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Now Find a show to go to!

Oct 30 (Mon) - PRE-HALLOWEEN MASSACRE w/ Hirudinea [as Carnivore, Agnostic Front and more], Into The Unknown [members of Sexcrement & Hekseri as Mercyful Fate], Dissector [as Impetigo], Shit Fuck [as The Misfits], PanzerBastard [as Motorhead] - 8 pm - 21+ - O'Briens Pub (Allston, MA)

10/30 - PRE-HALLOWEEN MASSACRE w/ Hirudinea [as Carnivore, Agnostic Front and more], Into The Unknown [members of Sexcrement & Hekseri as Mercyful Fate], Dissector [as Impetigo], Shit Fuck [as The Misfits], PanzerBastard [as Motorhead] @ O'Briens Pub in Allston

[show listing]  ____________________________________
[Aug 26,2006 9:15am - RichHorror ""]
October 30

Hirudinea [as Carnivore, Agnostic Front and more]
Into The Unknown [members of Sexcrement & Hekseri as Mercyful Fate]
Dissector [as Impetigo]
Shit Fuck [as The Misfits]
PanzerBastard [as Motorhead]
@ O'Briens Pub - 3 Harvard Ave. - Allston, MA
8 pm - 21+
[Aug 26,2006 2:20pm - anonymous  ""]
this is gonna RULE so much. i wanna see panzerbastard with sum merch too
[Aug 26,2006 4:55pm - RichHorror ""]
Uh, to my knowledge it's their first show. I wouldn't hope too hard for merch so soon.

Thwill be a killer birthday present for myself. Buy me booze.
[Aug 26,2006 5:36pm - iren_the_viking ""]
buy me booze too
[Aug 26,2006 6:10pm - allahthat ""]
will al quint be there?
[Aug 26,2006 6:14pm - RichHorror ""]
[Aug 26,2006 6:31pm - CNV  ""]
where is Martyrvore as Blasphemy
[Aug 28,2006 10:22am - RichHorror ""]
Hopefully I don't see a replay of last year with almost all of the bands dropping off.
[Aug 28,2006 11:02am - paganmegan ""]
CNV said:where is Martyrvore as Blasphemy

that would rule
[Aug 28,2006 11:30am - Clinically Dead  ""]
"Hopefully I don't see a replay of last year with almost all of the bands dropping off. "

I am afraid Hirudinea has to drop off of this show due to the fact two members recently contracted violent cases of black aids. You see, we dont get many shows, so we play strip clubs in the styx where the hill folk spit on you if you suck. Bobby opened his mouth and one of the slacked jaws lost their teeth, causing blood to go straight into his gaping maw. Ben then started making out with Bobby, and you know how it goes i am sure. Luckily we only had to pay $700 this teim to play, a bargain for aids and scuzzes!
[Aug 28,2006 11:32am - RichHorror ""]
When is Ben NOT making out with Bobby?
[Aug 28,2006 3:04pm - chris_from_shit_fuck ""]
[Aug 28,2006 3:33pm - Clinically Dead  ""]
"When is Ben NOT making out with Bobby?"

When he is chowing down on a sandwich of some form or another. He can't live without bread, meat, or condiments. His violent aids is acting up as of late (hence why we cant make this show), and has been forced to sucking down meat and mayonaise slurpies. Black aids is really harsh, worse than yellow or brown aids. Yes, even worse than mexican aids i am afraid. Bobby is doing good however.
[Aug 28,2006 3:35pm - RichHorror ""]
Apparently someone stole this idead and an all ocvers night is happening the night before at O'Briens too. I wish I was dead.
[Aug 28,2006 3:41pm - RichHorror ""]
So, if someone wants to do a set of all covers AND CAN DRAW let me know. Keep in mind that I am a genius and will know if you're lying about being able to draw people to O'Briens. Also be a band I like covering songs that aren't queer. Thanks.
[Aug 28,2006 4:17pm - Josh_Martin ""]
How about Impaled Northern Moonforest doing Venom covers?
[Aug 28,2006 4:18pm - RichHorror ""]
[Aug 28,2006 4:30pm - Kinslayer  ""]
Is the show the night before metal bands covering metal bands or is it art fag bands covering cliche, ironic bands?
[Aug 28,2006 4:42pm - RichHorror ""]
Or there was one. But now there isn't. Weird.
[Aug 28,2006 7:19pm - RichHorror ""]
And Hirudinea is still playing this. OR ARE THEY?
[Sep 13,2006 11:37am - RichHorror ""]
Somebody wants to make a flier for this. I know this to be true.
[Sep 13,2006 12:47pm - pam ""]
I can't wait for this.
[Sep 13,2006 1:33pm - anonymous  ""]
here is some of the hirudinea set list.

