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3/27 Vital Remains, Monstrosity, Sin Of Angels, Demericous, Ramming Speed, Strong Intention

Middle East (Cambridge, Ma) - [forever_in_terror][monstrosity][ramming_speed][randomshots][sin_of_angels][strong_intention][vital_remains]
[show listing]  ________________________________
[Mar 27,2008 2:16pm - RobinG ""]

[Mar 27,2008 2:17pm - dudeguy666  ""]
is glen benton not performing with them tonight?
$22 with no upside down cross forehead branding seems alot.
they do practice in pawtucket. just saying
[Mar 27,2008 2:21pm - todayistheday nli  ""]
ya if it was like 12 bucks i'd go. i dont like any of the bands that much anyway. napalm death is playing tonight...but i dont even want to sit through the other bands to see them
[Mar 27,2008 2:39pm - the_reverend ""]
I was just going to bump this thread.
[Mar 27,2008 2:41pm - Josh_Martin ""]
Robin, Can I jew my way on to the list for tonight? I need to talk to you about a show but I'm broke as fuck. Just paid off all my probation fees and shit.
[Mar 27,2008 2:51pm - the_reverend ""]
the people in this thread that aren't going cause of blahblahblah are lame. Everyone bitches that VR doesn't play mass at all and then when they do, they bitch cause they are playing. If you miss this show, you are a retard. The middle east downstairs has one of the best sounding systems in new england. The guys from proselyte are awesome at getting that place to not sound like a long hallway that used t o be a bowling alley. Do less bitching and more going to a good show.
[Mar 27,2008 2:52pm - the_reverend ""]
and ND at the palladium downstairs will sound like a wall of crap unless you are sittign in the bathroom, at the sound booth or right in front of the stage.
[Mar 27,2008 2:53pm - Karma-Enema  ""]

zyklon said:
Karma-Enema said:who the fuck cares....the last two albums were repetitious ..couldnt tell one track from another.

and can anyone get more full of themselves than robin?
its ok though , everyone will still kiss your ass for getting them on a bill

as for sexcrement......that would just make me stay home cuz they fookin blooooowwwwwww

my only regret posting this is bringing it back to the top of the forum

You mean Icons of Evil was the same shit Not "the last two"

no i meant the last TWO albums...icons and dechristianize can get fucked ...waste of money.
they were good on let us pray and watching them doin local RI shows back in the day.......now they are just metal for complacent masses.
and of course robindouche is going to plug them. i would too if money were to be made by falsifying my thoughts.....no ..wait scratch that.

maybe something EMO's going on at the paladium instead......
[Mar 27,2008 3:03pm - Josh_Martin ""]
Yeah, Robin is going to make shitloads of money tonight. You totally figured him out.
(Jeez, people are fucking stupid)
[Mar 27,2008 3:09pm - Karma-Enema  ""]

Josh_Martin said:Yeah, Robin is going to make shitloads of money tonight. You totally figured him out.
(Jeez, people are fucking stupid)

[Mar 27,2008 3:24pm - Josh_Martin ""]
Robin, check your email
[Mar 27,2008 3:33pm - RobinG ""]
Who the fuck is Karma Enama calling a douche haha, someone did on a show or something. WAH.
[Mar 27,2008 3:35pm - RobinG ""]
[Mar 27,2008 3:36pm - RobinG ""]
[Mar 27,2008 3:38pm - RobinG ""]
[Mar 27,2008 3:39pm - RobinG ""]
STAY HOME AND TYPE TO YOURSELF ON RTTP. haha you are the gayest bunch of dudes ever.
[Mar 27,2008 3:42pm - RobinG ""]
It's funny when people think of me as a booking guy, think of me as the guy trying to make your scene better with a douche in his ass and 20,000 dollars in debt.
[Mar 27,2008 3:43pm - Karma-Enema  ""]

RobinG said:Who the fuck is Karma Enama calling a douche haha, someone did on a show or something. WAH.

