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8/11 - Great Scott: RINGWORM, NAILS, PANZERBASTARD and others

Great Scott's (Allston, MA) - [bitter_end][nails][new_lows][panzerbastard][randomshots][ringworm]
[show listing]  ______________________________________
[Jul 7,2011 1:43pm - AndrewBastard ""]
the "others" are Bitter End and New Lows...

We just got added and we open the show.

[Jul 7,2011 2:01pm - xmikex ""]
this is relevant to my interests.

attn: smc. please no wacky mid-week intheshit shows this night.
[Jul 7,2011 3:30pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
Alex, will be on tour with Truman Highway, and ill be at this show. You and Booley can do a sweet two man ITS set in Haverhill if you sell tickets to a sold out gun show
[Jul 27,2011 11:24am - Skinsandwich ""]
I just moved so I do not know where great scotts is. I live in Townsend Ma now. Trying to hit more shows that i am off Cape Cod. Hoping this is a show I can get to since PanzerBastard is playing. Thanks.
[Jul 27,2011 11:25am - Skinsandwich ""]
Also what is the age limit. My son wants to go.
[Jul 27,2011 11:30am - xmikex ""]
Your son is instantly cooler than anyone on this board.
[Jul 27,2011 11:30am - xmikex ""]
and Great Scott is usually 18+?
[Jul 27,2011 11:32am - Skinsandwich ""]
Heh, thanks Mike. Is it in Allston?
[Jul 27,2011 11:45am - Skinsandwich ""]
[Jul 27,2011 11:57am - xmikex ""]
[Jul 27,2011 1:36pm - AndrewBastard ""]
Pumped for this shit
[Jul 27,2011 3:24pm - Randy_Marsh ""]
what was the name of the band that had to drop? im about to make a clever joke.
[Jul 27,2011 3:31pm - AndrewBastard ""]
death ray vision
[Jul 27,2011 3:35pm - Randy_Marsh ""]

there that was my joke. do you get it? I hope so...it wasn't that good.
[Jul 27,2011 3:40pm - OldFrenchWhore  ""]
ITT: Lots and lots of girlfriend metal...
[Aug 10,2011 8:05am - AndrewBastard ""]
this is tomorrow

bring your boyfriends.
[Aug 11,2011 1:28am - late_rising ""]
how can I halp this show when I can't even halp myself
[Aug 11,2011 1:59am - nekronaut ""]
Halp me.
[Aug 11,2011 2:29am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
There is no Halp coming for anyone.
[Aug 11,2011 2:35am - nekronaut ""]
Halp a brutha out with a nip?
[Aug 11,2011 2:38am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
Its waiting in the fridge for you, real bottle will be floating around after the show.

Just tryin to Halp a chin hair havin bastard out, where the fuck is Justin with some goddamn moonshine.

Fuck im stoned, im outta here.
[Aug 11,2011 9:12am - xmikex ""]
Just bought my ticket. Great Scott has a capacity of 1. Show is now sold out.
[Aug 11,2011 9:48am - GUYnli  ""]
will be attending, first show in a long while. to busy gambling and doing coke
[Aug 11,2011 9:49am - The_Rooster ""]
Opened for this tour last night here in Albany. Fuck me. Nails was devastating. all I can say. New Lows was great too. Hadn't heard much of them prior, and they fucked the place up. Kids were going wild.

Ringworm is wicked pissed.

I got mad Budweiser farts.

Ya'll are in for a good time tonight.
[Aug 11,2011 3:22pm - AndrewBastard ""]
[Aug 11,2011 3:24pm - xmikex ""]

GUYnli said:will be attending, first show in a long while. to busy gambling and doing coke

You're gonna fit in just fine.
[Aug 11,2011 3:38pm - xmikex ""]
Does Great Scott have a TV? Does anyone reading this work at Great Scott? Does anyone reading this that works at Great Scott want to put the Patriots preseason game on the tv that may or may not exist there?
[Aug 11,2011 3:53pm - Zack BOF  ""]
Pats game will be on the TV, no doubt.
[Aug 11,2011 3:54pm - Zack BOF  ""]
Also OLW before and between the bands all night on the PA
[Aug 11,2011 4:04pm - Zack BOF  ""]
If you want to see andrew do drugs on stage get there by 9 FYI...5 bands...starting on the earlier side of GS usual shows. GET THERE AT 9 AND BE POPULRZ!
[Aug 11,2011 4:08pm - the_reverend ""]
Gear charged. Leaving in like an hour.
[Aug 11,2011 4:09pm - blue ""]
I'm at half mast already
[Aug 11,2011 4:10pm - Zack BOF  ""]
DOORS AT 8:30.
[Aug 11,2011 4:35pm - AndrewBastard ""]
i'm already hungover
[Aug 11,2011 4:47pm - GUYnli  ""]
Pats -3 in the 1st half....I'm feelin it
[Aug 11,2011 5:13pm - xmikex ""]

Zack%20BOF said:Pats game will be on the TV, no doubt.

I just upgraded this show from sold out to not sold out then.
[Aug 11,2011 5:16pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
Pissed I have to miss this. 3rd shift can suck a dick.
[Aug 11,2011 9:41pm - the_reverend ""]
The bastard sounded awesome.
[Aug 11,2011 10:09pm - the_reverend ""]
So so so so so so so so sticky
[Aug 11,2011 11:50pm - the_reverend ""]
[Aug 12,2011 1:11am - GUYnli  ""]
Bro show was awesome
[Aug 12,2011 2:24am - Randy_Marsh ""]
something tells me...dick was bro.
[Aug 12,2011 2:31am - the_reverend ""]
yeh it was.
[Aug 12,2011 3:10am - the_reverend ""]
[Aug 12,2011 7:11am - blue ""]
So tired.
[Aug 12,2011 7:19am - badsneakers ""]

blue said:So tired.

[Aug 12,2011 8:25am - AndrewBastard ""]

RW fucking KILLED IT.
[Aug 12,2011 10:20am - Zack BOF  ""]
Awesome show...so many brodicks..."hardcore" mosh pits are not bro though...
[Aug 12,2011 1:49pm - xmikex ""]
I almost knocked human furnace over with just my chi.

Also there were WAYY too many people taking photos last night given the venue. It's really unnerving to have a 300 lb dude swinging his fists 2 inches from your face while 10 flash bulbs go off at the same time. Only the Rev is real. GTFO everyone else.

Ringworm killed, but I haven't seen anyone that underwhelmed to play an awesome show since the last time Hoods played anywhere.
[Aug 13,2011 2:09am - the_reverend ""]
[Aug 13,2011 2:10am - the_reverend ""]

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