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ATTN: girls who mosh hardcore

[Jun 15,2006 3:18pm - RichHorror ""]
Yeti said:remember that time you tried to drill a hole through your head?

that would have worked if you hadnt stopped me.

Sorry Veinkman, I'm terrified beyond the capacity for rational thought.
[Jun 15,2006 3:19pm - Anthony nli  ""]
i say 'hardcore' in quotes because this xmoshx garbage really doesnt deserve the name
[Jun 15,2006 3:19pm - RichHorror ""]
Anthony nli said:talking to Rich

It seems like punching them one by one in the face until they die would be so much more satisfying.
[Jun 15,2006 3:22pm - Anthony nli  ""]
with a glove covered in double sided tape and dipped into a bucket of tacks
[Jun 15,2006 3:23pm - RichHorror ""]
I'm a fan of broken glass, myself.
[Jun 15,2006 3:25pm - Anthony nli  ""]
slathered with a thick coating of HIV and mayonnaise
[Jun 15,2006 3:26pm - RichHorror ""]
The HIV would be like pouring fire into the sun.
[Jun 15,2006 3:26pm - xmikex ""]
RichHorror said:xmikex said:Yeah but there's never been a band called Slophole Scenester Impalement

Get to work on it immediately.

someone make me a super sweet graphic for it and i'll do it myself
[Jun 15,2006 3:27pm - RichHorror ""]
Paging Dr. Fucking Richards.
[Jun 15,2006 4:15pm - xanonymoshxcdancerx  ""]

Well, yeah... but...


[Jun 15,2006 4:16pm - xanonymoshxcdancerx  ""]
wakeoftears said:This is impressively stupid.

your stupid because you don't respect girls that mosh
[Jun 15,2006 4:17pm - xanonymoshxcdancerx  ""]
GoatOfCatalyst said:These mosh-hogs make my pee-pee sad.

it makes your seamen happy!
[Jun 15,2006 4:37pm - xanonymoshxcdancerx  ""]
man of the century loves a hot sweaty hardcore dancing girl
[Jun 15,2006 5:35pm - dwellingsickness ""]
post nudes or shut up
[Jun 15,2006 6:13pm - xanonymoshxcdancerx  ""]
go to a show and we'd gladdy show our tits for you
whats better than a hot sweaty wihxc girl? a hot sweaty wihxc girls tities~
[Jun 15,2006 7:03pm - Craig ""]
I think it's cool if girls are into hardcore, dance or whatever.
[Jun 15,2006 7:37pm - GoatOfCatalyst  ""]
actually, craig...

don't mean to burst your bubble and all, but my girlfriend is almost guaranteed to be light years hotter than anything your penis will come within fifty feet of... and despite the certified hotness of my girlfriend, the mere existence of the MOSH HOG has rendered my wang dependent on a considerable daily dosage of Zoloft.
[Jun 15,2006 7:46pm - Craig ""]
Goat of Catalyst -

I am really psyched for you and your penis.

Thanks for your support.
[Jun 16,2006 5:02am - horror_tang TLTLI  ""]
You have all truly missed the point of the thread and the pictures. It's all bitches in those pictures. There's not one man in them.
[Jun 16,2006 8:01am - GoatOfCatalyst  ""]
Hey Craig - way to edit your post, YOU FUCKING NANCY!

(ps- my wang says "thanks, brah - too bad we can't all be so lucky")
[Jun 16,2006 8:09am - GoatOfCatalyst  ""]
PS - Craig's INITIAL post said something to the effect of dudes who are knocking the reprobate MOSH HOGS (fuck, i can't get enough of that term! thank you, chauncey johnson!) are basically just loser douchebags who compulsively masturbate to online porn because that's as close to tang as they'll get. I felt it my Allah-granted duty to refute this shitfaced infidel, who has now gone back and edited his statement.

[Jun 16,2006 9:32am - xmikex ""]
[Jun 16,2006 9:39am - davefromthegrave ""]
SteveOTB said:Someone better make a death metal band called "Coathanger Abortion" fast otherwise I'm stealing it.

someone did that a long time ago.
[Jun 16,2006 11:45am - pam ""]
xanonymoshxcdancerx said:wakeoftears said:This is impressively stupid.

