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short notice for show on Cape Cod...

[Jul 22,2005 7:25pm - nate nli  ""]
Anyone who can do a show on Cape Cod next thursday at the Juice Bar e-mail me for more info. Unfortunatly it's not really a paying gig, just a chance for our bro Allen to play a show while he's on leave before deploying to Iraq for a year. The line up so far is Leukorrhea, Coffin Birth, Burn Me Down and 1 more, that's why I'm posting to get the 4th band. My e-mail is leukorrhea@gmail.com
[Jul 22,2005 8:04pm - RichHorror ""]
We could possibly play, but I don't think we'd fit on the bill.
[Jul 22,2005 9:38pm - nate ""]
I would definetly be down for that if this was more of a diverse show, if this one goes over well I am pushing for more shows there though so I definetly will stay in touch if they give us a second shot....

Is there no death metal band willing to make the trip to the Cape? Yeah it's a thursday night, yes it's next week but everytime we have been involved with a show down here they are all ages and tons of kids come out and they support the bands and basically kill eachother. We did one last year in Dennis with us, Coffin Birth, Ascendancy, Senseless Mutilation, Pillory, Goratory, Dead God and it was a killer time. Many people witnessed the wall of death which comes around frequently at Cape shows cause the kids are starving for a show to go to. We did another one last summer at this same place, the Juice Bar, and kids were power bombing eachother for fucksake...

Come on people...
[Jul 22,2005 9:52pm - RichHorror ""]
Isn't that Scoracrasia band from the Cape?
[Jul 22,2005 9:52pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
Loan us your drummer.
[Jul 22,2005 9:57pm - nate ""]
Scoracrasia is from the Cape yeah, but I don't think they'll be ready in 6 days to do it... if Mike could learn your shit in a few days I'm sure he'd do it but I dunno if he can...
[Jul 22,2005 11:34pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
We wouldn't even have a chance to rehearse with him even if he could learn the stuff. I was just being silly. Harrr.
[Jul 22,2005 11:41pm - Aegathis nli  ""]
[Jul 22,2005 11:51pm - nate nli  ""]
Yeah where's Anoxia at? John make that happen will ya!!!
[Jul 22,2005 11:58pm - Aegathis nli  ""]
Nate i told vallhalla about this show a couple days ago, im still waiting to hear back from them
[Jul 23,2005 12:13am - nate nli  ""]
Call me
[Jul 23,2005 12:14am - RichHorror ""]
I hope this works out. I moved out here in February, and there's been NOTHING worthwhile going on as far as shows go.
[Jul 23,2005 12:15am - nate nli  ""]
It's confirmed 100%
[Jul 23,2005 12:18am - nate nli  ""]
Just to give ya the heads up, the 4th band we're looking for would unfortunatly have to open :(
[Jul 23,2005 12:18am - Aegathis nli  ""]
ahh man , it looks like we got other shows going on this night too to compete with. Oh well plenty of people on cape that dont feel like driving to boston.
[Jul 23,2005 12:19am - RichHorror ""]
Yeah, most people I know are afraid that the world outside Cape Cod is a myth, and they'll fall off the face of the Earth.
[Jul 23,2005 12:19am - nate nli  ""]
Exactly this show will be packed I guarantee it dude, last summer we played on short notice and it was nuts
[Jul 23,2005 12:21am - Aegathis nli  ""]
i just told Blue that, haha
[Jul 23,2005 12:21am - nate nli  ""]
I barely leave the Cape ... Most of the time there's no need too.
[Jul 23,2005 12:22am - Aegathis nli  ""]
Nate dont keep enticing me to stay up later, i gotta work tomorow
im excited already
[Jul 23,2005 12:22am - nate nli  ""]
Aegathis call me
[Jul 23,2005 12:23am - Aegathis nli  ""]
[Jul 23,2005 12:23am - blue ""]
Aegathis nli said:i just told Blue that, haha

its true, he did.
[Jul 23,2005 12:30am - Aegathis nli  ""]
haha and it is true, your also in random pics at the top for me as we speak blue
[Jul 23,2005 12:30am - nate nli  ""]
Lol we need an opening band, I swear this'll end being one of your favorite nights of playing out. I am psyched we aredoing this.
[Jul 23,2005 12:31am - Aegathis nli  ""]
yea niether of us can sleep over this
[Jul 23,2005 12:34am - nate nli  ""]
I'm actually at my pc making a flier, sleep is next!
[Jul 23,2005 12:35am - Aegathis nli  ""]
are u gonna be throwing on our super metal logos, or just regular text like last year?
[Jul 23,2005 12:38am - nate nli  ""]
Prolly just text
[Jul 23,2005 12:41am - Aegathis nli  ""]
[Jul 23,2005 12:41am - nate ""]
do you have a flattened logo and I'll use it
[Jul 23,2005 12:43am - Aegathis nli  ""]
haha nah i dont really care
[Jul 23,2005 12:48am - nate ""]
I think I have one for when we were putting the site shit together
[Jul 23,2005 3:54am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I should come set up my distro, yes?
[Jul 23,2005 8:59am - nate ""]
let me find out the answer for you on that John
[Jul 23,2005 9:03am - nate ""]
well we got a few hours left or we're just gonna pick up a local Cape band to open...
[Jul 23,2005 9:25am - nate ""]
[Jul 23,2005 9:48am - nate nli  ""]
Aegathis I sent you a link to a print quality flyer on your my space account
[Jul 23,2005 10:37am - nate nli  ""]
Tick tock, tick tock...........
[Jul 23,2005 12:11pm - nate ""]
the clock is done ticking and we just booked a local to open the show... good to know people wanna get out somewhere else to play shows though...
[Jul 23,2005 3:38pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
Didn't you hear? The scene fell apart 'cause a couple people are booking less shows. There aren't even bands around here anymore.
[Jul 23,2005 3:43pm - nate nli  ""]
It's like a ghost town around here... *watches tumbleweeds rolling by*
[Jul 23,2005 3:45pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
People must have lives. I sure don't.
[Jul 23,2005 3:48pm - nate nli  ""]
Lives? What's "lives" mean anyway, where can I get one and how much?
[Jul 23,2005 3:49pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
Last I heard they were as elusive as drummers. Good luck.
[Jul 23,2005 3:49pm - nate nli  ""]
Lives? What's "lives" mean anyway, where can I get one and how much?
[Jul 23,2005 4:05pm - nate nli  ""]
A lot of Cape kids have already e-mailed talking about this show... It's going be an awesome time.
[Jul 23,2005 7:30pm - Aegathis nli  ""]
I hope we can do this a bunch more times after.
[Jul 23,2005 7:31pm - Aegathis nli  ""]
hey nate did ya talk to Jen yet by any chance?
[Jul 23,2005 10:25pm - nate ""]
nah I left her a message to call me, if I don't hear from her tonight I will see her tomorrow when she comes to pick up my daughter.
[Jul 25,2005 11:55am - nate ""]
bump for this thursday!!!

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