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Cannibal Corpse 7/8/04 Manchester,NH

the Bombshelter (Manchester, NH) - [candy_striper_death_orgy][cannibal_corpse][randomshots][severed_savior][the_black_dahlia_murder]
[Jul 3,2004 9:07pm - JoeDavolla ""]
Anyone here goin to this show next week?? Make sure your there early to check out Candy Striper Death Orgy!! Their far better than Suck Dahlia Murder and Decrapitated.

[Jul 3,2004 9:09pm - George ""]
you're obviously retarted if you don't like decapitated. and i dont give two fucks about candy striper death orgy, i'll be late drinking in the car outside the venue.
[Jul 3,2004 9:39pm - Terence ""]
Decapitated arent even playing.
[Jul 3,2004 10:03pm - JoeDavolla ""]
I think your the retard in saying that u dont care about CSDO!!! Their brutal Old-school Thrash Metal.You think your cool gettin drunk in your car before a show? How old are u 14??

[Jul 3,2004 10:44pm - lady_czerach ""]
George said:you're obviously retarted if you don't like decapitated. and i dont give two fucks about candy striper death orgy, i'll be late drinking in the car outside the venue.

Wow, I wasn't aware that having an opinion made you "retarted." Ha. Gotta love pretentious music snobs.
[Jul 3,2004 10:56pm - Dissector ""]
Black Dahlia Murder sucks. Decapitated is ok.
[Jul 3,2004 11:43pm - the_reverend ""]
severed savior is.

CSDO isn't brutal either... the vocals ARE NOT brutal nor is the music.
it IS old-school trash and they do have a bunch of great tracks.
[Jul 3,2004 11:51pm - BornSoVile ""]
Severed Savior!
[Jul 4,2004 12:31am - Terence ""]
what a stupid thread.
[Jul 4,2004 12:39am - honor4death ""]
JoeDavolla said:Anyone here goin to this show next week?? Make sure your there early to check out Candy Striper Death Orgy!! Their far better than Suck Dahlia Murder and Decrapitated.


you have to be shitting me if you think that csdo is better then both those bands, id definitly rather seem bdm, and decapitated the csdo any day, you give them way to much credit for being a stuck up band that thinks they are the best thing to happen to local metal.
[Jul 4,2004 12:41am - Dissector ""]
CSDO is better than all the bands playing there except Severed Savior.
[Jul 4,2004 12:52am - honor4death ""]
they probobly are, ive never seen them play but when some cocky ignorant bastard posts something about how awsome they are and how they are on the same label a nuclear assult and how no other bands draw as well as they do, it just makes them seem like a bunch of pricks who think that they are the best band around. i have heard some of their stuff and i can say i know alot better local bands then them who dont act like they are the best band in the world and work just as hard or harder then them just to get a few heads in the door.
[Jul 4,2004 1:13am - Dissector ""]
Slayer and Morbid Angel are the same way.
[Jul 4,2004 3:59am - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
Severed Savior is all right... BDM is all right, CC is awesome.
[Jul 4,2004 5:04am - swamplorddvm ""]
I'm there!
[Jul 4,2004 8:41am - honor4death ""]
Dissector said:Slayer and Morbid Angel are the same way.

yea. because slayer and morbid angel are actually on a "major" label and have fans all over the world and are can say that because they workled their assees off to get there
[Jul 4,2004 9:21am - George ""]
JoeDavolla said:I think your the retard in saying that u dont care about CSDO!!! Their brutal Old-school Thrash Metal.You think your cool gettin drunk in your car before a show? How old are u 14??


lolz how 0ld r U? :-}
you has three letters, not one.
[Jul 4,2004 11:40am - intricateprocess ""]
if i go this show.........i think ill take a bottle of jack daniels, drink in the parking lot before CSDO..............lol or take a shit the whole during there whole set:tightiewhities:
[Jul 4,2004 11:41am - honor4death ""]
or take a shit and throw it on stage
[Jul 4,2004 12:10pm - intricateprocess ""]
good idea
[Jul 4,2004 12:15pm - JoeDavolla ""]
Eric from CSDO is a good friend of mine.And Im not just saying that CSDO is cool because of that.Also,what other local Thrash bands kick ass like the Death Orgy? I dont know of any.Please,enlighten me on this subject.
[Jul 4,2004 12:18pm - Dissector ""]
Wargasm, if they count. But other than that I would say CSDO is the best local thrash band because their really aren't any others (that I know of) besides Command Presence who are also kick ass.
[Jul 4,2004 12:53pm - pessimist ""]
cryptic warning plays some damn good thrash
[Jul 4,2004 12:59pm - anonymous  ""]
does anybody know if it is sold out or what the deal is?
[Jul 4,2004 1:13pm - Dissector ""]
Cryptic Warning is good too. But I'm talking more of straight forward thrash, that's why I should of excluded Command Presence.
[Jul 4,2004 2:00pm - Robteratism  ""]
Random acts of violence is my fav. thrash band besides wargasm. I dont mind csdo. But honor4death was right about the cocky statments made a while back.

oh and george...drink up in the parkin lot...theres nothin wrong with that!
[Jul 4,2004 2:46pm - Dissector ""]
Oh yeah I forgot about RAOV. So there are better thrash bands in the area. I stand corrected.
[Jul 4,2004 3:09pm - Robteratism  ""]
Dat's right punk...
[Jul 4,2004 4:30pm - Terence ""]
RAOV arent just the best thrash band from around here, they're the best band from around here, period.
[Jul 4,2004 4:49pm - JoeDavolla ""]
Terence said:RAOV arent just the best thrash band from around here, they're the best band from around here, period.

