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Benefit of the Doubt: ‘This Is Boston’ raised nearly $15,000 for the One Fund. So where’s the money?

[Apr 28,2014 10:56am - the_reverend ""]
[Apr 28,2014 11:40am - Jay Hamilton  ""]
*checks the crawlspace under Joe Perry's summer cottage on the Vineyard*

Mike, bad news. You've gotta keep your head down for a while longer, those phony accusations just blew up again. I know, I know, it's terrible but we just gotta figure out a way to repair your phone and the truth will come out. Anyway, I've got some food for you; hope you like raviolis and stuffed peppers.
[Apr 28,2014 11:52am - returntothedipshit  ""]
"According to Silverman, Bannon, Goodhue, Laskey, and others, Eleftheratos eventually just cut off all communication, ceasing to be part of his own promotion company in the process, and alienating the very community that he helped unite for the One Fund cause. (Multiple efforts to reach Eleftheratos to confirm or deny the statements made by people interviewed for this piece were to no avail.) Friends, ex-friends, and acquaintances alike all speculate as to whether he left town or not, or what might have been the motive. Some says he’s still working in town, at a Back Bay coffee shop."

haha wow. that is a whole new level of scumbag right there.
[Apr 28,2014 12:05pm - notpayer  ""]
hey guys its ok i saved this money for a SNOWY DAY.

[Apr 28,2014 12:10pm - detective  ""]
Surely with the combined resources of this board, we can figure out his current location?
[Apr 28,2014 12:20pm - Woodpepper & Bernstruth  ""]
Article tragically neglects to mention Eric Struth's heroic anonymous efforts to bring the situation to light by threatening to beat up a girl. What a nice guy.
[Apr 28,2014 12:34pm - watney‘s red barrel  ""]
Someone at least be ready to film with their phone when you finally encounter Mike on the street.... then post it for meme purposes.
[Apr 28,2014 12:48pm - Coffee Enthusiast  ""]
He works at Bartlett's in JP, directley across the street from the Green Street MBTA . Sun -Thurs 2pm til close.
[Apr 28,2014 12:51pm - wishful thinking  ""]
i hope this dude goes to jail. what a piece of shit.
[Apr 28,2014 12:58pm - Yeti ""]
jeez. after like a month it could all have been chocked up to a "misunderstanding" but that is far gone now. If he actually did steal the money, well that's what happens when you trust a juggalo.
[Apr 28,2014 1:00pm - spot on  ""]

Yeti said: that's what happens when you trust a juggalo.

says the juggalo.

[Apr 28,2014 1:46pm - slapheadmofo ""]
Think he shows up for work today?
[Apr 28,2014 1:50pm - VideoGuy  ""]
if he does and someone or a crew goes out to "speak with him", someone should videotape it. that would be enjoyable to view.
[Apr 28,2014 1:52pm - Yeti ""]

spot%20on said:
Yeti said: that's what happens when you trust a juggalo.

says the REFORMED juggalo.

I completed the 12 steps.
[Apr 28,2014 3:02pm - BeholdJudas  ""]
You know someone's a piece of shit when they manage to make Robin look good by comparison.
[Apr 28,2014 3:09pm - Jay Hamilton  ""]
Idle scene gossip.
[Apr 28,2014 3:12pm - Gun Control Activist  ""]


[Apr 28,2014 3:18pm - Eric Struth  ""]
I tried to tell you guys but you wouldn't listen to me.

[Apr 28,2014 4:03pm - xgodzillax ""]

Coffee%20Enthusiast said:He works at Bartlett's in JP, directley across the street from the Green Street MBTA . Sun -Thurs 2pm til close.

Cafe Bartlett Square
154 Green St.
Between Amory St. and Brookside Ave.

used to be an empty lot
[Apr 28,2014 7:48pm - Michael Lee Aday  ""]
Dear Bartlett Cafe, please desist from associating my good name with this fucking scumbag. Thank you kindly, Meat Loaf.

[Apr 28,2014 8:28pm - 2Struthz  ""]
It's ya Struth Day
It's ya Struth Day
Stuffed Pepper Contest U in 1st place
[Apr 28,2014 10:28pm - neckbeard hipster  ""]
[Apr 29,2014 3:23pm - Melody's Black Eye  ""]
Robin didn't have anything to do with this besides getting the venue location. Kid's a first class dick rider, even in tragedy.
[Apr 29,2014 3:33pm - From a Second Story Flight of Stairs  ""]

Melody‘s%20Black%20Eye said:Robin didn't have anything to do with this besides getting the venue location. Kid's a first class dick rider, even in tragedy.

He'll do anything to make himself not look like a drunk, bumbling retard who beats his girlfriend, runs like a bitch when anyone actually tries to fight him, gets beaten up by bands for ripping them off, and got marched to an ATM by several members of Eyehategod when he tried to talk his way out of paying them what he owed them instead of just admitting that the show didn't make the guarantee because he did fuck all to promote it.
[Apr 29,2014 5:00pm - NH Brufaggotry  ""]

BeholdJudas said:You know someone's a piece of shit when they manage to make Robin look good by comparison.

