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superbowl shit talking thread

[Feb 5,2006 7:03pm - KeithMutiny ""]
I figured I midas well make it.

personally, i think that seattle is making pittsburg look like a pop warner team right now.
[Feb 5,2006 7:12pm - MetalcoreSUCKS ""]
Its only the first half.
[Feb 5,2006 7:14pm - KeithMutiny ""]
well, im also pro steelers in this game, so its mearly an observation
[Feb 5,2006 7:15pm - MetalcoreSUCKS ""]
Im pro nobody
[Feb 5,2006 9:26pm - Robteratism  ""]
hails to the fucking steelers!
[Feb 5,2006 9:30pm - Slayerfan  ""]
It does not seem like a superbowl.....
[Feb 5,2006 9:57pm - Robteratism  ""]
steelers rule!!
[Feb 5,2006 10:22pm - DomesticTerror ""]
all you motherfuckers belong to me!
[Feb 5,2006 10:23pm - slowlypeelingtheflesh ""]
I called steelers too.
[Feb 5,2006 10:25pm - DomesticTerror ""]
[Feb 5,2006 10:37pm - JayTUS nli  ""]
One of the worst Super Bowls I've ever seen. Seriously, even though Seattle did just as good a job fucking themselves, the officiating this postseason has been ATROCIOUS. There was no push off and Faglishomo never made it in. End of story.

[Feb 5,2006 10:38pm - DomesticTerror ""]
he broke the plane, not enough evidence to overrule it. see ya next year in the playoffs, bro.
[Feb 5,2006 11:09pm - JayTUS nli  ""]
Wasn't even close. His hand didn't even break the plane. At least you're not justifying the "push off" hahahaha
[Feb 5,2006 11:18pm - daveSTF forgot his password  ""]
DomesticTerror said:he broke the plane, not enough evidence to overrule it. see ya next year in the playoffs, bro.

His helmet and shoulder may have broke the plane but the ball absolutley did not. The refs had to have been paid off.. rediculous.
[Feb 5,2006 11:50pm - wade ""]
that was definitely the most forgettable super bowl yet. completely unremarkable. the whole sackless sweet story of Bill Cowher and Jerome Bettis was so gay, i could barely stand all the mentions of it throughout the game. Caught some pregame, too, and when they were interviewing Cowher in the "Steel Factory" I had to change the channel.

I like to watch the sport but everything about it pretty much sucks. all the marketing tie-ins and attempts to tug heartstrings are beyond dumb.

but again, absolutely drab superbowl.
[Feb 5,2006 11:52pm - DomesticTerror ""]
but Brady was there. you all should've had hard ons.
[Feb 5,2006 11:52pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
i didnt even watch it and i consider myself a pretty big sports fan
[Feb 5,2006 11:53pm - wade ""]
sorry to disappoint you, didn't see him, could not care less.

[Feb 6,2006 12:06am - DomesticTerror ""]
he did the cointoss. I agree, it wasn't a spectacular superbowl like some of the NE ones, but it wasn't atrocious. Anyone remember the onesided blowouts that made up most of the last 30 years? I seem to recall TB/Oak recently. This was at least a 4 point game for most of the time.
[Feb 6,2006 12:08am - DomesticTerror ""]
so, lemmee get this straight...in NE's eyes, the only superbowls worth a shit are 36, 38, and 39? sorry, i love football too much to bullshit myself like that.
[Feb 6,2006 12:09am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
besides the Patriots superbowl run, last one i enjoyed was the Titans/Rams bowl....now that was a game.
[Feb 6,2006 7:58am - JayTUS nli  ""]
Relax DT, this is the first Super Bowl since the Pats two, and only the second of the last FIVE that the Pats haven't won. If the Pats aren't there next year and it's a good game, it will be a good game. If it's a bad game, it will be a bad game.

That game last night was horrid. It was boring, and the refs took any enjoyment out of it. It's hard to watch ANY game when the refs are having a direct impact on the outcome of the game. So yeah, it was pretty hard to watch it and enjoy.

But hey, you got your trophey. It's just unfortunate that from now on you're constantly going to have to defend it because of the refs... a la the "tuck."
[Feb 6,2006 8:42am - the_reverend ""]
I didn't watch it.
I was driving home while it was happening. though I did see the stones.
[Feb 9,2006 11:14pm - DomesticTerror ""]
[Feb 10,2006 8:21am - BlackoutRick ""]
Pittsburgh had a twelth man and he was wearing black and white.
[Feb 10,2006 12:22pm - JayTUS nli  ""]
Yeah ok how about the pass interference going into the end zone on the CB?!?!?!?!?!?! If anything, they should have offsetted, but that is WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAK. WEAK.