Ive never seen RAOV.
[Jul 4,2004 5:44pm - the_reverend ""]
RAOV has 2 guitarists and the bass/guitars also trade off singer/back up.
[Jul 4,2004 5:44pm - the_reverend ""]
there are some RAOV track here:
live from my show.
[Jul 4,2004 10:55pm - DocsAnthraxGirl ""]
If you're goin' to be drinking in the parking lot, I hope someone will bail you out later. Yeah, that's cool.
[Jul 5,2004 1:04am - ChrisBarnes ""]
Cannibal Corpse is gay.
[Jul 5,2004 3:23am - CandyStriperDeathOrgy ""]
Wow!! More jealousy.... I like this.... I guess you people don't have anything better to do... Here are some words of advice : It's good to be cocky... you'll last!! Do some work!! Try and help out what's left of the metal scene instead of bitchin' about how you didn't get on a show!!
You have to go out of your way to get to know people... That's how I've got so many connections... We were on POPULAR HOT RODDING TV last year on TNN!! We've helped sponsor a couple of ALCOHOL FUNNY CAR teams in IHRA & NHRA in the past... Also, many larger bands have worn our shirts on stage like : DYING FETUS, NUCLEAR ASSAULT, TYPE-O-NEGATIVE, WARGASM, STRAPPING YOUNG LAD, PRO-PAIN, JOEY BELLADONNA, OVERKILL, BRUTAL TRUTH, CANNIBAL CORPSE, BOLT THROWER, D.R.I., DESTRUCTION, EXCITER and KREATOR... Plus, our music will be used in two Hollywood films : SICKO and JOHNNY RAGS in the near future...

All I'm saying is... Stop all of the bullshit... And, work on getting the METAL scene bigger!!

[Jul 5,2004 4:27am - dyingmuse ""]
how proud we all are of you!
[Jul 5,2004 10:41am - you sank my battleship  ""]
when was the last time the guy from CSDO was at a local show where he wasn't playing and there was no major headliner?

[Jul 5,2004 11:54am - CandyStriperDeathOrgy ""]
I go to a lot of local shows still...... I go to the BOMBSHELTER 2 or 3 times a month to check out unsigned bands. Every now and then I'll go to CLUB 125 (in Bradford, MA.), BILL'S BAR (Boston), THE ASYLUM (Portland, ME) and sometimes I'll go to Worcester to THE LUCKY DOG and the PALLADIUM. I don't have a lot of time to be running around checking out bands. I'm quite busy!! I run 6 ADULT stores in NH. & MA. Plus, my own band........

[Jul 5,2004 2:20pm - DocsAnthraxGirl ""]
Eric, don't forget the young bands you've helped out too. At least the ones that have actually opened their ears and listened to your constructive criticism. I know two bands off hand that you've helped out. They also were able to get on some bills with some big bands like DRI and Meliah Rage. Also, we've helped out a bunch of bands, like Belladonna, get good crowds even the night they played Jarrod's the same night Anthrax was playing in Leomister. I'm glad I opened my ears four years ago to what you had to say.
[Jul 5,2004 2:29pm - intricateprocess ""]
ChrisBarnes said:Cannibal Corpse is gay.

[Jul 6,2004 6:01am - JoeDavolla ""]
CC are far from gay.Anyone here think this show will sell out?
[Jul 6,2004 8:16am - the_reverend ""]
I doubt it will sell out.
the last time CC played manchvegas, there was 50-ish people there. (nov 9 2002?)
[Jul 6,2004 9:26am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
dyingmuse said:how proud we all are of you!

[Jul 6,2004 9:29am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I hate when bands say 'Come to my show and support the scene!' but then they are never at any other shows.

The scene is not your band, and Random Acts of Violence is doing more to keep the scene alive by creating an underground following here like no other.
[Jul 6,2004 9:34am - RustedAngel ""]
i would say come to THE show and support all the bands, it's kinda dumb to just say "come to MY show".

and RAOV is damn tight, I'm an a-hole for missing them the last couple of times that I wanted to go.
[Jul 6,2004 9:35am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I am banned from this club, so I will have to support the scene another day.
[Jul 6,2004 10:10am - honor4death ""]
for a band that buys all their tickets and gives them out for free, csdo is still pretty cocky, i dont think anyone here was "jealous" about not getting on this show in this post, im saying you guys think your way better then you really are just because you had some big shows, and some show on the hick network.
[Jul 6,2004 10:16am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Boe is at the palladium, so they arent jealous
[Jul 6,2004 10:26am - subjugate ""]
shhhhh we haven't announced it yet
[Jul 6,2004 4:30pm - blue ""]
CandyStriperDeathOrgy said:I go to a lot of local shows still...... I go to the BOMBSHELTER 2 or 3 times a month to check out unsigned bands. Every now and then I'll go to CLUB 125 (in Bradford, MA.), BILL'S BAR (Boston), THE ASYLUM (Portland, ME) and sometimes I'll go to Worcester to THE LUCKY DOG and the PALLADIUM.

wow, way to not go to practically any place that has good shows. ever heard of the chopping block and o'briens mr. scene supporter?

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