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[May 8,2013 3:38pm - bystander  ""]
Did anyone catch that? Best thing I've read in a long time. Never fuck with THE LEGION!!
[May 8,2013 3:43pm - the_reverend ""]
please post.
[May 8,2013 4:04pm - arilliusbm ""]
There's nothing to post. A civil discussion was had about the need for them to have patches.
[May 8,2013 4:05pm - so....  ""]
Are you getting a back patch?
[May 8,2013 4:09pm - arilliusbm ""]
[May 8,2013 4:24pm - Alx_Casket ""]
Word on the street is aril quit his real facebook account, only to return under his rttp alias to troll and be generally deconstructive in the regional metal scene.
[May 8,2013 4:39pm - Randy_Marsh ""]
It's all about the early 90s for Aril. Two words, time machine. Arils quest.
[May 8,2013 4:47pm - arilliusbm ""]
Scene is a problematic word; complete unification under an organized group is not a fesable concept. I am a realist and don't give a fuck what people think about what I have to say. If you consider the "Legion" as the "scene", then I don't know what to say.
[May 8,2013 4:50pm - Randy_Marsh ""]
Aril > Legion
[May 8,2013 5:04pm - AndrewBastard EN EL EYE  ""]
[May 8,2013 5:05pm - arilliusbm ""]
I thought this was about DEICIDE, WTF
[May 8,2013 5:18pm - Alx_Casket ""]
Start a one man Depressive black metal band about how you'll never be a barrister outside of rttp.
[May 8,2013 5:22pm - arilliusbm ""]
Maybe I'll write about it in the zine or deathmetal.org.
[May 8,2013 5:43pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
The Legion are a bunch of morons who are too stupid to realize how much of a parody they are.
[May 8,2013 5:52pm - Czarnobog ""]
why do grown adults give a fuck about "the scene"?

in a vague sense, sure whatever. there are local bands that exist and support each other, people who come out to shows on the regular, familiar venues, promoters etc.

i think you can just let that organically happen without making some kindve dumb juggalo brotherhood out of it.
[May 8,2013 5:56pm - Czarnobog ""]
maybe its because i spent so many years in the punk scene when i was younger but i really like the fact that "scene pressure" is pretty non-existent for metalheads around here.
[May 8,2013 5:57pm - Katey Krazy Kay  ""]
Grown adults? Would someone who wasn't a grown adult make crayon drawings about New England Black Metal?
[May 8,2013 6:00pm - Pot Meets the Kettle  ""]

arilliusbm said:Scene is a problematic word; complete unification under an organized group is not a fesable concept. I am a realist and don't give a fuck what people think about what I have to say. If you consider the "Legion" as the "scene", then I don't know what to say.

Scene is a problematic word? Your opinion.

How does this affect you in your daily life? It doesn't. What impact does it have on you other than annoyance?

The fact that you have to point out and say you don't give a fuck what people think about what you say, means you really do.

What is your true objective here? To cause drama, ridicule people for not sharing your beliefs.

If anything you are as much of the problem as they are.
[May 8,2013 6:03pm - Pot Meets the Kettle  ""]

arilliusbm said:Maybe I'll write about it in the zine or deathmetal.org.

Perfect example right here, take a cheap shot about it why don't you.

You may be influential on this site, but bullshit is bullshit.

This is how you work, this is how you operate, go on and feel better about yourself.
[May 8,2013 6:53pm - ÆRK  ""]

Czarnobog said:why do grown adults give a fuck about "the scene"?

in a vague sense, sure whatever. there are local bands that exist and support each other, people who come out to shows on the regular, familiar venues, promoters etc.

i think you can just let that organically happen without making some kindve dumb juggalo brotherhood out of it.

