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Any other "Dark Tower" fans here?

[Jan 8,2008 7:43pm - Hoser ""]
I'm on the last book (Book VII The Dark Tower.)

I have re-read the first 4 books and now I'm sweating to finish.....I have no idea what I'm going to do when I'm through with this KILLER series. Thinking about moving on to Cornwell's books (The Archers Tale) etc....

Just wondering if there's any other fans out there....
[Jan 8,2008 7:49pm - urinal turd  ""]
best books ever.
[Jan 8,2008 7:50pm - Kinslayer  ""]
I'm a big fan. They are making them into movies soon loosely based on the Comic Series Marvel did...incredible artwork. What a visionary that artist is...
[Jan 8,2008 8:06pm - Hoser ""]
I'm just afraid that the movie or series or whatever won't hold true to the books. I am so fucking into these books that I want to get a fucking tattoo of Roland on my fucking back...

What a fucking great, great, great literary masterpiece.
[Jan 8,2008 8:15pm - Kinslayer  ""]
Thankee sai
[Jan 8,2008 8:15pm - Hoser ""]
Thankee big big....

We are ka'tet...
[Jan 8,2008 8:39pm - boine ""]
ya amazing series the movies should be coming along in a few years but to do it right you would need like an 8 or 9 season show
[Jan 8,2008 8:46pm - Hoser ""]
[Jan 8,2008 8:54pm - Kinslayer  ""]
I dont think you need a a multi season show by anymeans...

George RR Martins a Song of Ice and Fire is going to be a multi season show on HBO or Showtime soon. I'm psyched.
[Jan 8,2008 8:58pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i've never had a reading experience like the Dark Tower books. i think i'm gonna re-read them now. phenomenal
[Jan 8,2008 9:08pm - boine ""]
they need a way to make Clint Eastwood young again or the movies are just not gonna be good
[Jan 8,2008 9:11pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
eh just cast Christian Bale...it has been determined that he is pretty good for any dominant role.
[Jan 8,2008 9:57pm - Hoser ""]
Man.....I wonder how a shaved Sam Elliot would do....does he have blue eyes?
[Jan 8,2008 10:00pm - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
I read the first four when I was younger, but I never picked up the rest of the series.
[Jan 8,2008 10:01pm - yummy ""]
I read them when I was younger. I think I only made it to the 4th book.
[Jan 8,2008 10:02pm - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
how bout that.
[Jan 8,2008 10:02pm - yummy ""]
pretty similar statements there.
[Jan 8,2008 10:07pm - anthony ""]
the 4th book (Wizard and Glass i think?) got really boring for me. I really enjoyed the first 3 though. And the full color illustrations are amaazing.

I always loved this one:
[Jan 8,2008 10:08pm - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
yeah, I always thought that one was way fucked.
[Jan 8,2008 10:16pm - anthony ""]
[Jan 8,2008 10:41pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
anthony said:the 4th book (Wizard and Glass i think?) got really boring for me. I really enjoyed the first 3 though. And the full color illustrations are amaazing.

I always loved this one:

i had the same problem with Wizards and Glass since it was mostly a love story (but that character building i found to be quite necessary for the remainder of the series) TRUST ME. -read through it and the rest of the books are worth it.

[Jan 8,2008 11:48pm - DomesticTerror ""]
i absolutely loved wizards and glass. to finally have walter's id revealed at the end (who we all damn well suspected) blew me away. that and the fact that i read w & g 12 years after wasteland...i don't know. i just love that book.

jake, the ending to VII...phenomenal. exactly how you knew the story would end, deep in your heart. but gratifying none the less. you'll see what i mean.

also, the comic series was pretty damn good. just came out in graphic novel a few months ago. a sequel coming soon.

one more thing- once you've finished, and are going through post DT depression, there's a Roland short story called "the sisters of eluria" in one of his collections. either nightmares and dreamscapes or everything's eventual, i forget which one.
[Jan 8,2008 11:49pm - DomesticTerror ""]
oh yeah. Long days and pleasant nights.
[Jan 9,2008 12:00am - boine ""]
in march new stories are gonna be in the comic
[Jan 9,2008 10:37am - Yeti ""]
i've only made it through Wizard and Glass, but i plan to restart the series and go through it all, i read The Gunslinger in like 2000 so i don't really remember any of it. The Wastelands was so insane.
[Jan 9,2008 9:43pm - boine ""]
because of this damn thread im reading the series ive lost count of how many times, but ive never read the re-write of the first book how is it compared to the original?
[Jan 9,2008 9:52pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Yeti said:i've only made it through Wizard and Glass, but i plan to restart the series and go through it all, i read The Gunslinger in like 2000 so i don't really remember any of it. The Wastelands was so insane.

