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Cannibal Corpse 7/8/04 Manchester,NH

the Bombshelter (Manchester, NH) - [candy_striper_death_orgy][cannibal_corpse][randomshots][severed_savior][the_black_dahlia_murder]
[Jul 13,2004 8:08pm - BornSoVile ""]
keep in mind that probably no one wants to sell tickets dude.
[Jul 13,2004 8:30pm - iamwiggins ""]
cheers to making things all ages. esp you shelter folks
[Jul 13,2004 9:45pm - RustedAngel ""]
Todd said:

This at the shelter some day? ,lemme work on it...
Will you people come to see it though? i'd probably make it all ages just to fill up the club a little more. And I'd have to wait and see when Carnivorous can get to the east coast .

hehe that'd be sick, possibly add another bigger band to headline it... malignancy? misery index? I wouldn't mind selling tickets if it came down to it as long as there isn't like a 'sell 100 tickets or you have to pay us $1,000' deal. hahaha. It really comes down to picking bands who you know promote their shows.
[Jul 13,2004 10:02pm - CandyStriperDeathOrgy ""]
Hey Dan from Shroud.... Are you getting in on this bullshit too? Not a good thing!!!!!

Anybody who plays at the Bombshelter will have to sell tickets..... Serge will be making sure of that!! He wants people coming through the door.... In the 5 times we've played there.... We've always brought people in..... This is what the clubs want..... It's not how good you are or how good you guys think you are!!!!!!!
[Jul 13,2004 10:07pm - CandyStriperDeathOrgy ""]
Keep talking shit....... The place was packed when we went on.... Ask the Reverend..... He was taking pictures.....

Anyway, I don't care about what you few loser's think. It's all good.... Instead of flappin' you could be doing something for your band......
[Jul 13,2004 10:25pm - Kalopsia ""]
CandyStriperDeathOrgy said:Instead of flappin' you could be doing something for your band......

so could you
[Jul 13,2004 10:36pm - RustedAngel ""]
the place was not packed when CSDO was playing.

it's amazing how a band that's been around for years can pack clubs yet hardly plays any shows.
[Jul 14,2004 12:36am - BornSoVile ""]
Maybe in the future I'll sell tickets, but I'm already in debt wicked. there's only so much I can do.
[Jul 15,2004 2:38am - CandyStriperDeathOrgy ""]
Hey RustedAngel you just admitted that the place was packed...... Look at what you just wrote....... Yes, the place was packed!! I knew 75% of the people that came through the door..... Plus, I sold 50 tickets and sent out a 400 person mailing list (real mail not e-mail). Ya, I spent money to advertise....... That's how you get people through the door........
[Jul 15,2004 3:28am - Todd(bombshelter)  ""]
The drama continues...The show is over, cool turn out,People had fun....MOVE ON
[Jul 15,2004 8:00am - RustedAngel ""]
CandyStriperDeathOrgy said:Hey RustedAngel you just admitted that the place was packed...... Look at what you just wrote....... Yes, the place was packed!! I knew 75% of the people that came through the door..... Plus, I sold 50 tickets and sent out a 400 person mailing list (real mail not e-mail). Ya, I spent money to advertise....... That's how you get people through the door........

it's called sarcasm, but if you want to keep dreaming that your band drew all those people be my guest. We all still think you're full of shit.
[Jul 15,2004 8:29am - succubus ""]
Todd said:The drama continues...The show is over, cool turn out,People had fun....MOVE ON

what todd said
[Jul 15,2004 8:39am - RustedAngel ""]
s1ck sh0rts d00d!!1!1
[Jul 15,2004 9:57am - TheGreatSpaldino ""]

photoshop time!
[Jul 15,2004 1:20pm - mike_fod ""]
BornSoVile said:BDM are good shits. Paul, you would like them if you chilled with them. Yes, I know they sound like At the Gates but they're a great band live.

Fuck that, they're no where near as godly as old ATG, pre - Terminal Spirit Disease. That material was closer to being King Crimson with heavier distortion than melodic thrash. But i'm not into hxc kids who got into melodic death/thrash like last year. Unearth is certainly lightyears ahead of BDM. After having seen ATG before and BDM last week, I could not even compare the two on levels of intensity. ATG was raw and in your face.
[Jul 15,2004 2:12pm - BornSoVile ""]
next time they come to town, if your at the show, I will smoke you down with them. i think there a better band live than they are on cd.
[Jul 15,2004 3:19pm - Josh_Martin ""]
Josh Sweeney is dead? What happened?
[Jul 15,2004 5:38pm - Hoser ""]
Hello.....2 years ago. A bad mixture of alcohol and drugs. Great friend of ours....RIP Josh.
[Jul 16,2004 1:45pm - Josh_Martin ""]
Hoser said:Hello.....2 years ago. A bad mixture of alcohol and drugs. Great friend of ours....RIP Josh.

Wow, I didn't hear about that.
He tried out for Anal Cunt when our drummer quit back in 97'.

I remember when he booked Monstrosity at the Middle East and forgot to tell them it was a matinee show and they showed up right as the doors were closing. He let my black metal band fill the slot at the last minute.

