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ATTN: girls who mosh hardcore

[Jun 16,2006 4:44pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
it's all a trick...tofu is actually terrible for you
[Jun 16,2006 4:47pm - xanonymoshxcdancerx  ""]
tofu is sexy.
[Jun 16,2006 4:47pm - troll ""]
all carbs
[Jun 16,2006 4:48pm - xanonymoshxcdancerx  ""]
it is better than eating chicken breasts and pig feet/// gross!
[Jun 16,2006 4:49pm - xanonymoshxcdancerx  ""]
its sexy just like hardcore and the wonmen in hardcore
[Jun 16,2006 4:50pm - xanonymoshxcdancerx  ""]
[Jun 16,2006 4:52pm - troll ""]
fuck Tofu! TVP is we're its @
Or even better! A nice healthy piece of dead cow.

Rip off it's horns, wipe it's ass and put it on my plate. I want it moo-in' when it comes out my ass.
[Jun 16,2006 4:53pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
there's nonfat dry milk in that last picture

[Jun 16,2006 4:55pm - troll ""]
I just ripped that pic off google for the occasion
my dishes would look more like this[img]
[Jun 16,2006 4:56pm - xanonymoshxcdancerx  ""]
you are inconciderate to women, hardcore and the spirit of living how do you stand living?
[Jun 16,2006 5:05pm - troll ""]
my job is done here
[Jun 16,2006 5:10pm - xanonymoshxcdancerx  ""]
done done? next time i see you you are getting karate chopped to death with my enraged spinkick
[Jun 16,2006 5:16pm - troll ""]
please do :bow:
[Jun 16,2006 5:18pm - Animal_magnetism ""]
this is not as good as radical dirt biker
[Jun 16,2006 5:21pm - troll ""]
[Jun 16,2006 5:21pm - Animal_magnetism ""]

to the RAZR we goooooooooo
[Jun 16,2006 6:23pm - Craig ""]
Dear Goat Herder of Catalyst,

I don't really care about any of this. I have successfully filled about 40 minutes of my free time in the past two days writing these posts. My life is neither better nor worse now due to these heated intellectual internet exchanges. I do think I am a better person now knowing that I am ugly. Dammit! What am I gonna do? I am never gonna slide it into a hot 19 year old with a star tattoo and a pentagram necklace. I will take my excellent relationship with pretty much the best girl on Earth over your 50 times hotter girlfriend. She also happens to be my best friend and she boxes too so watch out! Praise Jeebus! Hail Satan! Party till you puke! Metal up your ass! Mosh or die! Hey is that Freedom Rock? Well turn it up!

ps. You are from Connecticut.
[Jun 16,2006 6:54pm - xmikex ""]
why are a bunch of lameasses laming up this thread?
[Jun 16,2006 7:36pm - Dankill  ""]
I demand from the women of hardcore: a sammich.
If I was to be serious for a second, I'll present this and then get back to "surprise sex on women is funny" jokes.

I have no problem with girls that mosh, povided they take their lumps and shut up. Otherwise, like the guys, get out of the kitchen if it's too hot for ya.
Vegan and SxE are personal choices. Keep it that way. Otherwise, it's just a bunch of "do what I do or else" bullshit.
Ladies, I'm one foor cracking on the whole scene thing. Hell, people that know me here expect a regular laugh from me at shows. Still, lets all calm down with the fashion show and ultra-24/7-inside-joke-holy-pretencious-cookie-cutter-scenester-bitch deal. I'm 24 and when I ever get surrounded by that crap, I feel like I'm back in high school when all the cool kids were trying so hard to outcool each other so we'd pay attention to them. Like Kanye "I hate White people" West once said, "NIGGA YOU AIN'T UP ON THIS!"
And stop getting BAD chest peices.

Dankill has spoken

Now, about that oral sex.............
[Jun 16,2006 8:01pm - Craig ""]
Surprise Sex.
[Jun 16,2006 10:32pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
FUCK girls who mosh
FUCK "moshing" which in hardcore terms means make yourself look like a fucking jackass while practicing kung-fu during a show

