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ATTN: girls who mosh hardcore

[Jun 14,2006 8:53pm - mcmahon ""]
if she can't, what good is she?
[Jun 14,2006 9:01pm - KeithMutiny ""]
[Jun 14,2006 9:50pm - slowlypeelingtheflesh ""]
I really hope this is a joke
[Jun 14,2006 10:16pm - xmikex ""]
i love this thread
[Jun 14,2006 10:24pm - contagion ""]
Granny_Monster said:I don't know...



[Jun 14,2006 10:27pm - slowlypeelingtheflesh ""]
im not sure who said it, but my roomate firmly believes in NO CLIT IN THE PIT!
[Jun 14,2006 10:46pm - xanonymoshxcdancerx  ""]
see girls can mosh and look sexy.... i think everyone should join this group cause wihxc just don't care we will pull down your underware.
[Jun 14,2006 10:49pm - xanonymoshxcdancerx  ""]
the_reverend said:no... you see a guy posting as a girl.

now i never said my gender now did i?
i'm just a promoter
[Jun 14,2006 11:19pm - xmikex ""]
my guess is this is TBoner
[Jun 14,2006 11:23pm - Granny_Monster ""]
xanonymoshxcdancerx said:see girls can mosh and look sexy.... i think everyone should join this group cause wihxc just don't care we will pull down your underware.

Well, yeah... but...

[Jun 14,2006 11:52pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
[Jun 15,2006 2:00am - RichHorror ""]
KeithMutiny said:one of my ex girlfriends summed it up best, when she broke her edge after dating me... "I learned that straight edge has become nothing more than a means to market horrible bands, tight shirts, and shitty belt buckles... pass the jager."

She was able to say all of that with your cock in her mouth?
[Jun 15,2006 8:05am - xmikex ""]
There's always the old adage that if girls dance nobody's holding the coats.
[Jun 15,2006 8:11am - ichabod ""]
Hmmm...I kinda think all dancing is a bit fruity if you know what I mean, perpetrated by male OR female...I get embarrassed watching people make asses of themselves... Whether it's ballet in tights or fake-capoiera by haaaahhhhdcoor doods is irrelavant to me these days, they're one and the same.
[Jun 15,2006 8:56am - xmikex ""]
I'm really surprised the slogan for that girls in hardcore group isn't "Get in the pit and try to love someone"

Not only because it meets the tough-but-feminine criteria but also because the closest most of these girls get to hardcore is Kid Rock on the radio.
[Jun 15,2006 9:00am - xmikex ""]
I also heard Joe Christianni's girlfriend two stepped into Magic Johnson and that's how he got HIV.
[Jun 15,2006 10:37am - Yeti ""]
RichHorror said:[img]

Totally a dude.

whats with this foul temptress's Hellboy arm?
[Jun 15,2006 10:44am - Man_of_the_Century ""]
xanonymoshxcdancerx said:admit it guys girls who mosh are sexy


The only girls that mosh are posers and dikes. Posers are never hot and dikes look like men, so are only hot half the time. What would be hot is girls showing up at my place and sucking my balls till they turn purple.
[Jun 15,2006 10:47am - Dave at work  ""]
Yeti said:RichHorror said:[img]

Totally a dude.

whats with this foul temptress's Hellboy arm?

HA!!!!!!!!!! Good one Yeti!
[Jun 15,2006 10:49am - Yeti ""]
xanonymoshxcdancerx said:[img]
i just noticed how inconsiderate some people are i mean look at the guy about to ruin that girls hardcore good time

anybody killa! anybody killa!
[Jun 15,2006 12:32pm - GoatOfCatalyst  ""]
These mosh-hogs make my pee-pee sad.
[Jun 15,2006 12:49pm - Morbid_Mike ""]
You all keep forgetting that no one and I mean absolutly no Human being can hold a flame to the hard-core entity that was The Bad Luck 13 Riot Extraveganza until I see self mutilation and people getting set on fire you don't know jack about what real hard-core is.
[Jun 15,2006 12:50pm - Morbid_Mike ""]
xanonymoshxcdancerx said:it means if you don't like hardcore you don't believe in anything your life is worthless hardcore gives something that no one can give.... its almost as great as sex,,,, i love that sensation of someone fucking my pussy as much as i love breakdowns and pileons grab my tits or ass and your dead/

If this is'nt stating your gender I don't know what is.
[Jun 15,2006 12:57pm - pam ""]
GoatOfCatalyst said:These mosh-hogs make my pee-pee sad.