That doesn't change the fact that you owe me $18!
[Apr 29,2014 5:44pm - Czarnobog ""]
oh cool, a butchered up version of this article got posted to Metal Injection:


...and until you read it carefully it looks like i was part of the rip-off.

[Apr 29,2014 5:44pm - Czarnobog ""]
fucking scumbag piece of shit.
[Apr 29,2014 5:49pm - Legit Question  ""]
Didn't you book Inquisition? Racist!
[Apr 29,2014 5:50pm - DYA is UM, A DUSTY WIGHT LABIA  ""]
MetalTMZ flubbed the pass? Shocker.
[Apr 29,2014 5:51pm - Czarnobog ""]

Legit%20Question said:Didn't you book Inquisition? Racist!

yep. my rep is fucked all over the place now. thanks a lot metal.
[Apr 29,2014 6:20pm - Randy_Marsh ""]
Notshaver was in on the bombings!
[Apr 29,2014 6:51pm - xmikex ""]
Mommas don't let your Terrys grow up to be Trashmops
[Apr 29,2014 7:56pm - Snowden ""]

Czarnobog said:
...and until you read it carefully it looks like i was part of the rip-off.

I retroactively have no idea who this person is.
[Apr 30,2014 8:37am - Yeti ""]

Czarnobog said:oh cool, a butchered up version of this article got posted to Metal Injection:


...and until you read it carefully it looks like i was part of the rip-off.


butchered? BAH! That giant red question mark means it is truly serious journalism.
[Apr 30,2014 9:31am - Robing ""]

Melody‘s%20Black%20Eye said:Robin didn't have anything to do with this besides getting the venue location. Kid's a first class dick rider, even in tragedy.

Your obviously infatuated with my life you fucking fat piece of shit.
[Apr 30,2014 9:55am - HookedonMetal ""]
Robin, the more you get your panties in a knot, the more the trolls are gonna be on you. Take it from someone who learned that the hard way.
[Apr 30,2014 10:10am - Robing ""]
I did a quick phonecall with someone from the Globe and was not even trying to be in the paper, btw, I can't even remember it was a few months ago, I answered a facebook message, but was clearly not trying to get my name plastered all of this. I will probably have to go to court and continue to be stressed out about this until it's over. Makes me sick. EHG took me to an atm or did they just have sever anxiety when the money wasnt being fully counted in an office not by me? Get your fucking stories straight. At least I know you waddle bro.
[Apr 30,2014 10:18am - Robing ""]
If it wasn't for me the $8000 would be missing too if the show was at the elks or a non ticketed venue. So honestly fuck off.
[Apr 30,2014 11:54am - the_reverend ""]

Czarnobog said:...and until you read it carefully it looks like i was part of the rip-off.

yeah, I got that too.
[Apr 30,2014 2:26pm - Coffee Enthusiast  ""]
'if it wasn't for you?' Shut the fuck up you delusional fucking slob.
[Apr 30,2014 2:43pm - From a Second Story Flight of Stairs  ""]
This is exactly why no one takes you seriously any more, Robin. Just like Bernie, you can only book in some shithole that no one in their right mind would visit because you've burned every last bridge in the places that actually matter. You can bark a big game all you fucking want - everyone knows that you're nothing more than a drunken manchild who was only able to stay in business because of Eyehategod and Anal Cunt, and now that the former is sick of dealing with your fat ass and the latter is gone for good. Why don't you just stick to doing what you do well, like beating your girlfriend or steadily progressing towards total renal failure and a future spent regularly going in for dialysis treatment? Everyone fucking hates you and talks tons of shit about you when you're not around - maybe it's time to realize what a goddamn joke you are now and always have been.
[Apr 30,2014 4:41pm - Robing ""]
I laughed!
[May 1,2014 10:19am - FSUDMSHAMMERSKINOUTLAWS  ""]
You drank a 'Gansett, rubbed your belly,farted & rolled over on your side & kept watching QVC.
[May 1,2014 5:55pm - ?  ""]
Someone post a pic of that Mike Eleftheratos
[May 1,2014 5:59pm - You Won't Find Me  ""]
[May 1,2014 6:02pm - xmikex ""]

? said:Someone post a pic of that Mike Eleftheratos

If only we knew his real name....
[May 1,2014 6:04pm - Extra Extra  ""]
Looks like an extra from some made-for-tv documentary about vikings that employs fat hairy american faggets due to their likeness to what the media says vikings looked like. = drug fag.
[May 1,2014 10:03pm - Thunderpoop  ""]

xmikex said:
? said:Someone post a pic of that Mike Eleftheratos

If only we knew his real name....

He was the vocalist for the shitty band nachzehrer
[May 1,2014 11:36pm - Outsiders ""]
Hey Yo Boston,

Where is your mighty Nachosizer Boston band? They did all my work for me, you see, they were falses just like I said they were. Where is your money now? Up someone's nose or nose's? Meanwhile you ladies do nothing about it, your little kliq is no more, you are all a bunch of backstabbers. As for me? You will never be ready for me, I have backing from labels, I am international, so you little girls go on and play your silly little games in your pretty little dresses, and let the bad man eclipse you little bitches.

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