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January 31st @ Club Oasis in Worcester, MA: COMPOSTED CD RELEASE & More!!!

Club Oasis (Worcester, MA) - [boarcorpse][composted][dysentery][randomshots][born_of_osiris][emmure][every_time_i_die][impending_doom][randomshots][sick_of_it_all][since_the_flood][unearth]
[show listing]  _____________________________
[Feb 3,2009 7:37am - Yeti ""]

archaeon said:I'm still fucked up from whoever knocked me out during Dysentery's set. thanks to Yeti for brining me over to the merch area. I really appreciate that dude, even though i had no idea what you were saying haha. Also, thanks to Drew for the basic paramedic evaluation.

I'm gonna go kill myself now.

haha no problem dude, you definitely remember more than i do.

who did i keep high-fiving in the pit?
[Feb 15,2009 11:51pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]

[Feb 16,2009 8:34am - reimroc ""]
sucks they didn't move the camera because i had what looked to be a seizure during that song. it would've been quite hilarious to see on video.
[Feb 16,2009 8:51am - aaron_michael ""]
anyone got HiveSmasher videos/pictures from this night?

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