Just wait till you get to the Wolves of the Callah...ohhh man.
[Jan 10,2008 3:13am - boine ""]
the movies need to have somewhere far beyond or carry the blessed home by blind guardian in the movies when they do them
[Jan 10,2008 8:30pm - Hoser ""]
Long days and pleasant nights.....it's m'bedtime.

We are Ka'tet........
[Apr 28,2008 4:58pm - Kinslayer  ""]
I'm glad to hear that the guys that do Lost are behind the film adaptation of this series...

I'm so fucking pumped.

and Wizard and Glass might be my favorite of them all.
[Dec 18,2008 8:29am - Kadoogan  ""]
I've been eating these books like nobody's business. Finished the first three in about a week. Started Wizard and Glass yesterday. I was gonna start a thread but I was SMRT and searched it.

The copy of IV i'm reading has the lamest book cover ever, considering the bitchin illustrations on the inside. They look like the recent Napalm Death album covers, almost.

[Dec 18,2008 10:33am - Yeti ""]
i just finished Wolves of the Calla, it doesn't disappoint whatsoever. i can't wait to see what happens next. Roland once again proves he is the most badass dude ever, ever.
[Dec 18,2008 11:47am - eddie ""]

Kadoogan said:I've been eating these books like nobody's business. Finished the first three in about a week. Started Wizard and Glass yesterday. I was gonna start a thread but I was SMRT and searched it.

The copy of IV i'm reading has the lamest book cover ever, considering the bitchin illustrations on the inside. They look like the recent Napalm Death album covers, almost.


the comics except the 1st, are all wizard and glass.
[Dec 18,2008 11:10pm - demondave ""]

There's only one Dark Tower:


[Dec 18,2008 11:38pm - Phrozenspite ""]
The ending is somewhat fitting but its still a copout for Stephen King
[Dec 19,2008 1:10am - bob barker  ""]
Horn of Eld
[Dec 19,2008 3:00am - peckerwood  ""]
I have a dark tower.....................................IN MY PANTS!
man...that just never gets old.
[Dec 19,2008 9:25am - deadlikemurf ""]
i just finished the last one about a month ago... i read all 7 in a row.. took me about 9 months..

an amazing story... i think the ending is fitting... King is a mad genius.. having read a number of the books that tie into this... the dark tower series really gave me the feeling that it was almost like a timeline or outline of all of his writing...

having said all of that.. i am done w/ Sai King for a long time.. being in his head that long did something to me...
[Dec 19,2008 10:38am - AndrewBastard (Kinslayer)  ""]
I almost always hate the artwork for books; it's never how I picture things...

I bought the hardcover version of the last 2 books and some of the art inside is cool and some sucks ass...oh well.

I with I had a membership to IMDB Pro so I could get more info on the DT movie they're making.
[Dec 19,2008 10:39am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Peter Jacson should do a 7 part movie series for DT.
[Dec 19,2008 10:41am - AndrewBastard (Kinslayer)  ""]
Oh, and I think people think I'm crazy because when I'm hammered I always use Dark Tower slang...

"wanna go to the bar?"

me: "YAR CULLY, I RECKON I DO. Hand me yon, jacket."

"cool, I'll but he first round"

me: "say true? I say thankee, sai. long days and pleasant nights"
[Dec 19,2008 10:42am - AndrewBastard (Kinslayer)  ""]
but he = buy the

my grammar is awful right now.
[Dec 19,2008 10:44am - Yeti ""]
whenever i am talking about going to smoke some green i say "lets go hold palaver".

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