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O'RLY appreciation thread - Post your best O'RLY? pic

[Nov 10,2005 4:03pm - thedeparted ""]

[Nov 10,2005 4:06pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
thank you, that was awesome
[Nov 10,2005 4:07pm - the_reverend ""]
damn it...
I thought this board would be orly free.
here we go!
[Nov 10,2005 4:08pm - thedeparted ""]
ha sorry
[Nov 10,2005 4:19pm - kadoogie howser M.D.  ""]
i have no idea what this means, but i would like to see more
[Nov 10,2005 4:20pm - thedeparted ""]
[Nov 10,2005 4:32pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
i demand more of this !!!
[Nov 10,2005 4:37pm - brian_dc ""]
[Nov 10,2005 4:39pm - brian_dc ""]
[Nov 10,2005 4:40pm - thedeparted ""]
[Nov 10,2005 4:41pm - thedeparted ""]
[Nov 10,2005 4:46pm - the_reverend ""]
I posted that one a while ago
[Nov 10,2005 4:48pm - brian_dc ""]
I knew that looked familiar
[Nov 10,2005 4:50pm - KeithMutiny ""]
hmmm, i have so many comments, but for now, i keep too myself.
[Nov 10,2005 4:50pm - the_reverend ""]
I have one that the eyes follow you,
but I can't find it.
[Nov 10,2005 4:51pm - thedeparted ""]
ha i wanna see that
[Nov 10,2005 4:55pm - the_reverend ""]
you want... so much
[Nov 10,2005 4:55pm - shrapnel !  ""]
thedeparted said:ha i wanna see that

hey you know Cohlette from Lynn, right
[Nov 10,2005 5:12pm - thedeparted ""]
yeah i do, why whats up

[Nov 10,2005 6:32pm - brian_dc ""]
KeithMutiny said:hmmm, i have so many comments, but for now, i keep too myself.

that alone says so much.
[Nov 10,2005 8:59pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
thedeparted said:yeah i do, why whats up


next time you see her or talk to her...just for me say this "mmm french fries, mmm you like those french fries"

ha you will be my hero Ha :bow:
[Nov 10,2005 10:42pm - thedeparted ""]
hah tell me what its about man
shes my friend i dont wanna piss her off or anything
[Nov 10,2005 10:47pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
it wont, im friends with her too. she just wouldnt expect it coming from you. it would be awesome.
[Nov 10,2005 10:48pm - thedeparted ""]
ok ill say it
[Nov 10,2005 10:51pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
let me know what she says Ha
[Nov 10,2005 11:01pm - thedeparted ""]
ok, she isnt on now, but when she does i will
infact, if you see her online before i do, just let me know
and ill do it then. sometimes im not paying attention.
[Nov 11,2005 1:20am - infoterror ""]
[Nov 11,2005 8:07am - Hoser ""]
Infoterror....you have to be one of the most irritating little followers of the whole anti-everything movement. Get your own identity. No one cares in the slightest about your long winded, cut and paste articles. The only care that anyone here has is the fact that you ALWAYS USE THE CAPS LOCK BUTTON, AND IT'S IRRITATING. PLEASE GO BUG PEOPLE ON ANOTHER BOARD.
[Nov 11,2005 8:09am - Beakey ""]
Caps lock people are a different breed.
[Nov 11,2005 10:31am - thedeparted ""]
hah sorry infoterror
let's grow up, and have a good cry ok
[Dec 11,2005 11:56pm - thedeparted ""]
to bring her back to the top i leave you with this keen link

[Dec 12,2005 12:00am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
haha please post more of these im far too amused by them
[Dec 12,2005 6:59am - thedeparted ""]
ha, i forgot about this, then last night someone sent me the link, i was like
[Dec 12,2005 9:53am - BornSoVile ""]
i don't get it.
[Dec 12,2005 9:55am - pisscup ""]
I need to get out more.
[Dec 12,2005 9:56am - paradigmdream ""]
orly is one of the worst internet bandwagons ever.
[Dec 12,2005 10:00am - BornSoVile ""]
what's it all about?
[Dec 12,2005 10:02am - pisscup ""]
paradigmdream said:orly is one of the worst internet bandwagons ever.

Like that are you all bass thing?

[Mar 3,2006 3:22am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
[Mar 3,2006 8:03am - the_reverend ""]
wow.. just wow
[Mar 3,2006 10:43am - thedeparted ""]
[Mar 3,2006 10:46am - Yeti ""]
holy fucking shit that is one of the best things i have ever seen.
[Mar 3,2006 10:46am - SPALDINO  ""]
Is that Star Jones?
[Apr 21,2006 11:50pm - thedeparted ""]
[Apr 22,2006 2:49am - davefromthegrave ""]
whiskey_weed_and_women said:[img]

oh my god.
[Apr 22,2006 2:50am - davefromthegrave ""]
thedeparted said:[img]

is that bobcat goldthwait?
[Apr 22,2006 9:41am - thedeparted ""]
umm i dont think so, not sure who it is

[Apr 23,2006 12:09pm - pam nli  ""]
[Apr 23,2006 1:46pm - thedeparted ""]
[Apr 23,2006 2:06pm - Sacreligion ""]
oh man thats fuckin great...haha
[Apr 24,2006 9:41am - thedeparted ""]
[May 8,2006 10:26am - thedeparted ""]

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