i called you a douche......and WTF does "someone did on a show or something"mean? hope all your promo work isnt put forth as such..else i dont see you doing your job very well....then again by the way you treat and talk to local bands i see the dissent they exhibit towards you...

the man in charge never cares about this though..cause hes the man.

you sure have a big head for the small amount you contribute the scene.
[Mar 27,2008 3:53pm - RobinG ""]
[Mar 27,2008 4:12pm - RobinG ""]
Whatever I went awol from Juvie to see Stryper, Loudness and TNT and caught a bible.
[Mar 27,2008 4:33pm - karma enema.  ""]

RobinG said:Whatever I went awol from Juvie to see Stryper, Loudness and TNT and caught a bible.

that rules
[Mar 27,2008 4:34pm - Karma-Enema  ""]
forget to put - between them so it really looks like me
[Mar 27,2008 4:36pm - Karma-Enema  ""]

RobinG said:I book my friends, I don't give a shit about anyone else, start throwing me fucking keg parties if you want to play shows.
Plus name an area metal band that will draw more than Sin Of Angels or Ramming Speed, this is the reason your not doing the show, oh and your welcome.


[Mar 27,2008 4:59pm - unholy_dave ""]

the_reverend said:the people in this thread that aren't going cause of blahblahblah are lame. Everyone bitches that VR doesn't play mass at all and then when they do, they bitch cause they are playing. If you miss this show, you are a retard. The middle east downstairs has one of the best sounding systems in new england. The guys from proselyte are awesome at getting that place to not sound like a long hallway that used t o be a bowling alley. Do less bitching and more going to a good show.

[Mar 27,2008 5:00pm - RobinG ""]
[Mar 27,2008 5:19pm - fuckeverything  ""]
ramming speed are my faovirte band praty mosh dblah blahlabhlhj
[Mar 27,2008 5:48pm - dreadkill ""]

fuckeverything said:ramming speed are my faovirte band praty mosh dblah blahlabhlhj
ha, sounds like this dude started the party a little early.
[Mar 27,2008 6:07pm - the_reverend ""]
I'm heading down in and hour or so. Rick Horror, I want pizza at that grease pit next door.
[Mar 27,2008 8:34pm - goatcatalyst ""]
eager to hear everyone's appraisal of Vital's set
[Mar 27,2008 8:44pm - the_reverend ""]
strong intention just finished. don't be lame. get down here.
[Mar 27,2008 8:49pm - diminishingbetweenworlds  ""]
Considering that Tony is everyone's "local favorite guy",Im sure the praise will be plentiful. Im a fan from way back,however Icons just didn't do it for me. I hear they got some dude from Ma singing,from some local band that didn't make it. I liked Anthony,and that bald kid who sang for them at the first metal fest @the palladium. Wanted to see monstrosity,but I'll wait till May when they play with Grave. Im not in the mood to pay $22 to see certain members of a certain band play rockstars all night.
[Mar 27,2008 8:55pm - archaeon ""]
"from some local band that didn't make it"

[Mar 27,2008 9:30pm - the_reverend ""]

strong intention: very quick set. They were sporting our own W3 on bass. Fast and catchy songs. The drummer is the best part oof the band for me. Sometimes itzs grovey, but most of the time, it's phobia/grind. Smc looked blinded by the light the entire set. There was a little moshing but I couldn't see behind me to see who it was.

