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Cannibal Corpse 7/8/04 Manchester,NH

the Bombshelter (Manchester, NH) - [candy_striper_death_orgy][cannibal_corpse][randomshots][severed_savior][the_black_dahlia_murder]
[Sep 19,2013 9:25am - the_reverend ""]
so many people I miss in this thread...
[Sep 19,2013 9:38am - DestroyedAlot was the You  ""]
I'm assuming you mean dear, departed Arrik.
[Sep 19,2013 12:06pm - Candy Striper Death Orgy  ""]
Keep flappin' ya bunch of losers! My band Candy Striper Death Orgy rules!!!!!!!
[Sep 19,2013 1:09pm - shoot first  ""]
wow great thread

best part was hoser whining about his dead loser friend
[Sep 19,2013 1:13pm - ark  ""]
[Sep 19,2013 2:44pm - DestroyedAlot was the You  ""]
Missed was the dildo salesman.
[Sep 19,2013 2:52pm - flame broiled was the mopar  ""]
tony lazaro lookalike was the girlfriend
[Sep 19,2013 3:00pm - the_reverend ""]

shoot%20first said:wow great thread

best part was hoser whining about his dead loser friend

Actually, Josh ruled. I miss him too.
[Sep 19,2013 3:01pm - the_reverend ""]
his candle burned out long before the legend ever did
[Sep 19,2013 3:33pm - shoot first  ""]
should have been hoser then
[Sep 19,2013 3:36pm - shutup fagget  ""]

CandyStriperDeathOrgy said:Wow!! More jealousy.... I like this.... I guess you people don't have anything better to do... Here are some words of advice : It's good to be cocky... you'll last!! Do some work!! Try and help out what's left of the metal scene instead of bitchin' about how you didn't get on a show!!
You have to go out of your way to get to know people... That's how I've got so many connections... We were on POPULAR HOT RODDING TV last year on TNN!! We've helped sponsor a couple of ALCOHOL FUNNY CAR teams in IHRA & NHRA in the past... Also, many larger bands have worn our shirts on stage like : DYING FETUS, NUCLEAR ASSAULT, TYPE-O-NEGATIVE, WARGASM, STRAPPING YOUNG LAD, PRO-PAIN, JOEY BELLADONNA, OVERKILL, BRUTAL TRUTH, CANNIBAL CORPSE, BOLT THROWER, D.R.I., DESTRUCTION, EXCITER and KREATOR... Plus, our music will be used in two Hollywood films : SICKO and JOHNNY RAGS in the near future...

All I'm saying is... Stop all of the bullshit... And, work on getting the METAL scene bigger!!

shutup fagget
[Sep 19,2013 4:18pm - DestroyedAlot was the You  ""]
He's gone. Already Shutup was the Fagget.
[Sep 19,2013 4:50pm - shutup fagget  ""]

DestroyedAlot%20was%20the%20You said:He's gone. Already Shutup was the Fagget.

shutup fagget
[Sep 19,2013 4:52pm - DestroyedAlot was the You  ""]
No, I'm saying that fagget left. It's complicated, I know. Also, ur doin it rong.
[Sep 19,2013 4:55pm - largefreakatzero ""]

the_reverend said:
shoot%20first said:wow great thread

best part was hoser whining about his dead loser friend

Actually, Josh ruled. I miss him too.

I don't know if I would ever use "ruled" to describe Josh Sweeney's character. He was an awesome guitarist though.
[Sep 19,2013 4:58pm - no one cares fagget  ""]

DestroyedAlot%20was%20the%20You said:No, I'm saying that fagget left. It's complicated, I know. Also, ur doin it rong.

no one cares fagget
[Sep 19,2013 5:26pm - Yeti ""]
long live the days of excited rev. you don't get jazzed up anymore.
[Sep 19,2013 6:44pm - NH Brufaggotry  ""]
Duncan owes me $18!
[Sep 19,2013 10:26pm - the_reverend ""]

Yeti said:long live the days of excited rev. you don't get jazzed up anymore.
not every show can be smooth cool and refreshing like a roll rock.

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