what a concept!!
[May 8,2013 6:55pm - Alex Mooney books this  ""]
We we we we we we we we
[May 8,2013 7:20pm - Pedro Pantillion's Patch Production Palace  ""]
So get this, some jamokes in CT want a bunch of patches for their faggy little club. And the best part is they aren't 10 year olds, they're fucking manchildren
[May 8,2013 8:32pm - the_reverend ""]
nachzehrer is off this thread.
[May 8,2013 8:35pm - Czarnobog ""]
we get to still keep the patch and decoder ring though, right? haha
[May 8,2013 9:34pm - Alex Meets the Pavlov  ""]

Alex%20Meets%20the%20Pavlov said:

Samefagging. This is how I work, this is how I operate, go on and feel better about yourself knowing that I'm the biggest scarf wearing hipster douche on the planet. Someone strangle me to death with my own fabric. Scarf me off the internet.

[May 8,2013 9:36pm - dreadkill ""]

Alex%20Mooney%20books%20this said:We we we we we we we we
all the way home
[May 8,2013 10:15pm - Opeth Neck Tat  ""]
Don't get me started on those elitist motherfuckers
[May 8,2013 11:01pm - Alx_Casket ""]

Alex%20Meets%20the%20Pavlov said:
Alex%20Meets%20the%20Pavlov said:

Samefagging. This is how I work, this is how I operate, go on and feel better about yourself knowing that I'm the biggest scarf wearing hipster douche on the planet. Someone strangle me to death with my own fabric. Scarf me off the internet.

Wasn't me, but I do agree with everything this recurring aril pundit troll has said. Start investigating his methods and he shifts the conversation to semantics. Whatever, he's a better lawyer than I'll ever be. And not to disagree with making fun of back patch gangs, but I seem to recall the lack of a similar backlash from certain rttp'ers when Northern Elite was a thing? How quickly we forget.

Where the fuck did all those patched jackets go? I could make a patchwork scarf out of them.
[May 8,2013 11:34pm - Mr. Anderson  ""]

Alx_Casket said:
Alex%20Meets%20the%20Pavlov said:
Alex%20Meets%20the%20Pavlov said:

Samefagging. This is how I work, this is how I operate, go on and feel better about yourself knowing that I'm the biggest scarf wearing hipster douche on the planet. Someone strangle me to death with my own fabric. Scarf me off the internet.

Wasn't me, but I do agree with everything this recurring aril pundit troll has said. Start investigating his methods and he shifts the conversation to semantics. Whatever, he's a better lawyer than I'll ever be. And not to disagree with making fun of back patch gangs, but I seem to recall the lack of a similar backlash from certain rttp'ers when Northern Elite was a thing? How quickly we forget.

Where the fuck did all those patched jackets go? I could make a patchwork scarf out of them.

Think bigger picture mah boy. You could make a patchwork trenchcoat out of them for your showdown with Agent Smith for the soul of terrible metal that nobody wants to book.
[May 8,2013 11:45pm - Alx_Casket ""]
uh huh
[May 9,2013 12:10am - Pot Meets the Kettle  ""]

Alx_Casket said:
Alex%20Meets%20the%20Pavlov said:
Alex%20Meets%20the%20Pavlov said:

Samefagging. This is how I work, this is how I operate, go on and feel better about yourself knowing that I'm the biggest scarf wearing hipster douche on the planet. Someone strangle me to death with my own fabric. Scarf me off the internet.

Wasn't me, but I do agree with everything this recurring aril pundit troll has said. Start investigating his methods and he shifts the conversation to semantics. Whatever, he's a better lawyer than I'll ever be. And not to disagree with making fun of back patch gangs, but I seem to recall the lack of a similar backlash from certain rttp'ers when Northern Elite was a thing? How quickly we forget.

Where the fuck did all those patched jackets go? I could make a patchwork scarf out of them.

Lack of his silence is DEAFENING, I am sure he will have a response tomorrow saying he has a life and whatnot to be busy with RTTP drama, even though he has been called out on it.

But the question remains if you start drama for whatever reason it fancies you, why not respond? I am sure he is watching and planning a response/denial.

