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Rites of Darkness 3

[show listing]  _____________________________________
[Jul 15,2011 12:48pm - Alx_Casket ""]
Show and plane tix have also been bought, going on a well deserved vacation from monday to monday. Seaworld, alamo, and laser tag will be included in our plans. As for the hotel, Super 8 is close to the show and cheap, I might do that instead of a high-end hotel this time, because it's still cheaper in comparison after my discount.
[Jul 15,2011 12:55pm - AndrewBastard ""]
im into it all!

We fly in on wednesday and out on tuesday
[Jul 16,2011 1:16am - anonymous  ""]
Planning on visiting the gun range.. and going to the Saltlick in Driftwood, near Austin. Maybe the zoo.
[Jul 16,2011 1:30am - arilliusbm ""]
[Jul 16,2011 10:12am - Alx_Casket ""]
cool plans, anon
[Jul 17,2011 3:14am - pleasurecorpse ""]

AndrewBastard said:im into it all!

We fly in on wednesday and out on tuesday

[Jul 17,2011 8:15am - AndrewBastard ""]
that shit looks awesome... lets go all out. its a full on work vacation for me too...

I'll have quite a bit of $$ saved for it barring any bizarre financial issues coming up suddenly which I dont expect (you never do though, do you) fingers crossed!
[Jul 17,2011 10:53am - Alx_Casket ""]
That looks sweet. I will probably end up renting a car so we can drive around to these spots.
[Jul 17,2011 6:56pm - anonymous  ""]
Sorry, I don't have an account. I've been to Natural Bridge Caverns multiple times. Recommended.
[Jul 18,2011 9:26am - nostromo ""]
Pagan Altar added?
[Jul 18,2011 11:02am - NuclearWinter ""]
Just needs Nifelheim and/ or Sodom.
[Jul 18,2011 12:52pm - bloblovesmusic  ""]
Pagan Altar!? fuck this became even more tempting!
[Aug 19,2011 1:17pm - AndrewBastard ""]
boo yah
[Aug 19,2011 1:53pm - Alx_Casket ""]
pre-fest tickets are delayed for whatever reason. I might just skip it and see Axeman next door
[Aug 19,2011 5:40pm - NuclearWinter ""]
Hoping to hear this live - missed them at MDF this year:

[Aug 20,2011 1:23am - frankovhell  ""]
Anyone planning on staying at any hotels other than the sketchy Super 8ball next door? I haven't got reservations yet. Just wondering cause i work for Marriot now and will probably take their discount but maybe not if all the cool dudes stay somewhere else.
[Aug 20,2011 1:32am - Alx_Casket ""]
I might be able to get a deal at the Marriot/Hilton, still waiting to see what my contact says. Or I might sleep in a VAN DOWN BY THE RIVERWALK
[Aug 20,2011 1:58am - frankovhell  ""]

NuclearWinter said:Hoping to hear this live - missed them at MDF this year:


Fuck yes dude. I missed them also. Fucking hangovers and 4pm set times.

These guys make me do manual labor really fucking hard and fast..
[Aug 20,2011 10:20am - Alx_Casket ""]
Saw them at NWN last year, they did not disappoint.
[Aug 20,2011 11:08am - LucidCurse ""]

NuclearWinter said:Hoping to hear this live - missed them at MDF this year:


I approve :P
[Aug 20,2011 11:26am - AndrewBastard ""]
i watched the shit out of DC and they KILLED.
[Aug 31,2011 12:45pm - Alx_Casket ""]
What's going on with the pre-fest? It seems like they're having problems getting that together.
[Aug 31,2011 12:53pm - AndrewBastard ""]
yeah...i dont even have a ticket to that yet.
[Aug 31,2011 2:04pm - Alx_Casket ""]
I have a feeling I'll be seeing Axeman, which I'm okay with.
[Aug 31,2011 2:33pm - AndrewBastard ""]
I wanna see Ares Kingdom and Hell Militia...but we'll see.

4 days/nights at an all-indoor fest in texas is going to be rough...

