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January 31st @ Club Oasis in Worcester, MA: COMPOSTED CD RELEASE & More!!!

Club Oasis (Worcester, MA) - [boarcorpse][composted][dysentery][randomshots][born_of_osiris][emmure][every_time_i_die][impending_doom][randomshots][sick_of_it_all][since_the_flood][unearth]
[show listing]  _________________________________
[Feb 1,2009 12:17pm - RustyPS ""]
[Feb 1,2009 12:18pm - reimroc ""]
yea definitely need another sillyfest. i'll try not to get drunk so quickly next time.
[Feb 1,2009 12:28pm - ouchdrummer ""]
Grant- I don't think it was me. I hope your alright there captain.
[Feb 1,2009 12:36pm - the_reverend ""]
hm... I wonder what happens to my code if I attach the pictures here too.
[Feb 1,2009 12:59pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Thank you for allowing me to be tomposted.

[Feb 1,2009 1:05pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
SRSLY, the end of the Composted set with everyone on stage throwing up fake gang signs was pure epicosity.
[Feb 1,2009 1:11pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
Hahaha, Tomposted.

Worcester has never landed so hard on a cock.
[Feb 1,2009 1:13pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
[Feb 1,2009 1:17pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
[Feb 1,2009 1:57pm - narkybark ""]
This show was indeed sillyfest and it ruled. All the bands sounded great, thanks to tom for putting us on, hello to all the random rttp'ers I met and didn't know it.

Dave repeatedly falling onto the stage made me laugh the whole night.
[Feb 1,2009 2:00pm - reimroc ""]

narkybark said:This show was indeed sillyfest and it ruled. All the bands sounded great, thanks to tom for putting us on, hello to all the random rttp'ers I met and didn't know it.

Dave repeatedly falling onto the stage made me laugh the whole night.

should have seen him outside with the camera talking about how he shit in a hamper once.
[Feb 1,2009 2:12pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
Reimroc, I never got the peasure of meeting you last night! Unless I did and forgot...:/
[Feb 1,2009 2:15pm - reimroc ""]

MarkFuckingRichards said:Reimroc, I never got the peasure of meeting you last night! Unless I did and forgot...:/

I was really, really wasted and I did bump into you a couple times but reacted too slow. I'll be around again.
[Feb 1,2009 2:17pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
Haha, understandable. I'll be gone until mid-April, so perhaps after that we'll run into each other.
[Feb 1,2009 2:22pm - reimroc ""]

MarkFuckingRichards said:Haha, understandable. I'll be gone until mid-April, so perhaps after that we'll run into each other.

probably will

ps: great cd
[Feb 1,2009 2:54pm - SW  ""]
awesome show. i broke my assbone from doing a cannonball off the stage during dysentery. good times. this was my first time seeing all the bands that played and they all did great. seeing everyone go apeshit during composted was hilarious. i'll try to make it to more "rttp" shows.
[Feb 1,2009 3:18pm - AfterWorldObliteration ""]
twas gang signs galore. wiggerific.
[Feb 1,2009 3:19pm - sacreligion ""]
i had a blast...sucks i had to miss hyeo, broken cross, and hivesmasher though. i got back from the lucky dog right when boarcorpse had started setting up.

all the bands were awesome, and i would gladly flail wildly to an air-guitared composted track at another show.

p.s. horrifying condiments is the most brilliant band in NE
[Feb 1,2009 3:41pm - grizloch ""]
HUGE thanks to Tom for bringing us out, we had an amazing time, also thanks to anyone who knows who tiny tim is

Hivesmasher blew me away, holy amazing batman
Horrifying and Composted did not disappoint, epicly ludicrous sets were epicly ludicrous
Dysentery was the best I'd ever seen them, so tight and so heavy
I wish I was able to see more of HYEO, Broken Cross and Boarcorpse, from what I saw/heard Empty Orchestra was pretty sick, unfortunately I spent all of Boarcorpse on the phone arguing with my girlfriend... ugh
also bummed that I didn't get to spend more time shmoozing with Mass peeps I never get to see, too much shenanigans not enough sleep the night before, wah wah wahhh
[Feb 1,2009 3:46pm - Dave_Maggot ""]
haha, amazing show. i clearly, visibly had a fucking blast haha. i had infinity beers. lost my pants. went so crazy for dysentery that i destroyed both my pants and my shirt in the process. got home at 3:30am. forgot to set my alarm for work at 5am. woke up 45 min late when i had to open the store, and i was still wicked hammered for work. i wish every show could be that awesome. thanks tom. thanks to all the bands. thank you ronnie james dio. that girl with the leather jacket was frigging bad ass. i cant remember her name cuz i was so drunk. but her and her friend were awesome people. fun fun times. i clearly love all my rttp peepz and if i could bro hug you all at once i would. word. haha
[Feb 1,2009 3:53pm - Martins ""]
This show was so brutal.
So brutal that I am currently at the hospital diagnosed with pneumomediastinum. Just means that air escaped from my lungs into the tissue around my heart. Shit sucks but some hot bitch got to IV me.
[Feb 1,2009 4:43pm - the_reverend ""]
um... how did that happen?
[Feb 1,2009 4:50pm - Stabby_McGunnakillya ""]
I was proud to be a part of this.