[Jul 20,2004 1:33pm - CandyStriperDeathOrgy ""]
Hey RustedAngel....... I know who you are you fat pig...... I saw you at my show and the Ozzfest. What big are? Like 350 pounds? Keep eating.....
[Jul 20,2004 1:37pm - Terence ""]
it never ends.
[Jul 20,2004 1:38pm - CandyStriperDeathOrgy ""]
Josh Sweeney was a great guy and a great musician.... Too bad he could'nt stay off the shit....... He also played in Nasty Savage around the time he was in Monstrosity. We had him play drums for us when we met him back in 1996 at Hampton Beach.
[Jul 20,2004 1:39pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
hey Rusted Angel, what big are you?
[Jul 20,2004 1:43pm - CandyStriperDeathOrgy ""]
O.k. Joe.... How big are you? Is that better?
[Jul 20,2004 1:46pm - the_reverend ""]
ra weights about 135-140... his slayer dildo is almost bigger than he is.
[Jul 20,2004 2:00pm - RustedAngel ""]
candy striper, get your fucking story straight dude. i'm not fat, old, and burnt out like all your fans are. heh.

how dare you call me a fat pig. i'm huge.
[Jul 20,2004 2:06pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
CandyStriperDeathOrgy said:O.k. Joe.... How big are you? Is that better?

bigger then your band
[Jul 20,2004 2:16pm - SUBJUGATE ""]
RustedAngel said:candy striper, get your fucking story straight dude. i'm not fat, old, and burnt out like all your fans are. heh.

how dare you call me a fat pig. i'm huge.

i told you steroids and working out would help ya hehehehe :spineyes:
[Jul 20,2004 2:19pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
RustedAngel said:are you going to go to the bombshelter now that you're not banned from it? (even though you never really were)

I doubt it
[Jul 20,2004 4:59pm - pessimist ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:CandyStriperDeathOrgy said:O.k. Joe.... How big are you? Is that better?

bigger then your band

[Jul 20,2004 5:00pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Every shut up and just enjoy Metal!!!
[Jul 20,2004 5:05pm - RustedAngel ""]
SUBJUGATE said:RustedAngel said:candy striper, get your fucking story straight dude. i'm not fat, old, and burnt out like all your fans are. heh.

how dare you call me a fat pig. i'm huge.

i told you steroids and working out would help ya hehehehe :spineyes:

having a weight bench and a full range of dumb bells in my room helps too.
[Jul 21,2004 3:39am - anonymous  ""]
someone should ban Eric's(CSDO) IP from logging on to this site
[Aug 9,2004 4:06pm - Arrik_  ""]
Ban? Like the PMRC does,and wants to do more of?..

I have an interesting concept for mr.Anonymous..an American concept,a 1st Amendment concept.IF YOU DONT LIKE IT,DONT READ IT.
[Aug 9,2004 4:27pm - Arrik_  ""]
Hi Eric, once again, shallow minded and JEALOUS people lash out at you for simply promoting your band. Their lack of introspection and short attention span prevents them realizing they are jealous so they make up 5th grade insults like "wookie" ( by the way IF ones three favorite bands are "limp biscuit" Creed" and "staind" then Eric seems like a "wookie", but so does "Cliff Burton" Tony Iommi" Steve Harris" Tom Araya" "John Conelly" "Dan Lilker" "Chuck Billy" "Bill WArd" "Gezzer Butler" James Hetfield"..and other METAL inovators) Intsted of admiring your dedication to making music priority number one,they lash out like little impotant queer's. Instead of taking advise how to keep a band going year after year, they just reveal the shallowness of there under-developed,burned out minds and diminished hearts. To be continued...
[Aug 9,2004 6:28pm - Kalopsia ""]
wow you are fucking retarded. i don't know if you've explored this site, especially this forum, but every single one of us would kill bands like limp bizkit in a heartbeat if given the opportunity. if i want advice on how to keep a band going year after year, i'd ask bands like Cannibal Corpse. bands that actually went somewhere. i never even heard of CSDO until i came to this site. oh and for the record, i think Candy Striper Death Orgy is probably the worst band name ever.
[Aug 9,2004 8:11pm - CSDOFemaleFan  ""]
Well, if you haven't heard of them or heard them live maybe you should just shut the fuck up. Why don't you come down to see them at Fitzy's in Woonsocket, RI and them decide instead of reading the bullshit other bands post. But you probably don't have the balls to show up. Arrik, they're not shallow minded, more like closed minded dumb asses.
[Aug 9,2004 8:37pm - the_reverend ""]
woonsocket is a 5 hour drive for kalopsia.
[Aug 9,2004 8:58pm - Thrash metal fan  ""]
Eric pay no attention to the children slinging insults at the only True thrash band around these days. Eric is dedicated to thrash metal and that is worthy of respect...
[Aug 9,2004 11:35pm - anonymous  ""]
Will the drama ever end?... to be continued(I'm sure)
[Aug 9,2004 11:39pm - Sherbert  ""]
please, Random Acts of Violence destroys CSDO, hangs down
hang it up fellas, the break has come and gone
[Aug 9,2004 11:48pm - Todd(Bombshelter)  ""]
yea random acts of violence ae killer
[Aug 10,2004 4:22pm - Arrik_  ""]
Its textbook 12 year old psycology. When someone feels good about their acomplishments and expresses it in any way,,some insecureJEALOUS little brat will start the insults. When confronted that they are JEALOUS, instead of taking the MATURE path by taking advise or taking example, they take the UNDERDEVELOPED path saying " Theres nothing to be Jealous off!! your nothin'!! and throwing more superficial insults ( wookie,grandpa ect ect )...Now for all the 12 year olds who got on Mommy's computer to critisize Eric, put away the limp biscuit CD, and realize ITS ALLRIGHT TO BE JEALOUS , ITS HOW IT MOTIVATES YOU THAT MATTERS, OTHER PEOPLE ACOMPLISH GOALS AND SO CAN YOU. Got it? good! move on..
[Aug 10,2004 7:09pm - Kalopsia ""]
Arrik_ said:Its textbook 12 year old psycology. When someone feels good about their acomplishments and expresses it in any way,,some insecureJEALOUS little brat will start the insults. When confronted that they are JEALOUS, instead of taking the MATURE path by taking advise or taking example, they take the UNDERDEVELOPED path saying " Theres nothing to be Jealous off!! your nothin'!! and throwing more superficial insults ( wookie,grandpa ect ect )...Now for all the 12 year olds who got on Mommy's computer to critisize Eric, put away the limp biscuit CD, and realize ITS ALLRIGHT TO BE JEALOUS , ITS HOW IT MOTIVATES YOU THAT MATTERS, OTHER PEOPLE ACOMPLISH GOALS AND SO CAN YOU. Got it? good! move on..