Now you will forever have to answer questions and justify the Super Bowl because of HORRID officiating. Couldn't have happened to a better team.
[Feb 10,2006 12:24pm - JayTUS nli  ""]
Oh and that was a nice hold on the Pitt CB as well... your JPG, not mine. You are wrong, the refs were wrong and Seattle got fucked over.
[Feb 10,2006 12:41pm - pisscup ""]
after reading this thread for the first time today, I finally found out who played in this year's super bowl
[Feb 10,2006 1:25pm - dreadkill ""]
seattle got fucked by the refs, but they also fucked themselves enough to lose the game. whether or not their screw ups came as a result of the officials taking the wind out of their sails is debatable, but the way i look at it, had the officials made the right calls, seattle still screwed themselves enough to lose a much closer game. i don't like pittsburgh, but they did enough to win the game. hines ward is a good guy. the bus is a good guy. cowher's a good guy. congrats to them. they are the champs.
[Feb 10,2006 2:07pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
people still care about this lame, weakassed superbowl.

these teams suck....get over it, baseball season starts in a month
[Feb 10,2006 4:15pm - DomesticTerror ""]
I seem to recall the entire post season being plagued with shoddy officiating...some of it against Pittsburgh, yet they managed to win in spite of it. If anyone fucked Seattle, it was their coach. Moronic clock management, not kicking a FG and then going for the onside kick...y'all watched the same game, right?
[Feb 10,2006 5:04pm - Robdeadskin ""]
blah blah blah blah...of course there is all this crap talk..because its not the patriots...we won..no matter all the this, then, and, that...get over it...even if we won and, there was no officials fucking it up for seatte etc...there would still be a thousand excuses from all of you that pit didnt deserve it.
[Feb 10,2006 8:04pm - JayTUS nli  ""]
No if the refs got the calls right, there would be no excuses. Seattle would have the trophey. End of story.

But they got fucked over, you have the trophey and you can try to act high and mighty because of it, it's just the rest of the NFL and their fans won't take you seriously.... hahahaha
[Feb 10,2006 10:29pm - DomesticTerror ""]
maybe if seattle got an extra 52 seconds added to the clock, it'd be a different story. we all know how that can go...
[Feb 11,2006 3:59am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
who cares shut up, lame superbowl
[Feb 11,2006 7:05am - JayTUS nli  ""]
DomesticTerror said:maybe if seattle got an extra 52 seconds added to the clock, it'd be a different story. we all know how that can go...

Maybe if Seattle got the extra 14 points they should have been awarded because they actually made those plays and Pittsburgh didn't get the 7 on Fagglishomo's non-TD (which he even said he didn't think he was in), Pittsburgh would have been the team pressing to tie it, not Seattle.

I'm not Seattle didn't screw up on some plays, but Pittsburgh was HORRIBLE. They sucked big time, especially Fagglishomo. Worst QB rating EVER in the Super Bowl for a "winner." Seattle stuffed the run.

Ironically enough... the guy making the interference call... WAS FROM RIGHT OUTSIDE PITTSBURGH....

Things that make you say hmmmmmm..................................
[Feb 11,2006 1:13pm - DomesticTerror ""]
dude, why are you up at 7am on a saturday? pitchers and catchers don't report for another week...
[Feb 11,2006 1:24pm - Robdeadskin ""]
he's really upset man!
[Feb 11,2006 9:41pm - JayTUS nli  ""]
Or I had to go to work?
[Feb 11,2006 9:44pm - JayTUS nli  ""]
Oh and don't get me wrong, I'd love to be happy for you guys and if the game went down differently, I would be, but I am just getting sick and tired of shitty officiating deciding playoff games. The story of the postseason in MLB and the NFL...

That said... I have tickets to see the Los Angeles Dodgers of Boston on the 28th here in Jacksonville. Gonna see NOMAH!
[Feb 12,2006 1:53am - boobs  ""]
baseball calls the game if it rains, football game is still on if there rain

football>baseball baseball is for sissys
[Feb 12,2006 9:52am - MetalcoreSUCKS ""]
The Football Season is OVER!!!! Stop talking about it!!!!! Lets talk about hockey.Who u think is gonna with the gold metal in hockey???
[Feb 12,2006 9:53am - MetalcoreSUCKS ""]
And one more thing,FUCK BASEBALL!!!!
[Feb 12,2006 5:16pm - DomesticTerror ""]
i can't stand hockey. I'd rather spend the night in jail than watch the Bruins...it's hard enough being a Celtics fan...

[Feb 12,2006 5:55pm - Robdeadskin ""]
fuck the celtics...and hockey is boring unless there kickin the shit out of each other
[Feb 12,2006 5:57pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
i just went to a bruins game on thursday it's so weak now with all the rule changes. it really is shit with the checking, i understand theyre trying to make it safer but when the fuck was hockey ever safe. fuck safe !
[Feb 12,2006 5:58pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
and oh yeah the baseball season is underway this thursday when pitchers and catchers report to camp.

fuck yeah bring on the 06 season
[Feb 12,2006 9:29pm - JayTUS nli  ""]
Baseball season starts for me a week from Tuesday when I go see NOMAH, Derek Lowe, Billy Ballgame and the rest of the Boston Dodgers of Los Angeles. That's right, I will be outside at a baseball game in less than nine days. ENJOYING YOUR BLIZZARD MUCH?!?!?!
[Feb 12,2006 10:32pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]

and here i was thinking you were such a good person, jay

damn you to help
[Feb 12,2006 11:29pm - JayTUS nli  ""]
Don't worry, I am enjoying wearing shorts and sandles in February for all of you.

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