I wish there was an outdoor stage so bad.
[Aug 31,2011 2:43pm - Nostromo ""]
I really want to go to this fest, but it would require missing 2 days of class, on top of the day I have to miss for Saxon in October. I know "skip class" is easy to say, but when they drop you from the class because you miss too many days, it's a problem. And this is my last semester. Bahhhhhh
[Aug 31,2011 3:25pm - anonymous  ""]
So 3 days? That's stillll doable if you're allowed to miss 3 days..
[Aug 31,2011 7:07pm - Nostromo ""]
If I have car trouble once, or get sick or some shit, that would put me over the 3 days. Time to plan my shit out.
[Sep 8,2011 4:59pm - anonymous  ""]
Inquisition fills the last TBA spot on Friday.
[Sep 8,2011 5:47pm - frankovhell  ""]
Boner just got even bigger somehow.
[Sep 8,2011 5:48pm - bobnomaamrooney ""]
This might be a possibility for me even if I'd be staying at a friend's in Houston.
[Sep 9,2011 11:19pm - anonymous  ""]
Venue changed to Backstage Live. Spread the word.
[Sep 9,2011 11:54pm - frankovhell  ""]
Rites of Darkness III will officially take place at Backstage Live Music Venue. Friday and Sunday will take place in their inside stage while Saturday will take place on their outside stage. All tickets will still be honored but you may need to change your hotel reservations. Thankfully, there are 7 hotels right near the new venue that are minutes walking distance. A list of deals will be out soon. Tickets back on sale this coming week.
[Sep 9,2011 11:54pm - frankovhell  ""]
[Sep 21,2011 4:17pm - Alx_Casket ""]
Prefest tickets are up, $30 limited to 250.

[Sep 22,2011 9:48am - AndrewBastard ""]
squaring hotel away on Friday...
[Sep 22,2011 10:16am - frankovhell  ""]
Gonna skip the prefest. I could spend 30 bucks on something else that night like a mexican whore.
[Sep 22,2011 10:20am - FAIL TROLL  ""]




[Sep 22,2011 10:23am - AndrewBastard ""]
I may skip it too which is absurd because I love some of the bands on that day more than a lot of the bands on the rest of the fest...but once I know the schedule for each day, I may decide to skip one of the other days of the fest instead.
[Sep 22,2011 10:25am - FAIL TROLL  ""]



[Sep 29,2011 10:39pm - Alx_Casket ""]
Urfaust have canceled their appearance this year at R.O.D. III. Their official statement is below. DISMA (NJ) will replace them and be performing on Saturday, December 10th. FUNEBRARUM have moved to Sunday.


URFAUST is very sad to announce that we have to cancel our Intoxication Ritual at Rites of Darkness III in Texas, USA.
Our last Alcoholic Rites on US soil where splenditory, so this is just fucked up...

Nothing more to say about this, we hope to return to the USA and Rites of Darkness in 2012!

All hail the madness!


Ix & Vrdrbr on behalf of Urfaust

[Sep 29,2011 11:20pm - MikeOvDecrepitude  ""]
I'm there.
[Sep 30,2011 8:58am - AndrewBastard ""]
Hotel Room is BOOKED.

Shoes: you're in our room if you like. it'll only be like $60-70 a person for 4 nights.
[Sep 30,2011 4:10pm - Permafrost ""]
WOO! did you book it for thurs-sunday?
[Sep 30,2011 4:13pm - AndrewBastard ""]
wednesday - tuesday
[Oct 1,2011 8:20am - frankovhell  ""]
Bummed urfaust dropped. I should of hauled my carcass to NY to see them. Oh well. Disma is pretty legit.
[Oct 3,2011 4:54pm - chrisREX  ""]
I'm ready to do this. I need a buddy to go with me and I'm not getting a lot of hits.
[Oct 24,2011 7:17pm - Alx_Casket ""]
Cancellations: Urfaust, Sargeist, Butcher ABC, Behexen

Pretty pissed right now, I can only hope that decent replacements will be made.
[Oct 24,2011 10:27pm - Permafrost ""]
[Oct 24,2011 11:19pm - man o warski  ""]

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