carnivore "sex and violence"

sheer terror "i am the roman"

gg allin "i wanna fuck myself"

slapshot "chip on my shoulder"

faith no more "naked in front of the computer"

integrity "vocal test"

mayhem "deathcrush"

cro-mags "hard times"

[Sep 14,2006 9:26am - RichHorror ""]
Flier? Please?
[Sep 14,2006 11:27am - paganmegan ""]
i'm going to be a rock star cunt for this so give me drugs, alcohol and whores
[Sep 14,2006 11:28am - RichHorror ""]
My birthday the following day. So give me all those things instead.
[Sep 14,2006 11:43am - paganmegan ""]
go eat your delicious turkey dinner.
[Sep 14,2006 11:47am - RichHorror ""]
Someone make me a delicious turkey dinner for this show. And by that I mean a flier.
[Sep 14,2006 11:58am - xmikex ""]
I dunno who Panzer Bastard is, but I want to see them do motorhead covers
[Sep 14,2006 12:00pm - RichHorror ""]
I agree with this statement.
[Sep 14,2006 1:33pm - Yeti ""]
Josh_Martin said:How about Impaled Northern Moonforest doing Venom covers?

Impaled Northern Moonforest doing anything would be hilarious. i love the description in the "A-Z of Black Metal" for Impaled Northern Moonforest "its really just those wacky guys in Anal Cunt".
[Sep 14,2006 1:48pm - Josh_Martin ""]
Is that the entire description?

[Sep 14,2006 3:23pm - Yeti ""]
no there is more to it. i can get the whole thing and post it here tomorrow. when i first heard them online i dont think i've ever laughed so hard.
[Sep 14,2006 3:33pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
the best part was the MSPaint website
[Sep 14,2006 4:18pm - pam ""]
I was making a flyer for this but my photo program shut down on me TWICE and lost my work. I am trying one final time before I hurl this POS laptop at the wall and you're on your own, Rich.
[Sep 14,2006 5:05pm - pam ""]
Sorry I didn't bother with band logos, I have nowhere near that much patience at the moment...
[Sep 14,2006 5:06pm - RichHorror ""]
[Sep 14,2006 5:06pm - pam ""]
I live only to please you.
[Sep 14,2006 5:09pm - RichHorror ""]
As do all my children.
[Sep 14,2006 5:17pm - dreadkill ""]
i really want to see the motorhead and king diamond covers.
[Sep 14,2006 5:18pm - Kevord ""]
Are they doing King Diamond or Mercyful fate covers or both?
[Sep 14,2006 5:18pm - RichHorror ""]
Just Mercyful Fate.
[Sep 14,2006 5:18pm - dreadkill ""]
i hate that this is on a monday. i probably won't be going now. i have class in new bedford til 9.
[Sep 14,2006 5:19pm - RichHorror ""]
Oh yeah, Pam fucked up that one. They aren't doing any King Diamond songs at all.
[Sep 14,2006 5:21pm - dreadkill ""]
i like mercyful fate better than king diamond, so i'm double pissed that i can't go.
[Sep 14,2006 5:21pm - dreadkill ""]
RichHorror said:Oh yeah, Pam fucked up that one. They aren't doing any King Diamond songs at all.

pam is not serving you properly and must be condemned to death by farts.
[Sep 14,2006 5:21pm - RichHorror ""]
Skip class, you pansy.
[Sep 14,2006 5:22pm - RichHorror ""]
dreadkill said:RichHorror said:Oh yeah, Pam fucked up that one. They aren't doing any King Diamond songs at all.

pam is not serving you properly and must be condemned to death by farts.

[Sep 14,2006 5:22pm - dreadkill ""]
eat beans before you see her
[Sep 14,2006 5:23pm - RichHorror ""]
I would never stoop to such a cheap ploy. My farts are kvlt and tr00.

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