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ATTN: girls who mosh hardcore

[Jun 14,2006 4:43pm - xanonymoshxcdancerx  ""]

girls can dance!

[Jun 14,2006 4:45pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
wow, rich horror hasnt attacked this thread yet
[Jun 14,2006 4:47pm - sacreligion ""]
[Jun 14,2006 4:49pm - GoatOfCatalyst  ""]
Fucking CLOWN SHOES. Broads with the mosh-bandanna shit goin on just make my penis VERY sad. Like, "Fetch the Zoloft" BUMMED!

[Jun 14,2006 4:52pm - baptizedinresin ""]
aw fuck, terrible, now im pissed.
i guess i should have known better than to click on this in the first place
[Jun 14,2006 4:54pm - xanonymoshxcdancerx  ""]
[Jun 14,2006 4:55pm - xanonymoshxcdancerx  ""]
[Jun 14,2006 4:56pm - xanonymoshxcdancerx  ""]
hey macarina aaayaaa!
[Jun 14,2006 4:56pm - anonymous  ""]
we will say it right now for the ages. girls do not belong in hardcore. they are nothing but coatracks for the real men who make up the scene. how many fights have started 'cause some hippie broad was doing the "both hands on the backpack emo wiggle" and got busted by some kid busting kung fu. then some huge beef starts 'cause some girl left her spot in the kitchen to come to a hardcore show. those girls should be at home cutting jonathan taylor thomas pictures out of teen beat and listening to duran duran. not that women aren't created equal but if we don't show up to tupper ware parties, you don't come to the hardcore shows. period." -one life crew
[Jun 14,2006 5:00pm - xanonymoshxcdancerx  ""]
but one of the last shows i went to there was tim from when legends die saying "theres no fighting in hardcore...." and then chrowd punched a kid now thats not fighting its apart of the show.
[Jun 14,2006 5:00pm - Dissector ""]
anonymous said:we will say it right now for the ages. girls do not belong in hardcore. they are nothing but coatracks for the real men who make up the scene. how many fights have started 'cause some hippie broad was doing the "both hands on the backpack emo wiggle" and got busted by some kid busting kung fu. then some huge beef starts 'cause some girl left her spot in the kitchen to come to a hardcore show. those girls should be at home cutting jonathan taylor thomas pictures out of teen beat and listening to duran duran. not that women aren't created equal but if we don't show up to tupper ware parties, you don't come to the hardcore shows. period." -one life crew


On a side note. I fucking hate this thread.
[Jun 14,2006 5:02pm - xanonymoshxcdancerx  ""]
hardcore lives in our vains if you hate hardcore then you having nothing to live for since hardcore is standing for something and if you don't stand for something your a worthless piece of junk
[Jun 14,2006 5:07pm - xanonymoshxcdancerx  ""]
[Jun 14,2006 5:09pm - the_reverend ""]
oh you draconian devil
[Jun 14,2006 5:10pm - Dissector ""]
xanonymoshxcdancerx said:hardcore lives in our vains if you hate hardcore then you having nothing to live for since hardcore is standing for something and if you don't stand for something your a worthless piece of junk

Can anybody actually make sense out of this statement?
[Jun 14,2006 5:14pm - xanonymoshxcdancerx  ""]
it means if you don't like hardcore you don't believe in anything your life is worthless hardcore gives something that no one can give.... its almost as great as sex,,,, i love that sensation of someone fucking my pussy as much as i love breakdowns and pileons grab my tits or ass and your dead/
[Jun 14,2006 5:16pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
I enjoyed the duality of the mispelling of 'vain' in that statement.

I'm all for girls into hardcore, but I just don't see any actual hardcore here...just fashion, and a couple picture poses.
[Jun 14,2006 5:22pm - RichHorror ""]
I was at the Defcon 4 show and some girl was dancing hardcore and all I could think about was how much I wanted to punch her in the back of her stupid whore head.
[Jun 14,2006 5:23pm - KeithMutiny ""]
um, i would like to say, and im not bashing this thread, cause, ya whatever... but i dont "belive in hardcore", but i have beliefs and that i would fight and die for. So, is my life meaningless? because i dont believe in hardcore, that is? Maybe i believe in musci and concepts far above and beyond hardcore, that shouldnt make someone "meaningless"

just my 2 cents.

but there is something about little trendy scenster hardcore girls with tough guy attitudes that gets me going... on a more serious note.
[Jun 14,2006 5:23pm - xanonymoshxcdancerx  ""]
to quote the oath of wihxc "
If your into Hardcore, Thrash, and/or Metal, an your a chick then this group is for you. BUT If you neglect to state the bands your into and/or your profile is set to private then you wont be accepted, keep in mind its about the music not the clothes you wear, the style of your hair or how many fights you have been in. "
[Jun 14,2006 5:23pm - the_reverend ""]
no... you see a guy posting as a girl.
[Jun 14,2006 5:24pm - RichHorror ""]
I love people that 'believe in hardcore' and have never heard a hardcore band in their life.

