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[show listing]  ________________________________
[Nov 12,2008 9:39am - RobinG ""]
[Nov 12,2008 10:44am - boblovesmusic ""]
Not that I'm complaining, but wasn't Gigan supposed to play?
[Nov 12,2008 10:52am - RobinG ""]
There were about 3 other bands confirmed and I was left high and dry with the night so I'm making the best of it. COME SUPPORT LOCAL MUSIC!
[Nov 12,2008 11:04am - boblovesmusic ""]
Oh, this lineup is nothing short of awesome! Definitely coming to this! Was just curious! Local music FTW!
[Nov 12,2008 12:31pm - RobinG ""]
[Nov 12,2008 2:49pm - RobinG ""]
Tuesday before Thanksgiving.
[Nov 12,2008 4:11pm - archaeon ""]
I might make it out to this. hmmm
[Nov 13,2008 11:09am - Robing ""]
This will be a big night www.ticketweb.com to get tickets.
[Nov 13,2008 11:23am - boblovesmusic ""]
or go to Great Scott personally!
[Nov 13,2008 1:18pm - darkwor  ""]
sloppy tuesdayz
[Nov 13,2008 3:08pm - Alx NLI  ""]
Thanks for putting together a killer show, Robin!
[Nov 13,2008 9:18pm - boblovesmusic ""]
Seriously! I got my ticket tonight!
[Nov 13,2008 9:23pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
If I can manage to sell enough of my CDs by then, I'll be there.
[Nov 14,2008 10:05am - Robing ""]
Alot of people are going.
[Nov 14,2008 3:17pm - spawn1349  ""]
I'll be there!
[Nov 17,2008 12:37pm - RobinG ""]
[Nov 17,2008 12:51pm - davemmonic  ""]
Yeah robing thanks for the invite to play this man it should be a good show
[Nov 17,2008 2:17pm - RobinG ""]
No prob, there are going to be alot of fucking hot girls at this one.
[Nov 17,2008 3:27pm - davemmonic  ""]
Yummy! nothing better than fine pussy
[Nov 17,2008 3:53pm - RobinG ""]
So much yummy pussy/
[Nov 19,2008 4:22am -  ""]
support this:
[Nov 19,2008 1:07pm - RobinG ""]
[Nov 19,2008 1:40pm - aril  ""]
hot women at boston metal shows? what now? when did this happen?
[Nov 21,2008 10:18am - RobinG ""]
[Nov 23,2008 1:21pm - Alx_Casket ""]
[Nov 23,2008 2:21pm - boblovesmusic ""]
wait so who is taking Revocation's place?
[Nov 24,2008 8:23am - Alx_Casket ""]
Cirque de Carne will be taking Revocation's place.
[Nov 24,2008 9:05am - boblovesmusic ""]
nice! Hadn't heard those guys before, but I'm looking forward to seeing them! (and Closed Casket!)
[Nov 24,2008 2:57pm - Robing ""]
[Nov 24,2008 9:33pm - Robing ""]
[Nov 25,2008 12:02am - boblovesmusic ""]
Dude, post the new poster!
[Nov 25,2008 11:26am - Robing ""]
[Nov 25,2008 11:54am - ouchdrummer ""]
Cirque de Carne huh? Nice guys, they used to practice down the hall from me in Allston. The guitar player Justin tears it up. Obviously Cannibal Corpse worship, but i really like it anyways.
[Nov 25,2008 12:36pm - thebloodening ""]
Sweet, although I will be by myself like a loser because none of my friends in boston like this shit, I will still be there.
[Nov 25,2008 12:40pm - RichHorror ""]
Make new friends at this.
[Nov 25,2008 12:43pm - thebloodening ""]
anyone know where i can find some new friends? Put it this way, i will be the only jackass wearing a shirt and tie most likely.
[Nov 25,2008 12:44pm - RichHorror ""]
The singer of Cirque De Carne might be also.
[Nov 25,2008 12:46pm - thebloodening ""]
haha, but is that by choice? Cuz if i had a choice i'd wear sweatpants.
[Nov 25,2008 3:18pm - Robing ""]
[Nov 25,2008 3:28pm - boblovesmusic ""]
I won't be headbanging as much as I usually do (stupid headcold), but I'll be there!
[Nov 25,2008 4:16pm - davemmonic(SummoningHate)  ""]
Good for cirque de carne they have some good stuff going on i will see you all there
[Nov 25,2008 5:00pm - Robing ""]
[Nov 25,2008 7:11pm - thebloodening ""]
yaaa i get out early, now i can go change...look for the middle finger hoody and black hat! be my friend...buy me a pabst!
[Nov 26,2008 9:31am - boblovesmusic ""]
\m/ to Robin for putting together a kick ass show last night!
[Nov 26,2008 10:13am - davemmonic(SummoningHate)  ""]
Fuck yeah man we had a good fucking time; it was tough to get up this morning to go work is 10:12 and i am still drunk as i am writinf tisjosn this..
[Nov 26,2008 11:11am - boblovesmusic ""]
haha, try 8:30!
[Nov 26,2008 12:55pm - Alx_Casket ""]
Thanks for having us, Robin. We had a great time, glad it all came together after so many cancellations.
[Nov 26,2008 1:13pm - Robing ""]
Dude I have so many people to thank for this. I can't believe so many people came!!!!!!!!
[Nov 26,2008 4:16pm - boblovesmusic ""]
I'd like to think that I helped with bringing so many people, but none of my fb friends came haha!
[Nov 26,2008 5:03pm - davemmonic(SummoningHate)  ""]
I can't beleave so many people came eather!! we had a good turn arround the pit was fucking good to but i could not see it my vocalist has the biggest hunch back ever and those fucking lights on stage blind the shit out of you man but it was a good time anyways.. thanks Robin

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