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[Jul 6,2006 10:10pm - gregorypeckary ""]
gregorypeckary ex-umbrella tyag letters from the dead
[Jul 6,2006 10:16pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
umm what
[Jul 6,2006 10:39pm - Joshtruction ""]
yeah... what?
[Jul 6,2006 10:53pm - tbone_r nli  ""]
umbrella ruled. didn't the singer for letters from the dead come out of the closet recently?
[Jul 6,2006 11:07pm - Joshtruction ""]
tbone_r nli said:umbrella ruled. didn't the singer for letters from the dead come out of the closet recently?

[Jul 6,2006 11:12pm - yeahhhh  ""]
will destroy you
[Jul 6,2006 11:16pm - nick ""]
this better be amazing.
[Jul 6,2006 11:19pm - tbone_r nli  ""]
anything with umbrella is amazing
[Jul 6,2006 11:20pm - notorious_D.U.G. ""]
boo. I thought this was about resident evil.
[Jul 6,2006 11:22pm - anonymous  ""]
[Jul 7,2006 12:18am - qssssss  ""]
[Jul 7,2006 1:07am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
notorious_D.U.G. said:boo. I thought this was about resident evil.

just dont ever say thats where they got their name from, i heard they're very touchy about that
[Jul 7,2006 5:24am - notorious_D.U.G. ""]
yeah it's much more metal to be named after a rain blocking device.
[Jul 7,2006 8:17am - xmikex ""]
tbone_r nli said:umbrella ruled. didn't the singer for letters from the dead come out of the closet recently?

i heard that his penis was just so huge that he figured it be a shame to waste it on women.
[Jul 7,2006 8:18am - xmikex ""]
seriously though. what the hell is this post about. and who from letters from the dead is in this band??
[Jul 7,2006 8:29am - A.Nolan ""]
i think they are trying to say there is a new band called gregorypeckary with ex-members of umbrella, tyag, and letters from the dead.
[Jul 7,2006 8:59am - xmikex ""]
yeah but who from letters is in this band?
[Jul 7,2006 10:14am - joshtruction ""]
xmikex said:yeah but who from letters is in this band?

I am curious too.

[Jul 7,2006 10:17am - xmikex ""]
haha josh my only guess was you were doing it maybe as a side project. it can't be lynchie because he's doing BBA with me, it can't be Nick because he's way too busy with COA, it can't be Tom because he's in NH doing Porphyria, last I heard Justin was in Syracuse, and God help us if it's Mark Balboni.
[Jul 7,2006 10:25am - joshtruction ""]
xmikex said:haha josh my only guess was you were doing it maybe as a side project. it can't be lynchie because he's doing BBA with me, it can't be Nick because he's way too busy with COA, it can't be Tom because he's in NH doing Porphyria, last I heard Justin was in Syracuse, and God help us if it's Mark Balboni.

Mark has actually been talking to me on myspace lately. I guess he even refuses to go to shows now, but he wants me to mail him the new EP. I guess he is helping homeless people out in boston now, so we can count him out.

I was thinking that even though nick is SUPER busy he was in LFTD and TYAG so that could be two of the bands mentioned right off the bat. I guess time will tell.

[Jul 7,2006 10:54am - tbone_r nli  ""]
xmikex said:tbone_r nli said:umbrella ruled. didn't the singer for letters from the dead come out of the closet recently?

i heard that his penis was just so huge that he figured it be a shame to waste it on women.

hahaha they're not worthy. go to roman's tonight.
[Jul 7,2006 10:55am - niccolai ""]
None of the TYAG members I know mentioned anything.

But there are like 78+ TYAG members so...

I would guess Nick also. Even when he was really buisy with COA he was still in TYAG.
[Jul 7,2006 11:06am - xmikex ""]
Nick Lang is the man. He was doing COA and TYAG at the same time and every time I saw him for like a year he'd tell me about some other new band he was gonna help get started on drums, or some side project idea that he was gonna work on. And every time I asked him "Are you doing enough bands already" he'd just shrug. On top of that he did a set with 25 Ta Life without ever having practiced with them. He's the man. But if LFTD got back together tomorrow I'd still tell him he sucks haha.
[Jul 7,2006 11:07am - xmikex ""]
ya know what? i think it is Nick. He told me he was working with one of the dudes from Umbrella.
[Jul 7,2006 11:22am - joshtruction ""]
Now which umbrella dude? My guess is Joe.
[Jul 7,2006 11:26am - xmikex ""]
Not Joe......... I forget the dude's name. Vinny?
[Jul 7,2006 4:42pm - gregorype  ""]
[Jul 7,2006 4:43pm - gregorype  ""]
joe sucks
[Jul 7,2006 5:28pm - gregorype  ""]
we need a singer lee wont do it maybe a bass to
[Jul 7,2006 7:26pm - nick ""]
i think you know who you need to call...
[Jul 7,2006 7:26pm - gregorype  ""]
e-mizizail to gregorypeckary333@yahoo.com practice is in taunton
[Jul 7,2006 7:28pm - gregorype  ""]
who dat?
[Jul 8,2006 12:14am - Joshtruction ""]
if it's good I will try out for singing.
[Jul 8,2006 1:31pm - xmikex ""]
i'll sing and i can bring in another guitarist. but the band has to be called 867530AIDS.
[Jul 10,2006 11:05pm - gregorype  ""]
i think you know who you need to call...

we'll just have a tape recorder instead
[Jul 12,2006 5:09pm - gregorype  ""]
[Jul 13,2006 8:57pm - random dude  ""]
i enjoy grind
[Jul 15,2006 1:08pm - joey umbrella  ""]
who from umbrella is in this? vinny?
[Jul 15,2006 1:31pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
[Jul 15,2006 4:11pm - joey umbrella  ""]
wtf is wesker?
[Jul 15,2006 5:45pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
Resident Evil character... part of the EeEeEeEvil corporate conglomerate Umbrella, which unleashes a terrible virus, the T virus and G virus, that kills people, then turns them into zombies and stuff.
[Jul 17,2006 2:04pm - orgythefatgod  ""]
ok....i'll stop the confusion since everyone involved is being cryptic.
one of the 2 guitarists is vinny from umbrella, the other is kindbudkevin from terminal logic (a band from massachusetts that had alot of promise but never went any further than demos with two guys growling over really technical guitar work and ridiculous drum machine programming)

the drummer is nick (formerly of both TYAG and LFTD)

i have no idea who (if anyone) else is in on this.
[Jul 17,2006 6:56pm - gregorypeckary ""]
i fucking rule (vinny))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
[Jul 17,2006 9:47pm - turboviolence  ""]
[Jul 18,2006 1:53am - Joshtruction ""]
where is this band going to be practicing?
[Jul 19,2006 1:55pm - me  ""]
taunton bitches
[Jul 19,2006 3:54pm - Joshtruction ""]
at bandstand live? I want in that place, but my dumb ass band doesn't.
[Jul 20,2006 7:18pm - me  ""]
they are dumb 300$ monthly free internet&phone
[Jul 20,2006 7:31pm - fucker  ""]
i think you know who you need to call...

hahahaha BALBONI!
[Jul 20,2006 8:20pm - sxealex ""]
i don't understand republicans anymore
[Sep 7,2006 7:53pm - A.Nolan ""]
anything new about this?
[Sep 9,2006 6:54pm - anonymous  ""]
ya your gay band is formed faggot

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