Expected response is expected.
[May 9,2013 1:07am - arilliusbm ""]
I don't care enough to respond as you'd like me to. A simple question was asked and not answered earlier in the day, an opinion was stated, and here you are logged out trying to be a white knight. We live in a free country, bro. If you don't agree with what I've said then more power to you. Not going to stop you. You can keep hitting the return key after every sentence however you want.
[May 9,2013 8:14am - DYA is SPONSORED BY THE JERK STORE  ""]

Alx_Casket said:
Alex%20Meets%20the%20Pavlov said:
Alex%20Meets%20the%20Pavlov said:

Samefagging. This is how I work, this is how I operate, go on and feel better about yourself knowing that I'm the biggest scarf wearing hipster douche on the planet. Someone strangle me to death with my own fabric. Scarf me off the internet.

Wasn't me, but I do agree with everything this recurring aril pundit troll has said. Start investigating his methods and he shifts the conversation to semantics. Whatever, he's a better lawyer than I'll ever be. And not to disagree with making fun of back patch gangs, but I seem to recall the lack of a similar backlash from certain rttp'ers when Northern Elite was a thing? How quickly we forget.

Where the fuck did all those patched jackets go? I could make a patchwork scarf out of them.

That's because N.E. dudes weren't raging douchecannons like these Legion tryhards. Pretty self-explanatory, really.
[May 9,2013 8:25am - KEVORD ""]
The Northern Elite guys were just a group of friends wearing matching patches. They seemed to have realized it was pretty cheesy quickly and stopped wearing them.This Legion crap is turning into a border line cult. A bunch of guys in their late 20's and early 30's acting like they are in Sons of Anarchy and young kids who have no self esteem and just want a group to follow. Personally I think the whole thing is sad.
[May 9,2013 8:53am - MotleyGrue ""]
Only this Legion of Doom is real
[May 9,2013 9:01am - ark  ""]
when you don't have a facebook, none of this shit matters. try it out sometime guys.
[May 9,2013 9:22am - AndrewBastard NLI  ""]
Kev pretty much nailed it.
[May 9,2013 9:25am - Lord Vailstein  ""]
[May 9,2013 9:27am - arilliusbm ""]
Idk I'd rock that dick in the battle mouth
[May 9,2013 9:29am - DYA is SPONSORED BY THE JERK STORE  ""]

MotleyGrue said:Only this Legion of Doom is real

Text mode led me to assume this was gonna be a picture of Road Warrior Hawk and Road Warrior Animal. I am disappoint.
[May 9,2013 10:16am - dreadkill ""]

DYA%20is%20SPONSORED%20BY%20THE%20JERK%20STORE said:
MotleyGrue said:Only this Legion of Doom is real

Text mode led me to assume this was gonna be a picture of Road Warrior Hawk and Road Warrior Animal. I am disappoint.

I read your comment in text mode and assumed that since it wasn't hawk and animal it had to be the lindros/leclair/renberg line.
[May 9,2013 10:21am - MotleyGrue ""]

DYA%20is%20SPONSORED%20BY%20THE%20JERK%20STORE said:
MotleyGrue said:Only this Legion of Doom is real

Text mode led me to assume this was gonna be a picture of Road Warrior Hawk and Road Warrior Animal. I am disappoint.

Full of disappoint I am, hah.
[May 9,2013 10:22am - Dave, Did you polish your head in the Shine-O-Ball-O?  ""]
Guys, this isn't about having a group or a club. I don't know where you got that idea. Quite frankly it's laughable.

On an unrelated note we're still accepting applications into the Wolfkvlt Facepainters Union. Bring gardening gloves.
[May 9,2013 10:54am - THE LEGION MANIFESTO  ""]
New England has a disease and its called Core. When I was younger and going to shows we did not have the internet to look up bands or stay in contact with family and friends. My weekends were usually going to shows, seeing new bands, getting new demos on cassette, supporting the underground, getting into the mosh pit, getting in fights, and meeting new people from all over. I love music, and during the 90's black metal came into my life. I was attracted to it. I wanted to learn more about it and I was getting disgusted with all the music that was going on and black metal was something new and fresh to me and I could relate a little to as what they were singing about as well as the music caught the atmosphere of haunted New England.