FUCK scene kids
[Jun 17,2006 12:12am - RichHorror ""]
None of what's been discussed has anything to do with hardcore. Listen to Infest, Siege, Capitalist Casualties and the like before you have anything to say about hardcore, whether it be positive or negative.
[Jun 17,2006 12:21am - sXe=weakness  ""]
Ma_Dukes said:[img]

is that a big black dick spray painted behind her?
[Jun 17,2006 12:32am - Craig ""]
Rich I have a sick INFEST video, come over and check it out sometime.
[Jun 17,2006 12:33am - RichHorror ""]
I'm fucking there. That band is the fucking best.
[Jun 17,2006 12:41am - Craig ""]
I also have videos of Assuck from 1990, Anal Cunt in Europe in the early 90's, Cripple Bastards in the early 90's and Meat Shits from 89. Not to mention many dozens of other videos.
[Jun 17,2006 1:51am - GoatOfCatalyst  ""]
I hope you aren't butt-hurt that you invested 40+ minutes of your time attempting to have a decent and logical argument over the internet with a person who was solely attempting to make time on-the-clock pass just that much more swiftly. Because that would be a shame. Well, I've got to feed my baby bunny and get some shut-eye so I'm bright-eyed and bushy-tailed for Slayer tomorrow. And that might be the most unmetal sentence ever typed, but I'm still not a <B>POST-EDITING NANCY</B>
[Jun 17,2006 1:52am - GoatOfCatalyst  ""]
PS - I fucking LOVE freedom rock
[Jun 17,2006 10:29am - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
RichHorror said:None of what's been discussed has anything to do with hardcore. Listen to Infest, Siege, Capitalist Casualties and the like before you have anything to say about hardcore, whether it be positive or negative.

Actually, hardcore is being dicussed to a degree with the fact that it's a girls who MOSH thread. Hardcore is obviously involved. I know hardcore bands but that doesn't make me scene.
[Jun 17,2006 10:32am - RichHorror ""]
No, it isn't. Jocks playing in shitty Pantera cover bands are being discussed. There hasn't been more than a handful of hardcore bands in any one place at the same time for at least a decade.
[Jun 17,2006 12:11pm - pam ""]
people are referring to nu-hardcore.
[Jun 17,2006 12:18pm - RichHorror ""]
Bah. No such thing. Just bad metal with cammo shorts and castro hats.
[Jun 17,2006 12:37pm - pam ""]
I fucking hate castro hats.
[Jun 17,2006 1:02pm - dreadkill ""]
castro hats have leaked into the mainstream. i see regular people wearing them now, when i used to only see nu-core kids wearing them. what a gay trend.
[Jan 24,2008 9:40pm - miscegenator  ""]
troll said: Women of Hardcore...
These dishes aren't gonna do themselves.


[Jan 24,2008 9:44pm - the_reverend ""]
nice beard
[Jan 24,2008 9:47pm - xanonymoshxhxcdancerx  ""]
wow i can't believe how inconsiderate you pervs are?

where were you last night huh?
we kicked those poser kids out of haste the day at the palladium.

WIHXCD for life. <3
[Jan 24,2008 9:49pm - xanonymoshxhxcdancerx  ""]
PSHHH we don't deal with girls like that.
Look at her eyes she is all high and shit.

We look down on themm
STEVE WILCOS for life.
Steve is hardcore.
[Jan 24,2008 10:01pm - xanonymoshxcdancerx  ""]
this is a call
everyone will mosh during TYAG's Third song!
Show MarkRichards who's boss.
[Jan 24,2008 10:01pm - brian_dc ""]

Alright, motherfuckers let's move this shit
[Jan 24,2008 10:02pm - brian_dc ""]
wait, what is this thread about?
[Jan 24,2008 10:05pm - xanonymoshxcdancerx  ""]
have respect Mr DC.
you know we were all showing ours during our massive pile-up during glorrry hole at your last show.
Women In Hardcore Dancing Unite!
[Jan 24,2008 10:20pm - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
RichHorror said:[img]

Totally a dude.

seriously...looks like me with a double chin. This bitch could probably beat me at arm wrestling
[Jan 24,2008 10:20pm - brandon... ""]
All those stupid fucking scenters have nothing to do with hardcore. That shits from the heart, and your trendy stupid site and clothes are everything thats wrong with what people think is hardcore. Eat a dick you trendy sluts.
[Jan 24,2008 10:46pm - xanonymoshxcdancerx  ""]
I'ma gonna get my girls all ova you.
[Jan 24,2008 10:48pm - brian_dc ""]
xanonymoshxcdancerx said:have respect Mr DC.
you know we were all showing ours during our massive pile-up during glorrry hole at your last show.
Women In Hardcore Dancing Unite!


[Jan 24,2008 10:55pm - xanonymoshxcdancerx  ""]
you know what.
me and my girls all over you and that shit gave cav the quivers over his drumset
seeing sexy sweaty girls all over the dance floor....
Slam even too pornocore.
we are hardcore.
[Jan 24,2008 10:58pm - brian_dc ""]
haha...Cav behind a drumkit is a hilarious thought
[Jan 24,2008 11:15pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
HAHAHAHA... How the fuck is this thread back?!? I need to update the thread archive.
[Jan 24,2008 11:16pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
NEVAR MIND, Niccolai already got this one.

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