011 1:44pm - Alexecutioner ""]

Mark_R said:Jokes from this thread aside, I am a little surprised at the draw. I thought for sure a Destruction show would sell out Church easily. Kreator filled up the Palladium downstairs (granted that was the time with Exodus)...I thought Destruction were alongside them status-wise.

i think a lot of people were less excited about the show once Destroyer 666 dropped off. no fault to Robin of course, just sucks that they didnt play too. i heard a lot of people saying that they wanted to see D666 more than Destruction from word of mouth.
[May 13,2011 1:45pm - Alexecutioner ""]

Kevord said:I'm sure Destroyer 666 dropping off the tour hurt the show a lot.

beat me to it! haha
[May 13,2011 1:46pm - DYA is NLI  ""]
[May 13,2011 1:47pm - RichHorror ""]
Nah, it sold out.
[May 13,2011 1:49pm - ouchdrummer ""]
booking shows is hard work. My band appreciates all of your (Robin, Alex, Rich.. yes even rich, etc..) hard work.
[May 13,2011 2:00pm - BlessedOffalNLI  ""]

goatcatalyst said:I would have went if I hadnt heard it was sold out from rttp.
[May 13,2011 2:02pm - ouchdrummer ""]
(I only mentioned those promoters cause those were the ones mentioned here. )
[May 13,2011 2:31pm - does not compute  ""]

Robing said:Panzerbastard wouldnt give me any guestlist if they had 3500 dollars on the line.

robing said:over 100 tickets left.

robing said:Fact I made about 1400 over what they asked for.

225 person venue with over 100 spots unfilled. 125 x 20 = 2500

3500 + 1400 = 4900.

math. you can has it.
[May 13,2011 3:02pm - GregD-Blessedoffal ""]

[May 13,2011 3:03pm - ouchdrummer ""]

robing said:over 100 tickets left.

that comment was at 4:33pm.
[May 13,2011 3:40pm - saxlbeckett  ""]

goatcatalyst said:Rich Horror is a role model. Fuck all who disagree. And Robin is an invaluable scene asset. I fucking HATE booking shows and the headaches that accompany it. I'd probably have reacted similarly, if not worse. Dude puts his ass on the line for some fairly expensive bands. Infinite respect and gratitude. He's supported my bands since day one and was kind enough to let us crash at his and C-Money'z place a couple weeks back. My boyz Manic Productions are like his equivalent here in CT (though they do a LOT outside the metal spectrum) and I have nothing but respect for those who bring quality shows that would otherwise not be stopping by.

Not biting the hand that feeds you is usually the right way to go.
[May 13,2011 3:49pm - saxlbeckett  ""]

AndrewBastard said:

you're something else... I was playing the goddamned show. Why wouldn't I want people to attend?

OHHHH RIGHT Haha somehow this never crossed my mind. Wow how has this escalated so much. Is everyone as dumb as I am?
[May 13,2011 4:00pm - NuclearWinter ""]
Just waking up to this... and shit, I thought losing my Saint Vitus pin was drama enough for one night. Good show -- got there a bit late. Heathen was really tight live, and they had a better sound than Destruction. "Death Trap" was the highlight of the night for me.

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