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January 31st @ Club Oasis in Worcester, MA: COMPOSTED CD RELEASE & More!!!

Club Oasis (Worcester, MA) - [boarcorpse][composted][dysentery][randomshots][born_of_osiris][emmure][every_time_i_die][impending_doom][randomshots][sick_of_it_all][since_the_flood][unearth]
[show listing]  ________________________________________
[Jan 16,2009 11:16am - aaron_michael ""]
70 James st, Worcester MA

Hive Smasher,
Broken Cross,
Heisai Yasokawa's Empty Orchestra,
Horrifying Condiments,

After a much needed break, COMPOSTED is making a semi-triumphant, slight return on Saturday, January 31st at Club Oasis in Worcester to celebrate the release of our debut EP entitled "Sexual Transmission: Simplex Slam." Czech Republic's Cephalic Records is co-releasing the CD with our own start-up label, Gemini Multimedia. The brand new disc will be available for $6 at the show; every purchase will come with a free sticker, 2 buttons and a fancy-ass "Compostcard" (Get it? Fuck you). All designs and show flyer can be seen below! We will also have a very, very, very limited number of High On Kyrlon t-shirts in very few sizes available at the show!

This is going to be a very special evening, and as always COMPOSTED will be kicking up the retardation levels to an all-time high. Some of you will be pissed off...some of you will want to give us at least half a handjob at the end of the show...the only way to find out is to come to the show and get fucking silly.
[Jan 16,2009 11:23am - the_reverend ""]

aaron_michael said:Saturday, January 31st at Bender's Bar in Worcester

[Jan 16,2009 11:25am - aaron_michael ""]
[Jan 16,2009 11:26am - the_reverend ""]
I write code all day... the WORST is a cout and paste fail. c+p fail.
[Jan 16,2009 11:31am - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
New flyer coming tonight! CDs are in!
[Jan 16,2009 11:35am - Pires ""]
where the fuck is this god damn show?!?!
[Jan 16,2009 11:36am - RustyPS ""]
thread #4 (I think) for this show...lol
[Jan 16,2009 11:37am - RustyPS ""]
Club Oasis/London Billiards...from what I understand they're the same place
[Jan 16,2009 11:38am - Pires ""]
haha ok
[Jan 16,2009 11:38am - aaron_michael ""]
the other one was getting way too cluttered
[Jan 16,2009 11:49am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Jan 16,2009 12:14pm - narkybark ""]
I'm just going to wander Worcester aimlessly until I get knifed, or I hear loud noise, whichever comes first.
[Jan 16,2009 12:14pm - ouchdrummer ""]
ya, when i loaded the other page it took forever from my slow ass home computer...

Just to let everyone know (this info already in prev thread) this place is right next to the old espresso bar on James st.
[Jan 16,2009 12:20pm - dreadkill ""]
8 bands? holy shit. i really need to get to this show.
[Jan 16,2009 12:22pm - RustyPS ""]
[Jan 16,2009 12:27pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
This will be the only Composted show until late spring, so anyone who wants to see us better get to this show.
[Jan 16,2009 12:39pm - ouchdrummer ""]
*****and for ONE time only, I (Jim Fitzpatrick) will be available for hugs before our set. Not after, and definitely not during. (my hugs involve toungue, three fingers, and my cock)
[Jan 16,2009 1:02pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
I love Jim's hugs.
[Jan 16,2009 1:55pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

narkybark said:I'm just going to wander Worcester aimlessly until I get knifed, or I hear loud noise, whichever comes first.

this is one of the less dangerous parts of worcester. although i dont trust the cowboys at the dance ranch next door. you may be challenged to a duel.
[Jan 16,2009 2:01pm - DrewBlood@Work  ""]
fruitiest venue ever for a metal show. mirrors on the ceiling are apreeshed.
[Jan 16,2009 2:02pm - RustyPS ""]
oh great, my bald spot will be on full display our whole set....hahaha
[Jan 16,2009 2:37pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
I'll bring a hat.
[Jan 16,2009 2:40pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
you better bring a helmet instead.
[Jan 16,2009 3:03pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
[Jan 16,2009 3:17pm - ouchdrummer ""]
i like the mirror thing.. when I go anywhere for vacation, i always look for beds with mirrors over them. I haven't had TOO much luck, but i found em in Miami, and in Vegas. Mirrors are great. My favorite thing to look at when a girl is on top of me is her back/dumper in the mirror. Unfortunately i don't think i will be getting any boonda at this show.
[Jan 16,2009 3:18pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
the mirrors actually go all the way around the club's ceiling
[Jan 16,2009 3:27pm - ouchdrummer ""]
nice.. wanna blow me while i am playing?
[Jan 16,2009 3:28pm - ouchdrummer ""]
if you do, i can serve up some real HORRIFYING CONDIMENTS. oh snap!
[Jan 16,2009 5:49pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
no special sauce
[Jan 17,2009 12:12pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Jan 17,2009 12:16pm - ouchdrummer ""]
Tom, you have a PM.
[Jan 18,2009 3:00pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
New Flyer!!! Does not represent correct order of the bands.

[Jan 18,2009 3:05pm - archaeon ""]
everytime i see Boarcorpse i think MOARCORPSE
[Jan 18,2009 3:31pm - ouchdrummer ""]
[Jan 18,2009 3:32pm - archaeon ""]
Jim, you're such an internet n00b.
[Jan 18,2009 3:33pm - archaeon ""]
[Jan 18,2009 3:36pm - ouchdrummer ""]

JK. Ya, i don't really do anything on the net besides post here, and research on drums/news/drugs. So internet slang is lost on me, i appreciate you explaining though.
[Jan 18,2009 3:37pm - archaeon ""]
[Jan 18,2009 3:37pm - ouchdrummer ""]
wow. what a strange term. Thanks.
[Jan 18,2009 3:38pm - ouchdrummer ""]
i lurk plenty.... in ally's in the North end....
[Jan 19,2009 8:54am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
SLAMbiguous bump
[Jan 19,2009 9:02am - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
Tom is such a SLAMbitious young man.
[Jan 19,2009 9:05am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
I am what I Slam
[Jan 19,2009 9:05am - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
So you're a COCK?! HAH!
[Jan 19,2009 9:09am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
a giant horsecock
[Jan 19,2009 9:26am - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
Slam on a cock.
[Jan 19,2009 1:42pm - RustyPS ""]
*listens to Onyx*
[Jan 20,2009 2:47pm - Dave_Maggot ""]
up up up up
[Jan 20,2009 3:00pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
I am fairly sure Horrif'diments' last song is going to be very awkward for some people.
[Jan 20,2009 4:39pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
why am i not surprised

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