i repeat. you are fucking retarded. i'm jealous of people like Alex Webster, who absolutely blow me away when it comes to playing bass guitar. i'm very jealous of how successful his band is, and can only hope that one day one of or both of my bands will get that far. where has CSDO gone? if i recall, CSDO opened for Cannibal, not the other way around. why should i take advice from some middle aged pervert?

and rev, thanks for responding about how far of a drive that show is for me. saved me the typing
[Aug 10,2004 8:39pm - CSDOFemaleFan  ""]
So, it's really not distance, it's laziness. Considering you need someone else to defend you. Wow, if only you had balls. There was a comment way back about how the guys on this board are worse then women, you pretty much proved that comment right. I'd rather hang with a prevert then a sleaze who "thinks" he's a rock star. Eric is one hell of a guy. He jokes about stuff but he has more respect for women then most of you people.
[Aug 10,2004 8:45pm - Kalopsia ""]
CSDOFemaleFan said:So, it's really not distance, it's laziness. Considering you need someone else to defend you. Wow, if only you had balls. There was a comment way back about how the guys on this board are worse then women, you pretty much proved that comment right. I'd rather hang with a prevert then a sleaze who "thinks" he's a rock star. Eric is one hell of a guy. He jokes about stuff but he has more respect for women then most of you people.

wow if only you made sense. you want me to defend myself? fine here we go. i am not going to drive to Rhode Island because:
A. I live in New Jersey
B. explain the logic of me driving 10 hours both ways to see a band i probably won't like just to prove you, some dumb cunt i've never ever met before, wrong.

did i ever say i thought i was a rock star? i don't recall saying that. please show me where i said that. oh and keep in mind that "prevert" you wanna hang out with acts like a fucking rock star himself you stupid dumb bitch!!!! not to mention the fact that this had absolutely nothing to do with you being a woman to begin with. talk about insecurities.
[Aug 10,2004 8:50pm - dyingmuse ""]
enough already! jesus christ, i thought this was over already
[Aug 10,2004 8:55pm - JoeDavolla ""]
Five hours is kinda far,but anyways,why are some people here bashing Eric and CSDO? If u "seen" them live and dont like them then just say it.And if u havnt,then you can complain about them.Eric is a cool guy and is dedicated to keeping Old School Metal alive(its real dead here in New England).All u geeks who like "tough guy" Metalcore bands can eat shit!!!
[Aug 10,2004 8:58pm - JoeDavolla ""]
Hey Kolopsia,shut your fuckin mouth!! CSDOfemale fan is definitly not a cunt.Shes a real nice,down to earth woman who likes old school Metal.Why u bashing people u dont even know??
[Aug 10,2004 9:11pm - Kalopsia ""]
hahahaha. this is fun. you have to remember one thing man. THIS IS THE FUCKING INTERNET!!!!!! what do u care what i say? you and i will probably never meet. and for the record, she bashed me first. just because someone likes metal, even old school metal, doesn't mean i automatically have to respect them. expect this kind of hostility on virtually any message board you go on. if someone says they don't like something and you try to defend it, an argument will ensue. why are you so defensive of CSDO? most of us said we don't like them, so what? move on. you guys are so touchy. Joe/Notcommon once said that my band Dehumanized was boring (or something along those lines) and did i get offended? no, that's his personal opinion. you can go on and on and on about how long CSDO has been around, and all the great things eric has done for the metal community, but we really don't care about that. that's like me going on a white power message board and try to defend blacks. it's not going to work.

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