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Dilapidated Enterprises Presents: Wed Sept 1st @ Midway Cafe in JP - HIRUDINEA, SAPREMIA (NJ), VISIONS OF THE NIGHT (CAN) & ONEIRIC REALM

Midway Cafe (Jamacia Plain, MA) - [hirudinea][oneiric_realm][randomshots][sapremia][visions_of_the_night]
[show listing]  ______________________________
[Jul 26,2010 1:16am - blue ""]

Dilapidated Enterprises Presents
Wednesday September 1st
@ the Midway Cafe
3496 Washington Street - Jamaica Plain, MA
8 PM $6 for 21+, $9 for 18+

Hirudinea (Boston all star filthy grinding noise)
Sapremia (NJ old school death metal)
Visions of the Night (Toronto blackened death)
Oneiric Realm (Experimental black/death)


Facebook event page:
[Jul 26,2010 11:13am - sapremianj ""]
[Jul 30,2010 4:02pm - blue ""]
good time to be had.
[Jul 30,2010 4:56pm - BREEtard  ""]
I can't read sideways.. can anybody tell me what day this is?

[Jul 30,2010 5:30pm - TIMMA ""]
Hells yeah...definitely want to check out Oneiric Realm. Those recordings you did were the ill na-na
[Jul 30,2010 5:36pm - burnsy ""]
Thanks, Timma. Blue exceeded all expectations with this recording. Really pumped.
[Aug 2,2010 11:33pm - blue ""]
[Aug 5,2010 6:07pm - blue ""]
[Aug 8,2010 6:33pm - blue ""]
[Aug 8,2010 6:53pm - nekronaut ""]
JP is finally getting it's fair share of sweet shows.. I love not having to leave my locale for some ravishing grimness
[Aug 8,2010 6:56pm - RichHorror ""]
Wow, September is looking killer at the Midway.
[Aug 17,2010 9:48am - sapremianj ""]
Almost time!
[Aug 18,2010 11:19am - blue ""]
Woah woah woah
[Aug 18,2010 3:20pm - Randy_Marsh ""]
[Aug 18,2010 3:24pm - c.DeaD  ""]
[Aug 18,2010 3:26pm - Randy_Marsh ""]
[Aug 21,2010 1:20pm - blue ""]
[Aug 21,2010 1:25pm - boblovesmusic ""]
whatever floats your boat
[Aug 23,2010 3:10pm - sapremianj ""]
[Aug 23,2010 3:16pm - Randy_Marsh ""]
[Aug 24,2010 11:41pm - blue ""]
feel the oh hi
[Aug 25,2010 2:41am - Randy_Marsh ""]
fur ril
[Aug 26,2010 10:03pm - Randy_Marsh ""]
[Aug 27,2010 10:03am - Seanblitzkrieg ""]
[Aug 28,2010 9:26pm - blue ""]
Feckin' WEDNESDAY kehd
[Aug 28,2010 10:23pm - Jeremy Edward Washstein  ""]
[Aug 30,2010 8:30am - blue ""]
2 days
[Aug 31,2010 12:14am - blue ""]
youd best attend.
[Aug 31,2010 3:35pm - burnsy nli  ""]
[Aug 31,2010 3:39pm - nekronaut ""]
I'm excited for this.
[Aug 31,2010 9:20pm - SeanBlitzkrieg ""]
[Aug 31,2010 10:25pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
What time does music start? Going to try going after Composted practice if time allows it.
[Sep 1,2010 7:33am - blue ""]
Bands start at 9, maybe a tiny bit later. Show will be over before midnight if everything goes well. I highly encourage you to recruit your (and my) bandmates.

Reasons to attend tonight:

Hirudinea is awesomne.
Support good touring bands from NJ and Canada.
Oneiric Realm is your new favorite local band.
[Sep 1,2010 8:07am - the_reverend ""]
I'm there.
[Sep 1,2010 11:37am - blue ""]
If everything goes well Oneiric Realm will have copies of their brand spanking new demo, recorded by yours truly.
[Sep 1,2010 11:54am - bloblovesmusic  ""]

blue said:If everything goes well Oneiric Realm will have copies of their brand spanking new demo, recorded by yours truly.

This excites me!
[Sep 1,2010 3:02pm - inject-nli  ""]
"tonite you die!"
[Sep 1,2010 3:03pm - the_reverend ""]
hopefully they give me a copy for RTTP
[Sep 1,2010 3:27pm - C.dEAD  ""]
[Sep 1,2010 3:58pm - randy chermash  ""]

C.dEAD said:[img]

[Sep 1,2010 4:40pm - Alx_Casket ""]
I'll try to get over after band practice rituals
[Sep 1,2010 4:58pm - boblovesmusic ""]

Alx_Casket said:I'll try to get over after band practice rituals

Bring candy!
[Sep 1,2010 5:07pm - nekronaut ""]
I just had an assistant manager quit on me.. I have to stay and close, will be there but around 10 instead, lame.
[Sep 1,2010 10:52pm - the_reverend ""]
Oneric realms sounded even better than when they were at champions.

Visions of the night were with out a bassplayer cause of the socialized healthcare in canada. They were also with out a drummer because he is working for the good of the whole in the united soviet social republic of toronto. Lou from sapremia filled in on bass and they had a nameless mp3 player as the drummer. Most impressive is the size of the canadian er... I mean american flag behind them. I forgot no one know about us buying canada... yet...
[Sep 2,2010 1:42am - burnsy ""]
Thanks a lot rev.

Huge thanks to blue for having us play this and for recording our demo.
[Sep 2,2010 1:43am - the_reverend ""]
I'm working on the pictures.
[Sep 2,2010 2:03am - the_reverend ""]
[Sep 2,2010 2:22am - randy mash  ""]
hirudinea were fucking great as always. such a weird sound haha.

other bands were awesome as well. sapremia could have been louder though but were very tight.
[Sep 2,2010 7:43am - the_reverend ""]
ugh, being awake is stupid.
[Sep 2,2010 8:58am - the_reverend ""]
oh my... that burrito seems to have been little much for my taco bell loving insides.

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