-The official Horrif'diments boingsman
[Feb 1,2009 4:51pm - narkybark ""]
I steered a Caps Lock key right into his sternum using that assassin mind power from Wanted.

Seriously though, that sounds like it sucks. It has to, it has more than 10 letters.
[Feb 1,2009 5:18pm - aaron_michael ""]
big ups to Bad News Kimbal for bopping me on top of the head right at the beginning of Dys and almost ending my night pre-maturely.

I want to play with all of these bands every weekend.

Anyone else got pictures from the earlier half of the night?
[Feb 1,2009 5:23pm - aaron_michael ""]
ps. Dave Maggot is my hero
[Feb 1,2009 5:26pm - W3 nli  ""]
not to blow anybody but Hivesmasher seriously killed.

play the instrumental parts!
[Feb 1,2009 5:35pm - Dave_Maggot ""]
awww thanks man
[Feb 1,2009 5:37pm - the_reverend ""]

Dave_Maggot said:awww thanks man
thank me dickbag
[Feb 1,2009 5:38pm - Dave_Maggot ""]
i thank your beard
[Feb 1,2009 5:39pm - the_reverend ""]
he says your welcome dickbag.
[Feb 1,2009 5:44pm - Dave_Maggot ""]
hehe that makes me giggle like the people looking at the money with the googly eyes in the geiko commercials
[Feb 1,2009 5:46pm - Martins ""]

the_reverend said:um... how did that happen?

Not really sure. It either randomly happened sometime during the show or when I was working out earlier in the week and it only hit me then.
[Feb 1,2009 5:49pm - Dave_Maggot ""]
i hope you get well soon homie
[Feb 1,2009 5:49pm - aaron_michael ""]

W3%20nli said:

play the instrumental parts!

maybe next time man. we just wanted to hit everyone hard and fast!
[Feb 1,2009 5:52pm - reimroc ""]

aaron_michael said:
W3%20nli said:

play the instrumental parts!

maybe next time man. we just wanted to hit everyone hard and fast!

and you did. shit was intense. your guitar player then went on to convince me to buy a t-shirt by hitting on me telling me i'd look good in something skin-tight.
[Feb 1,2009 5:59pm - W3 nli  ""]

aaron_michael said:
W3%20nli said:

play the instrumental parts!

maybe next time man. we just wanted to hit everyone hard and fast!

totally understand that, but the cd sounds amazing.

i need a shirt maybe not skin tight though.
[Feb 1,2009 6:39pm - Septic Mountain Fountain  ""]

W3%20nli said:
aaron_michael said:
W3%20nli said:

play the instrumental parts!

maybe next time man. we just wanted to hit everyone hard and fast!

totally understand that, but the cd sounds amazing.

i need a shirt maybe not skin tight though.

[Feb 1,2009 6:41pm - W3 nli  ""]
[Feb 1,2009 6:45pm - archaeon ""]
[Feb 1,2009 6:47pm - W3 nli  ""]

W3%20nli said:NO, YOU !
[Feb 1,2009 6:47pm - RichHorror ""]
[Feb 1,2009 7:01pm - the_reverend ""]
w3 in something skin tight. insert puke face here. like syran wrap on pizzadough.
[Feb 1,2009 8:09pm - aaron_michael ""]
is jerkin'
[Feb 1,2009 8:13pm - reimroc ""]
[Feb 1,2009 8:30pm - reimroc ""]
[Feb 1,2009 10:54pm - ouchdrummer ""]
srsly. I'm tryin to quit.
[Feb 1,2009 10:57pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i have big plans for the sequel to this event. more details to come...
[Feb 2,2009 2:47am - narkybark ""]
[Feb 2,2009 12:29pm - reimroc ""]



+ more silliness to top the silliness of this silly slam of silly

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