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Abhored, Anoxia, Bane of Existence, Clitorture & Teratism - 8.20.04 @ the C-Block

the Chopping Block (Boston, Ma) - [abhorred][anoxia][bane_of_existence][clitorture][randomshots][teratism]
[Jul 31,2004 11:53am - subjugate ""]
the teratism cds better be in by the 20th so i can buy one
[Jul 31,2004 2:10pm - assuck ""]
[Jul 31,2004 4:45pm - Robteratism  ""]
john said he would get the stuff today and look at ot all....I know he wants to get it done along with anoxia's for the 20th
[Jul 31,2004 5:48pm - handinjury ""]
both anoxia and teratism "better" be done. Or im going on a fucking sonic rampage armed with 2 clubs of mahogany w/ new strings.

remember:Mythical Slutty Bonecrusher
[Jul 31,2004 5:48pm - handinjury ""]
remember:Hostile Norsk Steed
[Jul 31,2004 5:49pm - handinjury ""]
and super bump w/Blackened Virginal Reign
[Jul 31,2004 5:52pm - dread_104 ""]
anoxia, when and where is that show with nonamemaddux? it's coming up soon, right?
[Aug 1,2004 12:17am - handinjury ""]
dread_104 said:anoxia, when and where is that show with nonamemaddux? it's coming up soon, right?

Aug 7th @ the strand prov. RI . Are set time is 1pm.

[Aug 1,2004 12:20am - dread_104 ""]
FUCK! i'm not gonna be around that day
[Aug 1,2004 1:35pm - assuck ""]
[Aug 2,2004 10:49am - the_rooster ""]
o'doyle rules!!!!
[Aug 2,2004 12:39pm - assuck ""]
i got a feeling your whole family's goin down
[Aug 3,2004 11:38am - assuck ""]
[Aug 3,2004 5:28pm - assuck ""]
[Aug 4,2004 12:29pm - assuck ""]
[Aug 5,2004 1:00pm - assuck ""]
how many times am i gonna have to bump this?
[Aug 6,2004 6:37pm - pessimist ""]
allright new topic of conversation to spice up this thread: females and their genitalia...discuss amongst yourselves
[Aug 6,2004 10:33pm - assuck ""]
i, for one, enjoy whichever one of the olsen twins that is' landing strip
[Aug 8,2004 7:17pm - dread_104 ""]
bump. 12 days fuckers!
[Aug 8,2004 10:20pm - assuck ""]
[Aug 8,2004 10:27pm - dread_104 ""]
this is the show of the 2004 summer. go, assholes
[Aug 8,2004 11:27pm - honor4death ""]
and im not going to miss it!
[Aug 8,2004 11:28pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
i want to touch john dwyer's hair
[Aug 8,2004 11:29pm - assuck ""]
dont wait too long or it'll all be gone
[Aug 8,2004 11:30pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Help us Obi Wan Kenobi, you're our only hope
[Aug 8,2004 11:45pm - Blue ""]
if we werent playing a show that night, id totally be at this show with plenty of bling to pick up hot rock music.
[Aug 8,2004 11:46pm - handinjury ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:Help us Obi Wan Kenobi, you're our only hope

Ok, i am calm now....yeah right!!!!
the only man that can help is ---->:yoda:
[Aug 8,2004 11:52pm - Joe was logged out by Satan  ""]
why does Blue keep refering to death metal as hot rock music?
someone please stop him before people confuse this for a cracktorch show
[Aug 9,2004 12:28am - Blue ""]
hot rock, death metal...is there a difference?
[Aug 9,2004 1:59pm - assuck ""]
not at all
[Aug 9,2004 9:38pm - handinjury ""]
brutal bump in the name of "assuck"
[Aug 9,2004 10:22pm - assuck ""]
[Aug 10,2004 5:14am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Joe loves my Princess Leah haircut.

Actually, I think he means that he wants to touch my pubic hair!
[Aug 10,2004 5:36am - Mary ""]
Hmmm.. If I move next week instead of the week after, I could make it to this show. It sucks that I have to miss that show this Friday. Bah!
[Aug 10,2004 6:19pm - assuck ""]
[Aug 10,2004 11:43pm - nel  ""]
Woe unto those Choppin Block bartenders! They will witness the SICKEST hot rock show eva. I might just have to get my corn-rows done.
[Aug 11,2004 12:05am - dread_104 ""]
dontcha mean your cornhole?
[Aug 11,2004 1:00pm - assuck ""]
[Aug 11,2004 1:43pm - Robteratism  ""]
those aint cornroles nel...there wanna be dreads!
[Aug 11,2004 11:21pm - assuck ""]
a lot of people from rhode island have dreads
[Aug 12,2004 7:42am - handinjury ""]
assuck said:a lot of people from rhode island have dreads

Accept for me, i am dredless.
[Aug 12,2004 11:21am - assuck ""]
were you at the show on saturday?
[Aug 12,2004 11:36am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
imagine if Dwyer had dreads
[Aug 12,2004 1:45pm - assuck ""]
[Aug 13,2004 11:41am - Robteratism  ""]
so is this gonna be anoxia and teratism cd release??? john?handinjury?
[Aug 13,2004 12:45pm - handinjury NLI  ""]
Rob, can you beleave its not going to be the CD release. It fuckin blows. I saw your cd layout the other day, it looks cool. Nelson did a good job.
[Aug 13,2004 12:57pm - Robteratism  ""]
how come...we have no shows after this one!
[Aug 13,2004 4:10pm - Robteratism  ""]
john what is goin on...do you need a hug!
[Aug 13,2004 5:06pm - handinjury ""]
Its going to take a 2-3 week turn around. So i best have 'em for sept.11 the latest.
[Aug 13,2004 5:09pm - Robteratism  ""]
do have any showspast then...we dont....fuck

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