your stupid because you don't respect girls that mosh

[Jun 16,2006 12:13pm - Craig ""]
dude - My initial post was a semi humorous/semi serious rebuttal towards the many misogynist things being said by a whole bunch dudes. I edited my post because I felt like it and because I decided that it was better to not try to debate and argue with people who don't seem to have any respect for women, let alone people who dont seem to have much respect for themselves while making themselves look like total fools in public. I don't judge people on how they look, their gender, race, color or any bullshit like that. I don't care if your girlfriend is 50 times hotter than my girlfriend. Putting so much emphasis on exterior looks is for superficial people. I personally don't care about stupid shit like moshing anyways. However I think it is pathetic for a bunch of dudes to be saying such idiotic things about women and shit in general. Thanks for your support.
[Jun 16,2006 12:21pm - madukes  ""]
i really, really, really fuckin hope this is a joke. because if i was this serious about something, then i deserve to be in the kitchen barefoot, pregnant cooking dinner for rich horror.......i think this is a halarious thread, i am however slighty scared that it is serious...
[Jun 16,2006 12:30pm - Messerschmitt ""]
i am soooooo serious when i say that i like to grab a cheek when a chick is in the pit. bye
[Jun 16,2006 12:32pm - Messerschmitt ""]
you bunch of cunts
[Jun 16,2006 12:33pm - RichHorror ""]
madukes said:i really, really, really fuckin hope this is a joke. because if i was this serious about something, then i deserve to be in the kitchen barefoot, pregnant cooking dinner for rich horror.......i think this is a halarious thread, i am however slighty scared that it is serious...

I think you should do that anyway.

[Jun 16,2006 12:36pm - Ma_Dukes ""]
umm.....i dont want no mo babies...i am a good cook when i dont burn things, and i plan on being a sumo wrestler someday. so i aint sure if it will work out dude. we'll see
[Jun 16,2006 1:35pm - RichHorror ""]
You wretched tease.
[Jun 16,2006 2:00pm - anonymous  ""]

Pipe down, dude - it's the internet - you should know by now not to take ANYTHING seriously.

And there's a definite difference between sincere misogyny and having a laugh at the expense of a bunch of FUCKING CLOWNS.

AND it is my not-so-humble opinion is that moshing looks retarded when done by anybody...
but when undertaken by these newjack pukes - boy or girl - it is pure fodder for my genuinely mean-spirited derision. now, that's cool if you don't care about moshing - but here in ct, there is a certain emphasis placed on the "hardness" of one's mosh. being a jaded old fuck with no health insurance, the LAST thing i need is to show up to my respectable day job with a fucking shiner courtesy of one of these novice cunts.

Craig said:Putting so much emphasis on exterior looks is for superficial people. .

and ps - don't say shit like that - ONLY an ugly person or an ugly-person-lover would say something like that... and you don't want us casting aspersions, now, do you?

[Jun 16,2006 2:01pm - GoatOfCatalyst  ""]
that was me above
[Jun 16,2006 2:37pm - Man_of_the_Century ""]
xanonymoshxcdancerx said:man of the century loves a hot sweaty hardcore dancing girl

Man of the centruy likes girls cooking for him naked, not running around acting like men.
[Jun 16,2006 2:41pm - Ma_Dukes ""]
usually how it goes
[Jun 16,2006 2:42pm - RichHorror ""]
By 'men' I think you mean 'oranguatans'.
[Jun 16,2006 2:44pm - troll ""]
this thread fucking sucks ass
[Jun 16,2006 2:51pm - Man_of_the_Century ""]
RichHorror said:By 'men' I think you mean 'oranguatans'.

Nah, oranguatans smell better.
[Jun 16,2006 2:55pm - Ma_Dukes ""]
no this sucks ass
[Jun 16,2006 2:55pm - Ma_Dukes ""]
[Jun 16,2006 2:56pm - troll ""]
Women of Hardcore...
These dishes aren't gonna do themselves.
[Jun 16,2006 2:56pm - RichHorror ""]
That girl really makes me want to kill myself.
[Jun 16,2006 3:02pm - Man_of_the_Century ""]
I'll stab you in the kidneys for $20 if you like.
[Jun 16,2006 3:02pm - Ma_Dukes ""]
[Jun 16,2006 3:02pm - RichHorror ""]
Are you having a sale?
[Jun 16,2006 3:38pm - Man_of_the_Century ""]
Yup, it usually $40, so better get it now. I'll even throw in the other one for free.
[Jun 16,2006 4:26pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
Ma_Dukes said:i plan on being a sumo wrestler someday

[Jun 16,2006 4:35pm - xanonymoshxcdancerx  ""]
if you all think we just mosh hardcore we also make a kill to-fu sandwich
[Jun 16,2006 4:38pm - RichHorror ""]
I never understood why so many vehan hardcore girls are so fuckin' fat.
[Jun 16,2006 4:42pm - xanonymoshxcdancerx  ""]
its VEGAN!
and we are not fat we are either sexy skinny or mustle lifting big boned hxc girls
ladys of hardcore

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