I just laughed so hard at that
[Jun 15,2006 1:08pm - deathchick ""]
xanonymoshxcdancerx said:admit it guys girls who mosh are sexy

girls that headbang to metal are sexy \m/
[Jun 15,2006 1:30pm - Man_of_the_Century ""]
deathchick said:xanonymoshxcdancerx said:admit it guys girls who mosh are sexy

girls that headbang to metal are sexy \m/

I'll give you that, cause the motion is a lot like the head motion... and head is sexy.
[Jun 15,2006 1:35pm - RichHorror ""]
Morbid_Mike said:xanonymoshxcdancerx said:it means if you don't like hardcore you don't believe in anything your life is worthless hardcore gives something that no one can give.... its almost as great as sex,,,, i love that sensation of someone fucking my pussy as much as i love breakdowns and pileons grab my tits or ass and your dead/

If this is'nt stating your gender I don't know what is.

Guys can have pussies now, too. It's a new millenium, anything can happen.
[Jun 15,2006 2:08pm - SteveOTB ""]
Where's the "this thread is gay" graphic when you need it.
[Jun 15,2006 2:19pm - Man_of_the_Century ""]


[Jun 15,2006 2:34pm - Morbid_Mike ""]
deathchick said:xanonymoshxcdancerx said:admit it guys girls who mosh are sexy

girls that headbang to metal are sexy \m/

I agree BUT only to brutal death metal!
[Jun 15,2006 2:35pm - SteveOTB ""]
Man of the Century, thank you very much.
[Jun 15,2006 2:35pm - Morbid_Mike ""]
RichHorror said:Morbid_Mike said:xanonymoshxcdancerx said:it means if you don't like hardcore you don't believe in anything your life is worthless hardcore gives something that no one can give.... its almost as great as sex,,,, i love that sensation of someone fucking my pussy as much as i love breakdowns and pileons grab my tits or ass and your dead/

If this is'nt stating your gender I don't know what is.

Guys can have pussies now, too. It's a new millenium, anything can happen.

Damnit Rich you got me!
[Jun 15,2006 2:39pm - Man_of_the_Century ""]
SteveOTB said:Man of the Century, thank you very much.

I try my best...
[Jun 15,2006 2:48pm - xmikex ""]
call me old fashioned but i think there's nothing finer than a pretty lady falling down a steep set of stairs.
[Jun 15,2006 2:49pm - RichHorror ""]
Especially if she's pregnant.
[Jun 15,2006 2:49pm - Man_of_the_Century ""]
Only if there is broken glass on the landing
[Jun 15,2006 2:50pm - anonymous  ""]
seriously how 2004 are coathanger abortions?
[Jun 15,2006 2:51pm - RichHorror ""]
You rape 'em, we scrape 'em.
[Jun 15,2006 2:53pm - SteveOTB ""]
Someone better make a death metal band called "Coathanger Abortion" fast otherwise I'm stealing it.
[Jun 15,2006 2:54pm - anonymous  ""]
you snuff 'em we stuff 'em.
[Jun 15,2006 2:55pm - RichHorror ""]
No fetus can beat us.
[Jun 15,2006 3:12pm - Anthony nli  ""]
when I try to fathom the depths of the stupidity of the current 'hardcore' scene, it is so egregious that I just want to pull a 'Pi' and shove an electric drill through my temple...
[Jun 15,2006 3:13pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
There have already been bands called Coathanger Abortion.
[Jun 15,2006 3:15pm - RichHorror ""]
It Will End In Pure Horror is the entire hardcore scene. Everyone else is in a Pantera tribute band.
[Jun 15,2006 3:15pm - wakeoftears ""]
This is impressively stupid.
[Jun 15,2006 3:16pm - xmikex ""]
Yeah but there's never been a band called Slophole Scenester Impalement
[Jun 15,2006 3:16pm - RichHorror ""]
xmikex said:Yeah but there's never been a band called Slophole Scenester Impalement

Get to work on it immediately.
[Jun 15,2006 3:16pm - Yeti ""]
remember that time you tried to drill a hole through your head?

that would have worked if you hadnt stopped me.
[Jun 15,2006 3:17pm - Anthony nli  ""]
you should fool every 'hardcore' kid to come out to some giant mosh convention with spin-kick seminars and hot topic booths, and then seal the exits and nerve gas them
[Jun 15,2006 3:18pm - Anthony nli  ""]
talking to Rich

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