As I read all I could about the Norwegian Black Metal Scene I liked the whole idea of the black metal circle, even though things did not end well for certain people over there, I was impressed how in the beginning they all had the same vision, they were all musicians, they helped each other bands out, they had similar ideas and beliefs. They captured the spirit of their surroundings. There was more emotion in their music then just chug, chug, chug, chug, chug, break down. Some of them stood for something and as I read on and had contact with some of them via email, I said to myself there is so much great black metal, death metal, doom and thrash in New England that it does not get the recognition that it deserves.

i was tired and frustrated with some of the same bands always playing the same festivals every year, I was angry that there is so much to New England and I was getting tired of bands talking about their lame ass ex girl friend or how their friend stabbed them in the back, or about rights to this and that, or how they dedicated the whole set to Jesus Christ and I did not give a shit.

I started my band Perpetual Winter. I took some legends around New England and wrote songs about them, I was influenced by Robert Frost, and H.P Lovecraft, I could feel the cold New England Spirit run through my veins as I drove through the rolling hills of New Hampshire, Vermont, and Connecticut and there would be snow on the ground and I would have Emperor's "In The Night Side Eclipse" on the stereo and how it just captured everything that was around me.

I wanted to make a change in New England. Unleashed from dark haunted New England Skies. I wanted to start up my own festival and I called it " Winter Is Coming Fest" because we all know how winters in New England are sometimes long and when winter arrives it is brutal at times. It makes us tough and bitter haha...

I started The Legion because I wanted a group that had similar views, ideas, and visions. I wanted bands to get paid, not to sale tickets and deal with all that venue bull shit, its time for a new era in New England. Core is dead. Time we take New England and we put it on the map.

Growing up I always said, they know how to do metal the correct way over seas. I want to go to Norway, Sweden, Finland, Germany, Denmark etc....

I want the new young kids or people to say now....New England knows how do it and I want kids to say, I want to go to New England, I want to visit or live there...

The Legion, we show you the truth, we show you freedom, we are the wolves of this world, join us, support us, for there is always strength in numbers.....

There are shows happening, and yes they maybe small for now, but the numbers of people attending are slowly growing, support your local music, support the underground, bands, support the shows, hails to The Legion Wolfkult, my brothers, and to all of you.....POWER OVER DEATH.........
[May 9,2013 10:59am - chrisREX ""]
Is this from sort of facebook group?
[May 9,2013 10:59am - robotpie ""]
The Legion thing seems weird, haven't really interacted with any of the dudes so I don't know. NYDM is such horse-shit though, anything in that vein of 'ELITE METAL CLUB' is fucking embarrassing, the members i've encountered seemed to think higher of themselves and their NYDM 'brothers' than other metal heads.
[May 9,2013 11:02am - Mark_R ""]
I think the FB page is either deleted or private now.
[May 9,2013 11:02am - Pedro Pantillion‘s Patch Production Palace  ""]
Wouldya believe it, I'm running the Patch Pavilion this morning when this sonofabitch with the loudest damn voice I've ever heard walks in with some dork dressed like he's in the Matrix. So the One just stands there while Loudspeaker goes around touching every fucking patch in my store and I shit you not, giving each one a thumbs up and exclaiming "Like". Idiot was looking up every patch on metal archives and trying to lecture me on the history of Winter Funeral. Got genuinely stumped by a "Stop the Madness" patch when he couldn't find that "band" on MA, left in a huff saying "must be some gay punk band" over his breath. Neo asked if I had any cat patches and asked if I wanted to carry some surplus Afar patches. What a maroon.
[May 9,2013 1:12pm - NutterButter  ""]
Build a treehouse of horror for your metal scene boy scouts club or false.
[May 9,2013 1:13pm - Yeti ""]

ark said:when you don't have a facebook, none of this shit matters. try it out sometime guys.


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