ramming speed: a bit more energetic with all those bros on stage than SI. They go by the beard and long hair mantra. If you don't follow it, you can get out of the band. At denim and cheap beer and the last time these guys would have been righteous was 1982. that is until the modern day thrash revival. they looked a bit uncomfortable and cramped on the stage, but still rocked out.
[Mar 27,2008 10:09pm - the_reverend ""]

forever in terror: they had a lot of issues with their cabs. They were all like "daym son, we gonna play." then their cabs are all like "s'up. Nope"
Eventually, they go the cab working. I don't think it cut too much into their set. These guys are like the young bucks of the show. Blazing riffs, but some mosh pats so a lot of the people in the crowd hung back while their set passed by.
[Mar 28,2008 3:09am - the_reverend ""]
[Mar 28,2008 3:27am - RichHorror ""]
Does anyone know who the dude who got dragged out by security was?
[Mar 28,2008 3:28am - the_reverend ""]
was he bald?
[Mar 28,2008 3:30am - RichHorror ""]
I couldn't tell. I kinda thought it was Dan for a second, but wasn't sure.
[Mar 28,2008 3:39am - the_reverend ""]
yeah, dan got booted
[Mar 28,2008 3:41am - RichHorror ""]
haha, that rules. They carried him out like he was getting drawn and quartered.
[Mar 28,2008 4:02am - Samantha ""]

RichHorror said:haha, that rules. They carried him out like he was getting drawn and quartered.

Yes, that was Dan. It was completely ridiculous. Our friend, Elvis (yep... that really is his name) had just crowd surfed. A couple of minutes after that, Dan jokingly picked up Elvis and lifted him over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. Within about 2 seconds, a few security guards violently tackled them to the ground and dragged them away from the crowd. I saw one security guard get right up in Dan's face and yell, "You can't fucking do that shit here!!" Dan calmly nodded his head and said, "I didn't know that. I'm sorry." He and Elvis were both totally calm and rationally explaining to the security guards that they didn't realize what they did wasn't allowed.

The next thing I knew, there were about 4 security guards carrying Elvis out of the place. Then, about 5 of them tried to drag Dan out, but all of them combined could not make him move very far. Dan was obviously unhappy, but he didn't do anything violent. He just didn't want to move, and they didn't have the strength to make him walk up the stairs. He (and everyone else) thought it was ridiculous that they were kicking him out. He eventually walked out after the security people realized that there was no way they could make him move and that they should let Dan's friends handle it.

I felt like I was at Mark's Showplace.
[Mar 28,2008 4:52am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
When Tony finds his replacement, the VITAL REMAINS Tribute Band (REMAINING VITAL for a name, maybe?) can tour forever and ever.
[Mar 28,2008 5:34am - scottfromzircon ""]
Tony will keep Vital alive bro..that's just the way it is. So that explains why the pit died down a little. Our buddy, Crazy Dan got kicked out.
[Mar 28,2008 7:08am - archaeon ""]
Scott congrats on joining vital, hopefully i'll catch you guys at metalfest.
[Mar 28,2008 7:50am - MetalThursday ""]
Hahaha... I was Crazy Dan's ride so I split halfway through VR so he wouldn't have to stand out on the street all night. The club called the cops on him and pointed him out to the 2 officers who showed up outside and Dan just told them "I didn't do anything, they put their hands on me..." and they basically just asked him not to hang around there and they left. We walked around the corner to the front and then a really funny conversation happened between Dan & a sweet old Middle Eastern lady who works in the restaurant. Dan kept telling her that they had no reason to throw him out and she kept saying she understood but she was blocking the door the whole time like she thought Dan was going to make a rush for it and go back inside through the restaurant! Funny shit.
[Mar 28,2008 9:42am - mortalis ""]

archaeon said:Scott congrats on joining vital, hopefully i'll catch you guys at metalfest.

[Mar 28,2008 11:22am - bradmann ""]

d00d siq ayeh gitah
[Mar 28,2008 12:48pm - MemzBob  ""]
Who was on lead guitar and drums for this show? They both look like they're 12.
[Mar 28,2008 1:02pm - Aegathis ""]
the guitarist said he was 17
[Mar 28,2008 1:51pm - huh?  ""]

the_reverend said:The middle east downstairs has one of the best sounding systems in new england. The guys from proselyte are awesome at getting that place to not sound like a long hallway that used t o be a bowling alley.

Who are these people? And what are they doing? Nick rarely even does monitors down there. Whats the inside scoop you've been told?

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