I also love it when women are stabbed to death.
[Jun 14,2006 5:25pm - xanonymoshxcdancerx  ""]
admit it guys girls who mosh are sexy
[Jun 14,2006 5:25pm - KeithMutiny ""]
i guess its better than a guy dressing as a girl.... OR are they one in the same....?
[Jun 14,2006 5:25pm - xmikex ""]
[Jun 14,2006 5:25pm - RichHorror ""]

Totally a dude.
[Jun 14,2006 5:26pm - xanonymoshxcdancerx  ""]
rich this girl will shot you
[Jun 14,2006 5:26pm - KeithMutiny ""]
lets talk about real hardcore...

I love Infest
[Jun 14,2006 5:26pm - KeithMutiny ""]
that girl needs a real gun first.
[Jun 14,2006 5:27pm - RichHorror ""]
I would like to challenge every female[?] in those pictures to a bare knuckles boxing match in my backyard.
[Jun 14,2006 5:28pm - xanonymoshxcdancerx  ""]
what do you mean "real gun" look at them they are huge... who cares if the gun is a be be gun
[Jun 14,2006 5:29pm - RichHorror ""]
I hope she gets raped with that gun. I would laugh and drink her tears.
[Jun 14,2006 5:30pm - xmikex ""]
RichHorror said:I would like to challenge every female[?] in those pictures to a bare knuckles boxing match in my backyard.

my money is on that black girl.

UGH, Jesus.
[Jun 14,2006 5:30pm - KeithMutiny ""]
that chick in the white has bigger forearms than me.
[Jun 14,2006 5:30pm - RichHorror ""]
Shouldn't these bitches be at Lilith Fair?
[Jun 14,2006 5:31pm - xanonymoshxcdancerx  ""]
another requirement of wihxc you have to love the toughest band around black my heart they have lyrics like "these are my friends i have their backs" also you have to love the riff stealing when legends die go to their bro down tommorow at drifters with spillkit guitar mastermind nick and lets not forget will elis.
[Jun 14,2006 5:31pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
[Jun 14,2006 5:31pm - xmikex ""]
xanonymoshxcdancerx said:[img]
hey macarina aaayaaa!

Not Pictured: The rest of the show laughing at this spectacle
[Jun 14,2006 5:31pm - xanonymoshxcdancerx  ""]
KeithMutiny said:that chick in the white has bigger forearms than me.

thats because she is hardcore and she will kick your ass...
[Jun 14,2006 5:32pm - RichHorror ""]
BobNOMAAMRooney nli said:[img]

This applies to every woman that has ever lived.
[Jun 14,2006 5:33pm - xanonymoshxcdancerx  ""]
xmikex why are you laughing there were plenty of girls dancing and showing respect at your show.
[Jun 14,2006 5:34pm - RichHorror ""]
If they wanted to show respect they'd make him dinner.
[Jun 14,2006 5:34pm - xmikex ""]
xanonymoshxcdancerx said:xmikex why are you laughing there were plenty of girls dancing and showing respect at your show.

haha what show was this?
[Jun 14,2006 5:34pm - KeithMutiny ""]
xanonymoshxcdancerx said:another requirement of wihxc you have to love the toughest band around black my heart they have lyrics like "these are my friends i have their backs" also you have to love the riff stealing when legends die go to their bro down tommorow at drifters with spillkit guitar mastermind nick and lets not forget will elis.

ive now finally realised this is a joke... and like a fool, i was belive this, hahahahahahaha
[Jun 14,2006 5:35pm - RichHorror ""]
There are actually groups like this on myspace. Sadly, all those pictures are real.
[Jun 14,2006 5:36pm - xmikex ""]
I demand to know what girls at what show have ever "shown me respect" while my band played. I demand to know
[Jun 14,2006 5:37pm - RichHorror ""]
I invite women to come see IWEIPH and show me respect. And by 'respect' I mean 'their vaginas'.
[Jun 14,2006 5:37pm - xmikex ""]
i demand to know
[Jun 14,2006 5:38pm - jakeman  ""]
this thread is fucking awful. women should only be sweating on a treadmill or in the bedroom.
[Jun 14,2006 5:39pm - xmikex ""]
i DEMAND to know

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